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Ask India transit to China

Apart from trolling aside....I feel that if you will go by the cost of the transportation....China has the best bet by bring its oil through Gwadar...But if they would like to bring oil to Tibet then oil delivered in port of Gujurat of India and carried to Tibet is the cheapest of all to China...

Would You Believe That Your Own Fellow Countrymen Are Dreaming Of An Chinese Trade and Energy Corridor Of Their Own:lol::lol:

Exploding Terrorism in Pakistan & Future Gwadar-Kashgar Industrial Corridor
Why not a Corridor from an Indian port via Kashmir

Below is a very well researched article by William Engdahl on the upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan and its further explosions , and Islamabad's massive project with Beijing for an industrial corridor from the Baluchistan port of Gwadar to Kashgar in Xinjiang .Obviously Washington will try to sabotage it , by promoting separatism and if possible by detaching Baluchistan from Pakistan, since the former province has been brutally treated by all ruling regimes in Islamabad ( somewhat like detaching Montenegro from Serbia to divide and destroy Russian influence in the Balkans)

I have also been of the view that no peace is likely to come in Pak Afghan region, with terror spillovers into the countries of the region including India .

May that as it may be, I am proposing that since Gwadar –Kashgar corridor will be opposed by US, perhaps, even Russia and others and unlikely to fructify with growing terrorism, India could at least consider possibilities of a project to offer China another option, from a Saurashtra port in India via Rajasthan, etc and J and K's Ladakh region. It will give a stake to China in India's stability and economic growth .This will be a win-win situation for both India and China .Beijing is flush with funds in trillions and is even planning a canal in Nicaragua parallel to Panama canal for $ 40 billion .Look at China, Russia and other Central Asian states collaborating on energy and other projects.
China is already building corridors linking it to Bay of Bengal via Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Do not rely on US led bankrupt West for investment in projects in India .They will oppose such a project via India tooth and nail .US will be supported in India by its proxies led by media ignorantis and pimps and Indian diplomats , especially those who were once posted in USA and have been brainwashed on eternal US hegemony . Like Indian PM MM Singh they loved deeply George Bush and now Osama.

With almost the same population, hard working Chinese GDP based on industrial production is almost 3 times India's and the gap is increasing. (When the European traders arrived in the subcontinent, Hindustan's (i.e. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) share in world manufacturing was 24.5 percent (in 1750) and after the British had done with India, the sub-continent's share had fallen to 1.7 percent (It was 32.8% and 6.1% respectively for China) and that of Britain had increased from 1.9 percent (in 1750) to 22.9 percent (in 1880) - [Rise and fall of Big Powers by Professor Paul Kennedy].

China has many internal and external aggravating problems and should be amenable to a border settlement or its freeze .I do not see India succeeding by force. Let the uninformed and ill informed Western pimps and ultranationalists in India shout at the top of their voice .China, Russia and other powers in Asia want stability and peace for economic growth to consolidate the incoming Asian century.

At least give it a thought.


Greedy Greedy Greedy:no::no:

What You must Understand Dear Is That The Closest Of Gujarat's Port Pale In Strategic Importance To The Makran Coast.If The Likes Of Mundra and Dholera Are Strategic Then Gwadar and Pasni Are Ultra Strategic.This Is Because They Are Located At The Gateway of The Strait Of Hormuz Where Half Of The Wolrd's Trade Traffic Passes Through.

But I grant one Thing That The Route Through Gilgit Baltistan Has Got Capacity Constraints.This Means There Might Be A Limit To The Number Of Pipelines and HSR Links That Can Pass Through It.GB Does Have A Sensitive Ecosystem.At Some Point China Might Consider The Above Mentioned Alternative But That Is Conditional To Raising The Level Of Mutual Trust To Pak China Level.

Personally I Don't Mind Indians Envying Pak China Corridor.Even I Envy The Indo Japan DMIC.Also If My Kashmiri Bretheren in IOK Get Some Economic Development and Prosperity As A Result Of This As a Pakistani and Muslim Nothing Could Make Me Happier.

Speaking Of DMIC Why Not Extend The DMIC Upto Tibet and Get The Chinese To Build One Of The Proposed DMIC Seaports at Dighi or Dholera Kya Khyal Hai
bangeladesh's indian transit to china will be vital to the two countries' economic and political collaboration. it is for this reason that it should also be militarily secured against future yindu threat. the ties between two noble peoples must not be subject to possible blackmail of an yindu nation of a habit of rabic aggression and violence against all its neighbors.
Currently there is no decent route to India from China at NE border!!

