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Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history

I have no issue with this separation and having an independent Bangladesh, the issue I have is the way it was done, with India engineering it from behind the scenes, creating a civil war where a whole bunch of our people were killed. If India had a wiser leader, unlike Indira, he/she would have let Pakistan on its own devices and let it separate on its own terms without India's hand in it. Then India would have no blame whatsoever, even if there were people killed in this separation process. But the way it happened with India as the major backer and puppet master from behind, I see blood of 1971 in India's hand, just as there was blood in the hands of all direct actors and players within Pakistan.

Countries supporting parties that have a favourable view of ourselves is a pretty common thing. Yes we provided training and arms to the Mukti Bahini, but that is no different than BD supporting NE insurgents, or Pak supporting Kashmiri (and before that Kkalistani) insurgents in India.

Bottom line is, India played a hand in 1971 in BD/Awami League's favour, but so did USA in the Pakistanis favour (shall we forget the 7th fleet incident in the Bay of Bengal?), and Russians in the BD favour. Obviously India being geographically closer played a bigger hand than other countries. But saying things like I see blood in "India's hands", when India probably had the least amount of blood out of anyone in that war, be it Pakistani soldiers that killed Bengalis or Mukti Bahani people that killed Jamaatis and Pakistanis is simply absurd and a very biased viewpoint.

So yes you are entitled to your views, even when they are completely wrong and devoid of any logic.
So in your opinion this whole incident and a majority of the sub-continent's history post 1947 is dictated largely by Hindu enmity towards Muslims. If you're going to view everything from such a narrow and myopic viewpoint then how will you work upon a way forward. The notion of Muslim unity being all well and good- in your view it seems to be some sort of a panacea.

These are your words and impressions and a very subjective opinion about my view point.

The dynamics that drive nation states are to be reduced to brutish religiously driven initiatives rather than calculated moves aimed at self benefit.

Again you are expressing subjective opinions without having any knowledge about my stands on these issues.

You are attacking the basis of Bangladesh's sovereignty. You claim that you see the 1971 event as a fait accompli rather than viewing it as the proud moment a nation came into its own. You claim that you are neither pro nor anti Bangladeshi independence and then go and defecate all over this supposed neutrality by stressing upon how present day Bangladesh does not have sufficient strength to fight the "Hindu enemies", how Bangladesh is the result of the machinations of the same implacable foes, collective strength would bring prosperity. These are laughable notions.

Expressing opinion about a true conspiracy that was denied as false is not attacking Bangladesh sovereignty. Smaller countries cannot fight bigger countries. In fact I am of opinion that 1947 Partition was a mistake. My stand is similar to those of Abul Kalam Azad and Badshah Khan who opposed partition. 1971 was an inevitable by product of the 1947 partition.

Perhaps you desire for your nation to live on IMF handouts, be at the beck and call of every nation which has dug its hooks into your national flesh- from America, to China to Saudi Arabia. [/B] Indians are delusional and evil- or so you say- but I would rather ask, is it so difficult for 180 million people to take pride in the nation that is theirs and their sovereignty? If the enemy is perpetually at your gates then fight!

We will fight, once we get our house in order (read get rid of foreign agents) and find and establish alliance with other friendly nations. And fyi our population is around 160 million, not 180.

But you would rather dole out every single conspiracy theory,fantasy stratagem and every invective aimed at India and the "Hindu enemy"- [/B]but fight- that seems to be impossible for the Bangladeshi populace. If the Awami league is traitorous then throw them out- but you will no- alas they are supported by the mighty RAW. If troubles spawn within the nation then resolve them- but you will not- alas the mighty RAW initiated and fuels them. It is this same pusillanimous attitude that plagues you- not RAW or Mossad or some conspiracy.

RAW was and is involved in our landmass. RAW former official B Raman himself admitted as much in his book, which I quoted.

