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Arguments of choosing JF-17 Thunder over JAS-39 Gripen

Just because JF 17 is chinese made shouldn't mean its not a potent fighter ... And Gripen just because it uses American and Swedish tech shouldn't become 'a good fighter' .
JF 17 is not only 'a fighter' now it has become 'a symbol of national pride' , for the first time in our small history we have realised that we can make aircrafts .
This is only the beginning , While the west is being crumbled under all types of financial crunches and many are canceling their 'defence projects' this might be the time for us along with our partners to show the world our potential.

Sir, as a thread started, it becomes your responsibility to take charge and put forward your analysis---

Secondly---to all posters---don't get mad at me and my comments---because you read something and just jump on it without thinking---with your pet answers---.

Now to the subject matter----comparing the Grippen to thunder---is like comparing the difference between day and night. The grippen was in 2002 where the thunder is going to be in 2013-----did you guys see what I am saying---what has been then and what is going to be.

When you talk about procuring defence equipment---you look at how seasoned the equipment is, how superior in quality the product is, what is the reliability factor of the machinery is, what kind of abuse it can take in combat and over the years of peace---how user friendly the maintenance and equipment transfer is, how easily it can be serviced.

The most important factor is that of parity---how close does it bring you to the enemy's best weapons system. That is the most important question of any equation. It is all about the enemy and you.

Because you don't live in ETHER---you are buying a weapons system for a reason---the reson being that your enemy has outdone you and you feel hopelessly outclassed---so you desperately need to make amends.

Now remember----this is open house---no strings attached---.

The grippen was available in 2002--03---the jf 17 in a similiar compliment not till 2013---.

If pak had forced delivery starting by 2005----we would have been 8 years ahead of where we are today.

To you young people I want to ask---does time ever mean anything to you at all---does the loss of time has any strategic meaning of loss to you. Is there any comprehension of 8 years time loss.

Do you people know that----Napoleon lost his major battle, BECAUSE HIS FLANK WAS LATE BY ONE MINUTE IN MOVING INTO ACTION---.

If you read the posters post again--he clearly mentions about the grippen then and jf now.

Next thing is---specs are meaningless in a manner----just because the specs of a HYUNDAI SONATA are the same as a HONDA ACCORD, does it put it at the same level of quality in material and workmanship, service and reliability of operation, safety---absolutely not.

Some of you are engineering students---put your thinking caps on---think and act like and engineer.

Just because two different nations are manufacturing a similar equipment---does not mean that the quality is the same.

Id hate to bust your argument here but being an engineering student I wholly disagree with you. If the issue was with nations and similar equipment then if I may if you an example in communications. Huawei is a Chinese supplier of equipment and right now makes stuff better than Siemens.To take your example the current Hyundai Sonata is better built than the Accord.. and that's the UK model.
Your logic here is flawed, just because the Chinese were initially into churning out cheap equipment doesn't mean they don't understand the global trend and are not averse to adapting to it.

I also don't understand your disdain for the Thunder?
Have you seen the jet, the quality of workmanship? To judge it?
If you have the opportunity please see if you can get into a tour of Kamra and you will see the jet firsthand( and get a dreadful one hour at the PAFWA establishment). The QC is comparable to ANYTHING at Saab,Lockheed or Boeing. No expense is being spared to ensure a top notch product.
If the Gripen is anywhere ahead of the Thunder its in Avionics and specifically its PS-05 radar. But that does not disqualify the Thunder as a viable competitor to the Gripen once this issue is sorted out.
Although they do not let unauthorized personnel( Even from the airforce) see the Thunder's cockpit. But everyone who has seen it has nothing but praises for it.
We have lost a lot of time, precious time. But to lose more in case the mat of approval from any of these manufacturers is pulled out from underneath us will leave us back at square one, another 5 years behind. There is no way for us to gain even a hint of conventional parity with India, We are obligated by our funds for the "minimum deterrence" policy, not by choice. The Thunder is the ONLY option we have to maintain an essence of that policy no matter what happens. And id allay your doubts and fears about the jet if I were you( not healthy for the heart ;)).
Our whole war plan depends on us holding off long enough for powers that be to intervene, and if that does not happen we have complete intentions to cross the nuclear threshold. And the Indians can buy F-22's for all we care and that will have no effect on the outcome once that line is crossed.
We don't want to match the MKI, with our PR and funds we CANNOT hope to match it..call it bad choices by our beloved ex dictator, or by the current setup..we don't hold the better cards at this table against India in foreign relations, lobbying and finance.But you do need a something to hold off Achilles while you find a way out. And Troy will burn in case you don't, but a lot of greeks will have to die to see it happen. That is the horrifying reality we face.
Just because JF 17 is chinese made shouldn't mean its not a potent fighter ... And Gripen just because it uses American and Swedish tech shouldn't become 'a good fighter' .
JF 17 is not only 'a fighter' now it has become 'a symbol of national pride' , for the first time in our small history we have realised that we can make aircrafts .
This is only the beginning , While the west is being crumbled under all types of financial crunches and many are canceling their 'defence projects' this might be the time for us along with our partners to show the world our potential.


