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Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

good work PAF , roast these bastards up like steaks

And the kids of innocent will take revenge from Pakistan.. Astonished to see that Pakistani are cheering "death of Pakistani"..

These Bombing will make more rebels. These rebels will bring havoc in Pakistan..

Animals should not talking about humanity
India is occupying Kashmir not trying to mount a counter insurgency campaign to bring peace.
These strikes are punitive strikes on TTP for their recent attacks. If ground forces move in for an offensive, everyone will be up in arms. Collateral damage is always regrettable, the tribesmen have suffered the most in this unfortunate war.

I wish they do full scale operation like swat and be done with it......air strikes, while population is not evacuated, should not be carried out
Who wants to lay odds that U.S. drones (which carry guided missiles with explosive warheads under ten kilos) will be blamed for ALL civilian casualties, whereas Pakistani jets dropping 500lb bombs will be said to have killed militants only?

so you are actually trying to compare ?? are you a clown ?? or you must be a well educated troll ??!
I wish they do full scale operation like swat and be done with it......air strikes, while population is not evacuated, should not be carried out

The operational is 'planned' and 'shelved' along with its contingency plans for IDP crisis which we most certainly will face. The issue is if such an operation is going to offer a tactical advantage over TTP in regards to the peace talks because that is where its ultimately going to end. Such an operation will only succeed in driving the TTP into Afghanistan where NDS (Backed by Indians) is waiting for them.

I am kind of glad to know that the 'Militaristic' thinking is not prevailing in GHQ or in the Govt. Personally my hopes are pinned on the peace process and the US Pullout. I know that this will sound bad but minimal civilian death toll as regrettable as it is, is still better than having to make masses of our tribesmen leave their homes because of a military campaign.










One way or another all tribesmen are kin and kith, neighbors of taliban or their supporters, or they are silent spectator......Why the hypocrisy? declare all tribals terrorists and be done with them.

I wish we can do that
I wish they do full scale operation like swat and be done with it......air strikes, while population is not evacuated, should not be carried out
looks like you missed the news

Fear of military operation forces thousands to flee Waziristan
Fear of military operation forces thousands to flee Waziristan - Newspaper - DAWN.COM


I have already explained with pictures that the targeted areas were big assembly areas of Taliban fighters and their commanders.. something you cant have in the middle of "innocent" civilians.. its logistically impossible.

concentrating few hundred armed taliban is only possible in fields or mountains or ruins of deserted villages. and if at all anyone decides to stay while in their court yard there are 100s of Taliban gathered with guns and rocket launchers then they are either their informants or their hosts who decided to stay back and sealed their fate with those terrorists












(reference to earlier strikes)

Pakistan-made drones successfully fight Taliban
Read more: Pakistan-made drones successfully fight Taliban - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) has suffered a terrible blow from the Pakistan-made drones this Tuesday, US military experts and foreign delegates impressed by the achievements of the country’s military technologies.

TTP targets in Tirah and Mir Ali have been recently eliminated, a terrible blow to the umbrella organization that provokes unrest in the region. Taliban were astounded by the efficiency of the strikes, judging from the enemy’s radio intelligence after the attack, Islamabad sources state.

The CIA chief Brennen has recently been to Rawalpindi, and naturally it made a lot of people wonder if Pakistan Army received intelligence help from the US. But a senior security official explained it was a courtesy and insisted that Pakistan had used its own ‘parindahs’ (birds) to deal with the Islamists.
Read more: Pakistan-made drones successfully fight Taliban - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

@Aeronaut @Manticore @Windjammer
Good job PAF, kill them all and send them straight to hell where these cowards belong.
Why did yu delete the pictures? They were verfied and were by actual journalists on or near the ground like Noorbehram, Safdar Dawar, Farooq M etc..

Show both sides. Don't be partial

@AmnaR | Don't post unverified images. Everything that floats on twitter isn't authentic.

Google earth coordinates are not used in air strikes (whoever you are trying to fool here). This how targets are acquired.


GPS sensors are inbuilt in SniperXP and FLAIR pods used for targeting. Most targets are designated from the ground by certain forces.
Why did yu delete the pictures? They were verfied and were by actual journalists on or near the ground like Noorbehram, Safdar Dawar, Farooq M etc..

Show both sides. Don't be partial

They were deleted because we don't have a verification of them being genuine pictures. We don't allow unverified graphic content on this website.

If you are privy to the verification of those images, you need to get those journalists to send me a written response at aeronaut@defence.pk and i will reconsider.
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That's the best policy, we (GoP) went out of way to offer them a sincere chance for peace and backed that up by showing its intent and ability to pound their asses big time.

Had there been no peace / negotiation card there wouldn't be any infighting between Talibs. All hail to government for using all options, including this targeted operation. Jo bc bach gai hai on ko be maro !
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