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Ahmadi man along with his Sunni neighbor shot dead in Orangi Town, Karachi

as i said i will let them call someone whatever they wish to call themselves ..

This shows your level grow up Mr do some research to be a Muslim you have to believe in something now if some one doesn't believe that he his not a Muslim if you want to believe lies than ALLAH help you
Well your Land of Pure made a law that took the right from Ahmadi Muslims. We are not cowards, big bearded men with guns don't scare us, we are peaceful people who just want to get on with our lives.

Don't tell them that. That was supposed be a well guarded secret. Now you gonna get Qaide Azam declared kafir.

:) yeh the mirzas dint have beard .

Nobody is calling you cowards.

Anyway some other thread if you want to debate the lies of ghulam ahmed miraz prove his claims if you can and I will prove them wrong.

For time being, the thread is TWO more Pakistanis killed in Karachi .

No publicity stunt please
RIP and salute to the guy that got shot in trying to catch killers.
You know we finally have something we agree on. Personally I find it strange when some nationalist Indians pretend to care about the ahmadis, yet when I had the misfortune of going on indian forum, I was shocked that they were saying ahmadis got what they deserved in Pakistan. So yeah, I'm not really on this forum for sympathy. I just come on when I'm bored.

Well brother the point is you have your own belief we have our own.

We have one common bond and that is we are Pakistanis.

And Indians never wish good for any Pakistani. Period
:) yeh the mirzas dint have beard .

Nobody is calling you cowards.

Anyway some other thread if you want to debate the lies of ghulam ahmed miraz prove his claims if you can and I will prove them wrong.

For time being, the thread is TWO more Pakistanis killed in Karachi .

No publicity stunt please

Is PDF hijacked by moulvis?
need more mainstream source... I dont think this is sectarian violence... more like target killing (due to his job?)
:) yeh the mirzas dint have beard .

Nobody is calling you cowards.

Anyway some other thread if you want to debate the lies of ghulam ahmed miraz prove his claims if you can and I will prove them wrong.

For time being, the thread is TWO more Pakistanis killed in Karachi .

No publicity stunt please

and how do you know? How many "mirzais" you know? I have a beard. What's your point?
And you're right. Two Pakistanis killed by religious extremists who think killing an innocent human being will get them to heaven. That's the problem really, not the religion of the victim or the attacker.
and how do you know? How many "mirzais" you know? I have a beard. What's your point?
And you're right. Two Pakistanis killed by religious extremists who think killing an innocent human being will get them to heaven. That's the problem really, not the religion of the victim or the attacker.

:P well ask jaanbaz he was saying Muslims have long beards and I just mocked him as if mirzais don't have.

so ask him if he has an issue with beard .

Allah forbids killing of any innocent human being be it Muslim or NON Muslim so NO, no heaven for killers.
Intolerance leads to hatred. And hatred leads to the killings of innocent Pakistani civilians. I truly sympathize with the Ahmedis. One of the most hard working and prosperous communities in Pakistan they have severely been targeted by the murderous militants. It is such a shame that no one is providing protection to the Ahmedis who have produced great sons like Zafarullah Khan and Abdus Salaam.

We need to eliminate the Taliban and teach tolerance and peace. I outlined these points previously for the successful elimination of intolerance and hatred in Pakistan:

1) Proper intelligence network, not shoddy intelligence chasing innocent civilians instead of terrorists but real intelligence.
2) Repeal of biased disgraceful laws based on Shariah such as the hudood law and blasphemy law.
3) Rehaul of the education system. Stop preaching hate to children about Hindus and anyone else.
4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of FCR which holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of one evil man.
5) Development through education programs and improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level.
7) Improvement of the security forces and the police (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorists.
8) Targetted operations against the terrorists which do not harm innocent civilians. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillary shelling and airstrikes
9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations.
10) No talk of peace deals with the Taliban.
11) No painting of liberals as enemies of Pakistan, instead listening to their message of peace and harmony.
12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.
13) Introduce a government accepted curriculam to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools.
14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached instead of hate against other religions. Their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted.
15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targetting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars
16) Cut the funding of the Taliban. Eliminate their sources of income and cut off their finances.
17) Stop the militants ability to recruit anywhere. Destroy their bastions and eliminate their recruitment bases.
18) End injustice. Injustice provides the militants opportunities to recruit. Make sure a poor person is never mistreated.
:P well ask jaanbaz he was saying Muslims have long beards and I just mocked him as if mirzais don't have.

so ask him if he has an issue with beard .

Allah forbids killing of any innocent human being be it Muslim or NON Muslim so NO, no heaven for killers.

From the sunni quran:

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

^^^ this is the religion of peace.At least Ahmedis realise that Jihad is meant for purification of soul and not to kill others. They reject violence.The question , do you sunnis?

It was the reason that muslim mobs murdered thousands of sikhs(80,000-120,000) and sikhs in retailation culled 400,000-800,000 muslims in East Punjab after muslim mobs tried to destroy the Golden Temple of Amritsar and murdered hindu and sikh refugees on train coming to east punjab when it entered sharifpura area of Amritsar.

Think and contemplate why ahmedi muslims reject violence and yours are always violent.You might then understand why buddhist Genghis Khan,atheist soviets ,British,americans,Mynamar,chinese were/are so genocidal against the sunni muslims.
Can you provide sources for that ? please no jamaat-e-islami or wahabbi or barelvi propaganda site.

and you guys also believe Muhammad had a flying horse right?

the thing is @Spring Onion has no sources to back up his claims and just resorts to abusing religious personalities this is what frustration can lead to carryon you are making a fool of just yourself !

:cheesy: isn't it in India ?? Isnt deobandi fitna also originated from India.

And indeed you were silly. Its not about the city but its about the center of conspiracies aka India against Muslims

oh bhai who said Pakistan does NOT belong to you? tu poora ka poora Pakistan lay le par jhotay kisay to na garh

I thought you qadyanis have a brain but am sorry you are proving me wrong.

Read again
oohh thats why more Muslims still live in India than in whole of Pakistan :cheesy:
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This shows your level grow up Mr do some research to be a Muslim you have to believe in something now if some one doesn't believe that he his not a Muslim if you want to believe lies than ALLAH help you

rightly said Allah he is the final judge its between me and him i dont need certificates from any one.
rightly said Allah he is the final judge its between me and him i dont need certificates from any one.

ALLAH will judge on what he has given you and what his PROPHET SAW told you to believe and do acts and they are clear and we have to follow them
ALLAH will judge on what he has given you and what his PROPHET SAW told you to believe and do acts and they are clear and we have to follow them

will you kill ahmedis if they dont agree with you...
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