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Army to analyse Tribunal verdict on Kargil war officer

Don't be so desperate and discuss it with open eyes.....
Notable among them are those of 121 Brigade Commander Surinder Singh, and Major Manish Bhatnagar, who say they were made scapegoats for the failures of top Generals.
Read it again
I will try to explain in easier words and short sentences.

Failure mentioned in the article is not for India in War, but for Generals in assessing the real quotient of threat. That Generals initially underestimated the threat eg. 45 enemy in Batalik sector, but in reality threat was bigger (600).

And now tell me what were you getting so excited about??
Firstly the heading of the thread is completely misleading and to those thinking that it shows a failure on part of IA you are over reacting..

I was watching this story since noon and was lucky to watch interviews of brigadier Singh and then IA chief General Malik, so I would try to explain the story in short and what the case really is,

Brigadier Singh was handling operation in Batalik sector during kargil war and had differences of opinion over the number(600 versus 45) and type of insurgents(mujahiden or regular PA) in the area and the number IA jawans required to tackle them.
eventually bri. Singh's voice was heard and was given the required jawans and command to handle the task which he completed with exemplary skills by winning batalik sector (also the first sector to be completed cleared in kargil war) and during the process was injured himself while leading from the front.

Lt.general Pal took it personally and diluted this exemplary courage by not giving due credit to brigadier Singh in War Records which eventually resulted him not receiving a war medal and subsequent promotion. So mr. Singh went to the court and won the case.

then army chief malik accepts the discrepancies and courts verdict clearly vindicating brigadier Singh's stand and rejecting lt.genral Pal.

The only part where its shameful for the Indian army is that personal differences between officers at higher ranks had taken place after the war(even though there were differences during the war common sense prevailed at that time and no fighting capabilities of IA got affected i.e PA didnt get any benefit due to infighting) and resulted in injustice to one of the bravest officers. The good thing is that brigadier Singh has been rightly vindicated albeit after nearly 11 years.

Now where did the IA lose the war??

after recent busting, how any one will believe yet another fabricated story.!!!!!!!!
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after busting the a lie, how any one will believe yet another fabricated story.!!!!!!!!

Arey yaar...whose asking u to believe or to put it in another way..who cares if u believe it or not..?

We trust our Army and thats it.Period.

Or do u want an even more simpl explanation..?
after busting the a lie, how any one will believe yet another fabricated story.!!!!!!!!

If thats a lie, please tell us the real story and the manner in which the incident made a difference to IA at the time of war/to the final outcome of the war.

To add a bit more to the previous post of mine, like a true soldier Brigadier Singh, happily welcomed the verdict and made a point that he now won't pursue the case any longer to gain personal benefits coz of the verdict and he is satisfied with what he has got...

To Indian members you can watch Brigadier Singh's/General MAlik's interviews on NDTV/CNN IBN to listen from the men themselves.
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after busting the a lie, how any one will believe yet another fabricated story.!!!!!!!!

What lie man . Be serious i lively watched interview of our chief

Btw i dont know what the hell Pakistan media showed.:P
Agree do not waste time trying to explain to people who are he'll bent on having a negative image of IA. Any sane person will tell that these things happen everywhere, IA also has humans. The crux is the will did better then declared. I am happy the brigadier should get the medal.
Sorry for going off topic . Btw i request MODS to change the title . Internal errors in our forces have nothing to do with this title
Ok i ve not read the article.

But since ur posting like u ve read it all..

Can u please tel me as to wat u read that implies this is a "Failed War" or for Pakistan to rejoice abt..??

The ultimate thing in the war that we care abt is this :

inspiring flag on a rock but I am sorry its not kargil. you canst survive without proper high altitude and below freezing gear.

your victorious war footage was even more clumsy showing Indian artillery firing next to Sheeshum trees and claiming to be in a place where even a strand of grass cant survive
Hmm ... well the IA did issue false reports of 'torture' by the PA, reports that were questioned in the Indian media itself, and there have also been other high profile incidents in the past of false claims around events in the battlefield.

Longewalla and the Ghazi sinking come to mind:




So perhaps the point here is that the IA/GoI claims of events on the battlefield are suspect. Who knows which Officer is correct - the IA may very well just be going with the officer who made the more inflated claims of '600 soldiers' because it makes them look good.
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Arey yaar...whose asking u to believe or to put it in another way..who cares if u believe it or not..?

We trust our Army and thats it.Period.

Indian Army has a history to fabricating lies!!!!
This is the most recent one, and exposed by your own courts, so don't blame us..
Their are many more lies (GOD Knows how many!!) like battle of Longewala, where IA claimed that only 100 odd soldiers forced entire brigade backed up by 45 tanks and 3000+ soldiers to retreat..lol
how bollywoodish it is!!!!!!!! Your own army veterans lately denied that bollywood kind of story.

you can believe you Army stories, it is your choice. no one is stopping you.
Any sane person will tell that these things happen everywhere, IA also has humans.

It happens only in Indian Army. You seems unaware of other false ('Hilarious' is most suitable word here) stories busted recently.
To add a bit more to the previous post of mine, like a true soldier Brigadier Singh, happily welcomed the verdict and made a point that he now won't pursue the case any longer to gain personal benefits coz of the verdict and he is satisfied with what he has got...

Obviously he will be satisfied as he is successful in inflating the figure from 45 to 600. Yet another attempt to mold history according to IA liking....
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Wow man....From faking the sinking of PNS Ghazi .....faking longewala...... faking encounters with Pak Army troops to faking this..........Keep it up our indian friends........
And thanks waqas for posting such a wonderful articles busting yet another indian myth.
^They (Indian Government and Indian Army) fulfills the egos of their public by using such fake stories.... Nothing new.

Indian public is in real darkness.
inspiring flag on a rock but I am sorry its not kargil. you canst survive without proper high altitude and below freezing gear.

your victorious war footage was even more clumsy showing Indian artillery firing next to Sheeshum trees and claiming to be in a place where even a strand of grass cant survive

Oh yeah genius..waiting for some one to pop up with this...

That is tiger hill for u...meaning no on will be siting at the top of the peak shouting "i am here Indians..come get me.."

The terrorists also could get up to a certain height only and after killing them our martyrs captured that hill and symbolically planted the tricolor on a rock.
Dude they dont need to go to the peak to prove something.

They just busted the insurgents and only that matters.

Not doing something to satisfy ur logic..Got it..?
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