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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Hahaha what a surprise.

You couldn't take your own medicine, so you resort to racism.

How typical of Indians.
Did i say something wrong about Dawood? I just laughing at your knowledge level that you are linking Dawood to Kashmir..though he has got nothing to do with it! :lol:
Things are not going to change, you are free to speak for Kashmir as we have the right to speak of Tibet... Keep speaking we know how many Millions you had massacred in Tibet...Elect a PM for Kashmir, untill then just make your mock up model...

Preach that to the 2 million poor souls thats die of starvation in your country on a yearly basis, do a little math 2million times 50 plus yrs and still counting =??millions, pathetic modern massacre nowadays indeed.
Superpower Democracy Mass-Murders Abroad! Largest Democracy Mass-murders Its Own Children By jay janson
^ Lol there are 5.5 million Tibetans now.There were 4.5 million in 1960.
Did i say something wrong about Dawood? I just laughing at your knowledge level that you are linking Dawood to Kashmir..though he has got nothing to do with it! :lol:

Yeah, well done you typical racist Indian. :lol:

Dawood..who is a trader,drug dealer pay killer..and has got nothing to do with Kashmir..is the leader of Kashmir?

Grow up Chink!

I was responding in kind to Indian army calling that separatist the "PM of Tibet". But now I see you Indians can't take your own medicine, and always resort to racism.
Yeah a portion which makes 1/3rd of china had barely a Million living.... :lol:...There were barely thousand Alive when PLA left...

You Indians are getting to ridiculous levels of absurdity. There are over 3 million Tibetans now.
I guess the Indian Army is only brave when it comes to killing innocent Sikhs and Kashmiris.

They ran away like little babies in the 1962 war.

And haunted you down in 1987 by Operation Falcon....The chinese who came to capture thinking of defensive India was made to run Naked seeing the offensive Indian Positions...
I guess the Indian Army is only brave when it comes to killing innocent Sikhs and Kashmiris.

They ran away like little babies in the 1962 war.
Indian Army is capable of kicking your allies a$$ 4 times and you were just sitting and see your ally banged.
1962..we had an idiot called Nehru who got fooled and called his troops back...and what brave Chinese did! Came in from a deserted border! Betrayers :rolleyes: What's your army doing now? When we have a full fledged army at our borders?
Indian Army is capable of kicking your allies a$$ 4 times and you were just sitting and see your ally banged.
1962..we had an idiot called Nehru who got fooled and called his troops back...and what brave Chinese did! Came in from a deserted border! Betrayers :rolleyes: What's your army doing now? When we have a full fledged army at our borders?

Called his troops back? Is that what they taught you. You can't call back dead or POWs.
Preach that to the 2 million poor souls thats die of starvation in your country on a yearly basis, do a little math 2million times 50 plus yrs and still counting =??millions, pathetic modern massacre nowadays indeed.
Superpower Democracy Mass-Murders Abroad! Largest Democracy Mass-murders Its Own Children By jay janson
Yes that's a shame that they die..and we are taking steps to cure it..but you ignore it.
Btw,your home condition isn't good at all..at per capita income just 3000$ more than India..isn't much and certainly doesn't put you in a position to talk about India's problems.
Oh yes you are in Japan right? A rich country that is! That's why you talk about Indian children..go check your homeland at 4,384$ per capita income and then talk.
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