Pride is a killer---pride always gets you down.

Pride is a killer---pride always gets you down.

So is a defeatist attitude mon ami, and at least pride allows you to put up some sort of a fight. A humble attitude is the best approach and that is the call of the hour.(don't expect that from a PAF officer though who is a pilot...most are arrogant when it comes to their flying repute :D)
There is every reason for anyone to be proud of the Thunder and what it does. Take my word if it means a little, IT isn't all that outdated or bad.

Pride is a killer---pride always gets you down.

but mustan....i think you would agree that Grippen gains an edge not due to the fact that it's technologically much superior but also that swedes have a significant experience in building bird....Grippen is not the maiden product out of Sweden. They started their journey long ago with Viggens and then developed Draken before pulling out a beauty like Grippen yet it is interesting that they are Not self reliantwhich Pakistan will become Inshallah With JF-17
lets compare gripen and jf-17 bblock II

Ws-13 over 100Kn thrust and TVC means more powerfull then gripen engine

using of composite materials in jf-17 will reduce its weight and payload will increase alteast to 6ton including the 100Kn engine thrust

AESA radar both so same

Indegenous pakistani avionics same for gripen.

jf-17 cost between 15-20mn and gripen 40-60Mn.
by jf-17 we will get experiance and sweden wil never give us gripen with TOT..

Jf-17 is millions times better then gripen for paksitan
JF17 is always good option for IAF.
You already have F16 50 versions with some mirages as well.
Now what you need is a low cost fighter which you can mass produce and also help you gain experience...


Pride is a killer---pride always gets you down.

Mr Khan - Pakistan is right in using JF 17 than Gripen. You are buying F16s which is similar to Gripen C/D version. I am unerstanding your logic to support original over fake (no offence to anyone), However you need to understand that when ever you buy an AC you have to give it a role.
F-16 for air superiority, MIrages are there for deep penetration strike fight.
You need to have a low cost point defense, interceptor which will have a multirole ability.

Now buying gripen, you will add more air superiority fighter (with NG being the multirole, not the earlier versions).

Please note that AC fight in formations, what you need there is one fighter augments other, and the low cost fighters are actually the large stock fighters in most countries.

Once you achive air superiority, you need a cost effective version to generate more sorties to keep bombing until you are finished. You need a fighter which can be mass produced at that time.

So JF 17 is the best for you.
lets compare gripen and jf-17 bblock II

Ws-13 over 100Kn thrust and TVC means more powerfull then gripen engine

using of composite materials in jf-17 will reduce its weight and payload will increase alteast to 6ton including the 100Kn engine thrust

AESA radar both so same

Indegenous pakistani avionics same for gripen.

jf-17 cost between 15-20mn and gripen 40-60Mn.
by jf-17 we will get experiance and sweden wil never give us gripen with TOT..

Jf-17 is millions times better then gripen for paksitan
Janab when goodies will be added to JF, it will not remain in the same price tag as the western goodies are costlier than Chinese or local ones
Id hate to bust your argument here but being an engineering student I wholly disagree with you. If the issue was with nations and similar equipment then if I may if you an example in communications. Huawei is a Chinese supplier of equipment and right now makes stuff better than Siemens.To take your example the current Hyundai Sonata is better built than the Accord.. and that's the UK model.
Your logic here is flawed, just because the Chinese were initially into churning out cheap equipment doesn't mean they don't understand the global trend and are not averse to adapting to it.

