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An interesting town in Austria


Sep 19, 2008
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This is ture!....there is a town named F*****G in austria but they are facing a lot of trouble from british tourists who are stealing their roadsigns:woot: . here goes


******* (German pronunciation: [ˈfʊkɪŋ]) is an Austrian village[2] in the municipality of Tarsdorf,[3] in the Innviertel region of western Upper Austria. The village is located 33 kilometres (21 mi) north of Salzburg, four kilometres (2.5 mi) east of the German border.

Despite having a population of only 104 people, the village has become famous for its name, particularly in the English-speaking world. Its road signs are a popular attraction for visitors, and they were often stolen by souvenir-hunting tourists until 2005 when they were modified to be theft-resistant.
Demographics and transportationIn the Austrian census conducted by Statistik Austria on 15 May 2001, it was recorded the village had a population of 93.[8] The Age reported in 2005 the village had a population of 104 and a total number of 32 houses.[5]

There is a bus service operated by OÖVV between Schärding and Eggerding which makes stops at Unterfucking (Lower *******) and Oberfucking (Upper *******). Bus route 2302 operates once a day from Monday to Friday.[9]

Name and notoriety
*******'s most famous feature are four traffic signs with its name on it, beside which tourists still stop to have their photograph taken, owing to the identical spelling to a form of the English-language profanity "****". One version of the sign features the village name with an additional sign beneath it, with the words "Bitte — nicht so schnell!", which translates from German into English as "Please — not so fast!" The lower sign - which features an illustration of two children - is meant to inform drivers to watch their speed, but tourists see this as a double-meaning coupled with the village name.[10]

British and American soldiers who were based in nearby Salzburg noticed the name after World War II, and they began to travel to the village to have their photos taken beside the signs whilst striking various poses. The local residents, the Fuckingers, were considerably bemused as they had not previously been aware of the meaning of their village's name in English.[5] Since then, the number of visitors to ******* has increased, with the occasional visit by a tour bus.[6]

The village is especially popular with British tourists; as a local tour guide explained, "The Germans all want to see Mozart's house in Salzburg, the Americans want to see where The Sound of Music was filmed. The Japanese want Hitler's birthplace in Braunau. But for the British, it's all about *******."[11] Augustina Lindlbauer, the manager of an area guesthouse, noted that the area had lakes, forests and vistas worth visiting, but there was an "obsession with *******". Lindlbauer recalled how she had to explain to a British female tourist "that there were no ******* postcards."[12]

The road signs were commonly stolen as souvenirs,[10] – the only crime which has been reported in the village.[13] This cost some 300 Euros to replace each stolen sign, and the costs were reflected in the taxes that local residents pay.[5] In 2004, due mainly to the stolen signs, a vote was held on changing the village's name, but the residents voted against doing so.[7] Tarsdorf municipality's mayor Siegfried Hauppl stated that it was decided to keep the name as it had existed for 800 years,[7] and further stated that "(e)veryone here knows what it means in English, but for us ******* is ******* — and it's going to stay *******."[14]

After a spate of thefts, which included the theft of all four signs in one single night, and a total of fifteen over a period of several years, in August 2005 the road signs were replaced with theft-resistant signs welded to steel and secured in concrete to prevent further chances of the sign being stolen.[5][15] Mayor Hauppl said that officials were fed up with English-speaking tourists stealing the signs, and noted that with the newly installed signs it would take all night to steal one. Hauppl said that tourists, and the money they bring to the area, were welcome, but locals were sick of replacing the signs.[1][16] Kommandant Schmidtberger, the local police chief, also hinted at other avenues to stop what he calls "foreign criminals" from disturbing order in the village. Schmidtberger, whilst not disclosing what other options were on the table, stated "What they are, I am not at liberty to disclose, but we will not stand for the ******* signs being removed. It may be very amusing for you British, but ******* is simply ******* to us. What is this big ******* joke? It is puerile."[13]

A local resident of the village, Josef Winkler, attempted to cash in on the village's fame by setting up a website (www.*******.at), on which he sold t-shirts featuring the village road signs, with the slogan "I like ******* in Austria" printed on them. According to Winkler, they were selling well, and he was in negotiations with Maxim magazine regarding possible promotions, but was forced to stop his venture after being shouted at and threatened in the street. Winkler said "It was a bit of fun that didn't hurt anyone, but I found out that in this region you just can't do something like that. The whole thing became a real trial for me and I had to stop. People are very traditional here."[13]

