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Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

1.The point that u raised was not whether they were 'defenceless' but whether they can get close to to each other.And chances of getting close to these small carriers when both fleets have them is pretty good.
Two blind fleets with ship born helos? right.....
As for identification it is not seperately each system,but a combination of all these methods that are used.And modern shipborne phased array radars can pick up vessels well out to 300 kms.
Sure you do, but how do you know what kind vessels they are? Or IN just gonna launch missiles everytime they find some vessels on the sea?:laughcry:
Maritime patrol is another perfectly viable method.They have huge range and can easily be used from shores.As for satellites,CAP fighters and AEW they are not foolproof but viable,together all these make up very viable means of detection.
We are talking about two fleets at sea, not shore based defences.
2.Again hiding behind commercial traffic skirt,face it u got no defense once chinese oil tankers from the gulf start blowing up,than to cry to big daddy usa who might condemn it but actually will enjoy the proceedings as long as they aren't hurt substantially.No damage comes to USA when a oil tanker of china from gulf is seized.You don't believe me,even in 1971 attack on karachi we blew up usa ship venus challenger that was carrying ammunition for pak.
Hu? when did IN blow up a US ship?And do you really dont know the difference between an ammunition ship and commercial tankers carry other countrys flags? I mean seriously?
Did anything happen?Oil is legitimate war material and we will see chinese oil tankers shut down,while usa eats popcorn and cheers for us to shut down chinese bully.:coffee:
LOL, sure, stick to your Bollywood script, not my problem that you dont understand the basics of freedom at sea.
Ridiculous taken to the extreme by you.Carried by fighters only?What do you think hundreds of destroyers,frigates and cruisers around the world have as their primary armament?Lollipop?Each frigate and destroyers worth its salt carries 8-16 surface attack cruise missiles as its primary attack armament.
Yah, like type 45 of UK , guess you have never heard about anti defence DDGS. rofl.
With the long range cruise missiles this is not ww2 with ship to ship gun battles,son.
son, US is already moving missiles to subs. YOu have already missed the boat.
All navies recognize this.
nop, only exist in your fanboy mind
The type of advantage ur talking about wold only exist if one side had carriers and other didn't and substantial number of fighters on that carrier to attack in wave after wave from a safe distance to overwhelm defences.Only a supercarrier has that much firepower and these days even it is reported to be sitting duck in exercises against subs.
Ignorance is a bliss. It is not about supercarriers, it is about number of sorties.
5.There is sum total of 1 pic in the net of a klub missile launch from ANY platform,and that was from a indian navy talwar class frigate.
Guess you dont know the difference between SLCM and firing from a frigate.....
So don't try to use it as cover,all sources have indicated indian akula carries klubs.
so no pic, hu? Dont blame you.
Just no SLBMs or nuclear tipped missiles.This means we can't convert the akula to a quasi SSBN or equip it with our new SLBM k-15 or k-4 or put nuke cruise missiles on it and thats why ss-n-21 cruise missile was not sold with it.
What u think we are buying another akula class with our money and putting brahmos VLS cells on it so it can be a showpony?You think there is a buy clause after 10 yr lease for fun?Stop being cheap.
LOL, where is your source that you modified akula?

I have made my points clear. see no reason to repeat my points. Have fun in this thread.
McEachron, J. F. (1997), Subsonic and Supersonic Antiship Missiles: An Effectiveness and Utility Comparison. Naval Engineers Journal, 109: 57–73. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-3584.1997.tb01931.x

James F. McEachronis currently the McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (MDA) test and evaluation process team leader for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Program. During his 16 years of experience an missile systems product definition, he has served as the operations analysis manager for the Harpoon Program, conducted force structure analysis/strategic planning for MDAs Washington Studies and Analysis Group, and performed survivability and effectiveness analyses for the SRAM II Program. Mr. McEachron holds a B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from Georgia Institute of Ethnology.

Subsonic and Supersonic Antiship Missiles: An Effectiveness and Utility Comparison - McEachron - 2009 - Naval Engineers Journal - Wiley Online Library

RO China (a.k.a. Taiwan): Hsiung Feng III - Brave Wind III is a new supersonic (Mach 2 - 2.5) ramjet ship-to-ship missile currently in development by CIST. The missile's maximum speed at low altitudes is reported to be in the range of Mach 2.0-2.3, with higher cruising speed at greater altitudes.

