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@al-Hasani bro, I did not understand why you are hitting your head to a wall. :lol: Are you against that anchorwomen since she is not wearing hijab?

No, no, no we are just angry at such nonsense news even getting publicity by some retards as there are unveiled Saudi Arabian and other Arab women on Al-Arabiya where there are no problems from people and when a young Saudi Arabian news presenter on a private owned Saudi Arabian TV station in London reads some news without a veil some people are starting to complain.

Me and @Bubblegum Crisis are against such nonsense and against such priorities as there are plenty of non-veiled women on KSA television and Arab television in general, Saudi Arabian and GCC women overall are obsessed about fashion and can afford it and all the males have seen everything in this regard.

We are angry because of the publicity that such nonsense news gets and we hope that this stops so real problems can be addressed instead.

This discussion derives from this thread where I have written my opinion about this and other users from KSA and other people:

A female news presenter without a headscarf in Saudi Arabia
Ahleen fik yalghali, it's my pleasure to be here with you, and to be welcomed by you habibi..

I tried to invite my friends to join the PDF forum, and all of them are in vocation for the moment because I haven't seen them for a while, once I get a signal from them I will drive them to you for sure..

And if any of you wants my FB account can look for me, my name on the FB is "Zakaria Yerrou"..

I appreciate your welcoming again my brother.

إنه لشرف عظيم أن ينضمّ مستخدم عربي شقيق آخر إلى صفوفنا

من فضلك لا تتردد في الدخول وإنني أتطلع إلى مساهمتك في القسم العربي من المنتدى وأماكن أخرى

هل تعلم أن العائلة المالكة المغربية (سلالة العلويين الفيلاليين) هي أصلا من الحجاز؟


Blessings and Peace to you All !
Happy Sunday Folks!

Special regards to my friend @al-Hasani

Thank you and for you too.
I hope that you are doing well my Samurai brother. It's time for you to update the Arabic Music thread.:lol:



What is it with Kurds on the internet that live abroad? Why do they make their own history books and why are they rewriting history?

It is ridiculous. Special cases. I can't believe that Kurds from the ME are like that but maybe they have been brainwashed too.:lol:

This can happen when you never had your own country, I guess?

Biji "Kurdistan" and biji Rudaw.:lol:

I don't want to embarrass him further but the Krak des Chevaliers was built by French crusaders between 1140 and 1170. Nothing to do with Kurds other than Arabs naming that hill and a former smaller fortress on that site after a few Kurds (mercenaries) that they used 100 years earlier and later the French adopted that name (حصن الأكراد) and translated it into French.

I guess coastal Syria is now "Kurdistan" too for this reason.:lol:
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What is it with Kurds on the internet that live abroad? Why do they make their own history books and why are they rewriting history?

It is ridiculous. Special cases. I can't believe that Kurds from the ME are like that but maybe they have been brainwashed too.:lol:

This can happen when you never had your own country, I guess?

Biji "Kurdistan" and biji Rudaw.:lol:

I don't want to embarrass him further but the Krak des Chevaliers was built by French crusaders between 1140 and 1170. Nothing to do with Kurds other than Arabs naming that hill and a former smaller fortress on that site after a few Kurds (mercenaries) that they used 100 years earlier and later the French adopted that name (حصن الأكراد) and translated it into French.

I guess coastal Syria is now "Kurdistan" too for this reason.:lol:

Dude, Kurds are a 100% similar replica of farsis, and have the same intentions to falsify history and create some history to cover their historical butt hurts. their racism and supremacy beliefs are also world-known. As a person who has lived with them for many years, my suggestion to you is never take them seriously and never trust them. they are 100% words, and propaganda, and zero capability.