Shipping is way faster and cheaper than hauling stuff over Himalayas and Tibet plateau.

Common sense ANYONE!!!

Unless you wanna start running Chinese cows to Bangladesh over Himalayas, this is utter stupidity.

EDIT: I just noticed the thread is started by the Chinese guy, everybody ignore the common sense part :lol:
Would You Believe That Your Own Fellow Countrymen Are Dreaming Of An Chinese Trade and Energy Corridor Of Their Own:lol::lol:

Exploding Terrorism in Pakistan & Future Gwadar-Kashgar Industrial Corridor
Why not a Corridor from an Indian port via Kashmir

Below is a very well researched article by William Engdahl on the upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan and its further explosions , and Islamabad's massive project with Beijing for an industrial corridor from the Baluchistan port of Gwadar to Kashgar in Xinjiang .

Obviously Washington will try to sabotage it , by promoting separatism and if possible by detaching Baluchistan from Pakistan, since the former province has been brutally treated by all ruling regimes in Islamabad ( somewhat like detaching Montenegro from Serbia to divide and destroy Russian influence in the Balkans)

Baluchistan has been treated as a slave region by the govt of Pakistan. So, the people there want a separate country of their own where they would not be subjugated and subjected to daily humiliation.

But, USA has a different reason to support such a move in Baluchistan. It wants to suppress Russian influence in the now independent muslim countries of central asia. Opening such a direct sea route for their international trade through Afghanistan and Baluchistan serves the purpose.

Pakistani policy discourages opening such a route. Pakistan supported Afghan Talibans would not allow that kind of connection. So, the only way remains for the USA is to put a US-friendly govt in Afghanistan and separate Baluchistan from Pakistan.

The govt in Islamabad seems feeding into that US ploy by suppressing Baluchistan, taking its minerals for use in other parts of the country and by not developing that Province. Well, another replica of 1971 will be played in Baluchistan not far from now.
Currently there is no decent route to India from China at NE border!!

Shipping is way faster and cheaper than hauling stuff over Himalayas and Tibet plateau.

Common sense ANYONE!!!

Unless you wanna start running Chinese cows to Bangladesh over Himalayas, this is utter stupidity.

EDIT: I just noticed the thread is started by the Chinese guy, everybody ignore the common sense part :lol:

land route from china serves first and foremost the political and military needs of bangeladesh. for bangeladesh, the sense of security afforded by possible chinese assistance cutting through an yindu that otherwise circled and engulfed bangeladesh cannot be measured in economic terms.

only yindoos bent on total domination of their neighbors will intentionally choose to be blind about the overriding political and security needs behind bangeladesh's friendship with china and deceitfully talk about the mere economic calculation of transportation cost. yindoos like you may want to fool people about the economics of the land connection between china and bangeladesh and obscure the true strategic implications of the connection, but this only demonstrates yindoos' undisguised greed and sinister political ambitions against its neighbors which should truly raise alarms among yindu's neighbors.
We know what you are doing but in the last you make Bangladesh suffer, not India. :lol:

hindus already hold bangeladesh hostage with the dams. hindus already put a gun to bangeladesh's head with the water issue and the latter cannot be in a worse situation. not even china can stop hindus bullet for bangeladesh.

all china can do is to put a gun to hindus head and tell them that we will pull the trigger if hindus pull the trigger on bangeladesh. this doesn't guarantee the latter's security, but bangeladesh's friendship with china and china's damming hindus rivers may yet create some leverage for bangeladesh
Baluchistan has been treated as a slave region by the govt of Pakistan. So, the people there want a separate country of their own where they would not be subjugated and subjected to daily humiliation.

But, USA has a different reason to support such a move in Baluchistan. It wants to suppress Russian influence in the now independent muslim countries of central asia. Opening such a direct sea route for their international trade through Afghanistan and Baluchistan serves the purpose.

Pakistani policy discourages opening such a route. Pakistan supported Afghan Talibans would not allow that kind of connection. So, the only way remains for the USA is to put a US-friendly govt in Afghanistan and separate Baluchistan from Pakistan.

The govt in Islamabad seems feeding into that US ploy by suppressing Baluchistan, taking its minerals for use in other parts of the country and by not developing that Province. Well, another replica of 1971 will be played in Baluchistan not far from now.

