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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

@tvsram1992 i coudnt because what you wrote is the fact.... You wrote what's written in the book and i cant counter it as what i have told u is my experience and theory.... Moon and king cobra are evil. If lord shiva was good alien then both moon and king cobra would had been good to humanity.... Now i give u example.... Do you know moon represent number 2 in numerology? Hitler was 2 born.... He did horrible things.... Rajiv gandhi was 2 born. You know he sended indian army and told them do nothing and just get killed (he was LTTE supporter).... You know he even killed sanjay gandhi as sanjay was against rajiv gandhi.... (plane crash was stage but never proven it was planned).... Rajiv died horrible death. Yes a bomb blast which blasted his body totaly.... Do u know 9/11 attack? Yes it was on 11. Thats 2. One flight was 2 too.... Most terrorists who carried out attack was 2 born.... Most people who died were 2 born.... Sharukh khan is 2 born and he act wierd. Always on media for wrong reasons.... The list just goes on forever.... Planet moon destroyed humanity. You just need to research it. i cant counter what u wrote as u wrote what u learn from the book. So u are right in that.... What i wrote is my experience and my theory. Now i want to ask u very simple question. Please i need this answer.... Tell me whats swastika? Please give me 2 version.... One is by what u learn from reading book on swastika and 2nd by what u think of swastika. Please do give answer and then i tell u that what written in book is totaly wrong.... Most people doesnt even know what swastika is....
By the way there was the thread in which the title was ukrainian and sweden women the best looking.... Not realy.... The best looking womens are Lemurian alien hybrids (one of elohim race).... There are many lemurian hybrid around world.... The ukraine and sweden womens are nazi alien blood.... But lemurians are most loyal and faithful hybrid.... Check out mother and daughter of Lemurian alien hybrid race....
By the way there was the thread in which the title was ukrainian and sweden women the best looking.... Not realy.... The best looking womens are Lemurian alien hybrids (one of elohim race).... There are many lemurian hybrid around world.... The ukraine and sweden womens are nazi alien blood.... But lemurians are most loyal and faithful hybrid.... Check out mother and daughter of Lemurian alien hybrid race....
Pics with addresses or it ain't true
Lemurian are the real indians.... They are first indians. Lemuria was part of india million years ago.... Lemuria land sunk below sea. Mostly lemurian are south indian blood (the pure white south indian like malyalam).... indian womens today wears golds, silvers, diamonds, bindi, kajal, flowers in hair, lipsticks are all from lemurian women teachings. Lemurian race is first human race created by the elohim.... Lemurian race is a hybrid and been brought on earth by lyrian and plaidians who are again has indian genes or should i say indians has their genes.... There are two version of lemurian. Blonde blue eyes and brunette black eyes. After india and madagascar split million years ago both lemurian race got split.... Some Blonde blue eye are in europe like sweden and switzerland and some brunet black eyes are in south india. Lemurian race are alot beautiful. They are real men and real womens.... In tamil nado people even mentioned them and wrote that once lemurian race did existed.... They use to call it kumari kandam.... Its been proven they did.... However majority of them left planet earth to expand population in other planets in galaxy.... indeed world born through india.... (majority of them).... Thanks to humanoids....
Lemuria (continent) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@tvsram1992 am not able to send u msg due to my mobile phone browser.... i did explained everything in my previous thread started by user neutralcitizen but i guess u not keeping track of it.... To meet arcturians you need to do few things. This things will change you as a person.... First thing you need is a time for it. 2nd thing you need is chakra cleaning yoga.... 3rd thing u need is meditation mp3. 4th thing u need is Arcturians frequency activation code. i will give you everything.... First i want u learn chakra cleaning yoga. Then u download visualization mp3 for free. Then i tell you further. i dont want u to get confused. So we take step by step.... Here is chakra cleaning yoga with details....
7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras
Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) - The Seven Chakras
Here is mp3 of visualization (meditation) must download....
Free Meditation Mp3 Visualization downloads Life Altering

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ufo-observed-5-countries-2.html#ixzz1ykVbA3B9

I will follow this isro. waiting for further instructions.
@tvsram1992 i coudnt because what you wrote is the fact....
now what i can say isro222 :D

i knew few sanyasis who are devotes of Shiva still living after 100-150 years , they dont even take food , they take energy directly from sun . They wont even speak to us .
Himalayas were once a base to Lord Shiva ie the place from where rivers Ganga , Indus and Brahmaputra originated from which still is life source of water for north India .
Its pretty clear he is not there in Mt Kailash but finally we found Mt Kailash , Even China dont dare to climb it . Now reptilians were using it as base to remove the effect of Shiva , pollute rivers ... environment , wars .... see Himalayas (full mountain chains)hosted wars between India Pakistan , India China , WOT .... Terrorists in beautiful Kashmir , Tibet invasion by China .... That says reptilians are taking control over Himalayas . You know when sins increase lord Shiva will open 3rd eye , all bad will die of cosmo rays and again yuga cycle continues . Regarding moon , even i can sense its bad when ever i look at it . You know Shiva temple at kalahasti is even opened at eclipse , every one performs pooja there to destroy effect of rahu and ketu . I think you would be shocked to know Hanuman fathered a reptilian baby and vishnu rests on reptilian . It wont make them bad right ? Just in similar way the field of negative energy is making you unable to look at positive field , you can soon see the powerful positive energy of Shiva , i have confidence in you .
ps : This is not from book . Its practical .

