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Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

You are a full and an ignorant about the history both of the Holocaust and of Israel. There so much distortions and lies in your post that I do not even know where to begin.

Go and read some history book so you would know what you are talking about.

NO i have read up books what Europeans did to jews is unforgivable. But that does not give you license to do similar to palestinians. Shame on you for forgetting. But I suppose thats humans we are born to repeat mistakes. psycholgists say that a victim of paedophilia is likely to become a perpetrator later in life. Thats your story
There are plenty of worse things that happen in History stop playing victim all the time, Hitler Killed 27 million Russians and not a word.

You do not understand anything about the Holocaust and although you are ignorant to the atrocities of WWII and the Holocaust you allow yourself to lecture me about it. A bit of humility can only do you good.
An horrible thread and more revolting posts.

Relax, it is the Internet.

Your hatred to the success of the West and the US and Israel and your failures to compete in our post-modern world blind your eyes and led you to support the denying of the Holocaust, the biggest and worst atrocity in the history of mankind.

And how are those two related? They in fact aren't. They were worst atrocities throughout history, you know. All tucked under the carpet. As they say: To the victor goes the spoils.

I don't know, I see a lot of wrong in your post. To say one knows and understands everything is misinformed. In fact, it is downright stupid.

The Westerners didn't know everything that made them today. At first, they didn't know much about science. They traveled around the world, gathered knowledge from all corners of the world, and created many brief models based on the founded knowledge. Those advanced the world to light years from then on wards. And yes, they did travel to Islamic-era Middle East for that quest in knowledge - so a little appreciation please.

The reason why Muslim countries didn't advance much in science and technology was due to the Crusaders and the Mongols. Many records were destroyed, and Muslim leaders spent more on military than on scientists. The mighty Mamluks defeated both the Crusaders and the Mongols.

And there was the subsequent Western colonization. Muslims never had that chance!

But now things are beginning to change, and change will come in time. Partly thanks to you lot for the wake-up call :tup:

Your refusal to accept reality is pathological and testify like thousand witnesses on the miserable position you arrived because of your failures as a civilisation. By denying the Holocaust you only forward another catastrophic events like that, god forbid.

Shame on you!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You do not understand anything about the Holocaust and although you are ignorant to the atrocities of WWII and the Holocaust you allow yourself to lecture me about it. A bit of humility can only do you good.

I could say the same about you. Europeans abusing jews is no mitigation for israeli zionists abusing palestinians

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

I think your highly emotional from your comments, would you like a shoulder to cry on ?

I think you sussed her.
What sucess america is in decline and going bust Israel survives on charity of america, When americas aid is gone so is israel just a matter of times. You zionists might if you are lucky just hold on to jerusalem for 100 years like the crusaders but thats all in good time

"It is just a matter of time..."

That is the slogan of your spiritual ancestors since the establishment of Israel - it is only a matter of time until it will be destroyed.

Israel today is stronger than 60 years ago and the Arab and Muslim world just become more pathetic in its victimisation and self-pity.

You are welcome to keep on waiting...
You do not understand anything about the Holocaust and although you are ignorant to the atrocities of WWII and the Holocaust you allow yourself to lecture me about it. A bit of humility can only do you good.

Sir/lady I believe it's you, stop thinking all jews were victims when plenty of other people were even bigger victims of WW2 am I right, Nanking of Rape, 27 million russians killed by Hitlers Nazi's, siege of Leningrad when Russians were starved off to death, what happen to jews was bad indeed however the Holocaust is no more important then the other tragedy of WW2, Remember now WW2 killed 60 million people not just Jews read up on history before you attack everyone you think is an Anti Semite.
That is all?

Yes, you right, I am emotional about the Holocaust. If you are not emotional regarding the worst atrocity in the history of mankind then on what should you be emotional?

You are emotional about holocaust because you were taught to be emotional about holocaust.... If you were being taught about other atrocities of history like the way holocaust was showed to you, I m quite sure you would have emotional about that as well...... but being emotional does not take rights from others to question history....

So many on earth are emotional about GOD but still his existance is questioned and not only once but his existance is questioned time and time again.....

Asking questions about history does not make history a lie..... if you have proofs to deny claims of ahmedi nijad come forward and show them to world... like this and this of his points were totally wrong etc etc.... Just crying and pressurising him to not question it makes even more doubts in minds of other peole..... Holocaust might be right might be wrong I don't know but Irani president cannot be ignored and pressurised just because he doesn't agree to you... :cheers:
That is all?

Yes, you right, I am emotional about the Holocaust. If you are not emotional regarding the worst atrocity in the history of mankind then on what should you be emotional?

I am emotional about what happend to the jews too. But Palestinians are humans too and I feel for them too. Is your emotionalism just for jews? Is your emotionalim racist
Lets see now WW2 atocities other then the holocaust.

Japan Slaughters millions of Chinese Nanking or Rape

Germany kills 27 MILLION RUSSIANS because they believe Slavs are inferior

60 million death from WW2

5 million Homosexuals, Gypsies, Handycap NON jews killed in the Holocaust

Yet The Jews as victim is bigger then all of that.
In this thread all I can smell is hatred and hypocrisy by a bunch of Holocaust deniers. And the odour you all spread is disgusting.

Are you being forced to stay on here if you think its so disgusting? Its a forum and we are sharing our thoughts and feelings. If you dont like it you dont have to be on it. I generally find when the conversation gets to Zionism then my back does get up. I have no problem with Israel and the people but i have hatred for Zionism. It is racist and breeds lying and theft of what belongs to others like land. Lowest form of human. I hate any extremism...
"It is just a matter of time..."

That is the slogan of your spiritual ancestors since the establishment of Israel - it is only a matter of time until it will be destroyed.

Israel today is stronger than 60 years ago and the Arab and Muslim world just become more pathetic in its victimisation and self-pity.

You are welcome to keep on waiting...

I note you choose not to address the plight of the palestinians? So you are critical and remind all and sundry of the holocaust which I accept should never be forgotton which occurred 66 odd years ago. But you forget what Zionist IDF did to palestinians in refugee camps in lebanon 30 years go
NO i have read up books what Europeans did to jews is unforgivable. But that does not give you license to do similar to palestinians. Shame on you for forgetting. But I suppose thats humans we are born to repeat mistakes. psycholgists say that a victim of paedophilia is likely to become a perpetrator later in life. Thats your story

If as you said you read books about the Holocaust than you would realize its dimensions and not compare it to other war crimes, say the least to the conditions of the Palestinians which are much better than the life conditions of the Pakistanis - Are the Pakistanis also experience an Holocaust?

The other option you do not understand what you read, and you do not understand what the Holocaust is.
Listen Nirreich I will say I don't hate jews or diminish the holocaust, In Europe it's a crime to talk of the holocaust and you will be put in jail, however your free to speak on the 27 million dead Russians killed by Hitler.

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