If managing your nation is so bothersome then by all means try and surrender it to a third power- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. If a free nation is not to your liking then by all means try and undo India's smashing victory in 71- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. Most importantly the foolish fantasy of trying to separate the north eastern states of India from their nation- if that is where greater power lies then try it- subject obviously to whether Bangladesh will ever be able counter RAW covertly in such matters or even survive as a nation if it engages in the venture overtly.

I have no fantasy of separating NE states, but this insurgency was helped by ISI pre-1971 and China. To stop this help using Bangladesh soil was one of prime motivation why Pakistan was broken and Bangladesh was created.

Instead of bitterly visiting and revisiting the much lamentable "fait accompli" lets see you generate some succinct and solid solutions meant to deal with this "Hindu malaise"- MORE IMPORTANTLY LETS SEE THEIR ACTIVE APPLICATION, SHALL WE?

First we will have to eliminate and neutralize foreign agents among our midst and then find allied nations.

Your post is a whole lot of invective based on false and imagined premises, but I have answered each and every one of the false accusations.

All of the above is pretty much off topic. If you have any comments about Agartala case and what it means for history, please feel free to share with us.
How are my words even remotely threatening? Let us be clear, I do not- absolutely do not endorse this idiocy about Indian parties, organisations, RAW, or the GOI controlling matters in Bangladesh! Which part of my post came out as threatening to you. Quote those relevant bits! Wait, was it the last bit where I stated that any attempt to destabilize India's north east would lead to lethal and permanent consequences for your nation? I have mentioned the RAW and its "interference" and supposed "mastery" in Bangladesh because POSTERS LIKE YOU INSIST THAT IT CONTROLS YOUR COUNTRY- NOT BECAUSE IT IS FACTUALLY CORRECT! Every other Indian only views such opinions as lunacy and at most will laugh at the expense of the poster espousing them. The post is meant to simply highlight the pusillanimous attitude that plagues certain people from your nation and various attempts by them to undermine its pride and sovereignty. By all means, no one has prevented Bangladesh from joining the ASEAN or any other such grouping- that is not for us (Indians) to decide or even seriously comment upon. If anything though it would be a welcome move- bringing greater prosperity to the region. One needs only to look at the close integration that India is in the process of executing with ASEAN and the benefits that shall be reaped from it.

Your RAW controls not just Indian media, it also controls most of Bangladesh media with its control of AL. It is obvious that public in both India and Bangladesh is oblivious to RAW activity in neighbor countries, because of this media brainwashing in both countries.

India is and will be an observer and trade partner to ASEAN, but it can never join ASEAN as a full member, as it is just too big to join this group. A Vietnamese member highlighted this fact in an earlier thread. Smaller nations in the neighborhood have a better chance to join as bona fide full members.
History is much more powerful entity than we give it credit for. The events that lead up to the 1971 have a long past with seeds sowed in the Cold War dynamics and our local rivilary. To blame Mujib, Yahya Khan or even one party and not the other is unfair. Everyone shares the blame. Yes, India manipulated the situation; yes, Mujib got impatient; yes, Bhutto got unrelenting; yes, the West Pakistani upper crest suppressed the Bengali culture (they still oppress other cultures even/especially Punjabis). So why are we fighting? Pakistan and Bangladesh can still be good allies and develop togther and if need be even act as counters to Indian strenght but the path to that is in future planning and vision not revisiting history.

That is a good spirit, all of us should work for a better future.

We are revisiting history because some people in our country still do not know real picture and track record of this party called AL and their history of cooperation with the intelligence agency of a neighbor country.

The Agartala incident is a conspiracy from the west Pakistani point of view. Years of oppression led to that incident. But it was necessary for us which was later proved by west pakistani authority when they denied to handover the power.

If Chittagong natives plan a secret armed rebellion with India's help to secede from Bangladesh, then it should be ok in your opinion?
Than please tell me who are your people? It seems you are justifying the actions taken by Pakistani Army against our people in 1971.

My people are 160 million minus the people that work with any foreign intelligence agency to undermine our national interest.

Show me where I have justified actions of Pakistan Army in 1971, please quote my words from any of my post, before making blanket accusations.

