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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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From what I can see of India, the president has no power, the prime minister has the power but he's like a dummy. He just sits there half asleep while his advisors (who are virtually all hindu) make all the policy.

Another fool, try to change your leadership and make a firm stand on your air and land space being violated by the Americans and then you can point out at my leadership. What ever your claims are still we are progressing and you are falling. Do not scratch your butt for what can be replied for this post.
:lol: Tell me what you want me to explain in that? i hope you know the meaning of chink :lol:

Of course we all know the meaning of the derogatory term, there are loads of other terms in South East Asia I can bring in reference to people from India for example especially since Indian's form the minority in the region including Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia they generally do not get full benefits of the these societies.

I choose not to use them on forums and if possible at all because we are fortunate to be in a multicultural society where people learn to live with each other. Racial slurs are something used by narrow minded people and when used again and again it becomes part of your life, spend some time in a country where you are a minority and be glad that people like us exist.

So call us what you want, just bear in mind your actions changes the mindset of people.
What are U going to call us ABCD?Just ignore the ethnic slurs by anyone.

Yeah, you Indians can't get enough of your own racism.

I hear the same thing from you guys ALL the time. Chink this, and chink that.

your a bloody slit eyed chink fuc*ing 2 cent china man

chink mustve have been raped by his maderchod porkgaystani boyfriend :rofl:

That's all that comes out of your mouths. Words like "Chink" and "Porkgaystani".

Coz we are not blood thirsty brother..!! As long as you leave us alone we don't give a damn. Be it your chest thumping over your hollow superiority above our military or your friendship with china, but we will follow it, and prepare our defensive mechanism accordingly. So my advice Talk less, that will leave you less embarrassed.
Yeah, you Indians can't get enough of your own racism.

I hear the same thing from you guys ALL the time. Chink this, and chink that.

That's all that comes out of your mouths. Words like "Chink" and "Porkgaystani".


2 years back a Chinese member told that nigger Indians are being raped by Maoists.
Yeah, you Indians can't get enough of your own racism.

I hear the same thing from you guys ALL the time. Chink this, and chink that.

That's all that comes out of your mouths. Words like "Chink" and "Porkgaystani".


CD, hopefully you now realized the MOD on this forum will not take "racism" seriously anymore like old time, you can keep reported them, best they will do is posts being deleted and a so-called warning.

You know why they keep attacking you with racial slurs, cos they knew you won't hit back, as for me, i won't tolerate such sh!t from those curry racist scumbags, who care getting banned if the forum allow those racist scumbags running around to insult us?
CD, hopefully you now realized the MOD on this forum will not take "racism" seriously anymore like old time, you can keep reported them, best they will do is posts being deleted and a so-called warning.

You know why they keep attacking you with racial slurs, cos they knew you won't hit back

I gave up being pissed off a long time ago buddy.

Now I think it's good, that they keep showing their true faces. So everyone can see it.

And they never fail to dissapoint. :azn:

P.S. I don't blame the moderators, they just can't keep up with the numbers of Indian trolls on here.
Yeah, you Indians can't get enough of your own racism.

I hear the same thing from you guys ALL the time. Chink this, and chink that.

That's all that comes out of your mouths. Words like "Chink" and "Porkgaystani".


I think you should take effort in knowing the best and not the crap. Why is that every one sniffs out the crap first, and not the good ones. Its true in our case too. We see lot of intolerant chinese members here, who have a visible hate towards india. But i have seen few pakistanis who are sensible but nonne from chinese side excpet for one or two. India too have crappy people who speak trash. So i would say interact more, even i have prejuidice now against chinese, but i do hope that is short lived as long as i interact with more and more chinese.
Yeah, you Indians can't get enough of your own racism.

I hear the same thing from you guys ALL the time. Chink this, and chink that.

That's all that comes out of your mouths. Words like "Chink" and "Porkgaystani".


I've been in this forum for two years and have seen chinese regularly calling indians slaves,slumdogs,curries and what not!especially the members like chinapakistan,hongwu,speeder2,zengh he and many more..Funny thing is they dont get banned for that-their posts just get deleted.
You're a liar, where are the quotes?

Instead of telling off your Indian friend in this thread, for calling us chinks, you start making up BS that never happened. What a pathetic excuse.

Well the MOD's deleted the thread.
This thread needs to be locked hey, I'm surprised it lasted till now without any major blowups.
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