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Ahmadis community is facing dire threat

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I think there needs to be an understanding of tolerance when provoked by all parties........the religious students themselves, are students of Islam, not extremists or fundamentalists, otherwise the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself would be seen as one in the eyes of the West......however Ahmadis too should understand that when a Prophet like Jesus is called an alcoholic, who fondled with prostitutes and whose family line is one of prostitutes then they should not be surprised at provoking anger, espcially when the abuse goes to such levels that goes beyond a healthy debate into a straight forward point of insult. I am not going to into the other insults and claims made here.......but what the Ahmadis have tried desparately to hide this from the West so as the masses dont know hasn't worked, and they must answer to these claims by MGA.........

Question for scholars is how the Sahaba dealt with such a situation during their time on the directions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)..........

Don't believe what your local mullah tells you.

If you can find a credible source for your allegations, please do post them because all that you have done is post stuff which is widely available on anti-Ahmadi websites.

Btw, you might want to read the Old-Testament, you would be in for a big shock.
What is difference between Ahmadi and Qadiyani

I am a bit confused sorry

I only recognize the devil child , as mentioned in our passport if you go to the Devil Child country you cannot use Pakistani Passport

What are these new entities Ahmadi and Qadiyani are they similar
There isn't any proof for any of your comments is there?

All based on conjecture and hearsay.

Just provide proof from credible sources and that should do.

self delete
it was Sufi Mohammed and degenerate jerk-offs like him who basically insulted and rejected the Constitution of Pakistan. . .

and that Constitution applies to all sects, all people of Pakistan. TTP existence is an insult to Muslims/Pakistanis of all sects. They have killed a LOTTTT of people, and by God they will get what's coming to them one-by-one.

it's better and it's in Pakistan's interests to re-visit its policy on Ahmedis as far as their ''Muslim status'' is concerned. By declaring them something, it is basically institutionalized ''discrimination'' and I don't think that's a good thing.

Unless they themselves are happy just being called ''Ahmedis'' -- I do not know. This is an issue that would have to be discussed by Parliament.

because the worse thing is to have outside countries (especially western ones) grant them ''asylum'' on ground of ''discrimination'' and then have them surrender their Pakistani passports. There have been some cases of this, and it's not good I dont think.

i think the current government lacks the courage to take bold steps like change the official policy on Ahmedi status -- or other issues like repealing the blasphemy law --which is something i am personally against as well...quite vocally, actually.

I think we pakistanis need to bee more tolerant and not encourage divison due to religion colour creed etc
T-Faz, you Sir have no idea of my indepth research...........I have copies of each and every claim and copies from Ahmadis webpages in PDF of their religious text.....I am surprised you have such a narrow mind where you would jump onto the claim of not believing everything Mullahs tell me......I didnt need any Mullah to tell me and that attitude just gioes to show how lame your view here truly is..........

Again I already have read the Ahmadi texts myself along with the Old testament and read that indepth and can even show a quote of rophet Muahammad (PBUH) being mentioned by name in there........anu argument for another thread ...........
What is difference between Ahmadi and Qadiyani

I am a bit confused sorry

I only recognize the devil child , as mentioned in our passport if you go to the Devil Child country you cannot use Pakistani Passport

What are these new entities Ahmadi and Qadiyani are they similar

Same group, Qadiani is more of a derogatory term for Ahmadi's.

They aren't new entities either, been around for more than a hundred years now.

Used to dominate the army and civil service leadership before the 1974 banishment.
To assist everyone here, I will put those claims forward........I will however ask that everyone bears with me whilst I print them off and scan them here for people to read along with the text in urdu, the page numbers, names and the website where you too can obtain them and read them for yourself.............give me some time as I am having problems with viewing page 4 of this thread again as before and am relying on the advanced setting to view any messages...........
To assist everyone here, I will put those claims forward........I will however ask that everyone bears with me whilst I print them off and scan them here for people to read along with the text in urdu, the page numbers, names and the website where you too can obtain them and read them for yourself.............give me some time as I am having problems with viewing page 4 of this thread again as before and am relying on the advanced setting to view any messages...........

i dont understand the point here. They are pakistani. They could be hindu or jew or any religion why should one pakistani persecute another cos of religous belief?
i think ''Qadiyani'' may be perceived as derogatory by some because the founder hailed from Qadiyan which is a city in indian-administered Punjab. Kind of bizarre though, considering that Deobandis (some of whom were opposed to Pakistan creation and opposed to Muslim League) movement also took root in british hindustan.

what is problematic is when devotees of different sects of Islam claim ''their version'' is the ''true Islam'' .......this causes misunderstandings and needless divisions. We all know that on topic of religion, people can get a bit emotional --- sometimes irrational.

it's no secret that die-hard Ahmedis are ideologically quite different in thinking from the so-called ''mainstream'' Muslims.....unfortunately there is a lot of mis-information and disgusting propaganda out there especially on web and on youtubes... same way that there is disgusting propaganda about Sunnis, about Shiias, etc.

when religion becomes a divisive tool amongst the people of a nation, it is dangerous. Misguided religious zeal is wrong.

