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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

@truthseer according to you what's Credible Source should be? What proof do u want? i know u are pakistani so any proof (be it even audio video recording) not enough.... i have obama addmiting about Aliens and being with Reptilian.... i have proof of most presidents admitting about UFO and aliens. i have proof of military, astronauts, scientists, pilots and million people watching Ufo and aliens.... Did u went through my all threads? Come out of ur 3rd dimension. There are 2 billion earth like planets and 1 billion planet suns that we know (there are more then we know).... Dont feel so much lucky that we are the only humans in our galaxy and in universe.... Go through my all threads to open up your blocked mind. This was my last reply to you....
I can't believe this, the mods actually allowed this thread to last 21 pages.

Dude this is a defense forum, not an alien conspiracy site. LOL :rofl:
Everyone take a look what scientists found inside baltic sea.... Its a day old news. Just yesterday everyone got shocked after they found mushroom shape rock formation and the Rocks were burned inside baltic sea.... What is it? Its the same area where UFO's dived in after scaring whole china (china airport been closed that time due to panic fear).... The UFO burned the rocks inside baltic sea when they landed on it.... Yesterday what scientists saw made them even more scared and confused.... MUST READ....
Baltic Sea UFO: Ocean X Team Reveals Rocks – June 15, 2012 | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES
It was a reptilian battle ship.... As u know there are 3 types of Reptilians.... i just hope it wasnt a Draco reptilians. May be it was a Annunaki battleship as planet nibiru getting alot closer to earth day by day.... Yesterday swedish scientists declared its a Ufo but suddenly american scientist warned them saying dont create panic....
YouTube - Alien Underwater Sea Base? Update On Baltic Sea Find 6-15-12
Red object 30 feet off ground appears intelligently controlled - National ufo | Examiner.com
@Neutralcitezen people who doubt cant meet arcturians.... You need to believe in them. Just dont follow what i told you.... Follow it with heart and believe in them.... Just by following what i told u wont help. Do you know Law of attraction? The cosmic ordering?
@hu songshan good Aliens will protect indian people in india. It wont protect indian goverment.... Have u heard two alien ship went new delhi and met our pm? The military caught it on radar.... But goverment forced them to say it was a bird.... Indian goverment is with america and bad aliens.... But good aliens are with indian people because we following what they teached us (mantras and good energy).... Indian goverment even gave Greys and Reptilians base in Himalaya. Infact india and china gave them base. Our military knows it and it wont let anyone go there.... China and india are together helping reptilians and greys to counter Humanoids. Its a big mistake....

@neutralcitizen are you from america?.... What's going on in Maryland? People are afraid their and American Military making them Fool.... Have you heard whats happening there? UFO's all over maryland and people are alot scared. Its just few hours old news.... Aliens all over world getting desperate now.... This ship over maryland is of Greys. Its not Humanoids....

So China gave Aliens bases in the mountain any proof of this.
@Hu songshan china didnt gave reptilians base.... Reptilian made base because they love negative energy (china and middle east produce alot negative energy).... In himalayan too Reptilians made base and india china army couldnt do much about it.... Its the Galactic command taking out Bases of Reptilians. Before there was not many Earthquakes use to jolt Earth but now everyday we see Earthquakes.... Its the Galactic command destroying Reptilian bases and the beam that takes out reptilian bases produces Earthquake (more reptilians landing on earth and more earthquakes we getting as work load of Galactic command increases).... The reptilians started their invasion (silent way) and Galactic command Making sure they take Hydra and Dracos out of Earth....
Voyager 1 at 21 Km/Second is 33 Years away from Earth and is Hardly at the Edge of Solar System - 115 AU.

Now Let me know if Aliens had to come, assuming the same characteristics of the same Galaxy, It would take 70 Years for Aliens Just to Reach Earth and Touch the Outer Solar System (To and Fro). Just Imagine How can they survive, Fuel, Food and How can they not be Noticed as Hubble itself can give a Good View upto the Orbit of Eris.
We can do alot of things.... But we can't fight reptilians with weapons. We can help humanoids by giving them positive energy. Let go of ur tension, anger, panic fear. Let ur mind gets empty.... Then fill it with love from cosmos energy. Thank the Arcturians and think positive.... All the energy we produce will brighten up starship ATHENA even more full of power.... In return we get what we want. Arcturians will bless us....
@Banana that was kind of funny Question.... The Elohim race are immortal. They don't die.... The Arcturians live upto 450 years.... But the GREYS live upto 800 to 1500 years. The dont have immune system.... Now you are comparing 3rd dimension Human's sattelite to 4th to 5th Dimension Humanoids. The most galactic command (like U.N of aliens) are 4th Dimension.... They have spaceship which can travel Light speed.... While the Arcturians are 5th Dimension. Arcturians travel through Mind.... Tell me what is faster. The light or brain? Throw a beam towards mars and exact same time think of Mars. What will reach first? Mind travels faster then Light. Arcturians travels by Mind. They just think of place and then they are on exact place they thought of in their mind.... Arcturians are known as teachers and Galactic command takes blessings from them....
In Which Dimension which Mind Travel Works? What are the Properties of those Dimensions and How Far far Humans from Reaching those Dimensions?
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