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April 10, 2013-Pakistan test-fires Hatf-4 Shaheen-I

Well, lots of pro or anti...

Testing is normal. And you do not see from the outside what is tested, nor would someone tell you what he did improve. So foreigners claiming that there was nothing to be tested. Sure. Every missile is a copy of each other and they all have the same parameters. And only Indians claim crashed tests as partially success...

The major lesson from this test is that is is launched at a sea target. So here we see probably a follow up of the carrier killer 400AKG. We see on both sides major improvements on protecting sea routes (or denying the opposite side). This is one of the few next to the 400AKG and sea launched Babur that means that we might not need to buy dozens of ships but do you wanna risk being hit in the middle of the sea? So yes we continue on asymmetric warfare.

Since 400AKG id full TOT (which was a full secret till now) we all can see what it will mean to our smart usage of technology!

I have made up a little map,covering 900KMs being fired from Gwadar in a mobile launcher or an underground silo.


If it is meant to be,what you said its meant to be than it is a bad news for the Indian navy and its planned carriers...very bad news.

@Luftwaffe @AhaseebA @Munir @Yzd Khalifa @nuclearpak @Armstrong

"Today’s launch, whose impact point was at sea"

Question: Was Target stationary or moving as generally sea Target are not stationary.

Now I'm thinking why PN established Strategic Force Command NSFC as custodian of the country's nuclear second strike capability.

Gentlemen, with all due respect, you seem to be jumping the gun over here. There isn't anything like what you guys are talking about.

I think there is a need to put all the things in perspective as I think this all kicked off due to my post in the first page.

The launch was not at a target on the sea nor was it a carrier killer or anything, it was just a normal ballistic missile with a target made at the sea just as it would have been on land. It was made on the sea because of restriction issues on land.

Launches from the South of Pakistan are made into the sea while those from Attock or Jhelum go towards Balochistan.

Now why was this statement made bold and noticed? Because in a couple of launches before when the launch site was in SIndh, there was a discussion among members that the launch was towards sea. Me and @AhaseebA vouched for it and said that launches are conducted towards the sea. Some Indian members pointed out that Pakistan does not have the capability to track missile movement and hence cannot launch MRBM's into the sea. At that point, we had no proof so couldn't prove the point further and laid it to rest.

Now this statement comes which indirectly shows that Pakistan does indeed have capability to track MRBM's over sea and check the target point.

This has nothing to do with a carrier killer, or a Naval strategic command or naval missile or anything.
@Munir, I hope this clears up things.

Exactly, I agree 100%.

The phrase "impact at sea" DOES NOT means that an actual physical object was targeted. Pakistan simply does not have the luxury of vast land areas, nor we can take any risks by flying an under-development missile over land.

Pakistan has been in possession of the capability of tracking and receiving telemetry data via the telemetry stations aboard Pakistan Navy's assets for a decade now. It is nothing new or surprising.

Again, I repeat, testing over waters has absolutely nothing to do with an ASBM or stuff like that.

Why Shaheen Again ? Why not Developing and testing new platforms

Shaheehn-IA IS a new platform. Do new names help in developing new systems?
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What do you expect from our enemies?

Yaar, TOI pe comment karne waale log hamaare jitne fanboys nahi hote. They just come across a random article about pakistan testing a nuke capable missile and they get all worked up and post some comments which may not be appropriate. Sometimes it's a reply to some inflamatory comment of a person from your side.
So I urge you not to classify the whole indian population as Pakistan's enemy; otherwise you may end up getting what you want. Hatred begets hatred.
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