I also don't understand your disdain for the Thunder?
Have you seen the jet, the quality of workmanship? To judge it?
If you have the opportunity please see if you can get into a tour of Kamra and you will see the jet firsthand( and get a dreadful one hour at the PAFWA establishment). The QC is comparable to ANYTHING at Saab,Lockheed or Boeing. No expense is being spared to ensure a top notch product.
If the Gripen is anywhere ahead of the Thunder its in Avionics and specifically its PS-05 radar. But that does not disqualify the Thunder as a viable competitor to the Gripen once this issue is sorted out.
Although they do not let unauthorized personnel( Even from the airforce) see the Thunder's cockpit. But everyone who has seen it has nothing but praises for it.
We have lost a lot of time, precious time. But to lose more in case the mat of approval from any of these manufacturers is pulled out from underneath us will leave us back at square one, another 5 years behind. There is no way for us to gain even a hint of conventional parity with India, We are obligated by our funds for the "minimum deterrence" policy, not by choice. The Thunder is the ONLY option we have to maintain an essence of that policy no matter what happens. And id allay your doubts and fears about the jet if I were you( not healthy for the heart ;)).
Our whole war plan depends on us holding off long enough for powers that be to intervene, and if that does not happen we have complete intentions to cross the nuclear threshold. And the Indians can buy F-22's for all we care and that will have no effect on the outcome once that line is crossed.
We don't want to match the MKI, with our PR and funds we CANNOT hope to match it..call it bad choices by our beloved ex dictator, or by the current setup..we don't hold the better cards at this table against India in foreign relations, lobbying and finance.But you do need a something to hold off Achilles while you find a way out. And Troy will burn in case you don't, but a lot of greeks will have to die to see it happen. That is the horrifying reality we face.


It is a bad bad terminology---" you hate to bust the argument"----you need to learn not to bust the argument but put in your professional input and thoughts---

I am an AUTOMOTIVE ENGR MAJOR----you know how many schools are in this world offering BS engr in auto engr----4 in U S---1 in britain possibly---1 in japan---1 in germany---1 in france---possibly no more than 15 schools overall that offer a bachelors degree in my field----not and associate or mechanic course---a bachelor of engr degree. I am associated with retail sales for 20 plus years with many a major brands of automobiles.

So maybe just because of my background I may know a tad more than the average joe.

Even cars like the mercedes benz and BMW cannot compete with the quality that honda produces day in and day out----the only mid to low price automobile int he world that has tolerances as close to or are as good or better than those in mercedes and bmw line cars. All the engines in the indy car races are provided by honda----honda is the industry standard of quality. Thankyou.

Siemens is standard of the industry in the electrical side----there is no chinese product that can come close to it---unless that product is a licensed copy of the original product. Chinese don't have the industrial base, tecxhnology and research to beat siemens at their game.

Pakistan railways is a good example---the diesel engines they bought from china---at 1/4 th the cost---my pakistani colleagues were bragging about the ingenuity of the locomotves and chinese engineering----guess what----they have run out of their lives within ten years---within the warranty time period and are junked---and pakistan has not enopugh engines to put on express trains----there are times that one locomoive is used to pull two trains at one time frm karachi to 1/3 mark of its destination.

Chinese nuclear reactors---don't produce the same amount of energy as the american or the europeans---. It is not a beat down session on china---.

Looking back the 4 time more costly general electric diesel looks more attractive now----some of them are even running still after 40 years of service. Some of them had many a million miles----some older members can remember the yellow diesel locomotives---had a million miles stamp on the front in the early mid 70's and they still ran---the last I saw a GMU 30 running in 2007---this engine came into service in 1972.

Coming back to the discussion-----

You people need to understand the importance of time---ASIM AQUIL used to have the signature ''CARPE DIEM" which he changed----I didnot know what it was till my compnay had t-shirts printed---then I looked into it---it came out to be 'SIEZE THE MOMENT'.

For you people when you talk----seemingly time is of no importance----because you are young----for me it is a different story---I am past midway of my life---every minute of life is cherishable to me---I can't sleep early because I am losing one day of life when I wake up----but you won't understand this till you get to the bridge.