France could fairly easily mate the warhead and guidance pack of the latest Exocet with the mach 2-3 Air-Sol Moyenne Portée (ASMP) missile.

The maximum speed of China's YJ-12 is around Mach 4. YJ-12 AShM is the only family of YJ-12 with optional sea-skimming capability, though this is achieved at the cost of reduced range. Related: CM-400AKG Wrecker

Remainder mostly Russia (Yakhont, Club, Moskit, and a few more)

Do remember Brahmos is a Russian-Indian venture, with Russia providing the missile.

In addition...

Anti-ship missile ASURA (ANF)
Firing range, km 80 - 150
Flight speed, M 2.4 - 3
Starting weight of the rocket, kg 920
The case diameter, mm 380
Length, mm 5380
Swipe stabilizers mm 960
Противокорабельная ракета ASURA ( ANF ) | Ð*акетная техника

PLus some more data on ASMP (antiship role indicated)
Крылатая ракета воздушного базирования ASMP (ASMP-A) | Ð*акетная техника
Liaoning ship or the first interim maintenance will last for six months
Power intends to overhaul and maintenance , weapons and other systems, or the need to replace large parts ; repair aircraft still exploratory stage
April 17 , China 's first aircraft carrier " Liaoning number" return Dalian shipyard dock for the first interim maintenance. According to the Navy specifically predicted that the repair will last for six months, to be on the power , weapons and other types of systems overhaul and maintenance. It is understood that the aircraft carrier and other naval complex weapon systems require ongoing regular maintenance , aircraft personnel also need to be appropriately trained and rest to maintain combat effectiveness.
It is understood that the maintenance could mean the beginning of the interim period , Liaoning ship pilot training has come to an end . Liaoning ship will also be held in the absence of the PLA Navy in Qingdao on October 24 Launch Date multinational joint maritime exercises.
Can anyone tell me what the meaning of logo in the canopy of J15 ?
Long time no hear anything about J-15 and Liaoning ...
As per Russian expert, Liaoning is no match to Vikky. VIkky was put to the rigorous test and has capability to fight in high sea which is lacking in liaoning. Vikky has a very good Jaming system and will soon have Missile like MRSA. It will carry BRAHMOS and Mig 29 (UPG) against J 15 which is no match to MIG 29.
As per Russian expert, Liaoning is no match to Vikky. VIkky was put to the rigorous test and has capability to fight in high sea which is lacking in liaoning. Vikky has a very good Jaming system and will soon have Missile like MRSA. It will carry BRAHMOS and Mig 29 (UPG) against J 15 which is no match to MIG 29.

I will carry MiG 29 K.
As per Russian expert, Liaoning is no match to Vikky. VIkky was put to the rigorous test and has capability to fight in high sea which is lacking in liaoning. Vikky has a very good Jaming system and will soon have Missile like MRSA. It will carry BRAHMOS and Mig 29 (UPG) against J 15 which is no match to MIG 29.
Russian expert? Or Russian sales person?

Can't operate in high seas, that doesn't even make sense, do you even know what high seas means?

Bottom line, Liaoning was built as the ultimate Russian carrier, I mean relatively it's lame to nimitz, but we have future iterations for that.

The only thing you can really say is China still is testing and lacks experience.
As per Russian expert, Liaoning is no match to Vikky. VIkky was put to the rigorous test and has capability to fight in high sea which is lacking in liaoning. Vikky has a very good Jaming system and will soon have Missile like MRSA. It will carry BRAHMOS and Mig 29 (UPG) against J 15 which is no match to MIG 29.

Makes no sense.
Can anyone tell me what the meaning of logo in the canopy of J15 ?
Long time no hear anything about J-15 and Liaoning ...
The ship is still in maintaince, even America can only operate 3 carriers at a time. As to the logo, those things are what the Liaoning uses to monitor the fighter's movement, like during landing, and taking off.
The ship is still in maintaince, even America can only operate 3 carriers at a time. As to the logo, those things are what the Liaoning uses to monitor the fighter's movement, like during landing, and taking off.

Are there only 6 J-15 commissioned only, right ?

The logos are only for that purpose ? no meaning ?
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Can anyone tell me what the meaning of logo in the canopy of J15 ?
Long time no hear anything about J-15 and Liaoning ...
Are you asking about the same logo on the airframe? I dont see any logos on the canopy (the glass covering the cockpit)?
China considered their human-being pilots as dummies ?
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