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Are Hindus dangerous?

Not only pakistan UK,USA etc is also calling him as a extremist and terrorist.USA even denied his visa in the past but apparently most indians are going to vote for him.This shows how extremist,narrow minded ,fundamentalist and intolerant an average indian is.
There is no way we pakistanis will vote for hafiz saeed or some other scum but in india people really vote for terrorists.

Dear Sir,

Who the f**k is giving a damn to the USA and UK who are the biggest terrorist breeders in the world. And its India and we will decide our future not any other country or its men
Excerpts from the blog above:
the basic philosophy of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, as it was originally called is in a nutshell: this visible universe, including our persons, is divine. Everything is permeated by the same divine essence which is called by many names. Hindus do not, unlike Christians and Muslims, divide humanity into those who are chosen by God and those who are eternally damned. Hindus are those rare human beings whose dharma requires them to regard all as brothers and sisters. Their dharma requires them further to respect nature and not to harm unnecessarily any living being. Hindu children are not taught to look down on those who are not Hindus, unlike children of the dogmatic religions who are taught that their God does not love those others unless they officially join their ‘true’ religions. Hindus are also comparatively kinder to animals.

So, we don't have Fundamentalists in Hinduism, but Adharmis who profess to be following Dharma.
you got a problem with that bro?

.....with wanna be arabs commenting on other religions nuts ? ...... you bet :lol:

We have those kinda people on our side too bro,those who can't think a damn thing without bringing religion into it.

Yup........ the kind who vote for Indian Union Muslim League (IUML). Know anyone like that ? :cheesy:
So, we don't have Fundamentalists in Hinduism, but Adharmis who profess to be following Dharma.

Do not know any such people. The adharmis in India are proud adharmis, they do not claim to follow dharma. The fundamentalist Hindu is essentially dharmic. I do not think any Hindutvavadi brings up his child with hatred for other human being. Yes they may educate their children about the differences and shortcomings of various religions if they are aware of, but I do not think they ask their children to look down on someone as an inferior human being.
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.....with wanna be arabs commenting on other religions nuts ? ...... you bet :lol:

The baby in the avatar is not the person commenting. The person you are responding to need not be a wannabe Arab just because of his avatar, just like you are neither Modi nor superman despite your avatar.
The baby in the avatar is not the person commenting. The person you are responding to need not be a wannabe Arab just because of his avatar, just like you are neither Modi nor superman despite your avatar.

I am sure that person is perfectly capable of defending himself. So what is really your angle ? :azn: .... it tells us something. No ?

That avatar is what the person chose to represent himself. Put that together with his posting profile and pattern and it tells its own story.

Then for him to make snide comment on people learning to think without religion is a bit hilarious. That too in a thread/Article that highlights how Hindutvadi's are wrongly maligned.
LOL.....so you admit of being scared of even Internet Hindus :lol: ......... lets hope you never meet one in real life or you will brown your pants.

I have had several replies from Indians to my comment. It would appear that in reply to an adage concerning how many Indians does it take to beat up one Bangladeshi. The answer appears to be at least 6. :cool:

This seems to prove my point that Hindus are dangerous in numbers and especially when armed with keyboards .... :police:
Hindus are like any other people. There are good Hindus and there are bad Hindus. There are kind Hindus and there are MEAN HINDUS. I have seen all types in real life and on PDF, although the percentage of mean Hindus on PDF may be slightly higher than in real life.
I have had several replies from Indians to my comment. It would appear that in reply to an adage concerning how many Indians does it take to beat up one Bangladeshi. The answer appears to be at least 6. :cool:

This seems to prove my point that Hindus are dangerous in numbers and especially when armed with keyboards .... :police:

boo hoo.....:lol:

You then appear to be a masochist, always coming back for more. Indians gladly oblige. I guess we all enjoy it a bit too much :P
I am sure that person is perfectly capable of defending himself. So what is really your angle ? :azn: .... it tells us something. No ?
I'm sure he is. But I like to point out faulty thinking when I see it, if I have the time. That is my angle. To suggest what somebody can opine about based on his profile pic is one example of terrible reasoning that I couldn't simply ignore.
Bro, you should see what happens to the Bangladeshis we find stealing our crops. Inferior people.:lol:

When you find Bangladeshis on their own side of the border tending their crops you shoot them in the back even though they are unarmed. How brave of you Indians.
Hindus and Hindu well wishers who say Hindus are not dangerous are not only simple minded but they have been doing more harm to Hindus and Hinduism inadvertently.

Hindus comes in all types and mentality like any other ethnicity.

Hindus have killed equal numbers of Muslims and repulsed invaders and foreign rulers throughout their history like no on has ever done before, in the history of this planet.

Today Hindus are masters of their own fates living on a land mass which is ~ 7th largest nation of this modern world order with vast sea shores; but they also share the rights and privileges equally with other minorities by abiding by a constitution.

Such strength can not be earned by simply being lazy, pessimist or not being dangerous, it is an equity gained by violent struggle of a civilization which has been in continuation since time immemorial.
Sometimes internet Hindus are needed to counter cyber jihadis.
One is documented fact while other is your mental masturbation.

I'm sure he is. But I like to point out faulty thinking when I see it, if I have the time. That is my angle. To suggest what somebody can opine about based on his profile pic is one example of terrible reasoning that I couldn't simply ignore.

If you are desperate enough to search for logic and identify faulty thinking in a Taunt then I think you have more of an angle that you are letting on :coffee:

Not quite the good Samaritan you pretend to be. That too is a glaring fact that is impossible to ignore.

When you find Bangladeshis on their own side of the border tending their crops you shoot them in the back even though they are unarmed. How brave of you Indians.

...we like target practice too :P
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