Who On Earth Told You That Balochis Want Separation,This Is The The Views Of The Author Of The Article I quoted Based On A Long Cherished Indian Wet Dream.Fact Of The Matter Is That of The 107 Odd Tribes In Balochistan.Only Three Are Up In Arms Bugti Marri and Mengal and There Is Even Division in These Tribes e.g The Kalpar Bugtis Are Pro Pakistan.Rest Of Balochistan Has No Problem With The Federation.Magsis are Pro Pakistan,Rinds are Pro Pakistan,Jamalis Are The Founding Fathers Of Pakistan,Qalamdranis Have Gone To The Extent Of Declaring War Against The BLA Especially After Their Operatives Murdered Their Chief.

Even The Mainstream Nationalist Parties Have Never Called For Seaparation.The Present CM of Balochistan Dr Abdul Maalik Baloch Commands Great Respect Among The Baloch Especially The People Of Makran

The Likes Of BNP M JWP and NP All Believe In Working For Baloch Rights Within The Federation.

And Who On Earth Told You That We Consider Balochis As Slaves.They Are Our Brothers and An Equal Member of The Federation
Currently there is no decent route to India from China at NE border!!

Shipping is way faster and cheaper than hauling stuff over Himalayas and Tibet plateau.

Common sense ANYONE!!!

Unless you wanna start running Chinese cows to Bangladesh over Himalayas, this is utter stupidity.

EDIT: I just noticed the thread is started by the Chinese guy, everybody ignore the common sense part :lol:

What About Getting The Chinese To Build One Of The DMIC Seaports At Dholera or Dighi On On End and Extending The Industrial Corridor to Tibet At The Other End As I Suggested In My First Post.

Although The Best Route Is Definitely The Pak China Economic Corridor But The Capacity there esp at The Karakoram Ranges is Not Unlimited.Given The Size Of China's Economy and The Fact That Gwadar Will Also Be Serving Central Asia, Gulf Transshipment and To a Smaller Extent ECO and EU Transit,Gwadar Might Not Be Enough.Chinese Might Have To Build Another Corridor At Sonmiani.At Some Point They Might Even Consider The Route I Just Proposed But This Would Have To Entail Raising The Trust Level Between China and India To Pak China Level.
Would You Believe That Your Own Fellow Countrymen Are Dreaming Of An Chinese Trade and Energy Corridor Of Their Own:lol::lol:

Exploding Terrorism in Pakistan & Future Gwadar-Kashgar Industrial Corridor
Why not a Corridor from an Indian port via Kashmir

Below is a very well researched article by William Engdahl on the upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan and its further explosions , and Islamabad's massive project with Beijing for an industrial corridor from the Baluchistan port of Gwadar to Kashgar in Xinjiang .Obviously Washington will try to sabotage it , by promoting separatism and if possible by detaching Baluchistan from Pakistan, since the former province has been brutally treated by all ruling regimes in Islamabad ( somewhat like detaching Montenegro from Serbia to divide and destroy Russian influence in the Balkans)

I have also been of the view that no peace is likely to come in Pak Afghan region, with terror spillovers into the countries of the region including India .

May that as it may be, I am proposing that since Gwadar –Kashgar corridor will be opposed by US, perhaps, even Russia and others and unlikely to fructify with growing terrorism, India could at least consider possibilities of a project to offer China another option, from a Saurashtra port in India via Rajasthan, etc and J and K's Ladakh region. It will give a stake to China in India's stability and economic growth .This will be a win-win situation for both India and China .Beijing is flush with funds in trillions and is even planning a canal in Nicaragua parallel to Panama canal for $ 40 billion .Look at China, Russia and other Central Asian states collaborating on energy and other projects.
China is already building corridors linking it to Bay of Bengal via Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Do not rely on US led bankrupt West for investment in projects in India .They will oppose such a project via India tooth and nail .US will be supported in India by its proxies led by media ignorantis and pimps and Indian diplomats , especially those who were once posted in USA and have been brainwashed on eternal US hegemony . Like Indian PM MM Singh they loved deeply George Bush and now Osama.

With almost the same population, hard working Chinese GDP based on industrial production is almost 3 times India's and the gap is increasing. (When the European traders arrived in the subcontinent, Hindustan's (i.e. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) share in world manufacturing was 24.5 percent (in 1750) and after the British had done with India, the sub-continent's share had fallen to 1.7 percent (It was 32.8% and 6.1% respectively for China) and that of Britain had increased from 1.9 percent (in 1750) to 22.9 percent (in 1880) - [Rise and fall of Big Powers by Professor Paul Kennedy].

