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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

@isro2222 citizen :pakistan: which alien movie have u seen recently?:rofl:
The Blue beam of ur avatar...:cry:
@baqai humans can only make them weak by emiting positive energy.... There are many types of Aliens. The reptilians are our enemy. Reptilians get weak when they dont get negative energy.... The killing is upto the Galactic command. They have technology to kill reptilians.... We can make Humanoids strong by emiting positive energy.... Remember that superior alien race lives on cosmos energy for food and strength.... We produce energy too. Its good or bad energy. When we produce good energy then it gives humanoids strength.... Galactic command is our savior and our enemy is reptilians (both hydra and alpha dracolians), greys, raptoids, the shapeshifter annunakis and even neutral homanoids who refused to join galactic command....

can you explain to me in simple layman english how to kill them?
@baqai we cant kill them. We can make them weak.... The humanoids can kill them. However aliens can die by Bullets and Bombs or Crashes but when u see a reptilian then you won't be able to do anything because Reptilians are in 4th Dimension.... That million year ahead then humans. 4th dimension give them capablity to shapeshift and also control human mind.... We humans are in 3rd dimension. However the humanoids can kill reptilians and they already started killing them.... The galactic command destroyed many reptilian under sea and under ground bases by most powerful beam. That beam creates earthquake due to it.... The biggest under sea base was in china and japan.... When in japan humanoids destroyed reptilian sea base it created huge Tsunami and many japan people died due to it. Many humanoids UFO seen over japan after tsunami.... Some of them were chasing cigar shape UFO (must be some reptilians escaping. Cigar shape ufo are reptilian spaceships) and some humanoid ufo's been hovering over tsunami zone watching the devastating effects their beam braught. Humanoids didnt had any choice because if reptilian launched attack on humans then million would had died.... So humanoids destroyed them before they make a move. Humans are like cattle between both Humanoids and Reptilians. We can just watch them war.... The Arcturian starship Athena has around million battleships who protecting humans on Earth.... My big fear is the alpha dracolians who destroyed first human planet Lyra. When they destroyed it then Plaidians migrated into space. Some of them landed on Mars but Draco reptilians created a small black hole and launched astroids towards it.... But due to gravitation force it back fired and Mars been thrown away from planet Sun. Millions died but Plaidians managed to save few of them and braught them on Earth which is near sun.... Thats how life started on earth. Even NASA shown many human bones on Mars. Weapons, sea sign which proves once there was life on Mars. Nasa also saw 65,000 huge pit holes. Nasa confused who created it.... It was the astroid that been guided by draco reptilians that pushed Mars away from planet sun.... Am afraid what if dracolians do same with planet Earth.... They stole the technology from annunakis (annunakis are another reptilians who look like humans and they created slave race and they are the one who made egypt pyramids).... The technology is alot advanced. They can control planets movement and path.... They can create small black hole and when black hole consumes planet then they destroy the black so they dont consume galaxy.... They have every technology we can think of and cant think of. Aliens are alot advanced race and we are just like cattles in front of them....
There is two types of MIB (MEN IN BLACK).... the first type is real alien humanoids who comes to ask question to abducted human.... Then they dissapear.... The 2nd MIB are mix of american and Greys. They come to warn the human not to speak about abduction.... They threat the humans.... Both MIB type are against each other but to real MIB humanoids the other MIB with greys is like cattles team.... Now for the first time ever the american and Grey MIB team got caught on Camera.... Must WATCH....
YouTube - Men in Black filmed by UFO Hunters Crew at Dugway Airfield
YouTube - The real Men in Black caught on tape?
YouTube - The MIB EXPOSED !! in Needles, California
@tvsram1992 i gave up.... i really can't believe u asking same question for 4th time.... 3 times i already posted everything.... 2 times i posted in this very same thread just for u.... i gave up.... am sure u will ask again on 5th time.... Am sure u will be back again without reading my this thread.... i gave up. i think may be u are pulling my leg. Take a look at my this thread.... Two times u will see i wrote your name and explained everything.... i cant write again and again. Am sure you are not taking what am saying seriously....
err......sorry dude i was expecting you to write visitor message , i did it once and sent pm twice . Never thought you would reply in thread itself .Will check tomorrow evening . Would you care to post the links of your previous posts ? Thanks

