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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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Only people claimed that Azerbaijan Turks are Iranic people and deny them their own history and heritege are Facist Pro-Persian historians that doesn't even pass 5 or 10 in number... There are more than 20 million Turks in Iran and they call themselves Azerbaijan Turks...

Insult them and deny them ther own language and heritege... See where it gets you...
Are you aware of that how many nations absorbed, formed new identities, united in the history ? please just go learn history first because your logic is stupid as hell, according to that we should ignore all the new nations and call them with the names of some people lived there few f.cuking thousand years ago.

wow man this level of stupidity is unbelievable!

The Irani people called azeris are Iranian, just because they speak turkish does not make them Turkish does it genius?
at best some azeris might have have mixed with you people but that still does not make the torkish does it?

wow man these people have no logic whatsoever.

Someone had posted a video of the elder Pahlavi (the last Shahs father I think) and the guy was conversing in fluent Turkish with Ataturk ! How did he know Turkish ? Was he a Turk himself ?

so what is if he did? I speak fluent English that does not make me English does it bro?
language is not someone's Identity.
Level of stupidity is passing the limit, Azeri/Azerbaijani is a new identity, these guys always called Turk and their language called Turkish, if they only spoke Turkish and called themselves Persian or something yes they wouldn't not be Turk, but they're not, they're "Turk" for hundreds of years, in the same logic just because someone else lived there thousands years ago you claim they're Iranian, even though in the identity, language, history, nothing is Iranian with them.
Only people claimed that Azerbaijan Turks are Iranic people and deny them their own history and heritege are Facist Pro-Persian historians that doesn't even pass 5 or 10 in number... There are more than 20 million Turks in Iran and they call themselves Azerbaijan Turks...

Insult them and deny them ther own language and heritege... See where it gets you...

You lier! have you been to Iran?
I never met a single azeri who says they are Turks, they are all proud Iranian, why would they even call themselves Turk lol
you people are trying to create history for yourselves by stealing other countries history, man you are so desperate.

maybe you can fool your zionists loving aliyez so he is turk but no Iranian will ever call himself Turk.

here check this out, this guy basically spat in your faces.
Iran's Hercules Hossein Rezazadeh eyes world weightlifting gold

and you say azeriz are Torks lol

Level of stupidity is passing the limit, Azeri/Azerbaijani is a new identity, these guys always called Turk and their language called Turkish, if they only spoke Turkish and called themselves Persian or something yes they wouldn't not be Turk, but they're not, they're "Turk" for hundreds of years, in the same logic just because someone else lived there thousands years ago you claim they're Iranian, even though in the identity, language, history, nothing is Iranian with them.

I been told to ignore fool and not reply to them by the mods but you are just a kid.
here read this again kiddo
There is something seriously wrong with you, HOW CAN THEY BE TURKS WHEN THEY EXISTED BEFORE YOU?

we have evidence of people inhabiting Azerbaijan since 10,000BCE where the hell was you toks back then?
Let the ignorance aside, are you not even aware of the historical facts ? check a history book and see how they're called from their appearence to today ! If as you claim they call themselves "ethnical" Iranians, the only reason of it can be the assimiliation policy of yours because they were always Turk in their whole history, spoke Turkish, called Turk by both themselves and foreigners.

Deaf guy still repeats the same sh.t, what happened in thousands of years ago have nothing with later historical events !
This is big finger to those who think azeris says they are Turks

Iran's Hercules Hossein Rezazadeh eyes world weightlifting gold
World's +105 kg defending champion, Hossein Rezazadeh, Tuesday said he is in Vancouver to win the gold of the 73rd World Weightlifting Championships, IRNA reported.

Rezazadeh, who arrived in the Canadian city Monday night told IRNA the world events prior to the Olympic Games have been always much more difficult than other events and the competitions in Vancouver will be surely tougher than the previous editions.

The 73rd world meet was inaugurated in Vancouver Friday night.


Former Bulgarian-born weightlifter of Turkey, Naim Suleymanoglu, said Hossein Rezazadeh of Iran is the best weightlifter of the world. Talking to IRNA, the advisor to the Turkish Weightlifting Federation president added Rezazadeh due to his age has the potential to keep being No. 1 in the world for years.

Suleymanoglu, who is also the vice-president of the International Weightlifting Federation termed Iran as one of the top teams participating in the 73rd edition.

Known as 'Pocket Hercules', Suleymanoglu invited the 'Strongest Man of the World' Rezazadeh on Nov 29, 2002 to change his nationality and become a member of Turkey's national side.

The three-times 64 kg world champion in 1984, 1985, and 1986 backing home from Warsaw -- the venue of the 72nd World Weightlifting Championships -- offered his proposal to the Iranian heavyweight gold medalist in Istanbul Airport, enticing him with a 10-million-dollar deal plus housing, luxury cars, and other welfare facilities for membership in Turkey's team.

Rezazadeh rejected the tempting offer saying, "I am an Iranian and love my country and people."

