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Ahmadis community is facing dire threat

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Ahmadiya and its leadership HAVE attempted to change ISLAM.......there views, scriptures and deliberate mistranslations and misinterpretations of the Quran and insult of the Prophets are not short of any attack on Islam......

You all may wish to bury your head in the sand and play the MODERATE card about freedom to believe what you want and what you like, thankfully for alot of other Muslims, this is not the case......just like when Prophet MUHAMMAD was insulted bythe pagans for his beliefs, Muslims who follow the very Quran in its totality too find this Ahmdiyya sciptures as an attack on Islam and treat it as such......if people here think that Pakistan was created for them with their version of how people will live, then know this, my grandparents as well as many others too protested like others with the single naara "PAKISTAN KA MATLAB KYA, LA ILLAHA ILLALA".....not for your so called "moderate western interpret and acceptable Islam" but for "Islam"........and these people have every right, EVERY RIGHT in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to declare Ahmadi's non-Muslim as they are using their text to misguide Muslims and the common man in Pakistan with their dillusional venom........
Forget constitution .. go to passport office and get the new application form , there is an under taking right below that , declaring Qadiyanis non muslims.
Yes because Non Muslims are Non Muslims whats the problem with that ?
They have right to believe whatever they want and they have the right to be not killed and persecuted for their beliefs. Imagine if Muslims in the UK were banned from using the name of Jesus/Isa as Christian majority would be offended by not calling him son of God. Or if a Christian terrorist group killed 70 Muslims in a mosque in the UK. The Muslims would be rightfully screaming about persecution at that point.

End of discussion. Anything else is justification of intolerance and perpetuating hatred.

Very well said, infact a ''blasphemy law'' in UK will pretty much make it impossible for this Thor guy to profess his religious beliefs that Jesus is NOT a son a God!

But then, when in minority, sing a different tune!
Why is every one discussing this small issue ?

There is a lot more blood wasted across the country, and by all measures those shall be addressed before a small community.
Very well said, infact a ''blasphemy law'' in UK will pretty much make it impossible for this Thor guy to profess his religious beliefs that Jesus is NOT a son a God!

But then, when in minority, sing a different tune!
Sir even Muslim Countries don't have a problem with Christians calling JESUS SON of GOD because its their believe
Why are we even discussing any sect or religion re pakistan. All pakistanis are one immaterial of religion. How we choose to pray is a matter for us individually. If any pakistani breaks a law let the law deal with him. But we must tolerate differences. Ok lets say all ahmedis leave pakistan tommrow what are we then going to do. Choose another group or minority group to ostracise? There is a wide gap between various interpretations of islam in pakistan from some girls choosing to wear jeans etc to others with burkhas. Its not for the state to interfere unless one citizen does something illegal or impinges on others rights.
Why are we even discussing any sect or religion re pakistan. All pakistanis are one immaterial of religion. How we choose to pray is a matter for us individually. If any pakistani breaks a law let the law deal with him. But we must tolerate differences. Ok lets say all ahmedis leave pakistan tommrow what are we then going to do. Choose another group or minority group to ostracise? There is a wide gap between various interpretations of islam in pakistan from some girls choosing to wear jeans etc to others with burkhas. Its not for the state to interfere unless one citizen does something illegal or impinges on others rights.
Superb statement ; I would invite you to bite that first bullet sir. Come down to Pakistan. Spread the message that All Pakistanis are one. Lead a movement to abolish the 1974 draconian amendment that ostracizes the Ahmadiyas and declare them as "born-again" Muslims. Lead a movement to stop the Shia massacres. Tell them that the message of Islam is a message of peace and humanity. Can you drop everything at the sound of a hat and do that ?
Superb statement ; I would invite you to bite that first bullet sir. Come down to Pakistan. Spread the message that All Pakistanis are one. Lead a movement to abolish the 1974 draconian amendment that ostracizes the Ahmadiyas and declare them as "born-again" Muslims. Lead a movement to stop the Shia massacres. Tell them that the message of Islam is a message of peace and humanity. Can you drop everything at the sound of a hat and do that ?

