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Ahmadiyya festival site Attacked in Bangladesh

Do you agree that we should all have freedom of religion though? Quaid never wanted a mullah state which interferes in religious beliefs of citizens, declaring ahmedis non-muslims was a mistake.

I would take a referendum if we can afford it if the question comes up in Bangladesh, or perhaps a cheaper option is to decide in the parliament.

Declaring ahmedis non-Muslim does not equate to oppressing them. The state has the duty and obligation to protect the life, well-being and religious freedom, but not protect the name of any sect or what they want to call themselves. If they do not agree with state's decision, they can always file a lawsuit at the Supreme court.
Do you agree that we should all have freedom of religion though? Quaid never wanted a mullah state which interferes in religious beliefs of citizens, declaring ahmedis non-muslims was a mistake.

I agree on freedom of Religion, Ahmadis Should not be mistreated or Their place of worship should not be destroyed neither Hindus Nor Christians. My only point was That Pakistan was founded on basis of Faith Unity and discipline, First is Faith that is Islam. What we can do is to remove laws which are not in favour of minorities Like stupid Blasphemy law, But still the state religion remains Islam.
Well we are not Muslims to them either.

But there is a law passed in Pakistan against them. You accepted Ahmedis as Muslims and made all of them to migrate to newly created Pakistan and within 27 years of independence declared them as non-Muslims.

You should have decided them as non-Muslims back in 1947, they wouldn't have been fooled in the name of Muslim homeland.
I agree on freedom of Religion, Ahmadis Should not be mistreated or Their place of worship should not be destroyed neither Hindus Nor Christians. My only point was That Pakistan was founded on basis of Faith Unity and discipline, First is Faith that is Islam. What we can do is to remove laws which are not in favour of minorities Like stupid Blasphemy law, But still the state religion remains Islam.
We have something to agree upon :cheers:
I agree on freedom of Religion, Ahmadis Should not be mistreated or Their place of worship should not be destroyed neither Hindus Nor Christians. My only point was That Pakistan was founded on basis of Faith Unity and discipline, First is Faith that is Islam. What we can do is to remove laws which are not in favour of minorities Like stupid Blasphemy law, But still the state religion remains Islam.

Sorry Rafay Sahib

What's going on.

One hawaii and then quickly followed by a second one.

Tauba tauba!

Unity, faith and discipline was a motto and not the basis of Pakistan. Why again you are misquoting.

And "faith" was the "faith in you" as faith in himself (khoodi)

and then faith in Pakistan.

Where the heck this faith as Islam came in.

Why are you my dear hell bent on dragging all of us back to 1920s Bihar?

Please quit releasing these hawaiis.

Thank you

p.s. Sorry to add another one to on your post. You just thanked me in the first.

This is not against you as person, but to remove Islamo-fascistic propaganda against Pakistan.

Maj Gen (retd) Amjad Khan Chowdhury is one of the prominent ahmadiya in Bangladesh and owner of Pran group. He is big contributor and big mouth among ahmadiya. Amjad Khan Chowdhury also had been involved in President Ziaur Rahman assassination (level not known) and said to be dismissed from his post because of that.
And it was crystal clear that india was mastermind behind Ziaur Rahman assassination. Amjad Khan Chowdhury has deep relation with indian nefarious establishment and that is one way ahmadiya's are influenced to be used as indian tool to provoke unrest and create divide in Bangladesh. When ahmadiya's are choosing to be indian tool, they left nothing on their defense.

Sadly this is the same style of propaganda that Islamo-fascists did in Pakistan.

The way things are going,

I expect to see the name change soon as:

-- Islamic Republic of Bangladesh.


p.s. I hope it never happens, But the signs are bare.
We have something to agree upon :cheers:

Yea Blasphemy law is stupid and idiotic! God will punish those who bring harm to his religion, state should not interfere in this.

Sorry Rafay Sahib

What's going on.

One hawaii and then quickly followed by a second one.

Tauba tauba!

Unity, faith and discipline was a motto and not the basis of Pakistan. Why again you are misquoting.

And "faith" was the "faith in you" as faith in himself (khoodi)

and then faith in Pakistan.

Where the heck this faith as Islam came in.

Why are you my dear hell bent on dragging all of us back to 1920s Bihar?

Please quit releasing these hawaiis.

Thank you

p.s. Sorry to add another one to on your post. You just thanked me in the first.

This is not against you as person, but to remove Islamo-fascistic propaganda against Pakistan.

Sadly this is the same style of propaganda that Islamo-fascists did in Pakistan.

The way things are going,

I expect to see the name change soon as:

-- Islamic Republic of Bangladesh.


p.s. I hope it never happens, But the signs are bare.

Ok as you wish Faith is not Islam It means Faith in Pakistan!
I would take a referendum if we can afford it if the question comes up in Bangladesh, or perhaps a cheaper option is to decide in the parliament.

Declaring ahmedis non-Muslim does not equate to oppressing them. The state has the duty and obligation to protect the life, well-being and religious freedom, but not protect the name of any sect or what they want to call themselves. If they do not agree with state's decision, they can always file a lawsuit at the Supreme court.

So who will vote in the referendum?
I have never understood how other Muslims call Ahmedis non Muslims when they themselves don't consider that. Don't Ahmedis say they are Muslims? If Ahmedis say they believe in Allah and Koran how can other Muslims (mortals) say they can't. Aren't they interfering in the Business between Allah and the Ahmedis. Who are they to judge Ahemdis or do a referendum?
Issue IS NOT freedom of religion for ahmadiya, they enjoy full right and privilege. Issue is ahmadiya's choosing to be used as inidan and outside tool to create divide and provoke problems. Victim hat does not fit in instigator, ahmadiya's head.
So who will vote in the referendum?
I have never understood how other Muslims call Ahmedis non Muslims when they themselves don't consider that. Don't Ahmedis say they are Muslims? If Ahmedis say they believe in Allah and Koran how can other Muslims (mortals) say they can't. Aren't they interfering in the Business between Allah and the Ahmedis. Who are they to judge Ahemdis or do a referendum?

Are you Ahmadi? If not, then I do not see how this is a concern of yours.
Thankfully, Indian Court denied a petition to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslim.

Every state has the right to create laws according to the democratic will of their people. Indian example does not have to be followed by Muslim states.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Bangladesh should ensure above right for Ahmadi's as well as other minorities. Parliament should decide if calling themselves Muslim is included in above article.
But there is a law passed in Pakistan against them. You accepted Ahmedis as Muslims and made all of them to migrate to newly created Pakistan and within 27 years of independence declared them as non-Muslims.

You should have decided them as non-Muslims back in 1947, they wouldn't have been fooled in the name of Muslim homeland.

You obviously have no knowledge of the history that led to them being declared non-Muslim.
Congrats on successfully defending Islam-The Religion of Peace.

And meanwhile congrats to being an apologist for your saffron terror outfits in your india which harass and have harmed not just Christians and Muslims but also low caste untouchables
I would take a referendum if we can afford it if the question comes up in Bangladesh, or perhaps a cheaper option is to decide in the parliament.

Declaring ahmedis non-Muslim does not equate to oppressing them. The state has the duty and obligation to protect the life, well-being and religious freedom, but not protect the name of any sect or what they want to call themselves. If they do not agree with state's decision, they can always file a lawsuit at the Supreme court.

Bangladesh already declared them non-Muslim, it however is not in law. They voted in favor of the OIC vote (which was a consensus between all Muslim nations).
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