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Are Hindus dangerous?

Not only pakistan UK,USA etc is also calling him as a extremist and terrorist.
Actually no country, including Pakistan is calling him a terrorist. There are people in some countries, mostly some morons in Pakistan and some bleeding heart pseudo seculars in the west who are calling him a fundamentalist (butthurt Pakistani members on this forum are not counted anywhere)

USA even denied his visa in the past but apparently most indians are going to vote for him.This shows how extremist,narrow minded ,fundamentalist and intolerant an average indian is.
Not really.. It shows unlike Pakistan who bends over every time USA or China asks it to, Indians will decide their leaders basis their own will and not based on what morons outside our borders want us to.

There is no way we pakistanis will vote for hafiz saeed or some other scum but in india people really vote for terrorists.

All of you revere your Quaid Jinnah so much. He is considered the oldest terrorism supporter of the subcontinent by a lot of Indians. But all of you would vote for him even if that was the last thing you do. So Pakistanis do vote for terrorists it means. Land of Pure.. Eh ?
Not only pakistan UK,USA etc is also calling him as a extremist and terrorist.USA even denied his visa in the past but apparently most indians are going to vote for him.This shows how extremist,narrow minded ,fundamentalist and intolerant an average indian is.
There is no way we pakistanis will vote for hafiz saeed or some other scum but in india people really vote for terrorists.

But you do fund him and his charities which we all know is just a front for his nefarious activities. And then you allow him to preach jihad on India openly.

We are going for Modi this time because of his track record for the past 12 years- how he transformed Gujarat into a industrial powerhouse. Modi unlike his predecessor Vajpayee for sure will not hold out an olive branch to Pakistan and that is given.
Not only pakistan UK,USA etc is also calling him as a extremist and terrorist.USA even denied his visa in the past but apparently most indians are going to vote for him.This shows how extremist,narrow minded ,fundamentalist and intolerant an average indian is.
There is no way we pakistanis will vote for hafiz saeed or some other scum but in india people really vote for terrorists.

Are you going to take US actions as a touchstone for your own justifications?Going by that logic, a lot of other things can be justified which you may not like.
If majority of the Indians vote for Modi, then it simply means that majority of the Indians simply dont give a damn about what some lawmaker in US thinks about Modi and they take their own decisions.Can you say the same about you?
hindus are as dangerous than the rest. The article is just a rant.
The problem is most people here read tabloid than proper newspaper, so they always have weird perceptions.
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