China has many internal and external aggravating problems and should be amenable to a border settlement or its freeze .I do not see India succeeding by force. Let the uninformed and ill informed Western pimps and ultranationalists in India shout at the top of their voice .China, Russia and other powers in Asia want stability and peace for economic growth to consolidate the incoming Asian century.

At least give it a thought.


Greedy Greedy Greedy:no::no:

What You must Understand Dear Is That The Closest Of Gujarat's Port Pale In Strategic Importance To The Makran Coast.If The Likes Of Mundra and Dholera Are Strategic Then Gwadar and Pasni Are Ultra Strategic.This Is Because They Are Located At The Gateway of The Strait Of Hormuz Where Half Of The Wolrd's Trade Traffic Passes Through.

But I grant one Thing That The Route Through Gilgit Baltistan Has Got Capacity Constraints.This Means There Might Be A Limit To The Number Of Pipelines and HSR Links That Can Pass Through It.GB Does Have A Sensitive Ecosystem.At Some Point China Might Consider The Above Mentioned Alternative But That Is Conditional To Raising The Level Of Mutual Trust To Pak China Level.

Personally I Don't Mind Indians Envying Pak China Corridor.Even I Envy The Indo Japan DMIC.Also If My Kashmiri Bretheren in IOK Get Some Economic Development and Prosperity As A Result Of This As a Pakistani and Muslim Nothing Could Make Me Happier.

Speaking Of DMIC Why Not Extend The DMIC Upto Tibet and Get The Chinese To Build One Of The Proposed DMIC Seaports at Dighi or Dholera Kya Khyal Hai

I agree with you...But again...do you feel our subcontinent politician have common sense?...
land route from china serves first and foremost the political and military needs of bangeladesh. for bangeladesh, the sense of security afforded by possible chinese assistance cutting through an yindu that otherwise circled and engulfed bangeladesh cannot be measured in economic terms.

only yindoos bent on total domination of their neighbors will intentionally choose to be blind about the overriding political and security needs behind bangeladesh's friendship with china and deceitfully talk about the mere economic calculation of transportation cost. yindoos like you may want to fool people about the economics of the land connection between china and bangeladesh and obscure the true strategic implications of the connection, but this only demonstrates yindoos' undisguised greed and sinister political ambitions against its neighbors which should truly raise alarms among yindu's neighbors.

yindoos already hold bangeladesh hostage with the dams. yindoos already put a gun to bangeladesh's head with the water issue and the latter cannot be in a worse situation. not even china can stop yindoos' bullet for bangeladesh.

all china can do is to put a gun to yindoos' head and tell them that we will pull the trigger if yindoos pull the trigger on bangeladesh. this doesn't guarantee the latter's security, but bangeladesh's friendship with china and china's damming yindoos' rivers may yet create some leverage for bangeladesh

1. The name of the religion is Hindu, not yindoo, or yindu.

2. You should only use the word "Hindu" while discussing religious issues, for political matters refer us as India and Indians; Hindus are not the only religious group of India, neither they are the only decision makers.
@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz
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1. The name of the religion is Hindu, not yindoo, or yindu.

2. You should only use the word "Hindu" while discussing religious issues, for political matters refer us as India and Indians; Hindus are not the only religious group of India, neither they are the only decision makers.
@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz

i am repeating myself here, but yindoos should bear whatever name noble china bestowed upon them - and what china bestowed upon them didn't discriminate between their religions - and not what slavish names anglosaxon colonials gave them. you lowly lot shall rejoice at being termed "yindoos" by a chinese person
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i am repeating myself here, but yindoos should bear whatever name noble china bestowed upon them - and what china bestowed upon them didn't discriminate between their religions - and not what slavish names anglosaxon colonials gave them. you lowly lot shall rejoice at being termed "yindoos" by a chinese person

He made it a point to repeat the word. Hoping for an unbiased approach here, though after this reply I think it is within my right to give this user a "Suitable" reply, but I will wait for the PDF rules to apply here.

@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz
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He made it a point to repeat the word. Hoping for an unbiased approach here, though after this reply I think it is within my right to give this user a "Suitable" reply, but I will wait for the PDF rules to apply here.

@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz
Dont talk to him like that. He needs love.
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