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Army in field now

Anyone else seen Saydee's face on the moon? If it's not too cold tonight, I'll go outside and try to spot this rare occurrence. :)
Here's what happened.

I ran into a bunch of mullahs near my town. They were all looking up to the night sky and talking on their cellphones. They saw, what they perceived was the shape of Sayedee's head on the moon. It's all about perception.

Have you ever heard of a term called "urban legends"?

Its not a perception of individual. It spreaded in a planned way. People get call messages. Facebook tags and others.
There were call from mosques in bogra at mid night.
Male female childs all came to street as like end of world has come.
Yes its perception problem. Some mollahs came to shomoy news today.
They said u will see everything as u imagine. But they really bashed jamat for this types of act.
They said in the Pakistan time. These jamatis used to see everywhere moon and stars. Now they see syedy on the moon.
Time has changed but they r same :coffee:
i dont know why are people jumping for this 'saydee moon ' bs
it done by some idiots on facebook..when the rumor spread some uneducated guys in bogura went mad
this kind of thing happens rural Bangladesh very often............................it isnt something to be taken seriously
Give it a try and plz make it Allama Sk. Mujib (...)'s face, you have a good chance to be seated on top of Shahbaghi minister Imran H. Sarkar :omghaha: .

I've been hearing about this Imran Sarkar lately. Who's this guy? Why's he more popular than me? :what:
@Hammer-fist Dude, don't give up. Its good to have your POV. Because of you people, we now get both sides of story.

As for leaving, those posters want to make you leave.

At least you guys have a Moderator. We are bashed by all. :D

try having a moderator who is one sided. But personally I like loki anf kalu miah's what-if theories, his future world order. Idunes anti-BSF bashings......

(Dude @kalu_miah here's one of my what-if,I'm being positive so tell me what you guys think)
If army do gets deployed then this is what I think might happen-
- they might take over administrative control from AWL. meaning another army-backed caretaker govt.
-ICT will carry out it's work as usual. But now more ******* who are being ignored till now will also be tried in. ( I favor justice for 1971 mass killings,rape and other atrocities carried out in the name of religion and Pakistan).
-Next election will get carried out under caretaker Govt.
-No more hartal, no more postponing our exams.
-AWL, BNP will again speak in the same tone like last time.

Regarding the Bogra incident, that particular Thana falls between two army garrison. Logically if violence sparks it might affect cantonment area as well. If army responds to that, the jamatis will try to make it look like 4th of july (as they say in US).
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I've been hearing about this Imran Sarkar lately. Who's this guy? Why's he more popular than me? :what:

His grandfather was *******, killed by Muktibahini... His family tried to register his ******* grandfather as mukti... Imran's father was also a muslim league activist and ******* sympathizer who later became Awami leader. imran was chatraleague student leader and now runs the Shahbag show. ?????????????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????? : ??????? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????
I guess there is no difference of opinion in Pakistan? Everyone has the same thought process and same opinion?

This is not about difference of opinion. The same Indian posters who brag about India outsmarting Pakistan then go on to claim innocence of India. Difference of opinion? try schizophrenia.

Our official stance has always been the same, we interfered to stop the genocide nothing more nothing less. All the talks about India outsmarting Pakistan are mere personal opinions.

The official stance will obviously be sanitized. The important point is that involvement is acknowledged.

Unless you are suggesting that all these anti rajaakar protesters, millions of them, are Indian agents?

Public opinion can be controlled through the media.

You dont really expect that people of Bangladesh will forget easily how they were denied their rights, how their people were brutally killed and raped by Pakistani Army?

Progressive Bangladeshis have moved on and are focused on their country's future, not the 40 year old past. It is only the pro-India agents who keep this obsession alive to sabotage Pak-Bangladesh relations.

Can you show me a single statement by the Govt of India that backs claims of the bolded part. Because clearly you seem to be speaking more for Indians here than the Indians themselves...

I can't be bothered searching the archives. Use google.

As for your last point, if Pakistan finds a way to keep itself actively obsessed with the Kashmir issue which is an issue since 1947, why is it so wrong for BD to obsess over something which is a lot more recent? Double standards much?

Kashmir is an active issue because Indian brutality against Muslims of Kashmir continues unabated to this day. 1971 was over 40 years ago.
No dialogue is possible with this fascist regime, its time for this government to step down, this brutal regime has taken the lives of 130 people in the past few days using her government forces. it is now or never, jamaatis are the true patriot against this fascist regime and this proxy indian regime. joy bangla!
Here are the quotes and I'm taking this up with @WebMaster and @nuclearpak and not happy with your unfair moderating and sarcastic comments.



Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/238144-army-field-now.html#ixzz2MU7IDy82

post 3

4. Aazidane

Post 137.

He is calling for civil war, violence and a "Tet offensive".

This is a criminal offence in many countries i.e. incitement to cause violence, vandalism etc.

The Bangladeshi military are clearly being spoken of being potentially fought against by these individuals.

@nuclearpak @WebMaster

I can understand opposing the government, mass demonstrations but bringing the army in and calling for them to be potentially fought is unacceptable.

Stop misquoting me Hammer-fist, my comment was something like Jamaatis should protest in savar hard and long, which forces the savar army to be deployed. Only army can save this nation at this time!.......now stop over assuming like a woman!

Civil war is imminent unless this government steps down. If a 'tet' offensive is required to bring them down, then so be it. At this point everything is collateral damage to remove this brutal fascist regime from power. The transition should go from a countrywide curfew, followed by an emergency government.
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No dialogueis possible with this fascist regime, its time for this government to step down, this brutal regime has taken the lives of 130 people in the past few days using her government forces. it is now or never, jamaatis are the true patriot against this fascist regime and this proxy indian regime. joy bangla!

What the hell is this? I thought you are a BNP supporter. :undecided:
India must make sure BD army is well supplied with weapons for the "Tet offensive".

I think Pronob Mukherjee has already taken lots of "special weapons" and "special" forces to train BD army to emerge victorious in the "Tet offensive"
India must make sure BD army is well supplied with weapons for the "Tet offensive".

I think Pronob Mukherjee has already taken lots of "special weapons" and "special" forces to train BD army to emerge victorious in the "Tet offensive"
:lol:Indian weapons breakdown and unreliable e.g. the flying coffin migs

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