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A Framework of Violence: Repression of the Arab Ethnic Minority in the "Islamic Republic of Iran"

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Now can the iranian members here give these articles a knock down.
Not needed. Not a single member will read any of them so no real need to such a thing. Even Hashimi didn't read them. He's just copy pasting.

You do realize that people of the GCC are taller than you farsis? Both male and female? Skinny. You are disappointing our overweight lot which are quite big nowadays.:lol:

Also is that why we steamrolled your little entity and conquered you militarily, linguistically, religiously, culturally and inhabited Iran? Founded several cities a long distance from Iraq and Arabia? LOL.

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The 2 million Arabs of iran are not going anywhere either and the many more millions of iranians who are partially Arab. Your entire clergy and country is ruled by people who claim and paternal Arab ancestry. Hence all those Black turbans.

On the other hands your migrants can get thrown out tomorrow as they are not citizens.

Give it a rest and make a similar thread of the "450 million Arabs oppressing farsis in the 22 Arab countries". Go ahead. No need to become butthurt because the unfortunate reality annoys you.

Hey again. You seem rather obsessed about me. Where you not the guy that was crying about discrimination of your fellow Hazaras in Iran?

What the hell is "Golf" countries?

Ask actual Hindus who live in the GCC such as @levina and ask them if they are discriminated against or randomly killed, or put on show trials.:lol:

Some of the richest Hindus in the world reside in the GCC your gigantic moron!

"Pakis"? What's that? Yes, one small incident. Why don't you ask the "Pakis" here you live in the GCC (there is a ton) if the are discriminated again? You know nothing.

Anyway did it ever cross your mind that there is a difference between nationals and migrants who are not nationals?

No, because apparently Arabs are from Yemen which is a mountainous country but Arabs of today are basically just a mixture of indigenous Semitic peoples who are all native of the ME and who since recorded times always inhabited the ME from Syria in the North to Yemen.

Also since you are busy about the discrimination of non-Arabs in the Arab world then how about your Kurds? What has that got to do with the topic anyway.

Fact are facts. The Arabs of Iran (indigenous) have it worse than Farsi MIGRANT
So youre just of mixed background and not even arab, thanks for admitting it.

Yemen and saudi arabia were mainly populated by different semetic people and not arabs prior to islam. Arabs did originate from yemen but yemen wasnt arab.

The difference is Iranians arent out of shape skinny fvcks like you arabs of the Persian gulf. We do wrestling and weight lifting constantly, while every single tazi ive met from your nations was an inbred looking stick.

I met this saudi guy in d.c a couple of weeks back, he told me how our countries are close to eachother apart from the water, I said Persian gulf yea, he just shut his mouth and took it like a scared b!tch, didnt dare mention the gayrabian gulf.

Typical saudi http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/77288000/jpg/_77288592_77288591.jpg
Either spare Azerbaijan from your posts, or I will loose the hell on you in a way that never ever forget it. Got it or need to learn it in a hard way?

I believe you starts a Thread are Azeris Iranians or Turk? Believe me thousands pounds of love will pour on you from both Iranians and Turks while Turks and Iranians will throw mud on each other. I have seen a lot of it. o_Oo_O:hitwall::hitwall:
Either spare Azerbaijan from your posts, or I will loose the hell on you in a way that never ever forget it. Got it or need to learn it in a hard way?
Azeris are persified whether you like it or not, you can be buttmad as much as you like, but your typical azeri youth in Iranian azerbeyjan is Persified and speaks with a tehrani accent and has no clue about azeri. Persians will assimilate and convert your people from one side while Armenians take care of your kin from the other side.

No need to be a butthurt toork e khar.
Im not worried about Persians in the Persian gulf countries, knowing how cowardice you skinny tazis are from these Persian gulf countries. Id smack the living sh!t out of any arab who dared talk like you in real life, hence why you all crumble up and shut your mouths infront of Iranians in real life.
hahahah acting tough you keyboard warrior.. you iranians act tough and talk shit about other ppl and countries then you end up as a refugee in those countries. living like rats.

