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America will Collapse

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Anyway in response to the thread its only a matter of when not if america will crash collapse and burn:chilli:

Then prepare for WW3. But thats after the rise of nationalism when people start blaming on others for economic crisis. Then violence comes in. Then people look to others to solve their problems usually wars for resources as a solution.
Then prepare for WW3. But thats after the rise of nationalism when people start blaming on others for economic crisis. Then violence comes in. Then people look to others to solve their problems usually wars for resources as a solution.

I do agree with you but I hope it does not come to that
Anyway in response to the thread its only a matter of when not if america will crash collapse and burn:chilli:

Neither Great Britain nor the USA will "crash & burn." We've weathered infinitely more challenging times, especially the US Civil War, the world wars, the great depression.

The USSR was, for decades, predicting "the imminent collapse of the bourgeoisie capitalist-pig system" and Kruschev himself screamed "We will bury you!" while he pounded his shoe on his podium at the UN.

We're still here. Sorry.

Our 2010 GDP was nearly 3 times greater than the next closest competitor, China. Everyone here is a China fan, it seems. A mighty industrial giant, booming socially and economically. Yet they are 60 meters behind us in the 100 meter dash.

California all alone would be a powerful nation.

California is the world's fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities.[10][page needed] Agriculture accounts for just slightly over 2% of California's $1.85 trillion gross state product.

That 1.85 Trillion $$ GDP puts it ahead of Canada, India, Australia, and Russia. California alone. It would be the ninth most powerful nation (economic terms) in the world.

So no, we are not circling the drain.

What I think you will see... The USA will retrench in terms of foreign policy, which should make people happy. Troops will come home, and will stay home, so long as nutjobs stop planting bombs and hijacking airliners. There will be pain and bleeding in the financial sector. We'll have some inflation, and/or stagnation. Real estate prices will move to a more realistic level. It'll take a few years, but we'll survive just fine.
Neither Great Britain nor the USA will "crash & burn." We've weathered infinitely more challenging times, especially the US Civil War, the world wars, the great depression.

The USSR was, for decades, predicting "the imminent collapse of the bourgeoisie capitalist-pig system" and Kruschev himself screamed "We will bury you!" while he pounded his shoe on his podium at the UN.

We're still here. Sorry.

Our 2010 GDP was nearly 3 times greater than the next closest competitor, China. Everyone here is a China fan, it seems. A mighty industrial giant, booming socially and economically. Yet they are 60 meters behind us in the 100 meter dash.

California all alone would be a powerful nation.

That 1.85 Trillion $$ GDP puts it ahead of Canada, India, Australia, and Russia. California alone. It would be the ninth most powerful nation (economic terms) in the world.

So no, we are not circling the drain.

What I think you will see... The USA will retrench in terms of foreign policy, which should make people happy. Troops will come home, and will stay home, so long as nutjobs stop planting bombs and hijacking airliners. There will be pain and bleeding in the financial sector. We'll have some inflation, and/or stagnation. Real estate prices will move to a more realistic level. It'll take a few years, but we'll survive just fine.

The roman empire also thought it was forever. Do you not understand the simple concept that you can not live beyond your means. You are living the eqivalent lifestyle of a walter mitty like conman.

The reasons that you are having these problems is because on this occasion it is a systemic failure. The system has failed. You are fighting unjust war. lets accept your assertions about some nutters blowing up the trade centre do you really think it was proportionate to kill a million plus iraqis indirectly and directly. You support unjust causes around the world. You spread misery to muslims and we pray that the day that you crash comes soon
Guys, lets establish some facts.

1. The US is the largest economy of the world.

Sure . They spend the most based on borrowed money . Once they have no financing , they are bankrupt . Would you sell products to a bankrupt entity forever ??

2. It has world leading technology.

Sure . Google , Microsft , Lockheed etc hires thousands of talented and intelligent individuals. Heard of mobility of labour ? If India can increase their salaries by tenfold, and many of them will move.

They are just private individuals & companies ; they will follow the money..LOL

There is a clear distinction between a corporation , and a country .
The country is bankrupt .

4. It has a population of 250 (?) million hard working and capable people.

Really ? Oops..Really ???

You know that nearly one million yanks applied for a janitor job recently at minimum wage ??

McDonalds reports that as part of its employment event to hire 50,000 minimum wage, part-time (mostly) workers, subsequently raised to 62,000 it received a whopping 1 million applications

Alas, the US economy is now so pathetic that the bulk of the population will settle for anything. Literally anything. And the saddest part: over 938,000 applicants were turned away. Here's hoping to Burger King needs a few million janitors in the immediate future too. And yes, aside from reality, things in America are really recovering quite nicely.

McDonalds Hires 62,000, Turns Away Over 938,000 Applicants For Minimum Wage, Part-Time Jobs | ZeroHedge

Now the yanks are even becoming ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to Australia.

The largest groups of overstayers are from the UK and USA. Most came as tourists or on working holiday visas

Refugee Council of Australia

5. It provides a massive market to many countries, without which there will wholesale recession.

Sure . They spend the most based on borrowed money . Once they have no financing , they are bankrupt (again) . Would you sell products to a bankrupt entity forever (again) ??

7. It has massive financial holdings and investments all over the world.

Sure . They spend the most based on borrowed money (again ) . Once they have no financing , they are bankrupt . Would you sell products to a bankrupt entity forever (again ) ??

