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Air Forces Monthly - summary of updates to JF-17

As for podded solution, I believe the article is arguing that (at least according to potential customers) those don't work well enough as nose-mounted IRST since the aircraft's own heat signature is too overwhelming for the podded IRST to filter out and thus the podded solution suffers in performance significantly. That's what I understood at least.

I too get this understanding but the issue is how is this problem occurring and Why area around chin mounted hardpoint have this high heat signature that it is interfering in the working of Poded IRST.
I too get this understanding but the issue is how is this problem occurring and Why area around chin mounted hardpoint have this high heat signature that it is interfering in the working of Poded IRST.
Probably due to the cannon located just aft of it under the other intake?
I too get this understanding but the issue is how is this problem occurring and Why area around chin mounted hardpoint have this high heat signature that it is interfering in the working of Poded IRST.
Honestly, I don't know. If I think about maybe the problem is this?:

Honestly, I don't know. If I think about maybe the problem is this?:
Basically a chin-mounted IRST will have little to no ability to look up and even looking straight would have a lot of its FOV covered by the jet itself, which I presume radiates a lot of IR.
Honestly, I don't know. If I think about maybe the problem is this?:
View attachment 810392

Basically a chin-mounted IRST will have little to no ability to look up and even looking straight would have a lot of its FOV covered by the jet itself, which I presume radiates a lot of IR.
may be heat generated by AESA radar ... ???
may be heat generated by AESA radar ... ???
Unlikely that that is the key reason. Even a PD radar also generates a lot of heat. I think it's just the IR glow from the fuselage and the blocked view. Again, I am speculating since I don't know these things.
@SQ8 highlighted part is completely correct. Let us not give ourselves a wrong psychological benefit here. Meteor is potent, and the Americans do not currently have a parallel exactly because it takes time to research and develop the underlying ramjet technology. But with the Americans and Brits, they can simply acquire the Meteor, as the Brits have done for their F-35s. The Meteor isn't a competitor, rather a value addition to the Western platforms. America doesn't need to think about AMRAAMs out-gunning the Meteor. Pakistan on the other hand needs to find an answer. And if the top leadership is prudent, they will revise numbers to cater for increased number of kills that will now be achieved by Meteor. Per the latest article in AFM, part of the plan seems to be loyal wingmen.

Try using your mind for a change. How can an air-cooled radar be even more powerful than the prototype? Here is the meaning of what's written in AFM: by looking at the picture of Block 3, the writer couldn't ascertain that it is a liquid cooled AESA. He says it looks like it is air-cooled. And this can simply be ignorance on the writer's part about the latest GaN technologies.

It was never air-cooled. I wrote about it extensively after the Sept 7 program. Only morons think it was air-cooled.
Why do you feel that I am downplaying the meteor?
The PAF is VERY aware of its threat. All I said is that they were aware of a capabilities and were looking to counter to whatever extent they could.

As for numbers, sure - why don’t all Pakistanis the exact taxes they owe and hold their institutions accountable. Until then whatever funds are available are utilized to whatever capacity the PAF has the ability to efficiently utilize them.
Janab, he is not saying there is a program. He is saying there is a multi-tier effort going on between Pakistan, Turkey, and China. That's a bit hard to create out of nowhere.
Im not saying it doesn’t exist - it would be great if it does but that the nature of reporting means that very early concepts can be interpreted as full fledged programs.
I had a multi-tier effort going on for a next generation IoT device. That didn’t mean official budgets were allocated yet nor was a dedicated team in place then. People were doing some research at the end of their priority queue but to actually have the project in development phase with defined timelines and milestones is another thing.
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Why do you feel that I am downplaying the meteor?
The PAF is VERY aware of its threat. All I said is that they were aware of a capabilities and were looking to counter to whatever extent they could.

As for numbers, sure - why don’t all Pakistanis the exact taxes they owe and hold their institutions accountable. Until then whatever funds are available are utilized to whatever capacity the PAF has the ability to efficiently utilize them.

Im not saying it doesn’t exist - it would be great if it does but that the nature of reporting means that very early concepts can be interpreted as full fledged programs.
I had a multi-tier effort going on for a next generation IoT device. That didn’t mean official budgets were allocated yet nor was a dedicated team in place then. People were doing some research at the end of their priority queue but to actually have the project in development phase with defined timelines and milestones is another thing.
Everyone talks a good talk but no one pays taxes
As for numbers, sure - why don’t all Pakistanis the exact taxes they owe and hold their institutions accountable. Until then whatever funds are available are utilized to whatever capacity the PAF has the ability to efficiently utilize them.

The problem isn't that people don't pay taxes. The problem is explained here:

Most probably due to plumbing/fittings/piping arrangement/installation.... may be the reason to make such a statement=guess work.

However, what if the radar is Air + Liquid cooled?

View attachment 810295

They added friggin pipes. How could it still be air cooled?
They added friggin pipes. How could it still be air cooled?

I didn't point to liquid cool only referring to alleged pipes but I was just suggesting a possibilty so that people may calm down and wait for it. 😁

How that still be air cooled in presence of alleged pipes? I think you will have to check with cooling methods, some diagrams and air + liquid cooled solution so that might help few to understand easily.

Pakistanis - once they hear something they stick to it

1.Jf17 engine is underpowered because TW ratio isn't above one.
2. Is you drink water after eating melon you get heeza( whatever the f that is and melon is like 95% water...water on top of water causes problems)
3. Toyota corolla is still the best car in the world
4. Don't eat eggs or fish in the summer...garam hoti hai...I mean wtf

Jf17 TW ratio = 0.99 with full external tanks

Here read

I go back to Pakistan in summer and can't order fish in restaurants cause people look at my face like I am crazy asking to eat fish in summer.
The problem isn't that people don't pay taxes. The problem is explained here:

Any inefficiency will only impact the actual earning. All other aspects of interest or no interest is theological discussion which I find irrelevant. Committing “financial terrorism” of 60% on $100 will leave $40 and 60% on $20 will leave $8. The Saudis are plain examples of it.
I too get this understanding but the issue is how is this problem occurring and Why area around chin mounted hardpoint have this high heat signature that it is interfering in the working of Poded IRST.
Or, the PAF doesn't want to share the IRST capability of JF-17s with the customers even for a podded solution....
There is something wrong with PAF’s thinking process.
Risk aversion, setting low goals and objectives and no expectations.
Any inefficiency will only impact the actual earning. All other aspects of interest or no interest is theological discussion which I find irrelevant. Committing “financial terrorism” of 60% on $100 will leave $40 and 60% on $20 will leave $8. The Saudis are plain examples of it.

The financial terrorism is to bury Pakistan under a mountain of debt, maintain its status as a good, reliable revenue stream for IMF and World Bank till eternity, and not take any measures which would lead us to independence.
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