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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Whats probably happened is some trigger happy guy saw the post, thought it to be enemy positions.. called up air support.
and that is that.

From BBC,

Military sources told the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Paktika province in Afghanistan that a US-Afghan special forces mission came under fire from a position within Pakistan.

They received permission from the headquarters of Nato's Isaf mission to fire back at what they believed was a suspected Taliban training camp.

BBC News - Nato: 'Highly likely' we caused Pakistan troop deaths
There is absoulutely no price of those 28 martyrs, little can be acheived if Pakistan will get those murderers in its custody & put them on military trial in Pakistan.
NATO attack: Suspend supply lines, vacate Shamsi air base in 15 days, DCC decides
By APP / Reuters
Published: November 26, 2011
Pakistan has decided to close the logistics supply line to NATO/ISAF forces stationed in Afghanistan with immediate effect, and to ask United States to vacate Shamsi air base within 15 days following the early morning raid by NATO forces on a Pakistani border checkpost on Saturday.
The decision was taken in an emergency meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani. The meeting was attended by Federal Ministers, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, Services Chiefs including General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
The meeting, which took decisions in light of the Parliament resolution of May 14, 2011 (after the US raid on Abbottabad) decided that land supply route of NATO/ISAF supplies through Pakistan will be suspended, while US forces stationed at Shamsi air base in Balochistan will be asked to leave. The meeting further resolved that that the Pakistani people and the armed forces would safeguard the Pakistan’s sovereignty at all costs.
The Prime Minister will take the Parliament into confidence on the whole range of measures regarding matters relating to Pakistan’s future cooperation with US/NATO/ISAF, in the near future.
The DCC strongly condemned the attack by NATO/ISAF aircrafts on Pakistani border posts in the Mohmand Agency which had resulted in the deaths of 24 security personnel and injuring 12 soldiers of the Pakistan Army.
Balochistan bans entry of NATO/ISAF supply trucks
Mimicing a move by the federal government, the government of Balochistan has banned the entry and exit of containers bearing fuel and other supplies for Afghanistan based ISAF and NATO troops
Chief Minister, Nawab Mohammad Aslam Raisani, has issued an order asking district authorities at Lasbela and Jaffarabad to bar NATO oil tankers and containers from entering Balochistan with immediate effect.
According to a statement issued here on Saturday night, it said that the bar was in reaction to the NATO air strikes on the Pakistani border posts in Mohmand Agency.
Containers and oil tankers carrying fuel and military hardware were stopped near Chaman, a township that shares Paksitan’s border with Afghanistan. Border security forces did not allow the Afghanistan bound trucks to cross the border.
Another convoy of NATO oil tankers and containers was on its way to Chaman from Dasht area was stopped near Akhtarabad, a suburb of Quetta. The convoy was escorted by Balochistan Levies and security forces.
Long queue was seen in Chaman and Akhtarabad as they were not allowed to proceed further.
On average 200 NATO containers and oil tanker cross Chaman border everyday. “We were asked to hold NATO containers and oil tankers,” a senior official said, adding that foolproof security was being provided to NATO trucks in order to thwart any attack from hostile elements.
NATO suppliers are escorted by personnel of Levies and security forces since they are often targeted by armed groups in Balochistan.
Top echelon condemn ‘unacceptable’ checkpost attack
Earlier, the attacks had drawn a strong reaction from Pakistan with NATO supplies being halted, the US Ambassador to Pakistan being summoned and condemnations from the highest offices in Pakistani government.
Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, and the army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani all condemned the attack, terming it “unacceptable”.
President’s spokesperson, Farhatullah Babar said that the President had called the attack by NATO/ISAF helicopters, resulting in loss of precious lives of Pakistani soldiers, as unacceptable. President Zardari said a strong protest had also been registered with NATO and ISAF over the incident and they have been asked to take urgent action against those responsible for this aggression.
The powerful Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, directed in a statement issued by the Pakistani military that “all necessary steps be under taken for an effective response to this irresponsible act.
“A strong protest has been launched with NATO/ISAF in which it has been demanded that strong and urgent action be taken against those responsible for this aggression,” the statement continued.
Gilani had summoned Cabinet’s Defence Committee for a meeting which is currently underway at the PM house.
Protests lodged with US, NATO/ISAF
Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir on Saturday called in US Ambassador Cameron Munter to lodge a strong protest on the unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack.
The Foreign Secretary conveyed to the US Ambassador that the unprovoked attack by NATO/ISAF had deeply incensed the Government and the people of Pakistan, according to a press statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“The President, the Prime Minister and the Government of Pakistan strongly condemn the attacks which were totally unacceptable, constituted a grave infringement of Pakistan’s sovereignty, were violative of international law and a serious transgression of the oft conveyed red lines and could have serious repercussions on Pakistan-US/NATO/ISAF cooperation”, the statement read.
The Ambassador was informed that the Prime Minister had convened an emergency meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet to evaluate the situation arising from these uncalled for attacks by NATO/ISAF forces.
Strong protests have also been lodged in Washington and at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, the statement added. As reported earlier, Pakistani Embassy in Washington had lodged a verbal complaint with the State Department.
The US embassy in Islamabad had offered condolences.
NATO supplies halted for ‘security reasons’
NATO supply trucks and fuel tankers bound for Afghanistan were stopped at the town of Jamrud in Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar hours after the raid, officials said.
One official though said that the supply route had been shut for security reasons.
“There is possibility of attacks on NATO supplies passing through the volatile Khyber tribal region, therefore we sent them back towards Peshawar to remain safe,” he said.
The border crossing at Chaman in Balochistan was also closed, Frontier Corps officials said.
Read more: natoattack
So your solution for revenge is shoot down an unmanned drone? You clown.

