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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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How the hell can i find links to something bogus? You're the one who is claiming some thing, NOW PROVE IT!!!

You were the one who claimed that JFT isn't BVR capable in the first place so whom needs to prove what , genius ? :azn: ...
Built in India unlike JF-17 that is imported from china and painted in pakistan.

Yes , engine imported from US , radar from Israel and half of equipment sourced from random foreign contractors and yet you cant get it operational after 3 decades and counting and claim it as Indian ... Way to go , kid ... JFT is assembled in Pakistan , efforts are underway to manufacture the equipment in our country ... Nobody claimed otherwise ...

Every thing including the engine :)

Rather make it assembled from knockout kits ... :azn:
and what thing did you built for SU-30 MKI?

Glad you asked.:rofl:

Mission Computer cum Display Processor - MC-486 and DP-30MK (Defence Avionics
Research Establishment - DARE)
Radar Computer - RC1 and RC2 (DARE)
Tarang Mk2 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) + High Accuracy Direction Finding
Module (HADF)
IFF-1410A - Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
Integrated Communication suite INCOM 1210A (HAL)
Radar Altimeter - RAM-1701 (HAL)
Programmable Signal Processor (PSP) - (LRDE)
Multi Function Displays (MFD) - Samtel/DARE


Low-Octane Engine Fuel - originally conceptualised by ISRO

And mind you all these things are developed in-house by India with
our own R&D. Other than this, the entire plane (including the N011M BARS PESA
radar and AL-31FP turbofan engines) are also produced in India, with only some
components still being imported from Russia/Israel.

Since 2010, even the raw materials used for fabricating the airframe and
building all the steel, alloys, composites is from within India.

^ Okay tell us what thing India built that contributed in the development of of S-30 Jaguars and many Mig-21?

Did I say we contributed? I said we built them in India, and thats what we did.

Tell me what is Pakistan's contribution in jf-17 apart from 50% the development
Why is the thread so silent after the pics of MKI? I guess the same will be achieved by MMRCA in Ambala.. :P

Is it really ? :lol: ... I know the Indians workship the MKI and declare it God's gift to aviation but that doesn't make any difference to the rest of us ...
Your response does not answer the one you are replying too. It is utterly irrelevant if the Thunder has flown so many hours- does this improve the production rate or the Paksitani content on board it? As this is what gesslar was saying. You've just tried to derail the thread. Don't let your inferiority complex ruin another good thread mate.

Oh we have all the high morals here.....you characters can't digest the fact that JF-17 which started life much later than you LCA is actually flying combat missions where as you don't even have the confidence to fly your pride and joy even on republic day fly past. !!!
Anyways nothing more expected from fan boys.
BTW, here is Serial Production-20 just off Kamra production line......continue with your cheap banter and wishful thinking. :wave:

Is it really ? :lol: ... I know the Indians workship the MKI and declare it God's gift to aviation but that doesn't make any difference to the rest of us ...

It will not as long as Pakistan does not try to formulate another tactical blunder *pun intended*

Oh we have all the high morals here.....you characters can't digest the fact that JF-17 which started life much later than you LCA is actually flying combat missions where as you don't even have the confidence to fly your pride and joy even on republic day fly past. !!!
Anyways nothing more expected from fan boys.
BTW, here is Serial Production-20 just off Kamra assembly line......continue with your cheap banter and wishful thinking. :wave:


Here here, I corrected your post for you..
Yes , engine imported from US , radar from Israel and half of equipment sourced from random foreign contractors and yet you cant get it operational after 3 decades and counting and claim it as Indian ... Way to go , kid ... JFT is assembled in Pakistan , efforts are underway to manufacture the equipment in our country ... Nobody claimed otherwise ...

Your comments make me laugh:rofl:

What Gripen has US engine and Italian radar so its not Swedish? J-10 has Russian
engine so its not Chinese? Grow up kid. Building a plane does not mean just making the
engine and radar it means a lot more. Tell PAC to try to design and build a plane all
by themselves and then we'll see where you'll get. India has also built HAL Dhruv helicopter
and LCH attack helo, why hasn't Pak built such things then??

getting everything done by china for you and then claiming and thinking, just thinking
not reasoning that JF-17 is indigenous grace of allah. Grow up kid.

