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Iranian Officials Hail ‘End Of US Influence’ In Middle East

We conquered Persia let that sink in. Persia was in our control for like 500 years.

We destroyed Yemen and raise it to the ground it will take a century to rebuild that shxt. Plus we have our proxies in there STC, Giant Brigades and Islah who are solid and strong
Abu Muslim Khurasani with 30k army wiped Umayyad thugs in 750

Nice fiction story.

When will they release the movie?

China showed the world the power that it is​

15 March ,2023: 06:22 PM GST
Jason Greenblatt

I must offer my congratulations, albeit reluctantly, to the People’s Republic of China for the agreement they brokered last week which restores diplomatic ties between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a significant achievement, even if potentially troubling for the United States and Israel. It’s an achievement that the United States did not play a role in. We have only ourselves to blame.

It is too early to predict how this agreement will play out. While the Biden Administration spent a significant amount of time alienating Saudi Arabia and others in the Middle East, China continued to build strong ties in the Middle East. China showed the world the power that it is. For the United States to pretend otherwise is not just foolish, it is dangerous.

Who can blame China for seeking this role? The tensions between China and the United States grow with each passing month. The distance between the United States and Saudi Arabia (and some of our other allies in the Middle East) continues to grow. The Biden Administration and some in Congress have sent clear signals that Saudi Arabia ought to do their bidding, or else. That is not a way to treat an important ally, one critical to the security of the region. While the long-standing relationship between the United States and the Kingdom remains important to both countries, and should remain important and strong, the Biden Administration has lost its way in the Middle East.

The very significant economic ties of China to Saudi Arabia cannot be ignored. China is one of the most important purchasers of Saudi oil. China, of course, needs to ensure the safe passage of that oil from Saudi Arabia and others in the region to China. China also has significant leverage in Iran and plays a significant role in Iran’s economy. While the Biden Administration and Congress were busy complaining about oil prices, China was busy further cementing their ties to the Kingdom. Iran knew this, Saudi Arabia knew this, and China knew this. Did the Biden Administration know this?

From the perspective of Saudi Arabia, who can blame them for taking this approach? The most important job of Saudi’s leadership is to protect its people and its assets. Saudi leadership have charted a new course for the Kingdom. Not only is it staggering in scope, it is being implemented on the ground. The progress is fast and real. Saudi Arabia had a choice of waiting for a United States that continued to be ambiguous about its stance on Iran and one that began drifting away from the region, paying mere lip service to Saudi Arabia and others as they were threatened by Iran. Can Saudi Arabia and others in the region continue to count on the United States as a reliable ally? They aren’t sure. They aren’t wrong.

What does this mean to the Abraham Accords and Israel? It is too soon to tell, and for the moment we should stay away from dire predictions that the Abraham Accords are over or that Saudi Arabia will never normalize relations with Israel. The Abraham Accords and Saudi Arabia’s potential relationship with Israel are not the topic of the day. We can look to the United Arab Emirates to understand how a country can manage to have a strong, meaningful and growing relationship with Israel while at the same time have a diplomatic relationship with Iran. The UAE leadership has been smart, careful and realistic in managing both relationships. The approach we are seeing today between Saudi Arabia and Iran is not a new approach. It is one that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been advocating for some time. But now they have China (unfortunately not the United States) to thank for bringing this approach to life. From a Saudi perspective, this is nothing more that realistic diplomacy, protective of the Kingdom and its plans.

When it comes to Israel, recall that only 24 hours ahead of the Iran-Saudi Arabia announcement news broke about Saudi Arabia’s requests for it to normalize relations with Israel. Whether these requests are realistic or achievable remains to be seen. The Saudi-Iran agreement is not about the Abraham Accords or Israel for the moment. It is about Saudi Arabia’s needs and goals, as well as those of Iran and China. Israel’s focus should be on the continued threat from Iran, both directly as well as through its terror proxies. Saudi Arabia will pay very close attention to the potential threats to it from Iran as well. They understand that well. This agreement by the Kingdom is not based on wishful thinking.

Some argue this was intended to be a slap in the Biden’s administration’s face. While it certainly is not good for the Biden Administration that the traditional role of the United States was played instead by China, this is not a direct slap in the face of the Biden Administration, even if the administration was taken by surprise. But if the Biden Administration does not get its full attention back on the Middle East it may find more unpleasant surprises that are not helpful to the interests of the United States. Either way, we are very likely to find China playing a bigger and more important role in the Middle East. China sees significant opportunity in the Middle East and rightly so. China has no problem respecting Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East. It does not threaten to cut arms sales to Saudi Arabia. It does not make unrealistic demands from Saudi Arabia or treat it as an unimportant partner. Now it is up to the Biden Administration to see if it can work with China so that China’s involvement in the Middle East will be a positive one for the United States and its allies in the Middle East.