All those who support jamaat and opposing agartala consipiracy for independence should go through this article abour mass scale rape..

1971 Rapes: Bangladesh Cannot Hide History - Forbes

Agartala conspiracy happened a few years earlier than 1971, any discussion on 1971 is off topic.

Countries supporting parties that have a favourable view of ourselves is a pretty common thing. Yes we provided training and arms to the Mukti Bahini, but that is no different than BD supporting NE insurgents, or Pak supporting Kashmiri (and before that Kkalistani) insurgents in India.

Bottom line is, India played a hand in 1971 in BD/Awami League's favour, but so did USA in the Pakistanis favour (shall we forget the 7th fleet incident in the Bay of Bengal?), and Russians in the BD favour. Obviously India being geographically closer played a bigger hand than other countries. But saying things like I see blood in "India's hands", when India probably had the least amount of blood out of anyone in that war, be it Pakistani soldiers that killed Bengalis or Mukti Bahani people that killed Jamaatis and Pakistanis is simply absurd and a very biased viewpoint.

So yes you are entitled to your views, even when they are completely wrong and devoid of any logic.

Another Indian who did not read the topic of discussion. 1971 conflict is not part of the discussion here. The topic is Agartala case.
Another Indian who did not read the topic of discussion. 1971 conflict is not part of the discussion here. The topic is Agartala case.

Well you started talking about the 1971 war, go check the post I replied to. I personally couldnt care less about internal BD politics, but when you bring India in it and make statements like the one you did which I replied to, than you better back it up with facts or STFU about my country. You can bash your fellow BDeshis who are Awami all you want, I couldnt care less who wins in the Jamaat vs Awami League row thats going on here. Everytime you say the word India, an Indian will jump up in his country's defence whether you like it or not, especially against the BS people like you and some other Bangladeshis belonging to a very specific group comment about here.
Well you started talking about the 1971 war, go check the post I replied to. I personally couldnt care less about internal BD politics, but when you bring India in it and make statements like the one you did which I replied to, than you better back it up with facts or STFU about my country. You can bash your fellow BDeshis who are Awami all you want, I couldnt care less who wins in the Jamaat vs Awami League row thats going on here. Everytime you say the word India, an Indian will jump up in his country's defence whether you like it or not, especially against the BS people like you and some other Bangladeshis belonging to a very specific group comment about here.

I could care less how much you or other Indians jump up and down, as long as India keeps messing around in our country, we will keep pointing out these facts to our people and to the people of the world.
I could care less how much you or other Indians jump up and down, as long as India keeps messing around in our country, we will keep pointing out these facts to our people and to the people of the world.

OK I guess. No one stopped you from that.

The only problem I had was with the statement of "blood being on India's hands". Lets consider the worst case scenario, which you suggest, which is India artificially by itself manufactured a civil war in BD (which BTW I think is completely wrong). Even in this case, it was Pakistanis that killed Bangladeshis, and Bangladeshis that killed Jamaatis and Pakistanis. India took a side in the war (of Awami League and Bangladeshis), just like Russia/US did, albeit to a larger scale. If I somehow convince you to kill your brother today, go to any court, and the punishment for that murder will be yours not mine. I can suggest you to do a lot of things, ultimately the blame goes to you for doing whatever action of murder/rape that happened.

Let me now provide you with this alternate (and much more believe-able) reality, India getting involved in the war (due to refugees from your side) actually saved a lot more bloodshed. Operation Searchlight was going on for almost a year (9 months), and neither Mukti Bahini nor Pak was clearly able to wipe the enemy out.

Also, Mukti Bahini was out for revenge against the Bihari and UP Jamatis/Rajaakaars once Pak had surrendered and left. It was the Indian Army that provided security to these very same people from Bengali Bangladeshis after the war. Go watch the video below from a neutral source.

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When Bangladeshis can't keep up arguing or can't response in logically coherent manner, they just start reporting en masse! :lol:
That is a good spirit, all of us should work for a better future.