Who is not mixed in the ME you clown? Iran is totally mixed. After all every invader had a feast when invading you guys. From those nomads from the barren Pontic steppe/Central Asia that you love so much, to us ancient Semites, to Greeks, to Arabs, to Mongols to Turks to Gypsies from India etc. Hell even Africans were brought to Iran due to the Arab slave trade. Add the Caucasians.

You do realize that people of the GCC are taller than you farsis? Both male and female? Skinny. You are disappointing our overweight lot which are quite big nowadays.:lol:

Also is that why we steamrolled your little entity and conquered you militarily, linguistically, religiously, culturally and inhabited Iran? Founded several cities a long distance from Iraq and Arabia? LOL.

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Weak indeed.:lol: An average farsi would not survive in Iraq for 1 day. Arabs are much more thick-skinned people than you guys.

I don't give a crap about 10-15 Iranian wrestlers. Wrestling as a sport is non-existent in the Arab world. Nobody gives a ****. It's all about football.

I think that just our Afro-Arab lot alone (10% of the population) are bigger than all of the biggest Iranians.

Anyway why don't you stick to the topic? Are you now going to deny IRANIAN sources? Make a similar thread about "Arab oppression of farsis in the GCC or Arab world". Go ahead. Nobody is stopping you.

Hur dur, just cause youre supposedly 1 inch taller than us, which I doubt cause you Persian gulf tazis have all been short from what ive seen kn real life, doesnt mean youre stronger. Your people have no traditional hand to hand fighting sports, hence why most saudis and gulf arabs are either over weight or skinny. Even your football genes suck thats why all your team is black instead of arab.

As for Persians, we still maintain our look on average. Iran was always as mixed as it is today.

How ancient Persians and Iranians looked compared to now ▪ Iranian.com
I wouldnt give a crap if an Iranian was decendant of mohamed himself, as long as he considered himself a Persian I would welcome him into the group.

Alright, so if these mullahs are decendant of arabs then why are they buttraping your precious fellow sand people then? U mad?

You arabs are so damn useless that you dont even have an army of your own, but have to hire pakistanis and indians to do thr fighting for you.

Saudi arabia represents the pure arab mentality very well, its a mentality formed out of survival in a deserted shathole with little resources, so therefore its no surprise that the people populating the land are backstabbers, untrustworthy, lazy and lack honor. There are many quotes and historians that back me up on this. You are the worst of creations amongst humans, though im not a racist like you and know that your culture was built around your environment, which was and still is the ars crack of the world. I cant really hate you, only pity your current state.
you are about to explode kid.. you must be talking alot to yourself. someone send that kid a bottle of whiskey or something. you poor thing
As for berbers, theyre an indo european speaking people and not related tk you semetic desert people. We all know the arab wannabe governments of north african states mess with the demographics of these countries to make ot seem like arabs form the majority, but this is clearly not the case, both due to the history of population migration and the fact that north africans look nothing like arabs.

Not picking any sides in this Persian vs Arab online war, but just wanted to correct you that Berbers are actually afro-asiatic rather than indo-european, hence they are related to semites, jews, copts etc.

@WebMaster the time has come to clean this thread and restore order and ban the suicide troll/double user such as @Parthianshot[/quote]
Hey again. You seem rather obsessed about me. Where you not the guy that was crying about discrimination of your fellow Hazaras in Iran?

What the hell is "Golf" countries?

Ask actual Hindus who live in the GCC such as @levina and ask them if they are discriminated against or randomly killed, or put on show trials.:lol:

Some of the richest Hindus in the world reside in the GCC your gigantic moron!

"Pakis"? What's that? Yes, one small incident. Why don't you ask the "Pakis" here who live in the GCC (there is a ton) if the are discriminated again? You know nothing. A few incidents that go again and again does not represent how MILLIONS of people live or are treated.

Anyway did it ever cross your mind that there is a difference betweenn nationals and migrants who are not nationals?

Also who the pfuck said anything about the GCC being a democratic paradise? Does it occur to you that none of the ME is that? But at least our HDI and economy is the highest/biggest of the region by far and we attract thousands of migrants from across the world. I don't see them flogging to other ME countries.

