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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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Why dear Surenas?

Geo-political reasons. Armenia is a good ally against pan-Turkism and Russians monopoly on gas export.

Oh, and I didn't read the whole topic, but I want to say something about Azeri's:

Genetically Azeri's in Iran are closer to the Iranians than to the Turks, according to all genetic researches. And even people in Azerbaijan (country) are culturally closer to the Iranians. I watched the Eurovision Songfestival a few weeks ago and the way the Azeri's presented their country was just laughable and quite pathetic. Almost all Azeri cultural values are stolen from Iranian culture: they showed Nowruz, Zurkhane and Nizami as if they were of Azerbaijani origin. It's just like the Iranian deputy minister of culture said:

Azerbaijan robs Iranian cultural values

The Republic of Azerbaijan steals the cultural values of Iran, Iranian official IRNA news agency quotes Deputy Minister of Culture Bahman Dari as saying in an interview.

Azerbaijan dedicated renowned Iranian poet Nizami Gyanjiev’s statue to Rome, hence Iranian deputy Culture Minister said it’s not nice to gift others’ cultural values. “Azerbaijan, having not a single cultural value, forcibly annexes those of other states. It can be describes as cultural robbery,” the Iranian official said.

Bahman Dari vowed robbery against Iranian cultural heritage will not be left unpunished.

Azeri's are only linguistic Turkic, but historically and culturally they are closer to Iranians. They are Shia, celebrate many Iranian festivals and have a lot of Iranian cultural elements.

And besides that, maybe we should 'liberate' our fellow Iranians in Azerbaijan. Many Iranians are living in Azerbaijan:

Genetics have nothing with ethnical identity, god when you guys will learn that ? Azeris are historically Turks.

Why is it concerns you after all ? its their identity.
Armenia right now has the better military the azeris back then had Chechen and afghan support including mercs and still lost, another war with Armenia Azerbaijan is going to lose even more land because Armenia is in the CSTO not to mention Iran support as well in all scenarios Azerbaijan will be the loser.

Please change your name right now cause there is nothing neutral about you. You must be really delusional to think that Armenian army is stronger then Azerbadyands, They barrely have a airforce. In every area is the Azeri army superior to Armenian.
Genetics have nothing with ethnical identity, god when you guys will learn that ? Azeris are historically Turks.

Why is it concerns you after all ? its their identity.

Azeri's in Azerbaijan yes, Azeri's in Iran not. They are linguistically Turkificated. They are originally Iranians who adopt Turkic as language. Culturally they are Iranian, not Turkish.
Azeri's are a mix between caucasian and iranians. But that doesnt say anything about there identity. Currently Azerbadyan is closer to Turkey then iran and they feel more Turkich then Iranian/Caucasian.
They're Turks, historically Turks, Turks with identity, rest are empty words.

As I said, its their problem not yours.
Azeri's are a mix between caucasian and iranians. But that doesnt say anything about there identity. Currently Azerbadyan is closer to Turkey then Armenia and they feel more Turkich then Iranian/Caucasian.

Yes, identity is quite dynamic and it change all the time. But if you look historically in the Middle-East, Iranian culture always dominated Turkish culture. Most Turks who conquered lands of Iran and settled there, quickly adopted Iranian culture and praised it. Iranians influenced Turkish culture more than Turks influenced Iranian culture.
Dear friend, The one who helps us against so called "Russians monopoly on gas export" is Turkey, not Armenia. Armenia has no diplomacy with her neighbors except Iran. I mean we have a dead-end gas pipeline in Armenia, just for Armenia.

I never subscribe to that kind of solution of Pan-Turkish (ie. "ally"). Most of Turks in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran never support racism because they are Muslim (please do not assess them when they are replying out of control to a pan-persian). By supporting the enemies of those nations one just pushes the majority of people more to that kind of racist attitudes.

I am not with that Genetic discussion. The fact is I am from a Turkic race and I am proud of being an Iranian. I never think those kind of lies could solve problems in 21st century. Iran is not the only country on earth with multicultural races. For example: Switzerland


And finally about that IRNA thing. It is a wrong idea in my opinion. Azerbaijan is not the only nation share the history with us. For example Afghanistan. They talk a branch of Persian language. I see most of them being proud of Ferdowsi. That not means they try to steal Ferdowsi from Iran.

I never support racism but those kind of actions never help Iran to overcome the problems if any exist in reality.
Yes because Turks were nomadic, when they started to settle they influenced from the already established settled cultures, its have nothing with identity, cultural influence is a natural process.

Novruz are celebrated by all Turkic nations, even by Tatars, it is more of a Turkic tradition than Iranian. It is celebrated as start of spring.

Nizami Ganjavi (from city of Ganja in western Azerbaijan) was Iranian? Since when? He was born, lived, worked and died under state of Atabegs of Azerbaijan.

Just because he wrote in Persian does not make him one, he also wrote in Arabic. During Seljuq period this was a common thing.

We do also know that Nizami Ganjavi married a Kypchak women, but we don't really have any information regarding his own ethnic background, however writing Turkic poems was not popular during that time, so it does not say anything about him.

In his poems, he actually has references to Turks, which can actually mean that he was a Turk himself.
I am not with that Genetic discussion. The fact is I am from a Turkic race and I am proud of being an Iranian. I never think those kind of lies could solve problems in 21st century.

You're not from Turkish race, but from foolish race. Why don't you understand that Azeri's in Iran are Turkificated Iranians? They only speak a Turkic language.

And finally about that IRNA thing. It is a wrong idea in my opinion. Azerbaijan is not the only nation share the history with us. For example Afghanistan. They talk a branch of Persian language. I see most of them being proud of Ferdowsi. That not means they try to steal Ferdowsi from Iran.

No, many Afghans see themselves as Persian and acknowledge to be part of Iranian history and culture. In despite to Pan-Turks who claim many Iranian historical figures like Mevlana, Nizami or Khwarezmi to be Turks. Laughable and quite pathetic.
Azeris don't want to associate themselves with Iran, so what is the Iranian's deal?
Azeri's are a mix between caucasian and iranians. But that doesnt say anything about there identity. Currently Azerbadyan is closer to Turkey then iran and they feel more Turkich then Iranian/Caucasian.

Only someone with no clue about history would say such a thing.

We are Oghuz Turks. Mix between Caucasian and Iranians? You think we have any relation with Georgians, Kurds, Dagestanis etc...culturally, ethnically or anything?

So please...
I guess we find the twin of PERSIAN GOD KING.

Put the everything aside, why exactly that guy's ethnic identity concerns you ?
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