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Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history

Bangladesh is a 'Country' not a 'bag'. Maybe it's time you gave it more respect than what you're giving it. I'd never bring down any person in my country who has even peripheral roles in it's independence.

Note that I mentioned the mistake in 1947, which is partition. Like Abul Kalam Azad, the late congress leader, I consider the partition as the great mistake, I was not talking about 1971 or Bangladesh. After 1947 partition and the way the Radcliffe borders were delineated, it was inevitable that the two wings of Pakistan would separate. Lord Mountbatten gave it 25 years and it lasted 24 years and 7 months. I have no issue with this separation and having an independent Bangladesh, the issue I have is the way it was done, with India engineering it from behind the scenes, creating a civil war where a whole bunch of our people were killed. If India had a wiser leader, unlike Indira, he/she would have let Pakistan on its own devices and let it separate on its own terms without India's hand in it. Then India would have no blame whatsoever, even if there were people killed in this separation process. But the way it happened with India as the major backer and puppet master from behind, I see blood of 1971 in India's hand, just as there was blood in the hands of all direct actors and players within Pakistan.
Great Kalu-Miah,

@ You also didnt mentioned anywhere how Mujib won elections with majority but was not allowed to take power by west pakistani lobby.

@ Not to forget great famine of 1970 when hundreds of families were dying & west pakistanis who took colonizing benefits let their bengali contrymen die without any helping hand. RAW/IB/India/Hindu all you can see is this.You cant see the pain of bengalis dying in famines, nor can you see gross neglect of development in east pakistan for 2 decades after independence, you will never see how sindhis, balochis , muhajirs are treated by Punjabis.

@ And you should bow & thank to Mujib, founder of Bangladesh who may be a Goonda as per your definition for liberating you from experiences your ancestors went through.

@ Definitely the Pakistani Military ruler wanted to handover power to the majority elected people rather I will say they conspirated with Muslim oriented political parties not to come to power. First of all, Yahya did not came to power automatically rather he came to power through a silent military coup. At that time I was in Rawalpindi. What I saw just before Yahya declared ML, Ayub called a round table conference where all politicians were supposed to attend. All accept Bhutto joint the conference. It was at this meeting at Lahore where Mujib suddenly declared his famous six points. At that time Muslim Leaque was divided into three fraction namely Counsil Muslim Leaque, Convention Muslim Leaque(Ayub-Fuzlul Karim) and Qaumi Muslim Leaque.Yahya after coming to power at once freezed the central fund of Convection Muslim Leaque. After few days later sacked or compulsary retired near about 500 senior CSP officers. Soon he freezed the funds of 22 Industrial Families of Pakistan. All these activities clearly indicates that Yahya was making a conspiracy that under any circumstances the Mulim Leaque to remain out of power. His preference was either Mujib or Butto ? The election of 1970 was not at all free and fair. Every where there was a Chattra Leaque. No right wing political parties were given free hand to campaign. Finding this pro-Chinese group NAP Bhashani boycotted the election that pave the way for Mujib to go unchallened. So only opposition was poor Jamaat and it was this Golam Azam who participated from Karaniganj Dacca against Awami Candidate. Kader Mullah was his main /chief election campaigner. However after the election till 17 March 1971, Yahya was ready to hand over power to Mujib but Mujib and his followers were rigid in six point programme. Mujib could have fled away but he also was worried that in that case he might be killed or assasinated by the RAW elements. Dr Kamal Hossain (having a Sindhi wife) also worried about the direct involvement of RAW. Finding no alternative he also opted for surrender to Pakistani army on 2/4 April 1971. Infact RAW and our Bengali agents never wanted any political solution with the West Pakistan. That was the main reason they started killing the non-Bengalise even in the first week of March 1971. All these affairs were well known to Mujib but he was in thick soup. During these critical days Mujib's real political adviser, the American Ambassador came to Dacca and informed him that America does not want to see the break up of Pakistan. So Mujib was in a real dilema ! On the other hand every thing was under RAW's control.

@ There was no famine in 1970 but definitely there was a cycline where near about 5 lacs of people died. Pakistan tried to help the people. I remember all the students of West Pakistan used to collect money for the East Pakistani people from the street every day. What ever you heard those were political propaganda by the media and SK Mujib. During that time Yahya was on official tour at China. Soon he cut short his visit and straight way came to Dacca but the great mistake he did he never went to mate the people in the coastal region but clearly instructed Army Navy, Airforce and other govt officials to help the effected people. He agrued to Mujib to defer the election date but Mujib did not agreed.