So I guess that it's not as bad as you claim…...

No, because apparently Arabs are from Yemen which is a mountainous country but Arabs of today are basically just a mixture of indigenous Semitic peoples who are all native of the ME and who since recorded times always inhabited the ME from Syria in the North to Yemen.

The Arabian Peninsual got Arabized too. When Islam appeared Arabic was only spoken in parts of the Arabian Peninsula. But of course you have no clue about that. To this day you have people who speak Southern Semitic languages in Yemen and Oman. Apparently the "homeland of Arabs"…..

Also since you are busy about the discrimination of non-Arabs in the Arab world (read GCC) then how about your Kurds? What has that got to do with the topic anyway.

Fact are facts. The Arabs of Iran (indigenous) have it worse than Farsi MIGRANTS in the GCC. Any sane idiot can agree with that.

So the hordes of faris users that were crying about KSA and the Arab world yesterday when that Mullah terrorist got a death sentence should shut up or frequent this thread. Or at least stop preventing that they are a paradise on earth. GCC might not be a paradise indeed but it sure as hell appears as one compared to iran…..

@WebMaster the time has come to clean this thread and restore order and ban the suicide troll/double user such as @Parthianshot

Sorry but I don't like your Pan-Semitist orgies and that you twist historical facts like that Arabs were desert nomads and had nothing to do with the high culture of ancient dead Semitic peoples

We all know how Flipino and Ethiopian workers are treated in Arabian gulf countries. I can post videos where they are abused by their Arab Masters but as you posted proudly about the Arab slave trade some days ago I don't think that you're concerned by these videos. Did you actually read the link that I posted?
So @al-Hasani who's this new kid on the block called @Rakan.SA ? :unsure:

Is he Pro-Pakistan ? :kiss3:

Or is he Anti-Pakistan ? :mad:

Neutrality is, of course, not an Option ! :D
The Ir
hahahah acting tough you keyboard warrior.. you iranians act tough and talk shit about other ppl and countries then you end up as a refugee in those countries. living like rats.
Iranian immigrants abroad are all succesful, educated and rich unlike your arabs in the ghettos of european cities and america.
When I provide facts you are making silly excuses as some 13 year old kid whose Playstation got damaged. I have effectively countered all your nonsense. Be it historical or in connection to empty claims. I even was so kind to provide you sources.

Go wank to your STOLEN (from us Semites) national symbols, your Ahura Mazda (which is cheap copy of an Assyrian and Semitic God). You are probably a typical farsi moron who thinks that you guys founded Babylon for instance just because you ruled it for a short time (compared to its entire history) and that Shia Islam was an "Iranian invention".

To that Hazara guy. I am not interested in your diarrhea. Kindly stop bothering me here. If you insist I can give you my Facebook and we can take it there. Your lack of historical knowledge in regards to the ME, Arab world and Semites is astounding but we had that discussion before already. So there is no point for me to continue. You should instead claim the Barlas Mongol tribe.
So @al-Hasani who's this new kid on the block called @Rakan.SA ? :unsure:

Is he Pro-Pakistan ? :kiss3:

Or is he Anti-Pakistan ? :mad:

Neutrality is, of course, not an Option ! :D
habibi pro all the way
It's funny. On a daily basis those farsis are trying to get into the GCC.:lol: And sure most are welcomed and the locals do business with them and they do business with their own community and others. Meanwhile in iran……….

The only Arabs (Shia Arabs) that have even a remote interest in visiting Iran is to visit some long-dead Arabs buried in Iran 1400-1300 years ago that are considered the most holy places in Iran by millions of Farsis. Or Iraqi (Southern Shia Arabs) refugees who escaped to Iran when Saddam was in power and who never left.

For all this talk 70.000 Iranians visited Makkah and Madinah 1 week ago…...
Tell your arabs in Iran to leave our country and well do the same with our ethnic Persians in your little islands.
We need a poll to see how many people read more than 1 line.
I don’t even read the one line I just guess what they have written, and appropriately reply with an angry post. I think a lot of Indians suffer with the same problem. :P
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