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Why Iranians call Turks donkeys?

Yes, I can read the farsi jokes. :woot:
Deno, how do the Kurds own up to Turkey as their 'Motherland' when the very name of 'Turkey' signifies an association of 'Nationalism' with a particular 'ethnicity or a linguistic group' ? Is a Kurdish hero like 'Saladin' celebrated in Turkey ? Does he have some kind of patronage of the Turkish State as 'their Hero' ? I mean is he celebrated in the history books as 'One of Your Heroes' ?

P.S I ask this inquisitively not out of an ounce of malice...! :fie:

Well ofcourse he is celebrated... He is Saladin!!! He is the chivalric face of Islam and hero of every muslim in the universe :) Well, there was a suggestion of change in the article in our constitution ''about every Turkish citizen are Turks'' but they give up on that after because of AKP's fear of losing nationalistic peoples vote but I hope in our next constitution there won't be any article about that.

Turkey's most famous celebrity is a Kurd called İbrahim Tatlıses althouh I hate the guy because he is an ignorant moron he is loved by all and Turkey's propaably best male singer was a Kurd too. Ahmet Kaya... he had to escape the country when state tried to arrest him because he sang in Kurdish. He died in France because of a heart atttack but even the most nationalistic people love him and says he done nothing wrong and state was wrong to arrest him.

In Turkey people are fine with each other... There are propably %3-4 of the population Turk or Kurd hate each other for their nationality but I don't think its more than that.

Deno is about to tear you up. :rofl:

Deno tiger, please stay calm.

Now now I am not that crazy :)
Ethnic identity= Turk
Language= Turkish

For f.cking hundreds of years, what do you want more ?

What should I do to make you understand who lived there thousands years ago is IRREVELANT, there was non-Greek Anatolians, they eventually mixed with Greeks, assimilated and become part of Greeks, they're Greeks, have nothing with some Hittities or some f.cking Prygians.

LMAO you obviously cannot come up with anything so you are repeating the same crap over and over.

so what if they speak a langaue for hundreds of years? does that make then genetically Turks?

you say they ethnically Turks WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?
azeris in Iran call them torke khar, meaning donkey Turk and yet they say azeriz are Turk...

You moron... Please call a Turk monkey near an Azerbaijan Turk and see his reaction... Fasict morons...
Genetics have nothing with identity !

Its not my job to educate you, go read a f.cking history book and learn how they're called through the history !

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The world must get rid off 5 things:

1. Zionists
2. PKK
4. Greece
5. China

Previously, I wasn't that thrilled about the Zionists. I thought the Palestinians were getting a raw deal.

However, after seeing your list, I've become an enthusiastic supporter of Zionists! If they fall, China is next.
Genetics have nothing with identity!

Its not my job to educate you, go read a f.cking history book and learn how they're called through the history !

I am assuming you never did biology?

You moron... Please call a Turk monkey near an Azerbaijan Turk and see his reaction... Fasict morons...

wtf you talking about, I don't call them that the azeris do.
I assume you have no idea how modern identities works ?
I am assuming you never did biology?

You know he is right ! I'm an 'ethnic Kashmiri' myself with Kashmir having a rich language, history and culture of its own ! But I proudly associate myself with the province of Punjab, its language, people and culture and I with a lot of pride call myself, within Pakistan, a Punjabi ! So maybe it is a choice !
Yes its, because most of the modern identities are formed by absorbing others, uniting, assimilating, majority of the nations lesser or more mixed, genetics are not a deceive factor on that.
Previously, I wasn't that thrilled about the Zionists. I thought the Palestinians were getting a raw deal.

However, after seeing your list, I've become an enthusiastic supporter of Zionists! If they fall, China is next.

Oye...don't you worry I'll protect you ! :woot:
I am assuming you never did biology?

wtf you talking about, I don't call them that the azeris do.

That is a Persian word... Not Turkish word... And I really want to see you near an Azerbaijan Turk cursing Turks like that :D
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