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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Lets analyze what could be pakistan's reaction.

- Stop supply route - Done already. (pakistan will loose whatever money and jobe it gets)
- Support taliban openly to fight.

I don't see any other thing pakistan can do.

What money dude???? Pakistan had never received a single cent for those convoys, first. second, Military assistance had been blocked since a year ago & civilian assistance had been cut down to very low. Other than this you should know that Pakistanis want full stop for this aid that is actually bribe for polititions to work for others interests.

What Pakistan can do is demand NATO to hand over those murderers, if NATO reject this than Pakistan must pressurize them via China, Saudia, Russia, Turkey etc still if they do not hand those murderers than Pakistan must contact International Court of Justice.

Also Pakistan needs to raise this issue in international arena, shake the world by diplomatic means must be the strategy, it means raise this issue in Europe, North America, MiddleEast, Russia, China, Australia, Japan etc diplomatically. Currently the elites & rulers are taking this issue very lightly, just few protest came out. What nonsense is this????
It is time to reclaim our lost sovereignty by shooting down the American drones. This is the best way to show that the blood of our soldiers who were cold bloodedly killed in this incident has not gone in vain.

It is useless to protest or temporarily halting supply line that can be done on some other instant not this time. If our chief or commander in chief cannot ensure the safety & dignity of those who protect our motherland then they should put a bullet in their head. It is still graceful than this humiliation.

So your solution for revenge is shoot down an unmanned drone? You clown.

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

Santro if you went to zurich you will see a UBS bank every 100 meters and when the article says that the maps are inaccurate upto 5 miles you will understand the problem.

Lastly you are spreading a falsehood as not one iota of proof has been rendered by anybody to show NATO and PA met at this post.

And you are trying to sell the idea that in this age of sophistication and technologies, NATO was relaying on paper maps. Ever heard of Coordinates. Map can have problem but not GPS coordinate and as per ISPR NATO has all these coordinate (reference points) with them about Pakistani check posts.

---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

Santro if you went to zurich you will see a UBS bank every 100 meters and when the article says that the maps are inaccurate upto 5 miles you will understand the problem.

Lastly you are spreading a falsehood as not one iota of proof has been rendered by anybody to show NATO and PA met at this post.

And you are trying to sell the idea that in this age of sophistication and technologies, NATO was relaying on paper maps. Ever heard of Coordinates. Map can have problem but not GPS coordinate and as per ISPR NATO has all these coordinate (reference points) with them about Pakistani check posts.
The US is a despicable creature! A surprise attack on an ally!

China and Russia should move quickly to bring Pakistan formally into SCO. Then Pakistan can officially terminate all cooperation with USA and cut off all supplies. Then China and Russia can supply advanced weapons to Taliban to kill or capture all US troops in Afghanistan, who now have no supplies of fuel at all.
This probably spells the end of any effective co-operation between Pakistan & the NATO, unless something significantly "positive" happens to revive the relationship.

Like getting some new F-16s and Apaches or some million dollars for the khakis and babus?

Just wondering what would be the fair price of those 28 martyrs. :rolleyes:
And you are trying to sell the idea that in this age of sophistication and technologies, NATO was relaying on paper maps. Ever heard of Coordinates. Map can have problem but not GPS coordinate and as per ISPR NATO has all these coordinate (reference points) with them about Pakistani check posts.


Did you read the article of DG ISPR, before your verbal vomit? Please read and come back again.
Like getting some new F-16s and Apaches or some million dollars for the khakis and babus?

Just wondering what would be the fair price of those 28 martyrs. :rolleyes:
you are talking about 28 martyrs sir but no one can pay the price of life of a our single soldier ....
We have sold our honor that is why we are seeing this day .... As a nation its our death
The US is a despicable creature! A surprise attack on an ally!

China and Russia should move quickly to bring Pakistan formally into SCO. Then Pakistan can officially terminate all cooperation with USA and cut off all supplies. Then China and Russia can supply advanced weapons to Taliban to kill or capture all US troops in Afghanistan, who now have no supplies of fuel at all.

Put your money where your mouth is? Crocodile tears only dehydrates you.
Are we supposed to take DG, ISPR as the oracle of truth. if what he says is true and the area is clear of TTP/safe, fly or let Journalists travel there and let them report. I know that will never happen.

I rather have some JF-17s sent over to bagram or whatever airbase the choppers came from and have them bombed.
Santro, come on you know what i mean?

Post the exact evidence which shows NATO and PA people met at that post. Please do.

Find me anything that gives the location of ANY meeting down to the co-ordinates of flag meeting between ISAF and PA..
Google it all you want.. the most you will get is a general area.

Did you not just say maps are inaccurate?

Whats probably happened is some trigger happy guy saw the post, thought it to be enemy positions.. called up air support.
and that is that.

More likely is that some Afghan "intel" gave the post as location of Taliban hideout..
that is all ISAF needs as an excuse to use munitions.
The intelligence sharing with ISAF also to be reviewed, Shamsi airbase to be vacated and supplies halted. Serious developments, but want to wait for the implementation.

We need more than this

-raise the issue internationally,
-demand for those murderers
-put pressure via China, Russia, Saudia, Turkey etc
-also put diplomatic pressure on European countries, North American countries, Japan, Australia etc to condemn this act & hand over those murderers.
And you are trying to sell the idea that in this age of sophistication and technologies, NATO was relaying on paper maps. Ever heard of Coordinates. Map can have problem but not GPS coordinate and as per ISPR NATO has all these coordinate (reference points) with them about Pakistani check posts..

same can be said about the PA when they killed 13 of their own men by bombing them recently.
We need more than this

-raise the issue internationally,
-demand for those murderers
-put pressure via China, Russia, Saudia, Turkey etc
-also put diplomatic pressure on European countries, North American countries, Japan, Australia etc to condemn this act & hand over those murderers.

egg kao - murgai ke piche na paro egg see bhe jao ge
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