PS. about that map, it includes part of Azerbaijan and also Arabistan(Al-Ahwaz Al-Arabi), which shows the wet dreams of them. If they want these lands, they can come and take it, although I doubt if they achieve anything but a big middle finger. ;)
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Dude, Kurds are a 100% similar replica of farsis, and have the same intentions to falsify history and create some history to cover their historical butt hurts. their racism and supremacy beliefs are also world-known. As a person who has lived with them for many years, my suggestion to you is never take them seriously. they are 100% words, and propaganda, and zero capability.

PS. about that map, it includes part of Azerbaijan and also Arabistan(Al-Ahwaz Al-Arabi), which shows the wet dreams of them. If they want these lands, they can come and take it, although I doubt if they achieve anything but a big middle finger. ;)

The kurds i see on the internet behave just like the truks , they curse persians and call the iranian government a perso-facist entity just like the azeris do ... moreover the kurds are the remnants of the mesopotamian civilizations that were called the media , they have nothing to do with the farsis who are descendants of the pre-mongol/turkic scythian people of central asia , the "persians" are essentially the desert dwelling people of eastern and central iran minus the baloch and the arab , they are a minority in iran and have always been , but the world renown iranian empires were the ones who were persian ruled , the achamenids or the sassanids , need i say more about the persians? ...

This is how a persian looks like how is that similar to a kurd:


And this is persian art :






Has your 1000 years long , turkic / azeri rule been able to produce such art?
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. .
The kurds i see on the internet behave just like the truks , they curse persians and call the iranian government a perso-facist entity just like the azeris do ... moreover the kurds are the remnants of the mesopotamian civilizations that were called the media , they have nothing to do with the farsis who are descendants of the pre-mongol/turkic scythian people of central asia , the "persians" are essentially the desert dwelling people of eastern and central iran minus the baloch and the arab , they are a minority in iran and have always been , but the world renown iranian empires were the ones who were persian ruled , the achamenids or the sassanids , need i say more about the persians? ...

The funny point for me is that you Iranic tribes(kurds, farsis, afghans) always bash each other and curse each other while have very interesting similarities. Anyway, thanks for being honest and admitting that even your fellow Iranic tribes consider you as facists.
About those so called empires, there are tons of BS about them to make them as important entities while they were not. Naser Pourpiraar, who is the most prominent alive persian historian has even admitted that those stories about those dynasties are full of BS. Two reasons are main motives. First, bashing islam and make you farsis as eternal enemies of Arabs by falsifying your history and make you believe that you had great civilizations before islam and Islam and Arabs are responsible for ruining them, which it is a big fat lie. Second, Achaimanid stories are promoted since in the bible there are positive points about Achaimanids, since they were mercenaries of jews. They commited genocide in the region in which part of it is explained in the purim book of old testament. Funny point is that all western historian who have written Iranian history of that era are jewish themselves ;)

What it proves? the funny point is that there is no coin remaining from Cyrus tomb other than greek coins. have you ever thought why it is so? also there are Inscription in Persepolis that says that Xerexes declares that a cup belongs to him. :lol: it is very funny that an emperor makes an Inscription for a cup. Basically, the ones who have faked those Inscription, has had a very low IQ.
Have you ever thought why there is no coins remaining from Parthian era? they ruled about half a millennium and the only claimed coins, contain the word helleno-phil (Greece Lover) :lol:
BTW, have you ever thought why there is almost no book remained from pre-islamic Iran? were they not civilized? then, why they don't have any written documents like that?
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The funny point for me is that you Iranic tribes(kurds, farsis, afghans) always bash each other and curse each other while have very interesting similarities. Anyway, thanks for being honest and admitting that even your fellow Iranic tribes consider you as facists.

I don't see any similarities between kurds and persians , kurds are of a different stock , of course there's confusion too due to the american vision of race that is based on the fairness of skin and the color of eyes and hair , for which the turks and azeris have heavily fallen , otherwise it is sometimes very hard to tell between a turk and a kurd.

