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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

Oh please. This is not on. Not from somebody who should know better. Grow up.
Sorry Sir, but when for every stone thrown at a church gets prime time on every Main stream media channel and blast at Bellur Mutt or attack on Hamumaan Jayanti procession even doesnt get a passing reference. We have a right to question what kind of Secularism is being practiced in India.

This is what people who held or are in prominent position who fell for propaganda said.

Where Top Cop Julio Ribeiro feels like a stranger in his own country.

Or Ex Navy Chief Sushil Kumar says this fear could hit Christians serving in armed forces
'Fear Among Christians Can Hit Armed Forces': Ex-Navy Chief Echoes Julio Ribeiro

Or a Sitting judge express anguish at tinkering with secularism
My expression of anguish at tinkering with secularism, says Supreme Court Judge Kurian Joseph - The Hindu

Onus is with informed people like you Sir to defuse the situation. Like in Pakistan Majority is silent about extremist views spreading it's wing in the society, in India it "appears" the Majority is demonizing Hindus just because they have a preconceived notion of Modi. I know I might be wrong, but check out the prime time programs on News channels. When you corner some one there is only one way to react.
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Yes it is what Congress, TMC, Janta Parivar and their ilk practice.

Yup, you have obviously no clue what you are talking about. (Psssh! Makes you look not smart! :O )

  1. Secularism is a principle that involves two basic propositions. The first is the strict separation of the state from religious institutions. The second is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law.
Yup, you have obviously no clue what you are talking about. (Psssh! Makes you look not smart! :O )

  1. Secularism is a principle that involves two basic propositions. The first is the strict separation of the state from religious institutions. The second is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law.

What can I say I am illiterate internet Hindu.

But is there anything wrong in the statement made by Ex Navy Chief, Julio Ribeiro, honorable Judge Kurian Joseph.
And if people are equal before the law then why so much noise when some hindus want to practice their right to convert people?
Why do you think it has served as the number one indoctrination policy in use today?
Because like it or not, there is nothing that compares to a Muslim Fanatic in terms of dedication and actual will power. No Hindu, Christian or otherwise can match it.. blind following for blind following and complete utter devotion. There is literally nothing like it out there. No ethnic or tribal loyalty has stood in front of it either.

So I for one whilst enjoying the usual Hindutva Islamophobia by usual suspects do not really agree with the OP. The Maoists need and have taken time to indoctrinate themselves towards their ends and as such still end up with desertions. On the other hand, Islamic state which is literally in the middle of a hell hole.. manages to draw out nutcases from what are supposed paradise compared to that spot.. how?

Not all Muslims are Terrorists, but regardless of the socio-political goal, all Muslim terror groups use Islam for motivation.

There is islamophobia (Bill Maher style, lord save the man for I truly admire him) and then there is Islamophobia (THEY'RE COMING FOR US, WE MUST KILL THEM FIRST!). Unfortunately the latter kind is now fast spreading across the world. I was in Europe for a while (during my leave of absence from def.pk) and the situation there has reached a point where riots reminiscent to what we see in the subcontinent could very well erupt.

Still, we have nothing to fear. Our pan-south Asia empire will heal these woulds and undo such ills. 8-)
There is islamophobia (Bill Maher style, lord save the man for I truly admire him) and then there is Islamophobia (THEY'RE COMING FOR US, WE MUST KILL THEM FIRST!). Unfortunately the latter kind is now fast spreading across the world. I was in Europe for a while (during my leave of absence from def.pk) and the situation there has reached a point where riots reminiscent to what we see in the subcontinent could very well erupt.

Still, we have nothing to fear. Our pan-south Asia empire will heal these woulds and undo such ills. 8-)

Europe has other issues as well. Interestingly, here in the good old US of A the whole deal is pretty less developed than other placed.
The funny thing is you think politics works only in the manner you wish it to. Other than rubbishing my "upper class urban" (whatever that is) opinion, you say the same things that caused all the problems in the 1st place. You don't seem to acknowledge that Rajiv Gandhi feared the backlash & had the locks opened on the Babri Masjid structure, it was he who was pandering, not the BJP. The BJP's turn would come later, from that opening given by RG. "Real consequences" come in different shapes, not all of them predictable. Funny how you think that "Hindus" care for your (or mine) opinion on what things they should "backlash" against. For all your understanding, it remains very selective, running on hope rather than reality.