We are revisiting history because some people in our country still do not know real picture and track record of this party called AL and their history of cooperation with the intelligence agency of a neighbor country.

If Chittagong natives plan a secret armed rebellion with India's help to secede from Bangladesh, then it should be ok in your opinion?

Yes, if they are oppressed and if they win the national election and are denied power.
Agartala conspiracy was dubbed as an anti-state act by the then Pakistan rulers, but for Bengladeshi it was the heroic act of some sons of this soil to free the motherland. These 35 "accused" of this case should receive distinctive honour since the timing and nature of their act was very dangerous and risky.

Even UN has declared 21 feb as International Mother Language Day in respect for those killed on 21 feb 1952. Actually hapenning in 21 feb 1952 is the start of language movement which later converted to independence.
Agartala conspiracy was dubbed as an anti-state act by the then Pakistan rulers, but for Bengladeshi it was the heroic act of some sons of this soil to free the motherland. These 35 "accused" of this case should receive distinctive honour since the timing and nature of their act was very dangerous and risky.

Even UN has declared 21 feb as International Mother Language Day in respect for those killed on 21 feb 1952. Actually hapenning in 21 feb 1952 is the start of language movement which later converted to independence.

Mixed up a little bit mate?

21 feb :1952

Agartala : 1968
The infamous "Agartala conpiracy case" was dubbed as an anti-state act by the then Pakistan rulers, but in reality, it was the heroic act of some indomitable sons of this soil to free the motherland. Those sons, who must be saluted for their bravery and valour, numbered 35 as "accused" in the case and the "number one" was none other than Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who later was titled "Bangabandhu". Now, only nine of these so-called "accused" are alive today and the rest are dead. The last one to die was the 30th accused Mahbubuddin Chowdhury who met his tragic death in a car accident in the capital city recently.

At a memorial meeting on Mahbubuddin Chowdhury a few days ago at the "Muktijoddah Jadughar", Deputy Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad Colonel(retd) Shawkat Ali, a prime accused of the "Agartala conspiracy case", categorically said that there must be no confusion in the merit of the issue as it was a courageous act by some valiant sons of the soil for the sake of the motherland. He said, they worked to free the country under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and called for honouring all those brave sons with high tributes. The Deputy Speaker showered praises on Mahbubuddin Chowdhury and said, he along with several others dared to hold secret meetings in Karachi for planning and execution of schemes to overthrow the Ayub regime and such acts were demonstrations of great courage in those difficult days.

Mahbubuddun Chowdhury, later a politician and freedom fighter, was one of the few persons present at a historic meeting chaired by the then Colonel (retd) MAG Osmani. He was an organiser of the war and was involved in direct actions in several battles against the occupation forces.

The "Agartala conspiracy case" still remains a kind of misnomer to many but there should be no iota of doubt that it bears immense significance in our history as an independent nation. This represents a glorious saga of how the sons of this land swung into extremely dangerous acts for the interest of the motherland.

Incidentally, I happened to be a privy to that "Agartala conspiracy case" to a certain extent and knew that something was being done by some Bengalees in those dark days. Mahbub Bhai, my cousin, was an elder brother to me as we came from the same family from a village in Madhavpur upazila of Habiganj in the greater Sylhet area. I was associated with left politics in Dhaka university during the late seventies and saw the developments in those days from close proximity as a university correspondent of an English daily.

Mahbub Bhai used to stay in our house in Bakshi Bazar (my father is his uncle) whenever he came from Karachi. I accompanied him at least on one occasion to a place where he and some of his friends secretly met to discuss and plan "certain" issues about which I had no clear idea. Later, he was arrested in Karachi when he returned there after a few days' stay in Dhaka. I still vividly remember that Mahbub Bhai and others met at a Dhanmondhi house where the younger brother of one of the accused of the case Lt(retd)M A Rouf of the navy lived.