The Biden Administration would do well to take a realistic diplomacy approach. Fix what we can, work with friends, allies, competitors and others where we can, and do so with eyes open, eyeing every opportunity, threat and possibility. America and our Middle East allies deserve no less.

Jason D. Greenblatt served as White House Middle East envoy in the Trump Administration. He is the author of the widely acclaimed book “In the Path of Abraham.”

1. Syria: It is 3 defacto states and You operate under Russia meaning you are a second fiddle and got nothing of the cake but the US, Turkey and Russia did.. You were happy to lose it to them instead of it falling to the rebels which means you gained nothing but lost it all and will be under Russian boot in the russian part under their protection.

The enemy's openly announced, paramount goal in Syria was to overthrow the government in Damascus, as a prelude to disrupting the Iran-led Axis of Resistance. They failed thoroughly on both counts.

As for Russia, Tehran and Moscow are strategic partners on equal footing. Unlike the US regime, Russia is not subjugating allies nor reducing them to client status. Case in point, Iran's supply lines through Syria are intact, Iranian-backed Resistance groups are stationed along the border to occupied Golan.

Even if Russia didn't subscribe to this state of affairs, there's nothing much it could do about it. In effect there were reports early on of Russia trying to have HezbAllah vacate one of these areas (a locality in or around Qalamoun if my memory serves). After a brief mutual show of force, the Russians quickly abandoned the idea. No similar attempt was undertaken ever since. Now that ties between Russia and Isra"el" have deteriorated, there's even less of a probability for Moscow to proceed with such.

In short Russia cannot but concede to Iran everything Iran aims for in Syria.

2. In Yemen: The Local allied coalition controls 80% of Yemen including all oil and ports, the Ocean around it and the stragetic strait connecting to the suez canal and the Yemen Islands. plus nearly 50% of population areas. Not like what some of you were previously claiming 80-20 which was not factual. They have been under blockade on top of that.

Which means the west and their Saudi clients went from control over the entirety of Yemen via the successive regimes of Saleh and Hadi, to partial control only. In other terms they lost rather than gaining sway over that country. Simple math.

Moreover, Riyadh was incessantly stressing how it wouldn't tolerate an Iranian-allied government on its southern flank under any circumstances. Ouster of the San'a government was the declared goal. It failed.

3. In Iraq it is still US and Turkey occupied and the Iraqi Gov't are US allied all Iran has there is proxy entities and if that proxy entity would have launched war against the regime to overthrow them it would have gotten invaded ala Yemen..

Fact is that the USA deployed all sorts of political, economical and military stratagems and hatched plot after plot in a blatantly infructuous attempt to not only neutralize Iran's Iraqi allies - including a whole military corps (the PMU) rivaling the regular Iraqi army in power, but to turn Baghdad into the anti-Iranian government it used to be under Saddam. Needless to say, Iran and her allies resoundingly defeated all these plans.

Iran has grassroots supporters and allies at the social level aplenty, so unlike Washington and Ankara, Iran has no need to militarily occupy nations. This is actually a sign of strength not the other way around.

Iraq went from being a major regional power hostile to Iran, to a country where pro-Iran forces exert decisive influence in the state apparatus and beyond, and from where the Americans will find it hard to stage operations against Iran. A clear win for Islamic Iran, no matter how it's spun.

Hamas has deterence

Thanks in no small part to Iranian military assistance, the only state actor in the world brave enough to extend this kind of help to the Palestinian Resistance.

4. When you don't have deterence against Israel in Syria you have lost whatever proxy you had against Against anyone in the region may it be KSA, Turkey or Israel. The Israeli knew the weakness and just went with it. Hamas has deterence but Iran doesn't have deterence against Israel attacks in Syria including Assad. Which means you got defeated everywhere hence why you were living under Russia in Syria and they got in there because you admitted defeat against fuking non-state actors..

Wars are conducted to serve pre-defined political goals. When these are not attained, then the war effort was unsuccessful.

