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Appologies to Indian Members

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Sep 9, 2006
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i would like to apologize to all the indian Members of this forum about the incessant racism and bigotry that was on display in one of the threads.
The behavior of some of the members was shameful and regrettable. i am starting this threat not to start a discussion but to simply inform all the members in this forum how i feel and also because i dont know how i would go about mass mailing everyone
Awfully civil of you.

Indeed racism and bigotry have no place on this forum, or in society.
No need to be so much to feel frens. Infact if you look at other forums they have banned indian members. Here in PFF we have laxury to express. First we should be thankful to PFF admin. I am extremely happy and its beyond expectation from pak frens. Thank you so much and wish to be your fren for days to come..
Well I apologize if I've made any racist remarks, but I don't remember that I have made any.
Not that the group hug isn't heart warming, but insults and bigoted statements fly in both directions. This apology is coming out of the blue if you ask me.
Wouldn't it make more sense to declare some sort of an agreement of mutual respect and understanding in political and defence debates etc, and both sides can warn their own people for stepping over line/trolling/harassing? Just an idea, because apologising wont change a thing.

Please do fill me in if I missed something big.
i would like to apologize to all the indian Members of this forum about the incessant racism and bigotry that was on display in one of the threads.
The behavior of some of the members was shameful and regrettable. i am starting this threat not to start a discussion but to simply inform all the members in this forum how i feel and also because i dont know how i would go about mass mailing everyone

Actually there was little racism in the thread, yes there were one or two remarks that crossed the line and the apologies were made for them...

Other than that, (of course) speaking for myself I used strictly facts about the subject that was discussed both "western/foreign women raped in Incredible India" and Indian pigment distribution...

Also I would like to apologize for harming, raping, killing, stealing, oppressing, supporting separatist in East Pakistan and Baluchistan, perpetrating terrorism in Pakistan, and even torturing innocent people in Kashmir...

Oh wait! I'm not the one who did that...:angel:

Don't mind me just presenting to you reality.
^I don't think we have any rapists, torturers, or terrorists on this forum.

If we do, then I think they must come forward an apologize to A1Kaid for their actions :P
^I don't think we have any rapists, torturers, or terrorists on this forum.

If we do, then I think they must come forward an apologize to A1Kaid for their actions :P

Hey I never did say there were "rapists, torturers, or terrorists on this forum..." Where did you get the incorrect idea?
No need for apologies. Just ignore these people and move on.
In the end, it's important to remember this is just an internet forum. I hope no one here is seriously affected by someone else's insults, bigotry or general douchebaggery.

Winning an argument over the internet is like winning in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded :D
Wouldn't it make more sense to declare some sort of an agreement of mutual respect and understanding in political and defence debates etc, and both sides can warn their own people for stepping over line/trolling/harassing? Just an idea, because apologising wont change a thing.

I agree. While the mods are doing a great job, we as members need to ensure that we maintain mutual respect.

While discussing topics that generate passions (and we can't avoid them, there will be no fun left!), the least we can do is not get personal and just focus on the topic and views of people. Maintaining respect and not trying to take a dig at the religious practices themselves would also be good as that offends people much more.

I guess debates can be done while maintaining mutual respect, not getting personal and recognizing the fact that we are not here just to provide our views but more importantly to learn the others' views.

The warning etc. should be left to the mods for obvious reasons.
This is what I love about this Forum! Once again, I take this opportunity to Apologize to anyone, Indian or Pakistani, that I am Sorry If I hurt their Feelings :) God Speed !
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