We, the family members used to visit Mahbub Bhai in the Dhaka cantonment during the trial of the "Agartala conspiracy case". Since my uncle (his father) was dead and the elderly aunt (his mother) lived in the village, we were given a regular pass for the trial and I had gone there several times. I saw the "accused" - notably Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, civil servants Ruhul Quddus and Khan Shamsur Rahman, naval commander Moazzem Hossain and Abdur Rouf, Stg. Zahurul Huq, Steward Mujib and many others in the dock from visitors gallery.

We used to discuss with our cousin at times about his defense in the case and other related matters. Still a student of the Dhaka university, I saw gleefully how the "Agartala conspiracy case" was blown away by the mass upsurge following the killing of Segt. Zahurul Huq.

I saw some of the living "accused" of the "Agartala conspuiracy case" at the memorial meeting of my cousin Mahbub Bhai when speakers including Colonol(retd) Shawkat Ali demanded special recognition of those involved in the case. Among the speakers were politicians Pankaj Bhattacharaya, Rashed Khan Menon and Manzurul Ahsan Khan. Truly, the "accused" of this case should receive distinctive honour since the timing and nature of their act was so dangerous and risky that they simply gambled with their lives.

February 22 was the anniversary of the "freedom" of the "accused" of the "Agartala conspiracy case." The call for honouring the great sons of the soil in a bigger way must be accompanied by a much louder voice.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Mixed up a little bit mate?

21 feb :1952

Agartala : 1968

Yaa but it all started with 21 feb 1952 event
My people are 160 million minus the people that work with any foreign intelligence agency to undermine our national interest.

Show me where I have justified actions of Pakistan Army in 1971, please quote my words from any of my post, before making blanket accusations.

Agartala conspiracy happened a few years earlier than 1971, any discussion on 1971 is off topic.

Another Indian who did not read the topic of discussion. 1971 conflict is not part of the discussion here. The topic is Agartala case.

Here is your proof.

First of all, some disclaimer. I am a loyal citizen of Bangladesh (as well as the US), but I believe we need to find facts about our own history. So these are part of my efforts to uncover some uncomfortable facts and ask some hard questions. Please do not take these efforts to mean that I am pro or anti independence of Bangladesh, I am neither and I accept it as a fait accompli, a done deal that cannot be reversed. Like the majority of Bangladeshi's living today, I had no role in that conflict in 1971. As far as I know my parents did not play any role either.

Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history.

Relevant PDF threads for reference:

I have been looking at life history of both Suhrawardy and Mujib to see where the seed of rebellion came from. The idea of United Bengal came from Suhrawardy:
Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After partition however Suhrawardy gave up on this idea since it was rejected by people. He had been a loyal son of the country and had great accomplishment as a leader:
- solidified Pak-China and Pak-US ties
- moved towards free-market capitalism away from communism although he had a soft corner for socialism
- initiated plan for nuclear power generation as well as weapons in the future

But he had another side:

The above shows Suhrawardy's human side, he was no saint. But what piqued my interest about the above is this question: is it possible that Mujib was one of these goondas?

What I can see is that Suhrawardy was a person of integrity and foresight, and he was from a distinguished family. He tried the idea of United Bengal, as it was worth a try, but after partition, he dropped that idea, as anyone with a minimum knowledge of geopolitics would know that East Pakistan by itself would be a much more vulnerable entity with India on 3 sides. But if young Mujib was one of his goondas (I don't know for sure) then this could have given him the dream that one day he might be able to make East Pakistan secede from West Pakistan and rule over it as a benevolent king/dictator/dear-leader/bongo-bandhu?