Lets REBALANCE our views.

I fail to see the blind faith certain individuals from the sub-continent continues to have , in an entity , that has become a parasite to the Global Economy .

Putin says U.S. is parasite on global economy | Reuters

We all have problems, but let's solve it without hurting others.
The USA needs to STOP using credit AND live within their means ; until and unless they do so, they will continue to have serious economic issues .
I agree with you and does not come back that.
Sure . They spend the most based on borrowed money . Once they have no financing , they are bankrupt . Would you sell .....

Nice post but why are you sporting an American Aircraft Carrier in your avatar ?




There is another lion behind it so its four lions, so fail.........

If America falls, it will rise again.

Your state-Emblem has 3 Lions ONLYYYYYYYYY .... That's what Nostradamus saw in his dream ... (MuHhhaaaahaaaaahaaaa - As Jana would exclaim)

Its Epic Fail....he did nt knew Sarnath Lions are actually 4 Asiatic Lions...
I knew it even before you did ,,, Nostradamus saw your state-emblem NOT Sarnath's Lions of Ashoka ... coz defeat is gonna be YOURs NOT of Ashoka's regime ..

Your state-Emblem has 3 Lions ONLYYYYYYYYY .... That's what Nostradamus saw in his dream ... (MuHhhaaaahaaaaahaaaa - As Jana would exclaim)
State Emblem - National Symbols - Know India: National Portal of India

India's national symbol is the Lion Capital of Asoka. Didn't modify anything. you = fail :lol:

Your state-Emblem has 3 Lions ONLYYYYYYYYY .... That's what Nostradamus saw in his dream ... (MuHhhaaaahaaaaahaaaa - As Jana would exclaim)
State Emblem - National Symbols - Know India: National Portal of India


I knew it even before you did ,,, Nostradamus saw your state-emblem NOT Sarnath's Lions of Ashoka ... coz defeat is gonna be YOURs NOT of Ashoka's regime ..

Who is this Nostradamus?

I am not batting one way or the other. I suggest you check out my previous posts.

I am for posts based on rationality, and not on wish fullfilment based on a strong desire to believe in something, no matter the facts.

Something that is very common on this subject.
Firstly, I never told you that communism is the best or better than democracy.
Of course not. People like you are always eager to point out the flaws of democracy and its institutions. It is a deceptive tactic. You are too cowardly to come straight out and say 'Communism is better.' because you got hit by reality a long time ago but still clinging to some principles of communism.

And what's more, we do not invade any country to push them to use our polity. And it is not only a tiny little word called" A bad record" but also you are invading other countries? And make them into chaos and termoil. How can you just descrip a invading as " A bad record". Your " bad record" causes so many blood and kills.You know it????? Look at what you did to muslims, and what you did to Iraq, afganistan. Your presidents who start wars should be jailed and sentenced.
Communist makes poor and misary but are in progression like China and VN no-harmful. But USA makes kill, blood, breaking, you are totally center of evil.
Please stop. This is so stale it could be used for salad croutons. Communists do not invade and take over countries? I guess world history classes in China must be quite revised to eliminate the era known as 'The Cold War'. And yes, look what we did to the muslims...Or more like FOR the muslims. Care to count how many muslim countries are there in the world? Afghanistan? Why do you think we are there? Iraq? You forgot about a smaller country called Kuwait?
Of course not. People like you are always eager to point out the flaws of democracy and its institutions. It is a deceptive tactic. You are too cowardly to come straight out and say 'Communism is better.' because you got hit by reality a long time ago but still clinging to some principles of communism.

Please stop. This is so stale it could be used for salad croutons. Communists do not invade and take over countries? I guess world history classes in China must be quite revised to eliminate the era known as 'The Cold War'. And yes, look what we did to the muslims...Or more like FOR the muslims. Care to count how many muslim countries are there in the world? Afghanistan? Why do you think we are there? Iraq? You forgot about a smaller country called Kuwait?

In what way is China still communist? Authoritarian yes but communist?
Neither Great Britain nor the USA will "crash & burn." We've weathered infinitely more challenging times, especially the US Civil War, the world wars, the great depression.

The USSR was, for decades, predicting "the imminent collapse of the bourgeoisie capitalist-pig system" and Kruschev himself screamed "We will bury you!" while he pounded his shoe on his podium at the UN.

We're still here. Sorry.

I am fairly well read in American history, I think the nature of this crisis is unlike one America's seen before.

Our 2010 GDP was nearly 3 times greater than the next closest competitor, China. Everyone here is a China fan, it seems. A mighty industrial giant, booming socially and economically. Yet they are 60 meters behind us in the 100 meter dash.

Economics is not a race. There is no prize for passing the US. Not sure why the US in decline will mean that China would be in the ascent. This applies to geopolitics as well. There is no indication that China wants America's job of global control.

What I think you will see... The USA will retrench in terms of foreign policy, which should make people happy. Troops will come home, and will stay home, so long as nutjobs stop planting bombs and hijacking airliners. There will be pain and bleeding in the financial sector. We'll have some inflation, and/or stagnation. Real estate prices will move to a more realistic level. It'll take a few years, but we'll survive just fine.

But how much of the US economy is dependent on your foreign policy muscle?
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