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Assembled in India


Jun 28, 2010
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Assembled in India
Assembled in India - Hindustan Times

The ministry of defence should rename itself the ministry of imports. India earned the undesirable honorific of being the world's largest buyer of foreign arms in the latest 'Trends in International Arms Transfers' report. The ultimate oxymoron in New Delhi today is 'defence self-reliance'. This
state of affairs will continue so long as the ministry continues to believe in the State-owned defence sector.

India's imports of defence equipment surged 38% to $12.7 billion from 2007-11, say the authors of the report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The only better defence growth figures? Number of speeches by defence minister AK Antony declaring self-reliance to be his goal.

At the time the report was released, Antony spoke at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). He complained that DRDO had "many deficiencies", that it was "slow" in implementing recommended reforms. A few days earlier he called for change at Hindustan Aeronautics, another stalwart of India's government defence industry whose core competence is assembling imported airplane kits.

SIPRI's report underlines the true trend in India's defence industry. Namely, that the louder the mantra 'self-reliance' is chanted by defence officialdom, the further the goal moves away from India.

It's not just that the Indian defence sector can't build simple trainer airplanes or armoured vehicles. It even struggles to design usable rifles or make good boots. "Indian soldiers", says Commodore Uday Bhaskar of the National Maritime Foundation, "prefer to buy their uniforms from private tailors rather than wear free government issue".

Antony's criticisms should mean that his office at least understands the problem. But the reforms the ministry advocates are, ultimately, about preserving the defence sector's commanding heights for the State-owned firms. And it's this "tweak the status quo" mindset that ensures India's security increasingly depends on how fast it can import.

Rising Indian arms purchases and stiff offset requirements - roughly half the cost of foreign purchases must be outsourced to Indian firms - means billions of dollars' worth of contracts will float out of the windows of South Block. Antony is asking DRDO and company to get their act together so they can cash in on this bonanza.

The ministry's hope is that these State-owned firms will absorb some imported technologies, recycle them and preserve the myth of indigenous defence production for another decade. The subtext to Antonyspeak should be: you need to change so you can keep pulling the wool over India's eyes.

The defence ministry loves the term 'technology transfer'. These are weasel words. Every study shows this to be a way to temporarily get obsolete knowhow. Transfers are like cheat-sheets. They keep you from doing the hard work of really learning something. The State-owned defence firms are like students who mug enough to get past each exam and graduate with blank minds.

In 2005, DRDO spoke of making 70% of Indian defence equipment at home. But the figures haven't change in all these years, says Air Vice-Marshal Kapil Kak of the Centre for Air Power Studies. "Government stonewalling has meant there has been no energising of the defence sector." Officially, India is at 30% indigenisation. So much of this is screwdriver work, says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal of the Centre for Land Warfare Studies, "That the actual figure is 20% or less."

The Tatra truck, left-hand drive after 25 years, is only a more glaring example of this import-and-assemble game.

Antony and the ministry offer lip service to private sector involvement . But they have done little to make defence production attractive to such firms. Their vision is one of private firms serving as subcontractors to State-owned firms.

The Indian private sector is almost seen as the Enemy. Defence officials admit Hindustan Aeronautics prefers India import rather than get the Indian private sector involved. Such is their fear that India Inc will marginalise them.

In effect, India spends to maintain the military-industrial capacity of others who are too decrepit, like Russia, or too small, like Israel and France, to stand on their own feet. India's government defence firms serve as their cutouts. At the Prime Minister's Office, it is fully understood that the lack of an indigenous defence sector with real innovative capacity makes a mockery of India's great power ambitions.

Defence ministry mandarins are not wrong in claiming that in 90% of the contracts, Indian private firms don't have the capacity. What is needed is a long-term policy of developing exactly that. This would require the military to produce stable, long-term plans regarding arms procurements. The present system, especially prevalent in the army, of piecemeal and ever-changing weapons orders inflates prices and keeps Indian businesses away.

It would require the ministry to allow Indian private firms to be junior partners in ventures with overseas firms. "Foreign collaboration is needed for design knowhow," says Vice-Admiral Premvir Das of the Aspen Institute of India. Indian private defence companies are the first to say this is the best means to absorb military tech and grasp the crown jewels of defence knowhow - complex processes like systems integration.

There is no doubt that India's private manufacturers can produce the sort of engineering components even high-end fighters require. They have shown this in the automobile sector, notes Kak, where they produce components that match Japanese and German precision.

Combining this manufacturing capacity with India's software sector - half the cost of advanced defence systems is binary code writing - the foundations for a competitive arms business can be laid. The other path: decades more of Buying Foreign, Faking Indian.
The defence ministry loves the term 'technology transfer'. These are weasel words. Every study shows this to be a way to temporarily get obsolete knowhow. Transfers are like cheat-sheets. They keep you from doing the hard work of really learning something.

The bolded part seems silly, On one hand no doubt without a good technological base the tech acquired from a technology transfer will not be absorbed, applied and improved. But a the same time none will be foolish enough to reinvent the wheel, when ready made options are available.