When you don't know iota about Ahmadi Beliefs, you should not tell us to call them muslims. There is a reason that everyone call them non muslims. It's not just Pakistan. Indonesia, Saudia Arabia, Iran everyone call them non muslims.

And for the second part about Killings. I strongly condemn these killings and who ever kills a Ahmedi, he should be hanged or killed in same manner. Because he is human first, then his beliefs come. And as a human, He is brother, sister, mother, father, son daughter of somebody or the only supporter of his family and who ever kills him, 3 4 people depending upon him will live a miserable life afterwards. What ever beliefs they have, we have already declared them non muslims, Now it is up to God in "Life After death" to decide their faith which is suffice. We have no right to kill them.
When you don't know iota about Ahmadi Beliefs, you should not tell us to call them muslims. There is a reason that everyone call them non muslims. It's not just Pakistan. Indonesia, Saudia Arabia, Iran everyone call them non muslims.
You are correct, i do not know the complete story, but to put it in a hacky kinda manner, Ahmadis claim the existence of a second Prophet whereas Islam prohibits someone to claim God's messenger other than Muhammed, isn't it ? So what's wrong in that ? Anything and everything that makes people to have faith in a Supreme Being should be acceptable, isn't it ? Is that a reason to make people die at the sword ?
When you don't know iota about Ahmadi Beliefs, you should not tell us to call them muslims. There is a reason that everyone call them non muslims. It's not just Pakistan. Indonesia, Saudia Arabia, Iran everyone call them non muslims.

And for the second part about Killings. I strongly condemn these killings and who ever kills a Ahmedi, he should be hanged or killed in same manner. Because he is human first, then his beliefs come. And as a human, He is brother, sister, mother, father, son daughter of somebody or the only supporter of his family and who ever kills him, 3 4 people depending upon him will live a miserable life afterwards. What ever beliefs they have, we have already declared them non muslims, Now it is up to God in "Life After death" to decide their faith which is suffice. We have no right to kill them.

In India call them Muslim and Muslim personal law is applicable to them.... may be Perceptron is a Indian thats why he is unable to understand it.
You are correct, i do not know the complete story, but to put it in a hacky kinda manner, Ahmadis claim the existence of a second Prophet whereas Islam prohibits someone to claim God's messenger other than Muhammed, isn't it ? So what's wrong in that ? Anything and everything that makes people to have faith in a Supreme Being should be acceptable, isn't it ? Is that a reason to make people die at the sword ?

Maybe you should have preached that to your Hindu Brahmins you kill lower caste Hindus of the same faith for being a different group..........or the BJP terrorists who serve in your polictical system who dont miss an opportunity to kill thousands of Muslims or even the Chrtistian charuity workers who die because they do a noble cause in your country only to be accused of spreading Christianity............

Call Muslims as you will, extremist, fundamentalist, fanatic, whatever,........they have every right to rasie concerns about organisations who hold insult and abuse for individuals to whom people hold with high regards.........freedom of speech is to a limit, if it is a healthy debate where they wish to claim Jesus was an alcoholic, then thats fine, but show evidence of it.....otherwise it is an insult.........

There are many Christians living in Muslim countries.........actually over 20 million Coptic Christians who have been inhabitants and freely following their faith for hundreds of years......If it was to be put to the sword as you say, then there would not be a single one left.......there being here shows just the opposite and their views could also be seen as blasphemy by referring to Jesus as the Son of God..........however they have their own faith and own scriptures.......

Ahmadis on the other hand claim to be Muslims and claim to follow the Quran therefore it becomes our affair.......Ahmadis so called second Prophet calimed amongst many things to be Lord Krishna.........does that then mean Hindus should convert to his views...........Hindus on this forum seem to have a problem each time any Himdu converts to something else....."its in individual thing and people should stop preaching to others" is the lame excuse you get from Hindus on this forum........so please keep your poison to yourselves.......
Superb statement ; I would invite you to bite that first bullet sir. Come down to Pakistan. Spread the message that All Pakistanis are one. Lead a movement to abolish the 1974 draconian amendment that ostracizes the Ahmadiyas and declare them as "born-again" Muslims. Lead a movement to stop the Shia massacres. Tell them that the message of Islam is a message of peace and humanity. Can you drop everything at the sound of a hat and do that ?

