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America Withholds Spares For Turkish F16s

Erdogan won't really last past the next elections. He is losing support with some of his policies among Turks. Especially the young ones which make up a very large voter base in Turkey.

CHP will most likely grab 40% effectively keeping the AKP in check for their next term.
Erdogan Losing Support as Turkish Opposition Pulls Ahead in Opinion Poll

The main Turkish opposition party, led by Kemal Kilicdaroglu, has pulled ahead of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party, a public opinion poll shows.

In this month’s Sonar Arastirma poll, 33.5 percent of respondents said they would vote for Kilicdaroglu’s Republican People’s Party, as opposed to 31.1 percent for Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party. The prime minister’s party led in the Istanbul-based research group’s June poll, backed by 33.4 percent of respondents to 30.25 percent for the Republicans.

Erdogan Losing Support as Turkish Opposition Pulls Ahead in Opinion Poll - Bloomberg
Very interesting artcile which should be a real eye opener for those advocating American F16s for the PAF

Problems persist with the US on fighter planes

Turkey is a NATO ally and a western country.

If they can do that to Them they won,t think twice about doing it to PAF or indeed India in the event of hostilities.

Can you imagine the TENSION is at its highest and USA denys spares so F16s stay in the hangers.

No wonder Turkey is looking at indengious fighter.

Another interesting point Turkey is suppose to be Self sufficient on F16 support YET EVEN THEY NEED the parts imported from USA or Israel

This is why nothing beats INDENGIOUS self production

American alliance will only go to wherever money flows. To them Turkey have served its purpose and is no longer useful to the Americans. Instead they have turned their attention to Asia where most of the money is coming from right now.
Erdogan won't really last past the next elections. He is losing support with some of his policies among Turks. Especially the young ones which make up a very large voter base in Turkey.

CHP will most likely grab 40% effectively keeping the AKP in check for their next term.

I am not akp fan but for next elections i think akp at least gets 40 percent. My guess is 45. And chp will get at most 30 percent.

If i were you i would not trust current chp administration.


As i said before this news is not confirmed by any other source and it looks like hoax so no need do make any more comments.
Sorry but I really don't hope CHP with kilicdaroglu gets anywhere, that would be a disaster. I feel that CHP has lost a lot by changing partyleader, but I can respect that he chose to go off due to the scandal, whether it's true or not.

If you look around in turkish politics, you won't see many strong profiles anymore. MHP as I see it will lose a lot when Devlet Bahceli dies or retires. Because there isn't anyone else who can replace him who is better or just like him.

IMO it's general mistake in turkish politics to have only 1 strong profile near the end of their career.

e.g. DYP had Demirel, and after him Tansu Ciller, but who is the current head of DYP... ???

DSP died when Ecevit died, they don't have any strong profile either.

The headscarf ban is still a bloody problem. If you don't get rid of it, there will always be some people who will base their politics on that.

The current government is leading a populistic politic, but they also need new momentum to get through with some ideas. They have "guidelines" to stick to that improves some areas of turkey and that will probably keep them in lead. (guidelines = EU policies and such).

Mustafa Kemal Pasa Atatürk wanted Turkey to become modern, but without losing it's identity. (tell me if I'm wrong).

EDIT: I found this article to back up my point :)
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Sorry but I really don't hope CHP with kilicdaroglu gets anywhere, that would be a disaster. I feel that CHP has lost a lot by changing partyleader, but I can respect that he chose to go off due to the scandal, whether it's true or not.

If you look around in turkish politics, you won't see many strong profiles anymore. MHP as I see it will lose a lot when Devlet Bahceli dies or retires. Because there isn't anyone else who can replace him who is better or just like him.

IMO it's general mistake in turkish politics to have only 1 strong profile near the end of their career.

e.g. DYP had Demirel, and after him Tansu Ciller, but who is the current head of DYP... ???

DSP died when Ecevit died, they don't have any strong profile either.

The headscarf ban is still a bloody problem. If you don't get rid of it, there will always be some people who will base their politics on that.

The current government is leading a populistic politic, but they also need new momentum to get through with some ideas. They have "guidelines" to stick to that improves some areas of turkey and that will probably keep them in lead. (guidelines = EU policies and such).

Mustafa Kemal Pasa Atatürk wanted Turkey to become modern, but without losing it's identity. (tell me if I'm wrong).

I was aware both the supporters of the party and members welcomed the change in leadership. There were many people who actually decided simply not to vote rather then support baykal.(Lets not forget he still hangs around and supports the party to keep his personal voter base intact) But to be honest CHP wasn't getting anywhere without reforming. Which kilicdaroglu implemented and is still doing so. Times are changing and the party must move more towards the center on issues to pick up on the voter base that the AKP has. Obviously this caused some internal struggles with the elitists but everyone knew it was the only way the party was going to get itself inline for a shot at eventually winning the majority.

Kılıçdaroğlu is a serious powerhouse though. Remember the debates he had on T.V. a while back with AKP members ? Two of them ended up resigning after those debates.

As for the MHP they are the offshoot party. Just enough votes to keep them relative but never enough for them to gain any real type of power within Turkish politics.

I don't have much doubt the AKP will most likely take the next elections but just like we saw in the local elections they will lose more areas to the CHP.
I don't have much doubt the AKP will most likely take the next elections but just like we saw in the local elections they will lose more areas to the CHP.

Well, I think you may be right in that. I hope of course that before AKP loses they'll be able to implement some reforms that'll change things in areas to minority rights and such.

You may have noticed that BDP is playing on support from the eastern parts of turkey and just like the headscarf issue they seek support from turkeys biggest minority the kurds. However I see certain dangers in this area already. Like how BDP deputies around in the provinces just implements things without prior approval. Of course if it's illegal it will have to be reversed and that's when tensions run high.

However I believe AKP is currently the only party who can implement changes without causing a major uproar. Because the people are used to them after nearly a decade.

Strenght in unity. Remember the brits have a saying "divide an conquor" (or maybe it was the romans).
Recent wrong foreign policy decisions by Turkish government needs to fixed soon as possible

Turkish PM him self hurting the national interests of Turkey

My Turkish friends don’t like him

Let’s see what happens in next general elections


u r a nobody to speaking against the ruling govt of other country, and its policy...
why wld turkey have problem with spares - it has its own F16 facility???
u r a nobody to speaking against the ruling govt of other country, and its policy...

You need to elaborate what you mean by that. Even if it is an answer to Kanna's statement.

I can understand why some may not like him. He does have a very straight forward approach to things, and that is not necessarily the best way to deal with things. But I believe that being straightforward is the only way for national cases.

e.g. being up front and honest to your people, tell them it's difficult and it takes time to get through on some topics, but that you're working on it.

I believe that is one of the keys to getting the peoples support.

It's like accounting, if a firm has not been transparent for 40-60 years and start being transparent, you need to clean up the past as well as the present. So yeah it takes time.
why wld turkey have problem with spares - it has its own F16 facility???

Where we assemble F-16s and maintain them along with upgrades. But say the radar is faulty and needs replacing. We are not allowed to produce that part.(not all parts can be produced by us however some are) It is shipped over from the U.S. and we do the installation. For example the CCIP upgrade we sent F-16s to be fitted and tested in the U.S. once the intial ones were completed we started upgrading the rest with parts supplied by LM at TAI. Some F-16 parts though are produced in Turkey different engine and structural parts are produced at our facility in Ankara.
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hmmm... I was under the impression that Turks had full transfer of tech regarding F16s... thanks for the above post Jigs...
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