In November 2008 the village hosted the Festival of the **** Bands music festival, which featured bands Fucked Up, Holy ****, **** and **** Buttons.[17]

In July 2009 it was announced that the village would be installing numerous CCTV cameras in an attempt to deter summertime tourists from filming themselves having sexual intercourse in front of the ******* signs. A resident of the village said that installing cameras around the village may make tourists think twice and instead choose to only have a photograph taken in front of the sign.[18] Juergen Stoll, the operator of a guesthouse at Wank, close to the Austrian-German border, stated that the residents of ******* should be cashing in on its name, although Mayor Franz Meindl states "We don't find it funny. We just want to be left alone. We don't harm anyone and just want to live in peace.",[19] and that he would prefer not to see the village being featured in the press anymore.[20] Meindl appears to have the opposite view of former Mayor Hauppl, by proclaiming that residents wish for their village to be left alone by tourists.[15]

Putting the problem in context, however, tz-online notes that numerous villages across the border in Germany have names that are "unfortunate" even in German, including Affendorf (Monkey Village), Faulebutter (Putrid Butter), Fickmühlen (**** Mill), Himmelreich (Kingdom of Heaven), Katzenhirn (Cat Brain), Plöd (Stupid), Regenmantel (Raincoat), Sklavenhaus (Slave House) and Warzen (Warts).

What's the F---ing joke?

The 104 inhabitants of F---ing, Austria are tired of pesky tourists - and they're fighting back, writes Toby Harnden.

For those travelling to it across the border from Germany, it is a long way further on from Petting - where some people prefer to stop for a while rather than going all the way. It might appropriately be twinned with the Amish town of Intercourse, Pennsylvania. Or perhaps with Condom, France. Or Climax, Colorado.

In the world of crosswords, cryptically the name of the village, which begins with F, has seven letters and is not for those under 16, could be: "Monarch follows soccer team, you hear."

A quick crossword clue might ask you, po-faced, for the gerund form of the English profanity that refers to the principal act leading to procreation.

An etymologist would know that its verb was derived from the Latin futuere and the Old German ficken, meaning "to strike or penetrate". The lexicographer can trace its first recorded use to John Florio's A World of Words, a 1598 dictionary.

D. H. Lawrence used it in Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1928, but it was 32 years before it could be published legally. The playwright Kenneth Tynan was the first one to utter it on television four decades ago.

But for the conservative inhabitants of a settlement called F---ing in rural Upper Austria near Salzburg that comprises just 32 houses (population: 104), the English meaning of their village's name is just one giant headache.

One night, tourists stole all four road signs on its approaches. Since records began, there has been no crime there - apart from the perennial theft of what officials call "street furniture".

Now the authorities are fighting back. The signs have been set in concrete bases and Kommandant Schmidtberger, the local police chief, hints at clandestine operations to combat what he calls "foreign criminals" disturbing the alpine order.

Around the village, corn grows in neat rows, stacks of wood seem almost geometrically arranged and every lawn is clipped each week. "God bless our work" is painted over the threshold of one rustic dairy farm.

"Let's just say there are plans in place to deal with this," the Kommandant warned darkly. "What they are, I am not at liberty to disclose, but we will not stand for the F---ing signs being removed. It may be very amusing for you British, but F---ing is simply F---ing to us. What is this big F---ing joke? It is puerile."

Local guide Andreas Behmuller said that each nationality had its own priorities when visiting the area. "The Germans all want to see the Mozart house in Salzburg. Italians and Russians always celebrate New Year here. Every American seems to care only about The Sound of Music (filmed around Salzburg in 1965). The occasional Japanese wants to see Hitler's birthplace in Braunau. But for the British, it's all about F---ing."

The village is believed to have been founded in the sixth century by a Bavarian noble called Focko. The Germanic ending "ing" means "family of". Its existence was first documented in 1070 and records show that 20 years later its lord was Adalpertus de Fucingin. By 1303, it was known as Fukching and in 1532 the official designation was Fugkhing. It was not until 1760 that the village took its modern name, which is pronounced in German with a guttural "oo" sound.