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------


They get supplies from CAR region too..and trying to arrange rest from that region
We need more than this

-raise the issue internationally,
-demand for those murderers
-put pressure via China, Russia, Saudia, Turkey etc
-also put diplomatic pressure on European countries, North American countries, Japan, Australia etc to condemn this act & hand over those murderers.

hahaha are we in such position to put pressure on Japan,Australia and European Countries.Russia,China was also against the war on libya and you know very well what happened ? We have to fight ourselves, no one gonna fight for our cause.
It is time to reclaim our lost sovereignty by shooting down the American drones. This is the best way to show that the blood of our soldiers who were cold bloodedly killed in this incident has not gone in vain.

It is useless to protest or temporarily halting supply line that can be done on some other instant not this time. If our chief or commander in chief cannot ensure the safety & dignity of those who protect our motherland then they should put a bullet in their head. It is still graceful than this humiliation.

uuuff buddy, twice you confused me, i thought i never wrote that by looking at replies in the first glane
Did you read the article of DG ISPR, before your verbal vomit? Please read and come back again.

Yes i have read that. On one hand you are not agree with him when he says that NATO was not chasing terrorists and it was an attack deliberately and at the same time you are so sure about the anomalies in maps. Your own people have expressed sorrow over the attack which mean even they accept that what they did was not RIGHT thing to do. Now you are here just to sell us some seriously wired kind of explanation. Sorry, we are not interested. Afghanistan has become a strategic black hole for entire region just because of your epic failure in that country and now you want out putting blame on Pakistan for that.
Find me anything that gives the location of ANY meeting down to the co-ordinates of flag meeting between ISAF and PA..
Google it all you want.. the most you will get is a general area.

Did you not just say maps are inaccurate?

Whats probably happened is some trigger happy guy saw the post, thought it to be enemy positions.. called up air support.
and that is that.

More likely is that some Afghan "intel" gave the post as location of Taliban hideout..
that is all ISAF needs as an excuse to use munitions.

Sorry anybody with any service background will know all Flag meeting are duly recorded and minutes are signed.

Copy with photos are sent to higher formations for info and approval, unless its something about black ops.

the trigger Happy guy as you assume would not even know who his helfire will kill but the overall Tactical cdr who ordered it will.

Fly in the Journalist since as per PA its a safe area and lets get some unbiased reports.

Its amusing to see after stating that there have been several meetings between NATO and PA at this post you demure to provide any proof
There is absoulutely no price of those 28 martyrs, little can be acheived if Pakistan will get those murderers in its custody & put them on military trial in Pakistan.

That is just wishful thinking. Don't forget raymond davis incident. Taking the case to the international tribunal would be the best case scenario and this can help Pakistan to improve the image of Pakistan in the world. Follow the legal ways to take them head on.
Nothing is gonna happen!!! If it was American soldiers there would have been tomahawk reply.....RIP the soldiers !!
egg kao - murgai ke piche na paro egg see bhe jao ge

This is the reason of failure of Pakistan, you are supporter of IK & i think IK said once that "hum haar kabhi nahi maantay". For God sake 28 soilders are martyred it is not a joke, think seriously & post.

P.S By your post you sound like zardari who when came in power said that "Pakistan ko kabhi India say kisi field may muqabla nai karna chahiye" & you see the dreadful fall of economy(which was booming in Musharraf era) after that?
I see absloute ZERO gains for us in contuning to have any meanigful co-operation between NATO/US and Pakistan. These rats basically got out a lot of concessions in the aftermatch of 9/11 by pulling of that stunt and claiming the higher ground .. time has come to tell them to go **** them selves and We have to turn the screws slowly but surely and I can see it happening that in the aftermath of this incident the fherangis will be chansed out first from with in Pakistan and then the heat will be truned on inside afghanistan.
How is it your Economy, False flagger. You dont make a dime and live in the Azizabad slum of Altaf Hussain.

What have you ever done for Pakistani Economy, Indian Impostor.

apni auqaat dekh ker baat kero illeterate guy
Yes i have read that. On one hand you are not agree with him when he says that NATO was not chasing terrorists and it was an attack deliberately and at the same time you are so sure about the anomalies in maps. Your own people have expressed sorrow over the attack which mean even they accept that what they did was not RIGHT thing to do. Now you are here just to sell us some seriously wired kind of explanation. Sorry, we are not interested. Afghanistan has become a strategic black hole for entire region just because of your epic failure in that country and now you want out putting blame on Pakistan for that.

There two very subtle differences

1. Yes we are sorry at this moment as PA lost serviceman and nothing wrong with that.

2. No we donot accept the blame for the above till a full inquiry is conducted into it and you must fly in Journalists to this so called safe area to prove us wrong. If you don't do that then you have something to hide not us.
same can be said about the PA when they killed 13 of their own men by bombing them recently.
And this explains how much you really know about advanced military weapons. Which Pakistani artillery unit deployed in FATA has GPS support like NATO helicopter????

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