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Appologies to Indian Members

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Actually there was little racism in the thread, yes there were one or two remarks that crossed the line and the apologies were made for them...

Other than that, (of course) speaking for myself I used strictly facts about the subject that was discussed both "western/foreign women raped in Incredible India" and Indian pigment distribution...

I fail to understand why people are so interested in discussing skin colour. Some people are fair, others are dark. Some are tall, some are short. Some are built, some are not. Big freaking deal.
I fail to understand why people are so interested in discussing skin colour. Some people are fair, others are dark. Some are tall, some are short. Some are built, some are not. Big freaking deal.

I think that reflects a mind that is yet to reach maturity.

And mostly it looks like a black version of Ku Klux Klan, given that many of these people would be the target of other racists who would consider them inferior based on nothing more than their race or religion or other attributes.
I think that reflects a mind that is yet to reach maturity.

And mostly it looks like a black version of Ku Klux Klan, given that many of these people would be the target of other racists who would consider them inferior based on nothing more than their race or religion or other attributes.

So no one is allowed to discuss a major social trend within India were many young dark skinned people are being told by Bollywood and their media to use "Fair & Handsome" cream, and why so many Indians have a inferiority complex with their dark skins...Also why in India having dark skins prevents you from achieving a good job, and in India people look down on darker skin and lower caste members...

Wow it does seem India is very immature and backwards.
So no one is allowed to discuss a major social trend within India were many young dark skinned people are being told by Bollywood and their media to use "Fair & Handsome" cream, and why so many Indians have a inferiority complex with their dark skins...Also why in India having dark skins prevents you from achieving a good job, and in India people look down on darker skin and lower caste members...

Wow it does seem India is very immature and backwards.
what??? please! In movies there are a certain criteria for Looks, but think of all the actors who have made it irrespective of it! Nana Pateka is a prime example, do u know how much he gets paid per movie? He is on par with any big actor!

I think you are watching too many commercials about Fair and Handsome. Your prejudice is evident when u say dark people dont get jobs! For Gods Sake, most Politicians are dark skinned. Dark Skin has got nothing to do with caste I believe, because all castes got people of all colors! Please dont continue this petty conversation, its so damn petty!
I agree that an obsession with becoming fairer is not very healthy, but its hardly the most pressing problem in the world, when compared to hunger and terrorism and extremism etc.

Also, it has nothing to do with an inferiority complex. Infact, the the thought that people who desire fair skin have an inferiority complex stems from the idea that people with dark skin are inferior to fair people.
Obviously, the people making this interpretation expose their own racist mentality.

The standard for beauty in society usually has nothing to do with race. Are we to believe that the obsession with getting tanned in the west, to the extent of using tanning salons and tanning creams has to do with some inferioirty complex too?
Obviously you would not make that interpretation, because of your belief that since white people are 'superior' to dark people, they would not want to be like them.

Racial prejudice on the other hand happens in every society, and not just India. I'm quite certain that considering the attitudes displayed towards dark skinned people on this forum, the prejudice towards dark skin is far worse in Pakistan than it is in India.

Good looking people are more likely to get a better job, and better pay not just in India, but all over the world. That is just the natural human tendency to subconciously form a positive impression about good looking people. And this has nothing to do with skin tone. There are dark skinned people with good looks who get favoured as well.

So no one is allowed to discuss a major social trend within India were many young dark skinned people are being told by Bollywood and their media to use "Fair & Handsome" cream, and why so many Indians have a inferiority complex with their dark skins...Also why in India having dark skins prevents you from achieving a good job, and in India people look down on darker skin and lower caste members...

Wow it does seem India is very immature and backwards.

If people with dark skin didn't get jobs in India, the whole of South India would be unemployed. As it happens, South India contains the majority of Indian jobs. What does that indicate to you?

The problem with you guys is that you try to generalize something about a country which is so vast and so diverse that it is impossible to generalize anything about it at all.
While your original post is nice kidwaibhai and commendable, this thread has become another of those threads.

Time to stop posting in another thread i guess.
So no one is allowed to discuss a major social trend within India were many young dark skinned people are being told by Bollywood and their media to use "Fair & Handsome" cream, and why so many Indians have a inferiority complex with their dark skins...Also why in India having dark skins prevents you from achieving a good job, and in India people look down on darker skin and lower caste members...

Wow it does seem India is very immature and backwards.

I can tell you this, I have rarely seen anyone talking of color of the persons in India in recent times. The ads are for selling stuff and they don't represent the society completely.

I think Pakistanis have much more complex about color despite the fact that Islam advises them to be moderate about the looks!

Some of the richest Indians today are South Indians, same for some of the most powerful politicians, army chiefs, bureaucrats, intelligence chiefs, best engineers, best scientists, I can go on...

In Indian, the color seems more prominent on the marriage ads than in the rest of the society. Its importance is decreasing all the time as people become more aware of the diversity of the country.
I would like to apologize to Indians for abusing them.It's just that i was very angry after Mumbai attacks when some indians joined and started bashing Pakistan..
Let me take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my posts.

I always try to maintain respect for the person while also trying to put my point across. I am sure I fail sometimes. Please be sure I have nothing against any individual. I am just discussing the issue and not the person.
I don't really like those kind of threads imo made for nothing but provocation and flamebait why make a thread just to post bad facts ? whats the intention behind it to point fingers ? we know theres crimes and social problems in every country it's not like india is extra bad when it happens there .Though I do think there are some blatantly racist and offensive members such as communist that dude sounds kinda genocidal with his comments about "punishing hindus" i'd like the mods to ask him to calm down plz.
Though overall it's very tolerant for a defence forum i seen other defence forums where they're extremely nationalistic and people are abused and banned if they criticize the host country or if they even happen to be from a country the mods don't like the guys here do a good job.
Now lets hug and make up lol
Certain Indians want nothing more then Pakistan to fail, then enjoy India's status as potential economic powerhouse over Pakistan.
The Mumbai issue has shown alot of true characters from certain Indians on this board.
Apologise only if necessary and only if Indians were bashed for no reason at all.
People who "desire" peace and who claim to want no tensions between our nations, have always been the people screaming their lungs out for war, and supported those who indeed were on the path of warmongering.
Sneaky little rats they are.
i would like to apologize to all the indian Members of this forum about the incessant racism and bigotry that was on display in one of the threads.
The behavior of some of the members was shameful and regrettable. i am starting this threat not to start a discussion but to simply inform all the members in this forum how i feel and also because i dont know how i would go about mass mailing everyone

u seriously need to get a life dude :lol:

Awfully civil of you.

but its okay, u tend to be kind and nicer towards people and i appreciate that :)(refering KB)
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u seriously need to get a life dude :lol:

but its okay, u tend to be kind towards people and i appreciate it :D
???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? Wat da heck??? if you meant it as a joke, then the "seriously" part put an end to it!
u seriously need to get a life dude :lol:

but its okay, u tend to be kind and nicer towards people and i appreciate that :)

How can a Pakistani apologise to all Indians who blame us for everything? MAybe he is a RAW agent but you really need to get a life dude.
How can a Pakistani apologise to all Indians who blame us for everything? MAybe he is a RAW agent but you really need to get a life dude.
stop hounding a fellow pakistani just because he realised the gravity of the issue at hand! You should get over framing anyone who is not like you or correspond with your views as a RAW agent!
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