According to Suleymanoglu, the officials of Turkey's Weightlifting Federation have great desire for winning the world gold medal of +105 kg category in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

Rezazadeh grabbed three gold medals in the 2002 World Weightlifting Championships in Warsaw, capital of Poland, breaking the world record.

He lifted a total weight of 472.5 kg, and broke the world record by 0.5 kg by clearing 263 kg in clean and jerk, the first time ever for any weightlifter.

The 1.52-meter-high Turkish weightlifter Naim Suleimanov was born in Bulgaria. In 1986, he was given Turkish citizenship and a new name Naum Shalamanov. Later he was renamed Naim Suleymanoglu. Turkey paid Bulgaria one million dollars.

He became world record holder in Melbourne in 1986 but the Pocket Hercules failed in his attempt to win a fourth gold in the Sydney Games in 2000.
Iran's Hercules Hossein Rezazadeh eyes world weightlifting gold
Also, I checked his in Turkish news, he means citizen of Iran, not ethnical Iranian/Persian.
You lier! have you been to Iran?
I never met a single azeri who says they are Turks, they are all proud Iranian, why would they even call themselves Turk lol
you people are trying to create history for yourselves by stealing other countries history, man you are so desperate.

maybe you can fool your zionists loving aliyez so he is turk but no Iranian will ever call himself Turk.

here check this out, this guy basically spat in your faces.
Iran's Hercules Hossein Rezazadeh eyes world weightlifting gold

and you say azeriz are Torks lol

because of facist Turks in our country once upon a time Kurds were afraid to say they were Kurds or speak their language let alone teach their language to their children... I am thankful that times like that is past now and Kurdish can be thought at schools like Turkish, Greek, Armenian, English and French... They can sing their songs, and live their culture as they want...

But unfourtantly for Iran and Azerbaijan Turks this is far rom reality in facist Iran who opress its Turkish population and ban their language in schools... Even against these harsh treatment Azerbaijan Turks were peacefull people and searched for their rights in peacefull manners. They didn't kill anyone, they didn't threaten anyone with violance. They created commuties and tried to gain their own human rights by peace and talk... And I hope this will never change and their honorable and peaceull strugle will never vanish. They should be proud of themselves for being civil against such a barbarity from people who claimed the creators of civilazation.

They are proud Turks and their peacefull struggle against this facist behaviour is more honorable than any disgusting rant of Islamic Republic of Iran ever hope to be!
You lier! have you been to Iran?
I never met a single azeri who says they are Turks, they are all proud Iranian, why would they even call themselves Turk lol
you people are trying to create history for yourselves by stealing other countries history, man you are so desperate.

maybe you can fool your zionists loving aliyez so he is turk but no Iranian will ever call himself Turk.

here check this out, this guy basically spat in your faces.
Iran's Hercules Hossein Rezazadeh eyes world weightlifting gold

and you say azeriz are Torks lol

I been told to ignore fool and not reply to them by the mods but you are just a kid.
here read this again kiddo
There is something seriously wrong with you, HOW CAN THEY BE TURKS WHEN THEY EXISTED BEFORE YOU?

we have evidence of people inhabiting Azerbaijan since 10,000BCE where the hell was you toks back then?

Azeri is a branch of Turkic language. What is the problem of belonging to a Turkic race and having an Iranian nationality? I am an Iranian Turk and I am proud of my country.
Also, I checked his in Turkish news, he means citizen of Iran, not ethnical Iranian/Persian.

No you just gone even lower than you usually are.
man why you tork lie so much?
what he said:

"I am an Iranian and love my country and people."

I feel so sorry for you though, I really do.
I wish you could steal history without getting caught red handed.

Azeri is a branch of Turkic language. What is the problem of belonging to a Turkic race and having an Iranian nationality? I am an Iranian Turk and I am proud of my country.

Nothing wrong with speaking Tokish, but you are Iranian not Turkish.
Look to upper post lol.

If Iranian means only ethnical Iranian, then what is the word for citizen of Iran ? in the Turkish news, its "İranlıyım"(Iranian citizen)

Edit: How beautiful, now you're denying his identity ?
No you just gone even lower than you usually are.
man why you tork lie so much?
what he said:

"I am an Iranian and love my country and people."

I feel so sorry for you though, I really do.
I wish you could steal history without getting caught red handed.

Nothing wrong with speaking Tokish, but you are Iranian not Turkish.

What a mentally challenged person you are...
you steal some history kiddo, and I am not the one saying azeris are torks because they speak Turkish :rofl::rofl:

.... Actually Azerbaijan Turks were the main branch of Turkish tribes that migrated to Middle East... Turkish tribes in Anatolia was a branch of them. But what should I expect from a person who is a member of a nation who lost against few Greeks while they had more than hundreads of thousands of soldiers. You know we ruled over those Greeks who defeated you in every aspect of life for 500 years like we ruled you for thousand years :D
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