LCA is atleast 65-70% Indian tech and 100% Indian funding.

JF-17 is 5% pakistani tech and 50% Pakistani funding.
Oh we have all the high morals here.....you characters can't digest the fact that JF-17 which started life much later than you LCA is actually flying combat missions where as you don't even have the confidence to fly your pride and joy even on republic day fly past. !!!
Anyways nothing more expected from fan boys.
BTW, here is Serial Production-20 just off Kamra production line......continue with your cheap banter and wishful thinking. :wave:


This looks exactly like the plane delivered by China in the IL-78. Good repainting job.

And dont worry Indians have neatly realised that you guys are surviving with
comparing a JV fighter thats hardly 5% pakistani with an Indian fighter that is
atleast 65% Indian tech and 100% Indian funding.

Wake me up when pak designs its own fighter.
Rather make it assembled from knockout kits ... :azn:

Not after 2010, only some critical engine hot-section parts are imported thats

BTW has pakistan atleast assembled any engine as yet?
Your comments make me laugh:rofl:

What Gripen has US engine and Italian radar so its not Swedish? J-10 has Russian
engine so its not Chinese? Grow up kid. Building a plane does not mean just making the
engine and plane it means a lot more. Tell PAC to try to design and build a plane all
by themselves and then we'll see where you'll get. India has also built HAL Dhruv helicopter
and LCH attack helo, why hasn't Pak built such things then??

getting everything done by china for you and then claiming and thinking, just thinking
not reasoning that JF-17 is indigenous grace of allah. Grow up kid.

LCA is atleast 65-70% Indian tech and 100% Indian funding.

JF-17 is 5% pakistani tech and 50% Pakistani funding.

At least the both aircraft you mentioned have majority of the equipments in their own countries and imported from others ... Is it the case with LCA Tejas ? Building an aircraft means that you build most all of the components by yourself ... Something which isn't definitely the case with your delayed aircraft ... No , we do not believe in reinventing the wheel ... With limited resources , a BVR capable aircraft with more than decent capabilities which can replace all our 3rd Gen aircrafts and kick start our industries is more than enough for us ! Add to it the continuous evolution and you get a beast ...

Pakistan will have a production line for JFT at Kamra somewhere in 2015 so it isn't that far away ... Even the engine will replaced by the WS-10 ... Nobody's claiming JFT's indigenous ...

Back it up with proof ... Weren't you telling us in previous post that how Pakistan funds 100% of the development now since PLAAF didn't buy the aircraft ? :azn: Contradictory statements , kiddo ?

This looks exactly like the plane delivered by China in the IL-78. Good repainting job.

Wake me up when pak designs its own fighter.

Of course it does to you , a fanboy like you is incapable of rational discussion ...

Wake me up when your LCA gets the IOC-2 - the first of its kind in the world which confirms that something is really wrong with the delayed project to need certification again and actually gets in operational service :rofl:
You were the one who claimed that JFT isn't BVR capable in the first place so whom needs to prove what , genius ? ...
That's because Mr.Einstein, BVR capability is not born out of thin air, nor is it a God given gift to JFT. You have to add it manually. You are talking as if BVR capability is normal thing which grows on trees and I'm the one who is questioning this abnormality. If you say it is BVR capable, it means, it is a very sophisticated capability which has been recently added on the existing fighter which during its development stages was not BVR capable, meaning YOU HAVE TO PROVE THAT EXISTS! The onus is on you because you are the one who is giving a statement that "JFT is BVR capable NOW". I'm merely questioning that statement and asking proof for that.
Provided by? or you started from scratch and build and designed everything yourself? :)

We talking manufacturing here.. So yes, built from scratch based on TOT from Russia..
YOU HAVE TO PROVE THAT EXISTS! The onus is on you because you are the one who is giving a statement that "JFT is BVR capable NOW". I'm merely questioning that statement and asking proof for that.

Check your previous posts ... You were the one making unrealistic analysis and declaring JFT not BVR-capable so the burden of proof is on you ... But still we have posted a couple of pics and vid which prove that SD-10 has long been integrated in the aircraft ... Not our problem , what you choose to believe ... :azn:

But still I am going to post one more ...

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