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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

Alpha dracolian cigar shape ships minning our Saturn's ring.... Do you know what is Astrology? It teaches us about planets effects on humans.... Our every fear, happiness and every emotional feelings gets observed by the planets.... Good alien and bad alien both collects our feelings that got observed in material on planets.... Same thing going on moon. The saturns ring alien ship is the mighty power Alpha dracolians. 3 ships have been seen. One of them is 200km wide.... Other is 400km wide and 3rd is the biggest 2400 km wide cigar shape.... Please must visit both links. Very important links....
Gigantic Motherships And Other Bizzare Anomalies Near Saturn
Before It's News
Big news.... NASA and SETI informed america that 3 giant ships will land on Earth november.... This was second time they informed america. First them they were not sure what month it will land.... As soon as it reaches planet Mars it will be visible by simple telescope.... More and more UFO sightings getting stronger day by day.... This is what happened Yesterday. There are too many sightings. Cant put them all but i will try to put as many as possible....
Latest-UFO-Sightings: 6/17/12 - 6/24/12
UFO - the awareness of humanity.: Sun - Coronal Cavity Sphere UFO - June 17, 2012
@Dessert fox we are created such a way that anything too much negative will kill us.... Negative is like a poison. Just imagine every each of human becomes cruel same time and starts killing each other.... There wont be left any human. We are created such a way that we follow the law of our creators or we perish early age. Karma is alot important. Thinking positive is life.... Even Quran says that. Doesn't it?....
Thoughts on negative thinking « Light of Islam
Can Meditation Help You Live Longer?
Meditation Makes You Live Longer | continuousexercise.com