You see---it is the same issue----if the grippen was inducted in 2005---we would have been onto bigger and better things in life for now---our air defence needs would have been different than what they are now---our threshold level of taking on the enemy would have been at a different pleateau than it is now---the problem being in a catchup game is that you never catchup---there are always issues that creep up---there is always somebody there to pull our leg down. The balance of power may have changed---mumbai massacre took place---red mosque happened---there are things in life beyond our control that happen when we lose control of the time.

If the grippe would have been inducted by 2005---paf would have others things to worry about---it wouldhave been after bigger and better things---. So, now after 6 years in the year 2010---we still are behind where we were supposed to be in 2005---.

You people's example is just like---if your child was drowning in the running waters and every effort that you made took you away from that child---and by the time you got ready to rescue the child---the child had disappeared---so you started working on making a new child.

Bottomline---ghrippen a proven system ready uin 2005 at a 110 % ready---jf 17 2013---still unpredictable and in its growing status.

The jf 17 will bring something to the table in th enext 3---4 years time---but to date----there is nothing substantial.

Paf has just created a fake hysteria amongst the public----this plane needs to go through the cycle of complete integration---and then needs to be field tyested for years to stake its claim.

Israel was also in a similiar situation----they were intelligent to swallow their pride and dump the lavi and go back to the old reliable.

First of all---I am very disappopinted at the quality of assessment by most of the posters. It is shamefully incompetent and full of inadequacies.

Dear mastan Khan
Brother thank you for responding to my post. I am sorry that we as a forum have disappointed you and have not produced any convincing piece of scripture which could have made you happy.Again, it depends whether you want to be convinced or not!! In my view nothing will convince you as you are not listening to what we are trying to tell you.

If this was your PHD thesis---you people would have failed miserably.

The examiner is not talking about any sanctions---the word sanction does not exist---. It is a simple stupid question---so intsead of keeping the answer simple and stupid---all un-neccessary scenarios are being brought out.

Again i was not aware that we were being examined.There are some examiners who make life difficult for the candidates and it is perhaps better to give them a wide berth:lol::D. However, jokes aside, I have read each and everyone of your posts with great care. I commend you for having presented an argument against the vein of feelings in the forum.I consider it a bold step as you appear to be a lone voice with few followers, yet you bravely soldier on.However Professor!! may I most humbly remind you that PHD thesis do not necessarily conform to the opinions of the reader, but try and give a new twist to the situation in hand contrary to established beliefs. It is your argument that wins you a pass or fail, not the conformity of your thesis.

First of all Araz---if you read all my posts---I always talk about the time between 2002 and 2005---the reason being---pakistani coffers were full---we had money---Musharraf was openly talkiong about it----that time period is what I always emphasize upon the readers conveniently forget.
It was the kashmir earth quake that broke the back of pakistani finance

Mastan I read all your posts carefully. I will grant you that you refer to the peiod 2002-05, however you miss the fact that the thunder project was delayed for well over three yrs for financial reasons. the reasons for it becomes irrelevant. I will not delve into the reasons for it, for some of the reasons remain unknown, however the fact remains that the project was delayed and I think it was an unwise decision in view of the information at hand

Before that paf was running around everywhere seeking aircraft of their choice----that is when they had placed the order of I believe 72 F 16's---the earthqauke took all the money away---pakistan's bad performance in the war against terror turned away many a sellers---pak with its limited resources was left with the JF 17 only---that is what happened---they re-invested in that program and salvaged what they could.

I beg to differ , PAF only had 2 options open to it, F16s and M2Ks. What you are conveniently forgetting is that world over USA never or hardly ever loses a race when it comes to fighter jets. Their deals inspite of their restrictions are still too juicy for most countries to resist. You can see why Rafale has no buyers and why EF Typhoons has made so few sales inspite of clearly being a better plane. Pakistans misfortune is also the spectre of aid and the prospect of MLU of their current fleet of f16s, which would give them a bigger bang for the buck than anything else. Also mano e mano F16 vs gripen is a no brainer. You are also forgetting that gripen may have come but where would the armaments including BVR have come from? What price would the french have extracted for their BVRs and how good were they in that period. Plus would the US have allowed us to buy from Sweden when we could have had F16s. Be pragmatic and see the light of the day man___ we did not have a choice. Another factor that you forget is that it was not the earhtquake but Musharraf's visit to china and the demo of the J10 which was also a big game changer for PAF.