About those so called empires, there are tons of BS about them to make them as important entities while they were not. Naser Pourpiraar, who is the most prominent alive persian historian has even admitted that those stories about those dynasties are full of BS. Two reasons are main motives. First, bashing islam and make you farsis as eternal enemies of Arabs by falsifying your history and make you believe that you had great civilizations before islam and Islam and Arabs are responsible for ruining them, which it is a big fat lie. Second, Achaimanid stories are promoted since in the bible there are positive points about Achaimanids, since they were mercenaries of jews. They commited genocide in the region in which part of it is explained in the purim book of old testament. Funny point is that all western historian who have written Iranian history of that era are jewish themselves ;)

Sounds like pure hatred and jealousy , Pourpiraar also sounds like a persified azeri surname , i'm quite well familiar with the azeri historians who try to bash the persian rule under the guise of religion , , Jews are responsible for a lot of corruption like you said , but that happens with the jews of azerbaijan and turkey too , and even worse , only those are closed soviet style societies when no one gets to know about the mischie of jews ...
I don't see any similarities between kurds and persians , kurds are of a different stock , of course there's confusion too due to the american vision of race that is based on the fairness of skin and the color of eyes and hair , for which the turks and azeris have heavily fallen , otherwise it is sometimes very hard to tell between a turk and a kurd.
That's non-sense. We, turks have certain written family roots and our language makes us apart from you or anyone else. Even from physical appearances, you can usually guess if someone is Azerbaijani or farsi or ... the notion of nations and ethnicities, has nothing to do with american point of view.
Sounds like pure hatred and jealousy , Pourpiraar also sounds like a persified azeri surname , i'm quite well familiar with the azeri historians who try to bash the persian rule under the guise of religion , , Jews are responsible for a lot of corruption like you said , but that happens with the jews of azerbaijan and turkey too , and even worse , only those are closed soviet style societies when no one gets to know about the mischie of jews ...
1) I don't have any beef with jews, nor Arabs.
2)You need to take some farsi classes. PourPiraar is pour(son, descendant)+Pirar(Past)= descendant of Past(Ancestors), which is a 100% pure farsi word ;) He has also clearly mentioned that he is Persian in his inteviews.
3)Instead of attacking jews, turks and arabs, try to open your mind, and use your brain.
What it proves? the funny point is that there is no coin remaining from Cyrus tomb other than greek coins. have you ever thought why it is so? also there are Inscription in Persepolis that says that Xerexes declares that a cup belongs to him. :lol: it is very funny that an emperor makes an Inscription for a cup. Basically, the ones who have faked those Inscription, has had a very low IQ.
Have you ever thought why there is no coins remaining from Parthian era? they ruled about half a millennium and the only claimed coins, contain the word helleno-phil (Greece Lover) :lol:
BTW, have you ever thought why there is almost no book remained from pre-islamic Iran? were they not civilized? then, why they don't have any written documents like that?

Why because , the achamenid dynasty were known for their humble attitude , if they were greek lovers it is because the circumstances of the day required them to be such , greece wasn't a tiny nation , it was the gateway to all europe were all the booties laid , the persians again have always been a minority and not a majority , if they had a humble attitude it was because they had to manage all the turks and arabs around them , just so that they won't do something harmful to themselves :lol:

There are written documents , belonging to the the pre-islamic iran , in the aramic language of the time , i try to google and find them , but here's a hint / clue : There are even written documents of the pre-islamic arabia , in hebrew and in arabic , so do you really think the persians of the time were so barbaric than to be more backward than the arabs ?

That's non-sense. We, turks have certain written family roots and our language makes us apart from you or anyone else. Even from physical appearances, you can usually guess if someone is Azerbaijani or farsi or ... the notion of nations and ethnicities, has nothing to do with american point of view.