Antony and the ministry offer lip service to private sector involvement . But they have done little to make defence production attractive to such firms. Their vision is one of private firms serving as subcontractors to State-owned firms.

The Indian private sector is almost seen as the Enemy. Defence officials admit Hindustan Aeronautics prefers India import rather than get the Indian private sector involved. Such is their fear that India Inc will marginalise them.

In effect, India spends to maintain the military-industrial capacity of others who are too decrepit, like Russia, or too small, like Israel and France, to stand on their own feet. India's government defence firms serve as their cutouts. At the Prime Minister's Office, it is fully understood that the lack of an indigenous defence sector with real innovative capacity makes a mockery of India's great power ambitions.

Defence ministry mandarins are not wrong in claiming that in 90% of the contracts, Indian private firms don't have the capacity. What is needed is a long-term policy of developing exactly that. This would require the military to produce stable, long-term plans regarding arms procurements. The present system, especially prevalent in the army, of piecemeal and ever-changing weapons orders inflates prices and keeps Indian businesses away.

It would require the ministry to allow Indian private firms to be junior partners in ventures with overseas firms. "Foreign collaboration is needed for design knowhow," says Vice-Admiral Premvir Das of the Aspen Institute of India. Indian private defence companies are the first to say this is the best means to absorb military tech and grasp the crown jewels of defence knowhow - complex processes like systems integration.

There is no doubt that India's private manufacturers can produce the sort of engineering components even high-end fighters require. They have shown this in the automobile sector, notes Kak, where they produce components that match Japanese and German precision.

Private sector involment is vital for the future of Indian defence, Private sector majors are moving for JVs with foreign defence majors, its upto the GOI to create a supportive environment .

Hopefully we"ll see the fruits by the end of the decade or in the next decade.
A lot of folks are going to have issues digesting this news.
A lot of folks are going to have issues digesting this news.

Any serious Indian defence fan(boy?) worth his salt knows this already.

We know our weaknesses and we are not the ones who hide them. We are the ones who strive to turn our weaknesses into our stengths. Don't believe me, ask the Polio virus.

We have not reached where we have by lying to ourselves.
The bolded part seems silly, On one hand no doubt without a good technological base the tech acquired from a technology transfer will not be absorbed, applied and improved. But a the same time none will be foolish enough to reinvent the wheel, when ready made options are available.

The bolded part is not silly at all given the fact that India has unlimited access to Western Technology but yet could not build anything at all.
Probably he meant India is about to reach basic level 1 (Starter's level).

Such a shame with the natural resources of manpower of 1.2 billion they have. Look at what China has achieved with 1.2 billion manpower.
A lot of folks are going to have issues digesting this news.
No sir there is nothing to digest upon it is a well known fact our Public Sector Undertaking PSU are highly incompetent privatization of defense industry is the need of the hour.

Prior to 1989 before Indian economy was opened up there was Govt monopoly over automobile sector, people had to wait for getting cars or a simple telephone connection but now we are largest consumers of automobile and mobile service.

How should i put it its all about competition like Darwin said survival of the fitest, since these PSU do not have any competition they are highly lazy and incompetent.

It is high time govt privatize certain PSU.
No sir there is nothing to digest upon it is a well known fact our Public Sector Undertaking PSU are highly incompetent privatization of defense industry is the need of the hour.

Prior to 1989 before Indian economy was opened up there was Govt monopoly over automobile sector, people had to wait for getting cars or a simple telephone connection.

How should i put it its all about competition like Darwin said survival of the fitest, since these PSU do not have any competition they are highly lazy and incompetent.

It is high time govt privatize certain PSU.

I think you have some very valid points mate
A lot of folks are going to have issues digesting this news.

This is not a revelation that has been OUT today.:lol:

Every little member here knows the Russian fighters are assembled not produced here, because India is not Russia.

We are still on Initial stages in many sectors. We will grow strong only from here.

We aint Europe or we never been advanced like them. The India story has only began a few years back.

Our growth has been started to show results only recently.

But it seems more non Indians are concerned that we are not at par with the arms dealers or they will simply compare India to China out of own convenience.

Its very very funny.
I fail to see any connection between the bolded part :

They keep you from doing the hard work of really learning something.

and what you mention

The bolded part is not silly at all given the fact that India has unlimited access to Western Technology but yet could not build anything at all.

The bolded part was an opinion criticizing TOT, hardly having anything to do with India or any country for that matter.
"prefer to buy their uniforms from private tailors rather than wear free government issue".

I had a chance of discussion with an IAF pilot on a trip to KSA in Umrah. He said the offical government uniforms are like polthene sweat bags which will flood you in your own sweat because absolutely no air could pass through them.

The Tatra truck, left-hand drive after 25 years, is only a more glaring example of this import-and-assemble game.
Such a shame this isnt that hard really. A lot of American trucks taken in scrap from GW1 were converted to right hand in backyard workshops of Pakistan and still used extensively for public transport in Thar and Baluchistan.

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