Die-hard or ''extreme'' anything is bad in my opinion. Everything in balance.

Pakistan will always be an Islamic country, but our dream should be to preserve our Islamic nation while being true to Islamic ideals --which are tolerance and compassion for all.
Assalam alaikum

it was a good move to declare qadianies non muslims and it is not right for them to call themselves muslims anymore. those ppl who r complaining about the division just tell the qadianies come to the main stream muslims and it will be good for pakistan.
T-Faz and persons like him always will say don't listen to local mullah well before this mirza show up these same ppl who were teaching us about islam and told us about the enemies of islam and even munafeqeen


Aryan B - Why is it that when T-Faz asked for proof and you second that and I made clear I will put that proof forward that you quickly deleted your post........that is very pathetic........

Now you all of a sudden want to play a safer card and go onto why them..........

Well Hindus, Christians, Jews, and others don't insult the Prophets, dont claim to be Muslim and change Islam in itself at the same time........they can and could have called themselves something totally different, like the Bahai's but no....they insisted on calling themselves the Muslims and all others Kaffirs and actively misguiding other Muslims in joining them without disclosing the full extent of their texts..............

i dont understand the point here. They are pakistani. They could be hindu or jew or any religion why should one pakistani persecute another cos of religous belief?

Assalam alaikum

brother it seems u miss the point if they r hindu or sikh or any religion we don't mind that but they call themselves muslims we got a big objection to it.

in leeds if u go and present ur self as prime minister of britain they will arrest u coz u r not. same goes for these qadianies.

T-Faz, you Sir have no idea of my indepth research...........I have copies of each and every claim and copies from Ahmadis webpages in PDF of their religious text.....I am surprised you have such a narrow mind where you would jump onto the claim of not believing everything Mullahs tell me......I didnt need any Mullah to tell me and that attitude just gioes to show how lame your view here truly is..........

Again I already have read the Ahmadi texts myself along with the Old testament and read that indepth and can even show a quote of rophet Muahammad (PBUH) being mentioned by name in there........anu argument for another thread ...........

I think there needs to be an understanding of tolerance when provoked by all parties........the religious students themselves, are students of Islam, not extremists or fundamentalists, otherwise the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself would be seen as one in the eyes of the West......however Ahmadis too should understand that when a Prophet like Jesus is called an alcoholic, who fondled with prostitutes and whose family line is one of prostitutes then they should not be surprised at provoking anger, espcially when the abuse goes to such levels that goes beyond a healthy debate into a straight forward point of insult. I am not going to into the other insults and claims made here.......but what the Ahmadis have tried desparately to hide this from the West so as the masses dont know hasn't worked, and they must answer to these claims by MGA.........

Question for scholars is how the Sahaba dealt with such a situation during their time on the directions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)..........
Original Post By Thor

don't mind my saying so, you are a fool to act as if you are the last word on Jesus and Christianity.

Do produce some proof that is beyond your degenerate Salafi Madrassa teaching and upbringing.

You seem to be from a Muslim version of Faithfreedom.

Check them out and see what they think of Islam and tell me how far are they right. They also claim like you that they have done great research and all that!
T-Faz, you Sir have no idea of my indepth research...........I have copies of each and every claim and copies from Ahmadis webpages in PDF of their religious text.....I am surprised you have such a narrow mind where you would jump onto the claim of not believing everything Mullahs tell me......I didnt need any Mullah to tell me and that attitude just gioes to show how lame your view here truly is..........

Again I already have read the Ahmadi texts myself along with the Old testament and read that indepth and can even show a quote of rophet Muahammad (PBUH) being mentioned by name in there........anu argument for another thread ...........

Hi bro you have a problem with your computer hence cant view the last page on a thread. The only way you can view page 4 is if you self delete a post that you start and it will take you to the last page. I think thats why Aryan_B keeps self deleting - he must have the same issue. The way to sort it out is to do a re installation on your computer - thats what i did and it now works fine! Good luck.
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