An horrible thread and more revolting posts.
Relax, it is the Internet.
Your hatred to the success of the West and the US and Israel and your failures to compete in our post-modern world blind your eyes and led you to support the denying of the Holocaust, the biggest and worst atrocity in the history of mankind.
And how are those two related? They in fact aren't. They were worst atrocities throughout history, you know. All tucked under the carpet. As they say: To the victor goes the spoils.
I don't know, I see a lot of wrong in your post. To say one knows and understands everything is misinformed. In fact, it is downright stupid.
The Westerners didn't know everything that made them today. At first, they didn't know much about science. They traveled around the world, gathered knowledge from all corners of the world, and created many brief models based on the founded knowledge. Those advanced the world to light years from then on wards. And yes, they did travel to Islamic-era Middle East for that quest in knowledge - so a little appreciation please.
The reason why Muslim countries didn't advance much in science and technology was due to the Crusaders and the Mongols. Many records were destroyed, and Muslim leaders spent more on military than on scientists. The mighty Mamluks defeated both the Crusaders and the Mongols.
And there was the subsequent Western colonization. Muslims never had that chance!
But now things are beginning to change, and change will come in time. Partly thanks to you lot for the wake-up call
Your refusal to accept reality is pathological and testify like thousand witnesses on the miserable position you arrived because of your failures as a civilisation. By denying the Holocaust you only forward another catastrophic events like that, god forbid.
Shame on you!