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Air Force Question Thread

Hi, would like to get PAF or Pakistani's view of PAF history. If you could recommend one book, which one would it be?
Dear @Bilal Khan 777 , Sir @MastanKhan and all Masters of Air Force, I have very important question:

What Type of air to air missile the J-7 and Mirage carries and what is the deadliest missile (longest range) which this fighter planes can carry and is in our inventory ?
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@Bilal Khan 777 and all Masters of Air Defence, I have very important question:

What Type of air to air missile the J-7 and Mirage carries and what is the deadliest missile (longest range) which this fighter planes can carry and is in our inventory ?
Why are you calling the F7 the J7?

The Mirages come Matra Super 530 and 550 magic missiles. The Rose mirages are BVR capable but not sure we have a BVR missile for them.

The Pl5 should arm the F7s.

Both are capable to carry the AIM 9
Why are you calling the F7 the J7?

The Mirages come Matra Super 530 and 550 magic missiles. The Rose mirages are BVR capable but not sure we have a BVR missile for them.

The Pl5 should arm the F7s.

Both are capable to carry the AIM 9

OK sorry, maf kardie from now I will name it F-7P and F-7PG !

are capable OK, but is it confirmed that they can carry the AIM-9 ?
OK sorry, maf kardie from now I will name it F-7P and F-7PG !

are capable OK, but is it confirmed that they can carry the AIM-9 ?

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Both can carry aim 9. Mirages operate typically with Matra supers and f-7 with pl-5. The mirages have bvr range, but no bvr missile is integrated with them from my understanding. F-7pg should hace limited bvr range (37km) but again no bvr integration.
how i classification of paf air defence
how many units in paf air defence
for example
radars unit
baloon baridge unit
aa guns unit
i dont know more
plz reply me
Very important Questions you have raised.Agreed with you and please share your information about above questions?
Can any one tell me more about the plane which we just got from china in the exhibition at expo recently 2016, November?
Guys: I just joined this forum so look forward to exchanging thoughts. My father's name is Air Commodore Rtd Mir Mubarizuddin Ahmed. He was a sqn commander during 1965 of No 20 Sqn
Question: Does the radar or seeker in an air to air missile works the same way as it does for Surface to Air missile seeker? (not talking about infrared but radar guided)
I am reading a book in which they mention skunk works developed an ECM after Garry Powers was shot down in his U2 to counter soviet SAM systems. And it worked fairly well considered they developed it in late 50s/early 60s.
However they were only able to come up with that system after they gathered enough information through U2 missions over Russian defenses. They first had to learn all the frequencies on which soviet defense systems operated.
This brings me to two more questions, first is there a chance that we can learn and come up with our own ECM system after playing "war games" with China and their newly acquired S400? (I doubt they would reveal their operating spectrum but hypothetically speaking)
India is aquiring the same system that's why.
Second, do we already have a powerful enough ECM on JF-17? I assume the 52 falcons are much better off right now than JF-17
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