After World War II, British and American soldiers stationed near Salzburg noticed the name and, to the bemusement of villagers, began to visit the place and be photographed beside its signs while striking jocular poses.

The number of tourists who take a quick detour has been increasing ever since. Now there is even the occasional tour bus.

"Here we have tranquillity, clean air, lakes, acres of forests and some of the most breathtaking vistas one could imagine," says Augustina Lindlbauer, who runs a guesthouse in a medieval pile just outside the village.

"Yet still there is this obsession with F---ing. Just this morning I had to tell an English lady who stopped by that there were no F---ing postcards."

The one local who tried to cash in on the village's growing fame was threatened and shouted at in the street. Josef Winkler set up an internet site selling T-shirts featuring the village sign and carrying the message: "I like F---ing in Austria." They were selling well and there were even discussions with the men's magazine Maxim about a possible promotion.

"It was a bit of fun that didn't hurt anyone, but I found out that in this region you just can't do something like that," says a chastened Mr Winkler. "The whole thing became a real trial for me and I had to stop. People are very traditional here."

Newly elected mayor Franz Meindl refuses to discuss the issue, on the basis that any publicity would simply lead to more signs being stolen. "Leave me in peace with this F---ing," he says angrily, before slamming down the telephone.

His predecessor, Siegfried Hauppl, was equally dismissive when he was interrupted playing a game of Skat. "I am no longer the mayor so this F---ing problem is nothing to do with me," he growled, turning his back and studying his cards.

At the area council offices in adjoining Tarsdorf, a young planning official called Gabriele, who asked for her surname to be kept secret for fear of provoking reprisals, revealed that each sign cost at least EUR300 ($A490) to replace and this was reflected in local taxes.

"There was even some discussion about changing the name because it has become such a serious issue," she says.

"But everyone decided that F---ing had been here for so long that it would be a shame to consign it to the past.

"The older people don't like being laughed at by some of the younger ones from other villages, but we are proud of our beautiful F---ing."

- The Sunday Telegraph
Brits steal carloads of F**king Austrian roadsigns
Alert Print No IT angle and certainly NSFW

By Lester Haines • Get more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 15th August 2005 13:06 GMT

An Austrian village called ******* will not change its name despite sniggering Brits making off with its roadsigns.

Mayor Siegfried Hauppl has asked visitors to lay off the signs which began to attract outside attention after British and US soldiers passing through in 1945 illuminated the locals as to the English meaning of *******, Ananova reports.

Hauppl explained: "We had a vote last year on whether to rename the town, but decided to keep it as it is. After all, ******* has existed for 800 years, probably when a Mr **** or the **** family moved into the area. The 'ing' was added as a word for settlement."

We reckon that ******* has been around a lot longer than 800 years, otherwise there wouldn't have been any Fucks to lend their name to the village in the first place, would there?

Be that as it may, the disappointing news is that the residents of ******* are - according to Franz Duernsteiner, an expert on preposterous Austrian village names - very "conservative" people. He said: "Most of them can speak English, and when someone asks them where they come from they are a little ashamed to say it."

That's fair enough, and certainly something the residents of Milton Keynes can sympathise with.
yeah i know about this town :rofl: its really funny
i can remember there was a debate in that town some peoples wanted to change the name of that town but the residents of that town insisted they won't change it because this way this small town is becoming popular all over the world so its better if they stick to the same name and become popular all over the world
Well there is a town in Sweden call Lund. !!!!!!!!! what do u say about that.
lolz.....................thats all what i have to say
Worst of all that city has a very good university. I wonder how its student introduce himself.

Hello my name is _______ and I am a Lund graduate

Man thats 16 years of education down the drain :p
Well there is a town in Sweden call Lund. !!!!!!!!! what do u say about that.

it has a different pronunciation....
there is a place called 'rand' somewhere in Africa i believe...or maybe it's me finding innuendos in everything...
it has a different pronunciation....
there is a place called 'rand' somewhere in Africa i believe...or maybe it's me finding innuendos in everything...

Rand ..... even if u call it Rund .... still not bad but Lund ....come on yaar
I guess this will make this thread "males only" :lol:
in canada my friend is a native and his name in native is bear croch. LOOOL ... but no one minds it here.
Well there are family names in Pakistan like Lund , chudhar etc :) LOL no one mind it here too hahahahaha
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