Each one to his own. Bhutto pushed this thru in 1974. in my opinion knowing he drank alchol and was not that religous it was not for him to judge. If any ahmedi does anything illegal by all means punish them but we should not stigmatise them they are still pakistanis.
Maybe you should have preached that to your Hindu Brahmins you kill lower caste Hindus of the same faith for being a different group..........
Can you give me any instances of where Hindus have killed Dalits wantonly ? I am not saying Hindus killing people of other religions ; Because for us, it is a way of life. A life of harmony and knowledge.
or the BJP terrorists who serve in your polictical system who dont miss an opportunity to kill thousands of Muslims or even the Chrtistian charuity workers who die because they do a noble cause in your country only to be accused of spreading Christianity............
This i particularly condemn and will not forgive them ; Coercing conversions in whatever form are wrong, but killing the missionaries who convert is outright bigotry. But do you know that BJP also has Muslims in it ? And the All-India BJP VP is a Muslim to boot ? So BJP is not a Hindu party to boot ; Yes, it is nationalistic and yes it is secular, but it is not dynastic, and a truly democratic party in India.

Ahmadis on the other hand claim to be Muslims and claim to follow the Quran therefore it becomes our affair.......Ahmadis so called second Prophet calimed amongst many things to be Lord Krishna.........does that then mean Hindus should convert to his views...........Hindus on this forum seem to have a problem each time any Himdu converts to something else....."its in individual thing and people should stop preaching to others" is the lame excuse you get from Hindus on this forum........so please keep your poison to yourselves.......
As i said, conversions are acceptable are fine as long as it is voluntary ; heck people do it for a bottle of toddy or two and piece of roast chicken, but that's the literacy levels speaking for you there. But anything done against your will needs to be condemned, and yes, if Ahmediyas are forcing their version upon the people of the book, then i condemn them too. But outright violence is totally unacceptable whether they are the Hindu Saffronites or Deobandi Mullahs.
This i particularly condemn and will not forgive them ; Coercing conversions in whatever form are wrong, but killing the missionaries who convert is outright bigotry. But do you know that BJP also has Muslims in it ? And the All-India BJP VP is a Muslim to boot ? So BJP is not a Hindu party to boot ; Yes, it is nationalistic and yes it is secular, but it is not dynastic, and a truly democratic party in India.

The English Defence League in the UK is a fascist organisation nonetheless, they have a Sikh spokesman.......soplease spare me the sermon of having Muslims in this terrorist organisation called the BJP as you will find black sheep in every community......... Legalise terrorists by making them a political party.. yes thats the way forward.....anyway another topic ofr another thread.........this one is about Ahmadis feeling threatended and why exactly.........

Ahmadis are a by product of British manufacture during their "raj" in India, and as far as Islam is concerned, they are a threat with regards to their poison which I have highlighted in some previous posts which only focuses on our beloved Jesus Christ, I have not even touched on other topics which by the way Aryan B and T-faz wanted me to prove those claims made by Ahmadis which I have done.......their leadership in a wolf in sheeps clothing and MUST be highlighted and answers demanded from Ahmadis with regards to these views which Muslims find insulting and an attack on Islam........there attempt to hide these facts have failed miserably and slowly their true face is being shown......

However, I will stress, many Ahmadi followers themselves dont even know about these claims made by their Prophet, Mesiah, mahdi, Lord Krishna, Jesus re-incarnated, Prophet Muhammad re-incarnated and God and they need to be bought out and leadership made to answer them.........which they could not and as such were labelled non-Muslim by nearly everything Muslim country
Yes because Non Muslims are Non Muslims whats the problem with that ?
yeh luv the discrimination dont you , by the way FY the same muslims go to foreign country they expect all toleration , how would the ummah like if the western countries brought up similar laws... lastly and most importantly its none of state business !!
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