By way of consequence, deterrence is necessary against game-changing actions of the enemy. Not against symbolic acts of aggression which will score psy-ops points at best but nothing to alter the geostrategic balance. As a matter of fact, zionist (no legitimate government by the name Israel today) airstrikes against governmental assets and pro-Iranian paramilitary in Syria have been utterly insufficient to dislodge the latter from that country. They failed to cut off Iranian supplies to HezbAllah next door, considering that HezbAllah hasn't ceased expanding its arsenal in volume and technological sophistication.

KSA has all the friends in the region Israel, Egypt, Turkey, UAE, Pakistan, Jordan, US, UK, NATO etc etc etc the Saudis wouldn't have lost anything denying this friendship..

The Chinese knew that Iran got battered and it would have eventually lead to an invasion on Iran and Nethanyu plan coming to fruition and the end of Iran this was what it was leading upto. Basically your end @Beny Karachun knows whats up

Proof's in the pudding rather than in rhetoric.

Iran won't have conceded anything in this agreement. More precisely Riyadh's demands, which perfectly mirror those of its American patrons, have been summarized in recurrent public declarations over the years:

1) Dissolution or at the very least disarmament of paramilitary organizations allied with Iran (which the Saudi regime fallaciously refers to as "meddling in Arab domestic affairs through sectarian militias"), from Lebanon to Yemen via Iraq and Syria. It's not going to happen. On the contrary, Iran will keep transferring arms and defense technology to these actors in order to increase their power even more.

2) Downgrading of Iran's peaceful nuclear program. The present accord didn't result in such a thing.

3) Putting brakes on one of the cornerstones of Iranian military deterrence, namely the development and mass-production of ballistic and cruise missiles as well as UAV's. Imposing transparency and international control mechanisms on these. Again not going to happen - watch out everyone for sophisticated missiles and drones unveiled by Iran in the future.

4) This one's more specific to Arab kingdoms of the Persian Gulf, persuading Iran to enter negotiations about her islands of Abu Musa and the Tunbs claimed by the UAE. Call me when Iran agrees to negotiate her sovereignty on these.

Saudi Arabia on the other hand is reported to be have agreed to drop its support for the exiled Iranian opposition, for anti-Iranian terrorists (MKO cult and separatist grouplets), and its financing of Persian-language media outlets spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

So it clearly appears that Islamic Iran conceded little to nothing in exchange for a non-negligible gain.

China knows Iran is unassailable by her enemies. Beijing needs stability and a secure environment without fears of escalation to prevail in the region, in order to advance its grand geo-economic project, centerpiece of China's strategy to surpass the USA.
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This part of the article is nonsensical.

It's precisely because the regime in Riyadh was defeated in every regional theater by Iran's allies and because China entered the fray that Arabestan mustered the bravery to try and emancipate itself from its traditional function as a zio-American proxy, and wishes to cease putting itself at the service of the empire's destabilization attempts against Islamic Iran (whether this approach will be temporary or definitive we shall see).

Iraq: the Iran-aligned PMU are powerful as ever, no amount of scheming by Washington and Tel Aviv achieved to turn the government in Baghdad into the anti-Iran stronghold they were hoping to create, and Al-e Saud's billions didn't change the equation either.

Syria: zionist-, NATO- and PGCC-sponsored terrorist insurgents were beaten by Damascus with the assistance of its Iranian and Russian allies. The objective to remove President Assad from power and to disrupt the Axis of Resistance failed utterly.

Lebanon: terrorist bombings, assassinations including under false flag against high profile political leaders, USA-imposed illegal sanctions, billions of Saudi petrodollars, summoning Hariri to Riyadh, zionist military aggression against Lebanon, none of these desperate measures could possibly defeat HezbOllah nor uproot its vast popular support base in Lebanon, all confessional groups included.

Yemen: relentless were the Saudi bombings, tight was the naval blocade destined to starve out the country's north controlled by the AnsarAllah-led coalition, not to mention the extensive use made of proxy elements, to no avail. With Iranian help, the fervently anti-imperial people of Yemen stood their ground.

Ebne Salman was on the record for threatening to "bring the war into Iran" at the behest of his American and zionist patrons, but then reality gradually set in. Eventually it dawned upon the unexperienced, feverish youngster what the Islamic Republic of Iran is made of. The successful Yemeni pin-point strike on the strategic Aramco facility at Abqeiq was a warning shot which helped reality sink in.

