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"Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

Of course you give a damn and you are running scared...In fact it costing $ billions every year...You are not telling anything about the Saudi phsyche...it is paranoia.

Funny, I'm not the one creating threads left and right and dedicating my whole time in order to bash Saudi Arabia here.
Last time I checked it were the Arabs who gave Islam to you Indonesians through trade and settlements. Especially the Yemeni ones hence why 90 percent of all Indonesians are Sunni Muslims of the Shafi'i fiqh.

No wonder Indonesians are so screwed up!
That wasn't expected from you:astagh:, instead of insulting others behind screens go check your genes and see how much is the percent of Arab genes in your body .
Not whatsoever...Cossacks are proudfull and rebellious...somehing arabs are not...
Hey why wasn't Israel carved out of Germany ? On what logical basis can one come to a foreign land with a bible in one hand & a klashinokov in the other claiming this is my land because my ancestors lived here a 1000 years ago ! :cuckoo:
The wren's grandpa invited the British to bring them to Palestine...Jordanians can't play indian givers. I personally think that Jordanian will pushed out to give a Palestinian their land after the latter sold theirs to the Europeen uprooted Jews.
No wonder Indonesians are so screwed up!

:pop: Oh dear!

You must be one of those that think our populations will die out cause of war and such ****, Iraq has experienced many wars and killings the last decades, still the population has grown.
You said we have no food, still we have food.............................

Out of sight, out of mind :cool:
Funny, I'm not the one creating threads left and right and dedicating my whole time in order to bash Saudi Arabia here.
I am not bashing Saudi Arabia, I just merely suggest to keep your ultra dimensional egotistic nationalism in check...We are in the internet era, where everything can be checked...Glad your are not a modo, or this would have bought me 6 mos ban for bashing Saudi Arabia...:cheers:
Tabatabais candy is not the sweet kind children would prefer and it seems he died 33 years ago.
Murdered. He was murdered 33 years ago. The assassin claimed the mullahs paid him $5,000 for the hit.

About the prejudices I think you answered your own question.
And did I answer yours?
Funny, I'm not the one creating threads left and right and dedicating my whole time in order to bash Saudi Arabia here.

Let the Berber bark. He has no importance, relevance or business in the Arab world anyway. Let him concentrate on his Saharan Berber village somewhere in Algeria. Always looking for our intention while none of us cares about his primitive Berber village. Most people don't even know what the hell they are or equal them to savages as in Arabic.

No wonder Indonesians are so screwed up!

لا تتدخلوا في الشؤون العربية يا كلب
Let the Berber bark. He has no importance, relevance or business in the Arab world anyway. Let him concentrate on his Saharan Berber village somewhere in Algeria. Always looking for our intention while none of us cares about his primitive Berber village. Most people don't even know what the hell they are or equal them to savages as in Arabic.
Barking is an Arab trait...You know that better than anyone. We are known to react , be carefull or you will find my foot stuck up your @ss. For a half bred mulato don't led your @ss overload your mouth, fils de pute!
You are freaking savages, you have not changed one iota since the 6th century. you all were and still to this day known as laha seen el klaoui.

A real North African reaction when he is wronged

Below is your likes that soiled Islam and sold their soul for a mere smile..
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Nope...You All arab will erased in future
you forget palestine, you let them in suffer
you forget Allah law & guidance
you forget the true path of jihad for true justice
you love west
you fear with death
you all are zionist & west slave
you are ready to kill each other for gold & throne
you life not for Allah & Islam....you all arab life for the sect & your faction and gold

You are all khawarij/wahhabi the evil horn from najd.....
will you brave to fight zionist/west & conquer al-aqsa/palestine ? no.......you arab are coward
Gold is no.1

Insha Allah when the time come we non arab muslim will fight & conquer the palestine & Al-Aqsa once again.....

Quran. [5:52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.
Arab League does have the power and the money but they refuse to do anything.

The combined GDP of the Arab league is about $3 Trillion. If 4% of that was put towards a combined military force you would have a military budget of $120 billion dollars which is half the total GDP of Israel.

Furthermore, they have a combined population totaling around 400 million which is over 50 times larger than that of Israels so if they can get 2% of their population into military service they have an army larger than the entire population of Israel itself.

How in the world can't they beat it?

If the GCC contributes to R&D in Pakistan we could easily develop the military hardware that they need to take Israel on. Aside from an ICBM to ensure no foreign intervention we can produce the most sophisticated jets, naval vessels, etc...

The reason Pakistan is forced to buy jets and naval vessels from China is simply because we do not have the money for R&D programs. We concentrate on our missile program (well ahead of India by all international accounts even though they have a 6 times larger military budget) because the strategic gains we make in comparison to the cost is very high.

The truth is that like Assad none of the dictatorships want to risk a war because of a fear they may lose their rule even if victorious but another problem is that the members of the Arab League are too busy being at each others throats to cooperate together.
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