Funny this kind of logic, if the supreme court rules against Muslims, it must be overturned by an act of parliament but tell the Hindus to go by the judicial verdict.... Do you understand why this smacks of hypocrisy? It's why i suggested that RG should never have intervened. Do it once & your are forever going to be held to your own standards, having different rules for different folks doesn't work.

For all your "you don't understand politics " talk, you seem unable to grasp what that did to Indian politics, allowing the BJP to get a national presence on account of that stupid act. As you say, no point in gagling like geese now that Modi is in power, that too is just politics..

I was talking aboutth Shah bano case not the babri masjid case. I can assure you that it was not only RG, but bth narasimha Rao ( who was doing a Puja for it to happen) and Advani were heavily invested in bringing the mosque down. And no, you don't understand the politics of this.
Europe has other issues as well. Interestingly, here in the good old US of A the whole deal is pretty less developed than other placed.

In the US its all about soft discrimination or hurled abuses, throw a spot of madman shooting at you at the mosque. Their socio-political movements (the white pride kind) have not reached a point where they have become as a militant as what is sweeping Europe.
Come up with something concrete, come up with numbers, how many general Hindus were involved in that riot, what could be the size of their extended families, what was the number of Muslim votes they lost because of that riot, what was the margin of votes BJP had over its closest opponent in Gujrat, I know and you know that your theory of "BJP winning elections in Gujrat on the votes of the Hindu rioters looking for political protection" is plain laughable, let's make it unanimous.

I'm not interested in educating you.
There is islamophobia (Bill Maher style, lord save the man for I truly admire him) and then there is Islamophobia (THEY'RE COMING FOR US, WE MUST KILL THEM FIRST!). Unfortunately the latter kind is now fast spreading across the world. I was in Europe for a while (during my leave of absence from def.pk) and the situation there has reached a point where riots reminiscent to what we see in the subcontinent could very well erupt.

Still, we have nothing to fear. Our pan-south Asia empire will heal these woulds and undo such ills. 8-)

A disservice to lump him as one, most of the times, he comes with actual arguments. He is not FOX.
A disservice to lump him as one, most of the times, he comes with actual arguments. He is not FOX.

Oh no no, I am lot lumping him anywhere. I subscribe to "his version" of islamophobia.8-)
Sorry Sir, but when for every stone thrown at a church gets prime time on every Main stream media channel and blast at Bellur Mutt or attack on Hamumaan Jayanti procession even doesnt get a passing reference. We have a right to question what kind of Secularism is being practiced in India.

This is what people who held or are in prominent position who fell for propaganda said.

Where Top Cop Julio Ribeiro feels like a stranger in his own country.

Or Ex Navy Chief Sushil Kumar says this fear could hit Christians serving in armed forces
'Fear Among Christians Can Hit Armed Forces': Ex-Navy Chief Echoes Julio Ribeiro

Or a Sitting judge express anguish at tinkering with secularism
My expression of anguish at tinkering with secularism, says Supreme Court Judge Kurian Joseph - The Hindu

Onus is with informed people like you Sir to defuse the situation. Like in Pakistan Majority is silent about extremist views spreading it's wing in the society, in India it "appears" the Majority is demonizing Hindus just because they have a preconceived notion of Modi. I know I might be wrong, but check out the prime time programs on News channels. When you corner some one there is only one way to react.

In an age where an unprecedented step of striking Christmas off the public holiday list and Gandhi Jayanti is taken off in Goa, I don't think their becoming alarmist is not surprising. If in the US Obama has started celebrating Diwali, in India the government has removed traditions we have always had. If you are under the impression that Modi is better than Obama, I can assure you that it now clear no such thing is the case. Obama has a far greater stature than what Modi will ever have.

It was GOD'S WILL that all the events that happened from 1986 to 1992 happened

SImilarly it was GOD's will that MODI came to power

God is on our side now
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