A last ditch attempt of the zio-American empire and its Saudi clients to mobilize their assorted security and propaganda apparatuses in hopes of toppling the Islamic government in Iran proper came late last year, when they proceeded to inciting a secularist, culturally westernized minority of juveniles to cause turmoil over a fake accusation of police violence, in tandem with armed terrorist attacks from the "ethno"-separatist fringe, the murderous MKO cult as well as "I"SIS, against both Iranian law enforcement and ordinary citizens including children. Saudi International, source of the above cited article and major propaganda / psy-ops broadcaster funded by Riyadh and set up by zionist experts, had been at the forefront of this failed plot, encouraging rioters to murder Iranian police officers etc.

As this latest in a long series of efforts began to flounder much like the preceding ones, Riyadh definitely understood it's time to pull back, especially now that it can benefit from Chinese protection against open retaliation from Washington. So the Saudis came to declare their readiness to dissociate themselves from Washington and Tel Aviv in the ongoing cold war waged against the Iranian nation-state, the Islamic Iranian civilization and Iran as a functional and peaceful society. Saudi International will strike a more conciliatory tone vis à vis Iran, as can already be gleaned from the paper at hand. The Saudi-owned TV station will also put an end to its demonization of China with the Iranian public, something it engaged in before, in line with American policy.

In this development, Beijing has of course been pursuing its own political-economical and global geostrategic agenda. Islamic Iran for its part conceded very little at the negotiating table but gained a whole lot - first and foremost, the fact that the USA and zionist regime were sidelined from a key regional negotiation process. Then, regional movements backed by Iran are not going to be dissolved, Iranian sovereignty over her islands in the Persian Gulf will remain non-negotiable, Iran's peaceful nuclear program will be kept in place, Iran will continue to expand and refine her massive arsenal of ballistic missiles and drones.

The regional status quo, which the USA-EU-zionist bloc was seeking to modify to Iran's detriment, will thus be maintained and accepted by the parties to the agreement. Once again, Iranian Resistance against imperial onslaught proved highly effective. The Saudis for their part will end any participation in this multi-pronged aggression against the Iranian nation, at least for the time being, which will allow them to focus on their domestic development plans without having to worry about Yemeni UAV's or missiles ruining their large scale investment projects, now that they will no longer conduct military campaigns in a neighboring country nor waste precious funds on proxy groups to try and eliminate Iran-friendly movements, movements which as a matter of principle are there only to defend their land from aggression and occupation, not to launch any wars.
Saudis has had only one role which is exporting oil except that there is no other significant role to make them important or a prominent player in the region or for super powers ... without oil their importance would be nothing, zero value ... but one of their problem is to export very same oil they need to pass 2 straits first strait of Hormuz, second Bab el Mandeb and finally Suez canal ... 2 out of 3 are under control or influence of Iran ... which is irony despite having coast in Persian gulf and Red sea and access to free warm waters their export needs to pass these straits that means a strategic suffocation ... one of the reasons that they have been so depended on the US is American blue navy that could guarantee their oil export so they could continue their role. Besides that Iran or even its friends have demonstrated their power to cut their oil export to half over night ( they started it back in 2019 by attacking Iranian oil tanker and then taking it to their port and asked money to return it , a game they started but couldn't finish) recently Yemen has shown ASBM ...
One other hands countries like Qatar, Oman , Iraq and Syria have shown benefits of friendship with Iran maybe this time they wanna act more wisely and independently instead of following Americans blindly though still I think it is a technical decision for now and with American permission as they banned them for any economical ties with Iran ... so I think Saudis first wanna see no stop in their oil export, second don't wanna be caught in a possible war btw Iran and isreal and third in some level have realized the world is changing. It also in the line of the US which less tensions in the region which might indicate what China has done is somehow prearranged by the US.
We conquered Persia let that sink in. Persia was in our control for like 500 years.

We destroyed Yemen and raise it to the ground it will take a century to rebuild that shxt. Plus we have our proxies in there STC, Giant Brigades and Islah who are solid and strong
There is a difference between "we" and army of Islam.

Today i am afraid, Iran is the flagship of Islamic army.

Btw, KSA could use all those potentials to strengthen itself and the region instead of using it for American benefits. There is no proud in razing a country as poor as Yemen to the ground. Yemen is one of the poorest if not the poorest countries/country in the world. And you are proud of killing your own blood brothers.

That Israeli retard is of no help for you. They can't keep their little shithole on its feet as of today, don't expect them to come for your help in dividing Muslims. We have shown KSA what we are capable of, the recent agreement will be long lasting if KSA's satanic MBS doesn't return to his Arab Jahiliyyah era.
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