also reply to points 1,6,7 .
@tvsram1992 am not able to send u msg due to my mobile phone browser.... i did explained everything in my previous thread started by user neutralcitizen but i guess u not keeping track of it.... To meet arcturians you need to do few things. This things will change you as a person.... First thing you need is a time for it. 2nd thing you need is chakra cleaning yoga.... 3rd thing u need is meditation mp3. 4th thing u need is Arcturians frequency activation code. i will give you everything.... First i want u learn chakra cleaning yoga. Then u download visualization mp3 for free. Then i tell you further. i dont want u to get confused. So we take step by step.... Here is chakra cleaning yoga with details....
7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras
Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) - The Seven Chakras
Here is mp3 of visualization (meditation) must download....
Free Meditation Mp3 Visualization downloads Life Altering

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ufo-observed-5-countries-2.html#ixzz1ykVbA3B9

I will follow this isro. waiting for further instructions.

wow referring to himself in the third person? or did you just forget to log out and log back in using isro2222 id?
@jbgt90 if u are getting anger attacks then better start meditation.... Report to mods if u think i am neutralcitizen. Let them check and if you are wrong (indeed u are) then let them ban u. Stay out of this thread if u dont have anything to add up....
@tvsram1992 as i said that u are right but what i told u is my experience.... Its tested one. Now may be for u shiva is beneficial but for me its not.... Am calm while u told me u aint.... So u should know where is the problem. Get to know shiva better and try to avoid praying him for few weeks and check how ur anger calms.... The reason u are hot temper is that shiva itself is super hot temper. also the 3rd eyes meditation am trying since few months.... Its pineal gland activation. Am doing it 3 ways.... First i light butter diya and concentrate on it.... 2nd type i try concentration on my 3rd eye.... 3rd type is nidra yoga.... By the way you havent told me that why in south india people believe rahu is shiva? Do you think rahu known as good positive god? Do u think south indians are liar? Trust me they know better.... Shiva is alot clever lord. He lived as many lords at same time.... Anyone who use shiva as name too are hot temper. Be it Shiv sena party (they famous for hot temper on north indians).... Shivaji maharaj too was master of war.... Shiv raj patil who let a inspector die when he try to expose mafia.... i have seen many people whose name is shiv shiva etc etc and they are super hot temper.... Name has the effects.... Titanic was negative name.... While name Titan (watch brand) wearer dies sudden death because titan is moon of saturn and saturn is known as death planet (karma planet).... Names has alot effects on us. By the way there are humans (all of them are indians) do live upto age 130 plus without eating food.... Here is the biggest proof that shocked the world and gave new hope to space travel.... A indian male hasent eaten since 70 years.... He lived on energys in air (sun rays)....
Indian man survives without food and water, baffles doctors
Man doesn’t Eat for 70 Years, Scientists around the World are Interested–and We should be, too. | Eslkevin's Blog
by the way i cant give u my fb details.... i have a threat from unknown people who hunting down people who try to expose about aliens. Am not quite a threat yet but soon i might.... i dont want to be victim of MIB and then disease named as cancer (produced by goverment of america).... Many died by it.... i call it silent and sudden death by cancer....
I really hope they do - World is already fucked up so much by humans.
@patriot i tell u the big secret.... Well its no longer the secret but still alot important info.... Do you know that everything ends someday? Its called life cycle.... There was dinosaurs.... They died by attacks from reptilians (the alpha dracolians) and the rest of the job done by cosmos fire.... Then giants vanished too and most of the skeletons of giants found.... Everything when goes out of control gets ended.... Everything has a expiry date.... Human population over 7 billion. Oxygen getting reduced by 1 percent every year.... We cant breath by 2030.... Pollution out of control.... The cosmos fire cycle near.... Alpha dracolian ships are near too.... Humans time is up.... Something huge might happened.... When all humans end up dead then new life will emerge like humans who emerged after dinosaur and giants. There are many humans been kidnaped and taken to other galaxy for new start.... Rest of us will end up on earth.... To be safe we need to activate our higher dimension or we would end up by sudden death....
Reptilians and greys has strong hold over humans.... Singers, politicians, film industry are the tools of reptilians.... Reptilians have 4th dimension.... They can mix up with darkness and becomes shadow then dissapeard.... Reptilians are shapeshifter and they are amoung us. They kidnap us for flesh.... While raptoids (who evolved on earth and are different from dracolian) stays with humans by shapeshifting. They mostly comes for sex with humans (male raptoid with human female and female raptoid with human male).... They are master of shapeshifting and we wont know its reptoid because the shapeshift into human.... Must watch what happened in china. Chinese goverment didnt let the interview telecast (2nd video)....
YouTube - Reptilian Symbolism in Conan the Barbarian
YouTube - Aliens caught on tape in china rapid shape changes and gone
@isro222 i want to give my details to you . i ll pm my mail id . reply from yours
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