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Ahmadiyya festival site Attacked in Bangladesh

I agree on freedom of Religion, Ahmadis Should not be mistreated or Their place of worship should not be destroyed neither Hindus Nor Christians. My only point was That Pakistan was founded on basis of Faith Unity and discipline, First is Faith that is Islam. What we can do is to remove laws which are not in favour of minorities Like stupid Blasphemy law, But still the state religion remains Islam.

Then I wonder why it took more than 25 years to make Islam the state religion of Pakistan. And we all know why Islam was injected into Pakistani politics during that treacherous Bhutto's era. Faith does not have to mean you make religion into a drug and get a high off it 24/7. There is no room for religion in politics. Jinnah himself was against theocracy.

btw my bad for going off topic.
And meanwhile congrats to being an apologist for your saffron terror outfits in your india which harass and have harmed not just Christians and Muslims but also low caste untouchables

And congrats for continuing to bury your head in the sand :coffee:
So who will vote in the referendum?
I have never understood how other Muslims call Ahmedis non Muslims when they themselves don't consider that. Don't Ahmedis say they are Muslims? If Ahmedis say they believe in Allah and Koran how can other Muslims (mortals) say they can't. Aren't they interfering in the Business between Allah and the Ahmedis. Who are they to judge Ahemdis or do a referendum?

Why do you care so much. It's their country let them and ulema decide.

Fix your own problems with religious fascists in your country first! They come a dime a dozen

And congrats for continuing to bury your head in the sand :coffee:

Garbage. Typical response from the one actually in denial
@ Topic --

[misguided] religious fervour has no place in ANY society
You are not a Muslim according to their belief, you are not a Muslim according to Shia belief, they are not Muslim according to Sunni belief. Time to slay some bigots eh?

Quran dictate me to do it, Muhammad[PBUH] didn't dictate me to do it, Prophet's companions did it as they found it reasonable back at that time but again they didn't dictate you to do it. But i didn't say that for the hypocrite part i meant that, if you can slay a minority whose beliefs are different, you have to be ok with the killing of Muslims in a country where they are minority.
do yourself a favor ask a Kuwaiti & a Saudi to allow an ahmedi masjid to be build & then see what they do to you , trust me i grew up in Saudi & i know the ahmedis break one of the most important pillars of Islam which is contradicting the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) as the last Prophet & by doing this they openly commit blasphemy thats why they are not allowed in Saudi Arabia or Makkah or Medina

O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.
(The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)

first of all nobody asked them to be killed, nobody period. but yes knowing full well that they break one of the most important pillars of Islam which is the belief in "Khatam-un Nabiyeen" (Mohamed (p.b.u.h) as the last Prophet ) they should keep their beliefs to them selfs & nor preach or propagate it otherwise it will naturally offend the Muslims both Sunni & Shia none will tolerate such heretics

...O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you...
The Historic Sermon of Prophet (S.A.W)
first of all nobody asked them to be killed, nobody period. but yes knowing full well that they break one of the most important pillars of Islam which is the belief in "Khatam-un Nabiyeen" (Mohamed (p.b.u.h) as the last Prophet ) they should keep their beliefs to them selfs & nor preach or propagate it otherwise it will naturally offend the Muslims both Sunni & Shia none will tolerate such heretics

Every religion goes against the beliefs of other religion, no one stops them from preaching. Bangladesh is not a Shariah law abiding country(not sure if there is a law against it though) and what we did is vandalism. The culprits must be arrested and punished accordingly.
Does it dawn upon atleast those muslims living in christian majority countries that islam is technically blasphemous to christianity? Or have the internalised hypocricy since age 3 perfectly?

do yourself a favor ask a Kuwaiti & a Saudi to allow an ahmedi masjid to be build & then see what they do to you , trust me i grew up in Saudi & i know the ahmedis break one of the most important pillers of Islam which is the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) as the last Prophet & by doing this they openly commit blasphemy thats why they are not allowed in Saudi Arabia or Makkah or Medina

These sauds were the same people who, when babri masjid in ayodhya, one of hindu's most important holy places was destroyed by a mob in accordance with the same supremacy of the majority rule they themselves follow, threw a tantrum.
why interfere in life or belief of another person. All people are created by God. Everyone has right to have own beliefs.

No one has met God. so who knows who is right


Can anyone prove me who is right? :D
do yourself a favor ask a Kuwaiti & a Saudi to allow an ahmedi masjid to be build & then see what they do to you ,

Ask Saudi..

There BD just got itself compared with the most religiously tolerant nation on earth.

A good benchmark for BD to emulate :tup:
Every religion goes against the beliefs of other religion, no one stops them from preaching. Bangladesh is not a Shariah law abiding country(not sure if there is a law against it though) and what we did is vandalism. The culprits must be arrested and punished accordingly.
May be because of people like you BD is developing at good rate and distinguishes between what should be priority.
do yourself a favor ask a Kuwaiti & a Saudi to allow an ahmedi masjid to be build & then see what they do to you , trust me i grew up in Saudi & i know the ahmedis break one of the most important pillers of Islam which is the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) as the last Prophet & by doing this they openly commit blasphemy thats why they are not allowed in Saudi Arabia or Makkah or Medina
Screw arab 'tor tariqe', they are not the example to follow for BD, heck even Pakistan
They can believe what ever they want to but not to use name of islam as their religion ,to be a muslim its mandatory they recite and understand that kalima i.e


they can call their religion Ahmedia or kadiyani or xyz but not islam and should not call them self muslim.

to any belief system there are some fundamental and if somebody dont follow them then he or she is not in that belief system so no body is compulling them to what we belief we just want them not to use islam or muslim with them .

We need to agree to dis-agree, Ahmadiyya people are nice, hardworking, patriotic people - they serve in all facets of life, even in the Armed Forces. We should let them believe what they want, and let the Almighty decide who is right and wrong.

There shall be no compulsion in religion.

There are many things that disqualify a person to non-Muslim if I am not wrong. If a person do namaz 5 times, call Allah as only God, is a peace loving individual, don't offend any one, shouldn't we allow it.

I hate similar type of treatment in India where lower castes were not allowed in temples.
see this talking about kadyani

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May be because of people like you BD is developing at good rate and distinguishes between what should be priority.
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