In defence procurement---when you are facing an enemy the size of india---you always look out for equipment which is superior in nature, of a known manufacture, which has a proven service record of reliability and quality.

Wrong!! Mr examiner, it would have resulted in Pakistan being bankrupt and still india would have gone for other even better planes. Our strategy since the seventies and perhaps even earlier has been one of deterrance and buying just enough to maintain status Quo. From that point of view Bl52s are a fairly good buy along with serious updates of the old Bl15s.

In this case---the examiner is not asking for any SOB stories from pakistanis---.
Pakistanis went after the grippen knowing it was an interceptor---because that is what was they needed---they wanted a tool to neutralize indian superiority somehow or the other.
Americans wanted to control us---why would they let the swedes sell us an fighter that can control the skies----the awacs is a different thing---even though it is a force multiplier---but it is the fighetr interceptor that rules the skies.

They wanted to control us so much that they gave us a better plane!!! Control me any day BABY!!!:woot::smokin::hang2:

Even though the ACM in the posted video is talking about ---oh the grippen was not a multirole aircraft---I want to ask him then what were you doing over there in the first place---you were evaluating that plane for close to two years---what was the purpose of that in wasting the money of the national exchequer looking at something that the aircraft didnbot seek.
I am positive that the ACM is giving wrong statement to cover his behind----I firmly believe that the americans wanted us back in seat in the blk 52---with all the goodies---and carrot and stick---keep us using their equipment---they can keep an eye on us and control our movement.
The bottomline---any aircraft of western origin in 2002 till 2005 was better than the jf 17 of 2013.

Simple PAF always had a backup plan and always wanted F16s .When the door opened they backed out. I would also debate the very fact that the Gripen was actually available. Publically musharraf was denied the plane. I do not profess to know the inside talk, so wont comment on that.

Next Araz----when you go to war---that is not the time to go find a hook up for the BVR---the question is which BVR system---you have to have an operational bvr system is place---.
When you go do brain surgery---that is not the day to learn about brain surgery---it is the ten years preceding that surgery when you learn what you are going to do.
F86---it is your oppurtunity to learn---when you compare equipment---one has moving parts and the other has non moving parts---there is no technical comparison.
It is a silly comparison to compare fake chinese phones with mechanical equipment of known brand name.
Let me ask you---if your little brother was on his death bed with a sickness---what medication would your dad want to chose for him----the fake chinese name sake---or the real american---swedish---swiss---or japanese medication.
If your dad didnot pick up the fake chinese----then why do we pick up second grade stuff for our mother---why do we treat our child different than our motherland.
When you pickup a weapons system that has to go up against an enemy which can put two to three times thenumbers----then you ought to have an item that can last twice as long as the enemys---you oughty ot have a plane that has a very very short turn around time----an engine that works thousands of hours----a system that can be updated and upgraded on the run---a plane that can give out 110% every single time it goes out.

Will not contst this for the moment. However, I will remind you that most of the hi-tec equipment that you see in the market these days with fancy names has "made in China" written on it. Mastan you are commiting a grave error in not recognizing the chinese effort, hard work and progress.

Lastly---even today---the jf 17 is still not independantly operational aircraft---it will be put into service while still being tested---it is still learing the job it has to grow into---it is year ---it will be another 2---3 years when this frame with its current equipment will start to prove or disprove its capabilities.

It takes yrs to master a plane and devise its strategies as you yourself said. F22 is still not operational, but push comes to shove, will USAF withold its use!!!!There is lots going on that is not apparent to us.


Whats so wrong with it.My Mum always says I am pretty, and believe me I am not:victory::lol::D!!!!!
Kindest regards
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It is a bad bad terminology---" you hate to bust the argument"----you need to learn not to bust the argument but put in your professional input and thoughts---

I am an AUTOMOTIVE ENGR MAJOR----you know how many schools are in this world offering BS engr in auto engr----4 in U S---1 in britain possibly---1 in japan---1 in germany---1 in france---possibly no more than 15 schools overall that offer a bachelors degree in my field----not and associate or mechanic course---a bachelor of engr degree. I am associated with retail sales for 20 plus years with many a major brands of automobiles.

So maybe just because of my background I may know a tad more than the average joe.