If turks are so zealous about their bloodline then why do they inter marry with persians and even ahwazi arabs in places like Tehran? that's how people like Pourpiraar are born ;)

1) I don't have any beef with jews, nor Arabs.
2)You need to take some farsi classes. PourPiraar is pour(son, descendant)+Pirar(Past)= descendant of Past(Ancestors), which is a 100% pure farsi word ;) He has also clearly mentioned that he is Persian in his inteviews.
3)Instead of attacking jews, turks and arabs, try to open your mind, and use your brain.
Neither do i , i only try to avoid jews , cause they hate me , i have nothing against turks and arabs , i'm simply stating the historical facts
The kurds i see on the internet behave just like the truks , they curse persians and call the iranian government a perso-facist entity just like the azeris do ... moreover the kurds are the remnants of the mesopotamian civilizations that were called the media , they have nothing to do with the farsis who are descendants of the pre-mongol/turkic scythian people of central asia , the "persians" are essentially the desert dwelling people of eastern and central iran minus the baloch and the arab , they are a minority in iran and have always been , but the world renown iranian empires were the ones who were persian ruled , the achamenids or the sassanids , need i say more about the persians? ...

This is how a persian looks like how is that similar to a kurd:


And this is persian art :






Has your 1000 years long , turkic / azeri rule been able to produce such art?

PS. I missed this part of your post.
FYI, almost all of the famous historical sites of Iran, like caravan houses, and palaces are built in Turkic and mongol rulers. Specially during Safavids and Qajars. Shah Abbas the great, Safavid ruler, has much more remaining architecture heritage than any other person in Iranian history.
BTW, lol at your arts. almost all of them are similar(Copy Paste) to either super famous Assyrian, or greek art pieces.
FYI, it might be shocking for you but just check about the Assyrian gods which you Farsis are representing as Farvahar sign and claim it as your national symbol. :rofl:
I am referring to this picture of yours:

Farsi brainwashing has no limits. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
PS. I missed this part of your post.
FYI, almost all of the famous historical sites of Iran, like caravan houses, and palaces are built in Turkic and mongol rulers. Specially during Safavids and Qajars. Shah Abbas the great, Safavid ruler, has much more remaining architecture heritage than any other person in Iranian history.
BTW, lol at your arts. almost all of them are similar(Copy Paste) to either super famous Assyrian, or greek art pieces.
FYI, it might be shocking for you but just check about the Assyrian gods which you Farsis are representing as Farvahar sign and claim it as your national symbol. :rofl:
I am referring to this picture of yours:

Farsi brainwashing has no limits. :disagree::disagree::disagree:

Here's an inscription in aramic:


And this is the sassanid alphabet :

Why because , the achamenid dynasty were known for their humble attitude , if they were greek lovers it is because the circumstances of the day required them to be such , greece wasn't a tiny nation , it was the gateway to all europe were all the booties laid , the persians again have always been a minority and not a majority , if they had a humble attitude it was because they had to manage all the turks and arabs around them , just so that they won't do something harmful to themselves :lol:
Take an IQ test bro. First of all, Parthians are different from Achaimanids. Second, you are basically saying that humble persians, who committed Purim genocide, were using coins of another kings and love you letters for their enemies because they wanted to be nice? :rofl:
Face Palm
There are written documents , belonging to the the pre-islamic iran , in the aramic language of the time , i try to google and find them , but here's a hint / clue : There are even written documents of the pre-islamic arabia , in hebrew and in arabic , so do you really think the persians of the time were so barbaric than to be more backward than the arabs ?
Exactly right. do you have any other reasonable explanation?
If turks are so zealous about their bloodline then why do they inter marry with persians and even ahwazi arabs in places like Tehran? that's how people like Pourpiraar are born ;)
Neither do i , i only try to avoid jews , cause they hate me , i have nothing against turks and arabs , i'm simply stating the historical facts
. .
Here's an inscription in aramic:


And this is the sassanid alphabet :

Dude, I have taken two semester courses about ancient handwritings including Pahlavi and Avestan hand writings. Anyway, FYI, this shown alphabet, and the only few remaining pages, are all belonging to first and second centuries after islam, when islam was not still the dominant religion inside Iran ;)

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