u can check in ur 3 threads i was not against you and supporting you

@Tvsram1992 i gave all details 3 times already (2 times specialy for you).... just few pages back i gave details and yet again you asking same Question.... i think you are pulling my leg....
@ every user: Can you please pm the user Tvsram1992 and guide him to the post where i explained everything? am not able to pm him as we need over 2000 posts to pm.... Atleast am getting that error or msg.... Thank you.
my bad didnt see this as the thread was moving very fast .
@neutralcitizen i dont lie. i know i met them even when it was a dream.... Thats how we meet them is through our dream. Since i met them my life changed.... i was depressed person before but now my life is alot peaceful. i feel alot special and i attrack positive energy. Before i couldnt feel anything good but now everything changed.... Its upto u to believe. Cosmos energy works on believing.... By the way please can u send pm to Tvsram1992 and tell him to check page 15 to 17 please? am not able to pm him and he want to learn secrets of Cosmos energy Law. Please do let him know i posted it already how to meet Arcturians. Thank you.
:D dude i believe gods(aliens) , you might not believe just a week back on my exam day (jun 14th)i need to answer 2 ques perfectly to pass . I didnt even studied 1/2 unit(1 ques from 1 unit), morning i kept alarm got up at 4.20 studied 5 questions out of 50 questions from other unit and slept by 5 . Got up at 7.10 , my train is at 7.50 . During sleep i got a dream where i remember i went to narasimha swamy temple and request him please get questions from what i read and make me pass , got a positive gesture from idol and woke up . When i saw question paper stunned , paper was never so easy in history , bad for many it was tough . attempted 3 questions . You know i dont remember exact dream but i knew my 10th marks in dream before they were out(happened 5 years back) . Many incidents like this . Can u explain?

Iam yet to check your methods , btw i feel so lazy to get up morning will sleep upto 8 to 10 as holidays for me . Started sleeping on floor since 3 days still not much improvement , how to concentrate and get positive energy ? i feel angry easily and try to dominate family and friends . how can i change easily ? any mantra for that , health and energy(muscles)?

@Neutralcitizen @Arian @Tvsram1992 i have given all details in this thread how to meet arcturians but i guess you all missed it or may be Reptilians dont want u all to read it.... i will again explain everything (i just hope u all will read it).... First u need is time in ur hand.... Without time u cant do anything.... 2nd u need is chakra yoga. Then u need is visaulization mp3 for mediation. Than u need is arcturians frequency activation code.... i will explain step by step. First learn chakra cleaning yoga and then download visualization mp3 and then i take it from there and explain you all further.... Please leave msg here after u downloaded chakra yoga and visualization mp3....
7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras
Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) - The Seven Chakras
Here is visualization (meditation) mp3. Must download. Specialy 2nd mp3 and 3rd mp3....
Free Meditation Mp3 Visualization downloads Life Altering
ill check tomorrow but some people next to your post are saying it unsafe . any comments?

@isro222 are u on facebook?
@tvsram1992 it seems you do have some kind of power but its not powerful.... It will get powerful as you get old. You will turn more spiritual. Arcturians have said all people who curious about universe and them have been on starship ATHENA. it just that we dont remember it as when we die go in bright light which is Starship athena.... There our memory gets clear and we are set to born again. Only people who did good karma can go in starship. You been on starship ATHENA but you have no memory of it.... Thats why u are curious to know about it. Do u know that narasimha is killer of evil? Do you know in 1977 when GALACTIC command hijacked radio frequency then first voice was of VRILION? Am very positive that Narasimha is VRILION.... Have u heard Vrilion voice? Its strong. He a right hand of commander ASHTAR and vrilion was the one introduced ASHTAR to humans.... Have u heard that message? If you want i will provide u the message with the text. Whole world was shocked when ASHTAR told we are here to help but some country selling weapons and making voilence.... He applead to spread love and peace. Click here to watch the video and also 2nd link u can see what ASHTAR galactic command message was (u can read)....
YouTube - ITV News Alien Warning of whats coming in 2012
Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command Incident on Vimeo
YouTube - "V" For Vrillion: The Ashtar Galactic Command Incident Revisited
about ur anger i must say that u are helping Reptilians and to stop providing them negative energy u need to do is Meditation. Tomarrow i will add a video of Meditation that will reduce ur anger. It might take time and u wont be able concentrate for a while but you will see positive result if u keep trying.... By the way u shouldnt sleep on floor because ur health would get effected. Sleep on higher bed. Electromagnetic field effects our health....
You think that's power? I can move things with my mind and I can make bad things happen to people I don't like
Last night i saw a nightmare that felt real.... i went to sleep and i saw in my dream that i have been controled totaly by Reptilians.... They orderd me to pick up gun and shoot every old people. i did. i shot many.... Then suddenly guilty feeling surrownded me. Then i saw reptilian around 8 feet tall laughing at me and then he gave evil look.... Then i prayed to Arcturians and white light surrownded me. i felt am free of every sin i did.... Reptilian dissapeard. i woke up with a smile.... That dream felt so real. Shooting old people was horrible but getting blessed by Arcturians was soothing and calming....
Last night i saw a nightmare that felt real.... i went to sleep and i saw in my dream that i have been controled totaly by Reptilians.... They orderd me to pick up gun and shoot every old people. i did. i shot many.... Then suddenly guilty feeling surrownded me. Then i saw reptilian around 8 feet tall laughing at me and then he gave evil look.... Then i prayed to Arcturians and white light surrownded me. i felt am free of every sin i did.... Reptilian dissapeard. i woke up with a smile.... That dream felt so real. Shooting old people was horrible but getting blessed by Arcturians was soothing and calming....

Were you also feeling wet????
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