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At the end of 26/11 terror attacks, Karachi control room wore a celebratory

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I will tell you something. Not out of forum consumption or to make myself or Pakistanis look better.

When Mumbai attacks were being aired in Pakistan, my own mother was shocked when the civilians were running towards the ambulance and shots were being fired.

To quote her, she said "Tauba, Tauba".

In my heart I honestly believe that Bhartis are brainwashed by RSS and other extremist organizations within India.

Call me what you will, Pakistani, terrorist, or whatever the hell Hindutva dogs like to bark. I will never condone attacks on the innocent or civilians. That is the mindset of 98% of Pakistanis as well.

My friend Mumbai 26/11 attacks were the worst kind of incident happened to India but it is even worser for pakistan.
1) It is after 26/11 attacks the links between LET and Al qaida emerged .
2) It is after 26/11 due to the attacks on US and israel citizens NATO and US led war on terror started focussing on ISI and its rogue terror agencies.
3) It was after 26/11 Pakistan started loosing it diplomatic edge throughout the world and particularly West. This Damage will never be repaired. Your country started to be isolated throughout the world.
4) It was 26/11 that exposed the ISI links to terror organizations and caught the world attention.
5) It was after 26/11 that US started sharing their intel with India and more than 100 terror modules and sleeper cells in India has been neutralized.

And there is even more damage suffered by your country because of backing terror groups.
6) it was aft
Please..99% of the Islamic terrorists in the world who target infidels were non-Pashtuns including those from my state Kerala considered the most liberal in India.

I know Kerala has been having some communal problems, but are you really going to compare Kerala Muslims with uncivilized Pathan Muslims (the likes of Taliban)? Kerala Muslims are a bunch of pacifist atheists compared to the Pathan Muslims(think of Taliban), whose only contributions to mankind is terrorism.
If you are Muslim please speak about Muslims, if you wish to impose your persoanl views upon the entire community.

Please do not club "other religious groups" into your personal agenda and opinion.

I belong to one of those "other religious groups" am a fierce nationalist and self-respecting member of my own faith that is non-Hindu, and I do not have any issue, problem, or resentment against the Hindutva ideology.

Rather than question what the RSS does or does not stand for, please instead look within your own community and weed out the traitor bastards within.

I'm not imposing any views upon anyone. I don't intend to either. I know fully well that most online forums are fishing grounds for "internet Hindus". A question to you : do you agree with this statement issued by MS Gowalkar ?

"The non-hindu people of Hindustan must either adopt Hindu culture and language, must hold in reverence the Hindu religion and must entertain no idea but hose of gratification of Hindu race and culture.

Non-Hindus must must remain wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation , claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment - not even citizen's right "

There are bastards in every community. To create and promote conflict is one of the regrettable drawbacks in the human condition. You single out and target a particular community for all the wrongs that were committed by random members belonging to it, while at the same time choose to ignore atrocities committed by members of the opposing community ( RSS ).

An average muslim is no more tempted to extremism or violence than an average hindu. The sooner you learn this, the better it is for the nation.
I know Kerala has been having some communal problems, but are you really going to compare Kerala Muslims with uncivilized Pathan Muslims (the likes of Al-Qaida/Taliban)? Kerala Muslims are a bunch of pacifist atheists compared to the Pathan Muslims(think of Taliban), whose only contributions to mankind is terrorism.

Bro, what part of chopping someone's hand off is pacifist atheist?

The saudi influence has ensured that they are amongst the most rabid in our country today.
Please..99% of the Islamic terrorists in the world who target infidels were non-Pashtuns including those from my state Kerala considered the most liberal in India.

99 percent ? My my, that is an impressive statistic. Please, do reveal your source for educational purposes.
As per my understanding the basic difference between a Islamic extremist and a Hindu extremist is that, whereas a Islamic extremist would try to damage the country's security , sovereignty and would try to make the country weaker by harming it, bombing it; a Hindu extremist would try to defend his country and would go to extreme only with the sense of protecting his country.
I'm not imposing any views upon anyone. I don't intend to either.

Yes you are. Two fold. One when you choose to speak for your entire community. And two when you take it upon yourself to speak for those of others'.

There are bastards in every community.

And from time to time, said communities have come forward for and together with the nation to weed their bastards out. Concentrate on that please. Will be better for you and me and for the nation.
I know Kerala has been having some communal problems, but are you really going to compare Kerala Muslims with uncivilized Pathan Muslims (the likes of Taliban)? Kerala Muslims are a bunch of pacifist atheists compared to the Pathan Muslims(think of Taliban), whose only contributions to mankind is terrorism.

Pathan Muslims keep their extremism inside their borders and don't export it through out the world..when comapred to jet setting suave non-Pathans who go around the world. When coming to Kerala Muslims, do you know that they are the only non-Kashmiri Muslims caught and killed in Kashmir fighting Indian Army.
Bro, what part of chopping someone's hand off is pacifist atheist?

The saudi influence has ensured that they are amongst the most rabid in our country today.

The most rabid come from UP , Bihar .

Not all ofcourse
99 percent ? My my, that is an impressive statistic. Please, do reveal your source for educational purposes.

Check any terrorist activity linked to Jihadis and see how many Pathans are involved in this...you will get your answer.
Bro, what part of chopping someone's hand off is pacifist atheist?

The saudi influence has ensured that they are amongst the most rabid in our country today.

Do Kerala Muslims engage in chopping off a criminal's hand ? Speaking of mutilation body parts, there are hundreds of instances during partition where RSS thugs went off on a killing spree. This is a practice visible even to this day. Mutilation of female genitalia ( tribal/untouchables ) seem to be the popular fad today. Couple of years ago, it used to be torching foreign missionaries.
I really hope that the TTP comes to power...then it really gives us and the world an excuse to wipe off these scums from the face of the earth
Check any terrorist activity linked to Jihadis and see how many Pathans are involved in this...you will get your answer.

Sir, it was not me who posted the statistic. You did.

I am merely asking you to substantiate your claim with credible sources of proof.
As per my understanding the basic difference between a Islamic extremist and a Hindu extremist is that, whereas a Islamic extremist would try to damage the country's security , sovereignty and would try to make the country weaker by harming it, bombing it; a Hindu extremist would try to defend his country and would go to extreme only with the sense of protecting his country.

Ya tell that to thousand Gujarati muslims killed by Hindu extremists in 2002 most of whom had nothing to do with the Train burning incident .Don't think that helped the country in any way .

Extremists of all kind are bad for the nation .
Bro, what part of chopping someone's hand off is pacifist atheist?

The saudi influence has ensured that they are amongst the most rabid in our country today.

Yes it is true that some of them have been radicalized, but comparing Kerala Muslims to Pathan Muslims is ridiculous. All Pathans have contributed to mankind so far in their existence in this world is terrorism, rape and killings. There might be incidents every now and then in Kerala, but if there were significant number of Pathans in Kerala/India, they would be killing and raping and spreading terrorism in India daily. Do you guys not see what is happening in Pakistan and Afghanistan? Thats what you are comparing Kerala Muslims with, which I dont agree with.
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