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Ahmadis community is facing dire threat

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Here is the AHMADI website where you can access their "holy scriptures"

Ruhani Khazain 23 Volumes - Books of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Urdu Pages


Now firstly, about why Europeans have a problem with alcohol

Kashti-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.71




Jesus) had the habit of uttering obscenities and frequently using foul language. It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some extent the habit of lying." (Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain , Vol 11 p.289




"What is your opinion about the character of the Messiah? (it is that Jesus ) was an Alcoholic and Gluttonous person, neither Abstinent nor a Pious Worshipper, nor a Truth seeker. He was a Proud and a Self- conceited Claimant of Divinity." (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohani Khazain Vol 9 p.387)



T-Faz, and others.......I will follow up more with regards to what I claimed the Ahmadis claims about Jesus
Here is another eye opener

"The family of Jesus was perfectly holy and immaculate. Jesus' three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood the body of Jesus came into existence." (Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.291)



And another

"Jesus had an inclination for prostitutes, perhaps due to his ancestral relationship with them, otherwise no pious man could allow a young prostitute to touch his head with her ****** hands, and massage his head with the unclean perfume purchased with the earnings of adultery and rub his feet with her hair. Let the intelligent judge what sort of character such a person must possess." (Zamimah Anjam Atham, Roohani Khazain Vol 11 p.291)



"You may have tried to find a solution to the objection (raised) about the Messiah's paternal and maternal grandmothers. I am tired of thinking (of a justification of this). Up to now no nice solution has occurred to do me. What a glorious god he is whose paternal and maternal grandmothers are of such repute!" (Nur-al-Quran, Roohani Khazain, vol 9 p.394)



I think this will suffice for now as to "proof" wanted by people about what I had said
The above is what I have just qouted about what Ahmadis believe with regards to Jesus........I havenot even touched on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), or Allah, or Krishna and Hindus and alot of other points.......

I think we get the message here as to why the so called "mullahs" raise concerns......the Ulemah raise legimate concerns about the Ahmadiyya leadership........the people in Ahmadiyya themselves do not even know about these facts which are mostly written in urdu and the leadership of Ahmadiyya have refused to this date about letting independent people translate these text........

so please spare a thought for the Ulemah who are I believe doing a splendid job with highlighting these facts that not many even on this forum knew.......however, I will stress, the Ahmadi common man himself is not aware of these points but are taught total denial until exposed.........
Yes I agree , they are not Muslims - they are a different faith simple as that

I do not agree that they are right to claim to be Muslims perhaps their kids should be educated in normal Muslim schools if they want to be educated to be proper Muslims

Real Muslims don't disrespect Jesus / Mohammad
They have right to believe whatever they want and they have the right to be not killed and persecuted for their beliefs. Imagine if Muslims in the UK were banned from using the name of Jesus/Isa as Christian majority would be offended by not calling him son of God. Or if a Christian terrorist group killed 70 Muslims in a mosque in the UK. The Muslims would be rightfully screaming about persecution at that point.

End of discussion. Anything else is justification of intolerance and perpetuating hatred.
I just said they are not Muslims , and their kids should be educated properly :P no one said nothing about persecution , persecution is the one less thing we need to worry , there is too much of that going on in Pakistan

They are just misinformed - and BIG TIME misinformed

But I can understand why some angry christian might not like what they write about Jesus (Prophet Jesus by the way)

I think they should be given chance to relearn the faith if they intend to be called Muslims otherwise , they can be known as H1N1 or something generic as such , again they might prefer to be called something else but its just an example
this is as usual tussle... sometimes Ahmadi people kill others, sometimes others kill ahmadi people and when others kill it makes a news because of minority card thing !!

when writ of the state is weak, other local snake heads lift their heads....
What if Indians start saying the same about muslim deaths here??......is it ok then??
I do believe that the institutionalized ''marginalization'' of the Ahmedi community is a stupid policy. They are Pakistani citizens.

this policy of declaring them non-Muslims is a silly one in my opinion --regardless of whether i agree or DISAGREE with their ideological views. They are humans afterall. But again, most importantly they are PAKISTANIS.

and i am optimistic that one day we will do away with this needless policy -- which ironically, was devised during a secular, socialist-leaning civilian government!

it should be remembered though that there are many Ahmedis who have held high positions in Pakistan, who have contributed towards Pakistan and are proud to be Pakistanis.

it should almost certainly be remembered that the bomb blast attacks in the country do not discriminate against their victims. The objective of the terrorists are just to inflict maximum carnage --they dont care who are their victims and in fact this has been demonstrated even during Holy Month of Ramzan when they attacked a Mosque (one presumably filled with mostly Sunni sect Muslims)
Sir they don't believe in the basic tenats of Islam so they can't be called Muslims yes they should be treated as minority and given protection but their activities should also be checked because some are really worry some
What if Indians start saying the same about muslim deaths here??......is it ok then??

it happens in india, even in a more worse form, its the hindus that kill, and not the other way around, hence your state is weaker than ours.
can anyone post the article of the constitution declaring Qadiyani-Ahmadi and Lahori-Ahmadi as non muslims ?
Economic Collapse = Social Instability.....
= america.

Btw wasnt that drunk bhutto who encouraged this unreasonable witch hunt against the ahmedis cos he wanted to keep religous parties on side
can anyone post the article of the constitution declaring Qadiyani-Ahmadi and Lahori-Ahmadi as non muslims ?

Forget constitution .. go to passport office and get the new application form , there is an under taking right below that , declaring Qadiyanis non muslims.
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