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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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There were jews before Christians. Go tell all the Christians to revert back.
Another point is if conversions are not allowed in KSA, how do you expect to see any non-Muslim natives there? This is like Angola wiping out its non-Christian population and banning conversions so after 100 years you wouldn't be able to say a word against them.
Since you are a warrior you happen to be number one isn't that how it is?:p:

Shoossshh :P I can never have the last word with a female so I'm just giving in here

Another point is if conversions are not allowed in KSA, how do you expect to see any non-Muslim natives there? This is like Angola wiping out its non-Christian population and banning conversions so after 100 years you wouldn't be able to say a word against them.

Can you really compare a democracy like Angola with a kingdom of the sort of Saudi Arabia. I'm not putting down Saudi Arabia and I know nothing about the political system there but if that kingdom is ruled by decree then it doesn't make sense comparing Angola with Saudi Arabia ?
First of all i never said i hate 2 billion humans, but yes i hate political Islam and self appointed protector of it. I hate the people deciding who is going to heaven or who is going to hell, I hate the people who abuse other religion but go bonkers when someone criticize their religion, I hate people who themselves generalize others based on their religion but start screaming foul when it's done to them. I hate people who are on divine mission to tell me that God has accepted my ablution, prayers, fasts or not, I hate people who are on divine mission to tell me that i am Muslim or not, I will go into hell or heaven.

Stupid rant. Angolans are banning Islam. Political or whatever. And you support it. That makes you anti Islam by any simple definition and definitely someone who hates 2 billion Muslims including muslims of Pakistan. Other rant. There are many who don't give fatwa that who would go to hell or heaven. But you hate them and want to ban the religion they follow. There are millions who don't abuse other religions but you hate them and want to ban their religion in Angola and other countries. There are millions again who don't generalize others because of someone's belief but you again want their religion to be banned. Millions of Muslims are on no divine missions but it is you who want them to be eliminated and their religion to be banned.

Yeah - my rant was not genuine and was foolish because it's non-Muslims countries were people are slaughtering each other, Ones doing hate speeches and handing over fatwas are isolated individuals with no followers at all, nobody have sympathy with terrorist scums, one declaring them martyr & declaring soldiers of country non-martyer have no followers at all, there is nobody justifying suicide attacks - defiantly no rabid mob destroying public properties in protests, certainly nobody showers rose petals on killers of persons who stood in favor of non-muslim.

Again. There are countless many who don't support extremists and terrorists like me. But you hate us and want our religion to be banned in non Muslim majority country. I don't give any hate speech about any sect nor support someone's hate speech about someone, but you want my religion to be banned in different non Muslim countries. I don't sympathy with terrorists but you want my religion to be banned in different non Muslim countries. I don't consider Indian soldier dead in IOK as martyrs. Yes But I definitely consider soldier killed at the hands of TTP martyrs. But you hate my religion and want it to be banned. I don't justify suicide attacks and million others like me do the same. But you want our religion to banned. I didn't shower petals on any killer and neither did many muslims. But you want their religion to be banned. Shameless isn't it? Or you have already crossed limits of shame in your hate for Islam like your Bharati buddies.
Shoossshh :P I can never have the last word with a female so I'm just giving in here

Can you really compare a democracy like Angola with a kingdom of the sort of Saudi Arabia. I'm not putting down Saudi Arabia and I know nothing about the political system there but if that kingdom is ruled by decree then it doesn't make sense comparing Angola with Saudi Arabia ?

That shows you're smart afterall :-)
Another point is if conversions are not allowed in KSA, how do you expect to see any non-Muslim natives there? This is like Angola wiping out its non-Christian population and banning conversions so after 100 years you wouldn't be able to say a word against them.

There are no Christian and Hindu natives there. Since nobody is interested in it. Wake me up when we have enough native Christians and Hindus and I would support their cause to build churches and temples for them. And I am yet to meet a saudi itching to be a chrisitan and hindu.
There are no Christian and Hindu natives there. Since nobody is interested in it. Wake me up when we have enough native Christians and Hindus and I would support their cause to build churches and temples for them. And I am yet to meet a saudi itching to be a chrisitan and hindu.

Why would there be any Christian or a Hindu when a country has such a moronic Religious police and practice of other religions is not allowed to be worshipped openly , why would anyone want to even go and settle there ? ...Fact is, other than turkey ...any country with a sizable Islamic population starts to trample over other religions .. England / Norway and other European countries are a very good example ...
Why would there be any Christian or a Hindu when a country has such a moronic Religious police and practice of other religions is not allowed to be worshipped openly , why would anyone want to even go and settle there ? ...Fact is, other than turkey ...any country with a sizable Islamic population starts to trample over other religions .. England / Norway and other European countries are a very good example ...

It is your rant. Share a news with me where thousands of Saudi's want to become Christians and Hindus and the state is stopping them. Till then it is all BS.
It is your rant. Share a news with me where thousands of Saudi's want to become Christians and Hindus and the state is stopping them. Till then it is all BS.

lol...how can they even convert when first "they are not allowed to convert" and second " other religions are not allowed to be openly practiced" ... They try to convert and they will prolly have their heads removed .. Isn't that what your holy book says, to kill those who leave the religion ?
lol...how can they even convert when first "they are not allowed to convert" and second " other religions are not allowed to be openly practiced" ... They try to convert and they will prolly have their heads removed .. Isn't that what your holy book says, to kill those who leave the religion ?

Lol why would they convert when they are not interested in it. I am yet to hear about any saudi who want to become a Christian or anything like that. They are satisfied with what they are and state has nothing to do with that. They are not confused like Hindus of India who call themselves Atheist and Hindu at the same time.
There should be a blanket wide ban on all religions all over the world to save earths resources. Not one person can follow any religion for its intended use and comes up with their own using the vague descriptions given in religious texts.
I am saying they shouldn't allow if they don't feel like it its their choice and i won't feel in the least offended if they don't allow Muslims there. Secondly in order to ban any non dharmic sites from India you have to at least first be honest which you haven't ever been. You claim to be a secular state or a rather so called secular state hosting more Muslims than Pakistan and just on the base of that, claim to be a tolerant society towards minorities which is far from the truth. And like i said in my earlier posts there are many Islamic countries that allow non Muslims to pray freely but instead of acknowledging that you can continue with you're claims on "our lack of in built empathy". And whether i am half heartedly defending them or am a downright cruel person please refrain from commenting on that it surely doesn't concern you.

What are you talking about?

A lot of religions practice openly in India without discrimination. And western style secularism is hard to implement as Hindus and Muslims will heckle over it.
There should be a blanket wide ban on all religions all over the world to save earths resources. Not one person can follow any religion for its intended use and comes up with their own using the vague descriptions given in religious texts.

Seriously not going to happen.
Wrong, i only mentioned Saudi Arabia and i gave the reason as well. I also said in my post that most Islamic countries allow non Muslims to pray freely and have churches and temples built so instead of ignoring that part acknowledge it. I would not support any ban on churches or temples in any other Muslim country including my own and i would be the first person to condemn that because that would be indeed unfair. The only reason i gave in the case of Saudi Arabia is not just for that particular place but if the Vatican chooses that then i would respect that choice as well so i dont find any bias in my approach unlike you're claims.

What is wrong in having a Church, Temple right next to Mecca and Madina?? It will actually show the magnanimity of Islam not other way around.
We should see the aftermath of such activity...

Human should do anything to bring peace..

After all All religion are made by man..
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