Because what I see from Mujib's life history is that this person is the root of the seed of rebellion. This rebellion was made without considering the long term future of his people, who had taken this obsolete idea (United Independent Bengal) from Suhrawardy and turned it into his modified dream of truncated independent kingdom of East Bengal and proceeded to ally with an enemy state and people (Hindu's) to engineer a secession to make his dream come true:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swadhin Bangal Biplobi Parishad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again I see that demagogues and rabble rousers become leaders with little idea of geopolitics and lead nations and people to a direction with disastrous consequences for the people they lead, blind leading the blind. If Mujib was really knowledgeable about geopolitics, instead of working with Indian intelligence, he would work with ISI and Chinese intelligence to help Phizo and Laldenga to gain independence for North East states. Current Awami League rule is nothing but a continuation of this long tradition that started with Mujib:

- cooperation with India to control Bangladesh
- serve Indian national interest while ruling Bangladesh

Coming to the Agartala Conspiracy case:
Agartala Conspiracy Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People of then East Pakistan thought this was a case to frame popular leader Mujib to taint his reputation. But that impression was a lie, as we can see that Indian intelligence influenced media have established this myth, while in reality the opposite was true, as was admitted by Shawkat Ali:
Col. Shawkat Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny thing is these shameless idiots are now trying to establish a treason case as some kind of heroic act. My question is why admit it in 2010 (or is it 2011), why not in 1968, when it mattered? Or why not in 1972? Why the silence for 40 long years?

35 'accused' honoured

Textbook%20'incorrectly'%20describes%20Agartala%20Case:%20Shawkat]Textbook 'incorrectly' describes Agartala Case: Shawkat

Note the attempt to establish a treason case as a "patriotic" case and include it in textbooks for 9th and 10th grade to brainwash new generation of Bangladeshi's.

What the above does not tell you is that 6 point "autonomy" movement was the deceptive facade that RAW/IB has designed together with these traitors so they could proceed with their plan for secession. They got caught red-handed by ISI only after some of them raided some armory against advice given by Indian intelligence (IB/RAW):
RAW says Mujib was not their agent :: Weekly Blitz

Of course Mujib never "worked" and got paid from Indian intelligence. His vision was that he was king of East Bengal, who was getting India's help to liberate his land. But note the lie in green by Sankaran Nair, as Shawkat Ali has already confessed about the truth of the Agartala case.


1. Sure there was economic deprivation, but were the West Pakistani's killing us since 1950's?
2. Who gave the right to Mujib to make this decision on behalf of East Pakistan to secede?
2. Who started the killing, were it not the planned saboteurs of Indian trained Awami agents who started the killings of Biharis months before Operation Searchlight?
3. Who gave the right to Mujib to seek help and become the partner of our 800 year old enemy entity, Hindu's of South Asia?
4. Is it not possible that instead of seeking help from an enemy that hates us Muslims to the core, that we could confront and raise this issue with our "oppressor" the West Pakistani's who were fellow Muslims after all?
5. If some of our "leaders" did not conspire with our enemy and committed treason (partner with an enemy state to plan for secession) and if we tried to solve these issues honestly, frankly and in a straight forward way, do we think we would still be treated the way we were treated (operation searchlight)?

If we could peacefully resolve the differences between the two wings of Pakistan and achieve autonomy or amicable separation, then:

1. hundreds of thousands of people (Hindu's, Bengali Muslims, non-Bengali Muslims) would not be killed and become victims of rape and other atrocities
2. we could still have a better relationship between the 2nd and 3rd largest Muslim countries of the world
3. India would not gloat of their victory against West Pakistan and gifting us our "independence"
4. both parts would not become weaker, as both could share the nuclear power
5. India would not dare to proceed with its water terrorism, border violence and Shanti Bahini insurgency against Bangladesh
6. last but not least North East today may have become partly independent if not completely

Now can we say that India found a "useful idiot" who had a bunch of other idiot followers to achieve India's goal to break Pakistan, the largest Muslim country in the world, and thus reduce strategic threats for Indian nation? In the process, hundreds of thousands of people got killed in the civil war and a great rift was created among two of the largest Muslim communities of the world.

Now can we say that Awami League should never be trusted again by people of Bangladesh and it should be banned and abolished, so the joint team of Awami League and Indian intelligence cannot hurt the national interest of Bangladesh any further?

On the above quote you clearly try to justify the action of Pakistani army's action in 1971.

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