True, i agree, you make a very good point. But this subject requires a lot of time consuming individual research, so i will definitely look into it when i have the time.
@Desert fox i will tell u my own experience.... The research in this field been done for the past 1000s of years by humans.... But my own experience was eye opener. i dont like telling world about my personal life but for everyone here i would like to tell so they can know the power of positive thinking.... i was ex depression patient. My life was hell. most of time i use to think negative.... i use to call my self unlucky. i have been dumped four times in love.... The reason was me my self. i use to live in fear i might get dumped again. The Cosmos energy gives us what we think.... I was a looser.... Than i started doing meditation and Arcturians code activation.... Than i met Arcturian on Athena. He told me to stop thinking negative. He said am helping reptilians who will take my life after sucking my negative energy.... Than i woke up and started thinking positive. When i do meditation i forget everything. i go through a wormhole into galaxy and than i thank cosmos energy and arturians. Now its been long i havent cried or felt sad.... indeed my life changed. Now about Karma.... i have learned the Hardest way. i did bad karma and paid heavily by my health.... when i was a boy i was aggresive. in school i beaten many other boys.... i use to do fishing and killed many fish and crabs for fun.... i was not vegeterian.... my life was hell and i didnt know what to do with my life.... Than everything came down hard on me. in 2006 i couldnt walk.... my spine vertabrae caught infection. i did MRI scan and doctor said me to do 6 month bed rest and take medicine.... Then my life changed. i lived in fear i might die because spine pain totaly destroyed body balance.... Then i started avoiding eating nonveg. The first improvement i saw was there wasnt much stress and tension. Than i again eaten nonveg and again tension came back.... i again stoped and again i became lite mind and peaceful. Then to heal my spine i started doing MAHA SHANI MANTRA of planet saturn. Mantra is 'OM SHUM SANISH CHARAYA NAMAHA'.... i did 108 times ever saturday 8pm. i found out that the mantra made such a way that it vibrates our spine and heals it. The mantras were given by Aliens to indians. Theres nothing hindu in it. Mantras are Science.... My spine started getting healed. Than i started doing bikram yoga. And now my spine is alot strong. i can even jump from 2nd floor. After paying for my bad karma now am free and alot happy. i feel am alot special and thats why Arcturians invited me.... Am clean soul now. i dont do any bad karma now.... i feel am alot pure heart human now. am not afraid of death anymore. am alot positive thinker and everything smooth for me now.... i do everything that can keep me safe and healthy longer then other human beings. Karma alot important. Doing good karma and thinking positive will change your life forever.... I thank Arcturians and Cosmos energy for it. They shown me right path.... i feel alot lucky now.
@Desert fox i will tell u my own experience.... The research in this field been done for the past 1000s of years by humans.... But my own experience was eye opener. i dont like telling world about my personal life but for everyone here i would like to tell so they can know the power of positive thinking.... i was ex depression patient. My life was hell. most of time i use to think negative.... i use to call my self unlucky. i have been dumped four times in love.... The reason was me my self. i use to live in fear i might get dumped again. The Cosmos energy gives us what we think.... I was a looser.... Than i started doing meditation and Arcturians code activation.... Than i met Arcturian on Athena. He told me to stop thinking negative. He said am helping reptilians who will take my life after sucking my negative energy.... Than i woke up and started thinking positive. When i do meditation i forget everything. i go through a wormhole into galaxy and than i thank cosmos energy and arturians. Now its been long i havent cried or felt sad.... indeed my life changed. Now about Karma.... i have learned the Hardest way. i did bad karma and paid heavily by my health.... when i was a boy i was aggresive. in school i beaten many other boys.... i use to do fishing and killed many fish and crabs for fun.... i was not vegeterian.... my life was hell and i didnt know what to do with my life.... Than everything came down hard on me. in 2006 i couldnt walk.... my spine vertabrae caught infection. i did MRI scan and doctor said me to do 6 month bed rest and take medicine.... Then my life changed. i lived in fear i might die because spine pain totaly destroyed body balance.... Then i started avoiding eating nonveg. The first improvement i saw was there wasnt much stress and tension. Than i again eaten nonveg and again tension came back.... i again stoped and again i became lite mind and peaceful. Then to heal my spine i started doing MAHA SHANI MANTRA of planet saturn. Mantra is 'OM SHUM SANISH CHARAYA NAMAHA'.... i did 108 times ever saturday 8pm. i found out that the mantra made such a way that it vibrates our spine and heals it. The mantras were given by Aliens to indians. Theres nothing hindu in it. Mantras are Science.... My spine started getting healed. Than i started doing bikram yoga. And now my spine is alot strong. i can even jump from 2nd floor. After paying for my bad karma now am free and alot happy. i feel am alot special and thats why Arcturians invited me.... Am clean soul now. i dont do any bad karma now.... i feel am alot pure heart human now. am not afraid of death anymore. am alot positive thinker and everything smooth for me now.... i do everything that can keep me safe and healthy longer then other human beings. Karma alot important. Doing good karma and thinking positive will change your life forever.... I thank Arcturians and Cosmos energy for it. They shown me right path.... i feel alot lucky now.
you told you will tell how to contact articulians and still you are escaping :P
@tvsram1992 i gave up.... i really can't believe u asking same question for 4th time.... 3 times i already posted everything.... 2 times i posted in this very same thread just for u.... i gave up.... am sure u will ask again on 5th time.... Am sure u will be back again without reading my this thread.... i gave up. i think may be u are pulling my leg. Take a look at my this thread.... Two times u will see i wrote your name and explained everything.... i cant write again and again. Am sure you are not taking what am saying seriously....
What is common between all Aliens and humans? We all are energy.... Humans are alien blood and aliens been created by Cosmos energy.... We live long and healthy if our chakra's are clean.... Chakra is energy who keeps us alive.... Read here for more....
Chakra Energy: The Energy of The Cosmos
Also check the pic of Cosmos energy falling on Earth and everything in universe....
when we all do meditation by closing eyes and forgeting everything and concentrating on billions of stars in our galaxy then exact same time Cosmos energy enters in our body and clears all the blockages in our body. First times u will feel the body pains because cosmos energy cleaning blockages but keep doing meditation every day and u will get totaly energetic and strong healthy. You will then will be accepted by Humanoids and they will use u to communicate humans.... All aliens live on Cosmos energy. Take a look how Cosmos energy fall on u when u meditate....
@baqai humans can only make them weak by emiting positive energy.... There are many types of Aliens. The reptilians are our enemy. Reptilians get weak when they dont get negative energy.... The killing is upto the Galactic command. They have technology to kill reptilians.... We can make Humanoids strong by emiting positive energy.... Remember that superior alien race lives on cosmos energy for food and strength.... We produce energy too. Its good or bad energy. When we produce good energy then it gives humanoids strength.... Galactic command is our savior and our enemy is reptilians (both hydra and alpha dracolians), greys, raptoids, the shapeshifter annunakis and even neutral homanoids who refused to join galactic command....
we are ready to battle these alien noobs!

they are not match for our powa if earth was unified... it will take a grand army to take us out
...Pyramids? Created by alien machinery.....
There's ONLY possible aliens that might be expected are either Jinn (Genie) or Angels in human form...

Anti-Christ (Zionists) in charge of US might know 2nd coming of Jesus & him coming down supporting his arms on wings of Angels,,, Thus Dajjal might be spreading this "Alien" propaganda to debase Jesus when he returns & make ppl believe in him as a bad guy, a villain.

& you are right Jinns had been used in past to help build structures... There might be some role of Jinns in building of pyranmids.!!!


And We caused a fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns that worked in front of him by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire. They worked for him what he desired, making high rooms, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and making cauldrons fixed (in their places). 'Work you, O family of David, with thanks!" But few of My slaves are grateful.

Then when we decreed death for him (Solomon), nothing informed them (jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing a way at his stick, so when he fell down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment.

جو وہ چاہتا اس کے لیے بناتے تھے قلعے اور تصویریں اور حوض جیسے لگن اور جمی رہنے والی دیگیں


Not only that, Jinns can steel some from information which Angels are communicating with each other & bring that info to their human followers, & those humans make predictions about future based on that information.

Sahih Bukhari:54:432:
Narrated 'Aisha:

I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The angels descend in the clouds and mention this or that matter decreed in the Heaven. The devils listen stealthily to such a matter, come down to inspire the soothsayers with it, and the latter would add to it one-hundred lies of their own."
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