Even cars like the mercedes benz and BMW cannot compete with the quality that honda produces day in and day out----the only mid to low price automobile int he world that has tolerances as close to or are as good or better than those in mercedes and bmw line cars. All the engines in the indy car races are provided by honda----honda is the industry standard of quality. Thankyou.

Siemens is standard of the industry in the electrical side----there is no chinese product that can come close to it---unless that product is a licensed copy of the original product. Chinese don't have the industrial base, tecxhnology and research to beat siemens at their game.

Pakistan railways is a good example---the diesel engines they bought from china---at 1/4 th the cost---my pakistani colleagues were bragging about the ingenuity of the locomotves and chinese engineering----guess what----they have run out of their lives within ten years---within the warranty time period and are junked---and pakistan has not enopugh engines to put on express trains----there are times that one locomoive is used to pull two trains at one time frm karachi to 1/3 mark of its destination.

Chinese nuclear reactors---don't produce the same amount of energy as the american or the europeans---. It is not a beat down session on china---.

Looking back the 4 time more costly general electric diesel looks more attractive now----some of them are even running still after 40 years of service. Some of them had many a million miles----some older members can remember the yellow diesel locomotives---had a million miles stamp on the front in the early mid 70's and they still ran---the last I saw a GMU 30 running in 2007---this engine came into service in 1972.

Coming back to the discussion-----

You people need to understand the importance of time---ASIM AQUIL used to have the signature ''CARPE DIEM" which he changed----I didnot know what it was till my compnay had t-shirts printed---then I looked into it---it came out to be 'SIEZE THE MOMENT'.

For you people when you talk----seemingly time is of no importance----because you are young----for me it is a different story---I am past midway of my life---every minute of life is cherishable to me---I can't sleep early because I am losing one day of life when I wake up----but you won't understand this till you get to the bridge.

You see---it is the same issue----if the grippen was inducted in 2005---we would have been onto bigger and better things in life for now---our air defence needs would have been different than what they are now---our threshold level of taking on the enemy would have been at a different pleateau than it is now---the problem being in a catchup game is that you never catchup---there are always issues that creep up---there is always somebody there to pull our leg down. The balance of power may have changed---mumbai massacre took place---red mosque happened---there are things in life beyond our control that happen when we lose control of the time.

If the grippe would have been inducted by 2005---paf would have others things to worry about---it wouldhave been after bigger and better things---. So, now after 6 years in the year 2010---we still are behind where we were supposed to be in 2005---.

You people's example is just like---if your child was drowning in the running waters and every effort that you made took you away from that child---and by the time you got ready to rescue the child---the child had disappeared---so you started working on making a new child.

Bottomline---ghrippen a proven system ready uin 2005 at a 110 % ready---jf 17 2013---still unpredictable and in its growing status.

The jf 17 will bring something to the table in th enext 3---4 years time---but to date----there is nothing substantial.

Paf has just created a fake hysteria amongst the public----this plane needs to go through the cycle of complete integration---and then needs to be field tyested for years to stake its claim.

Israel was also in a similiar situation----they were intelligent to swallow their pride and dump the lavi and go back to the old reliable.
well mustan I just received a research report highlighting that German (i call it Yerman:smitten:) companies are reducing their R&D in international operations....a strange but eye opener......on the other hand Chinese are dead serious about their business
here'z the links
SSRN-China's R&D Policy for the 21st Century: Government Direction of Innovation by Katherine Linton
well mustan I just received a research report highlighting that German (i call it Yerman:smitten:) companies are reducing their R&D in international operations....a strange but eye opener......on the other hand Chinese are dead serious about their business
here'z the links
SSRN-China's R&D Policy for the 21st Century: Government Direction of Innovation by Katherine Linton


I don't doubt what you are saying---but show me a diesel locomotive which has a comparative life of an american---show me an electric trubine that produces as much electricity as an american or siemen turbine---show me a chinese reactor that has the same size and out put as an american french or british.

Even though they have all the stuff made in china printed on it---not because it is genuine chinese---it is beacuse it is produced in china on foreign equipment---from a foreign design and material base and based on foreign standards.

Chinese will get there one day---but today it doesnot have the ability to make a true bubble canopy like that of the F 16. The american bubble canopy is a work of art and skill that many have not mastered.
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