@ Who told you may dear Indian friend that in two decades of Pakistan era there were no developments ? Fot your information even after expoitation the economy of the then East Pakistan was a "Namuna" in 3rd World Countries. People used to visit to see East Pakistan. IN those days the economy of Pakistan were being compared with the economy of South Korea. In 1947, there was not a single Jute Mills but in 1970 atleast there was 77 Jute Miles.
Note that I mentioned the mistake in 1947, which is partition. Like Abul Kalam Azad, the late congress leader, I consider the partition as the great mistake, I was not talking about 1971 or Bangladesh. After 1947 partition and the way the Radcliffe borders were delineated, it was inevitable that the two wings of Pakistan would separate. Lord Mountbatten gave it 25 years and it lasted 24 years and 7 months. I have no issue with this separation and having an independent Bangladesh, the issue I have is the way it was done, with India engineering it from behind the scenes, creating a civil war where a whole bunch of our people were killed. If India had a wiser leader, unlike Indira, he/she would have let Pakistan on its own devices and let it separate on its own terms without India's hand in it. Then India would have no blame whatsoever, even if there were people killed in this separation process. But the way it happened with India as the major backer and puppet master from behind, I see blood of 1971 in India's hand, just as there was blood in the hands of all direct actors and players within Pakistan.

dude...with millions of refugees on our soil, there was no way we would have ignored the situation. If bhutto wanted to play political poker, he must have ensured that there was no spillover into our borders. With kind of economic drain, not acting would never have been an option. Even with a rising economy India would never agree to bear such collateral damage. In those days, when we were eating hand to mouth, things were even worse. Being practical is very important in deciding policy.
Ehhhh...on one hand my interpretation of the 'mistake' comment you made is that you would have preferred a united bengal (E+W)- I'm not clear how the conspiracy had any kind of relationship to that political dream. In any case creation of a united bengal was one of many historic possibilities- not the only one, and each of these is a rare histoic event in itself. You can't really feel too bad that your preferred option didn't work out- that's like living in regret coz you weren't born to bill gates and inherit a fortune. On the other hand an equally rare historic event- independent land of bangladesh did happen, so maybe you're just as well off. In any case INDIAN bengalis don;t have any regrets about not being a part of your proposed union so the whole issue is pointless anyway.

I went back and reread my old posts. I think you found the United Bengal bit in OP:

What I can see is that Suhrawardy was a person of integrity and foresight, and he was from a distinguished family. He tried the idea of United Bengal, as it was worth a try, but after partition, he dropped that idea, as anyone with a minimum knowledge of geopolitics would know that East Pakistan by itself would be a much more vulnerable entity with India on 3 sides. But if young Mujib was one of his goondas (I don't know for sure) then this could have given him the dream that one day he might be able to make East Pakistan secede from West Pakistan and rule over it as a benevolent king/dictator/dear-leader/bongo-bandhu?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...what-does-mean-our-history.html#ixzz2Lnwxcd45

This was an idea with some people before partition and it failed to materialize and all people involved dropped it after partition. What I am claiming is that Mujib may have borrowed from this idea and dreamt of an independent East Bengal after partition. It is just a wild guess on my part.

Please read the OP carefully, this United Bengal thingy was never any part of my idea or dream, I was quoting history as that bit is from history and making an educated guess about Mujib's state of mind. You obviously misread the OP and the other posts. I would welcome you to read them again more carefully and understand their meaning, before jumping to conclusions like "I have regrets about not having an United Bengal".

And I am perfectly comfortable with Bangladesh, no regrets, it is our country and we will make the best of what we have.
dude...with millions of refugees on our soil, there was no way we would have ignored the situation. If bhutto wanted to play political poker, he must have ensured that there was no spillover into our borders. With kind of economic drain, not acting would never have been an option. Even with a rising economy India would never agree to bear such collateral damage. In those days, when we were eating hand to mouth, things were even worse. Being practical is very important in deciding policy.

In reply, I would welcome you to come to a different thread, the story goes back much earlier than what happened in 1971:
India's role is peripheral. The day Bhutto decided not to hand over power to Mujib, separation became completely justified. YOU CANNOT NOT HAND OVER POWER after losing an election- period.India can't play a role in a big event like that. All that we could do was that once the fire began, we stepped in to protect our intersts. The big stuff was always done by other players.

I would argue that India's role was and is central, not peripheral. The explanation is here:
Well, the Agartala Conspiracy indeed really did happen. There is no question about that.

The question is, why was Mujib along with his compatriots set free? Strange as it may seem.

I guess Hasina has now shut her big mouth regarding the issue. Honestly, I respect Mujib for speaking out for the rights of Bengalis. But the man really went overkill. And a delusional one at that. We still see that today.

Some powerful folks simply refuse to take responsibility for history.

@ It was Bhutto who unified all the West Pakistani politicians as well some serving Generals to pressurise President Ayub to release Mujib and withdraw all related cases. So, " Bhutto ne ek tir se do shikar kia ". Once the Agartola case was going on , He even came to Dhaka with his Lawyer Team to support Mujib as a defending Officer. All these things were being pressurized through General Gul Hassan, a close friend of Bhutto.
First of all, some disclaimer. I am a loyal citizen of Bangladesh (as well as the US), but I believe we need to find facts about our own history. So these are part of my efforts to uncover some uncomfortable facts and ask some hard questions. Please do not take these efforts to mean that I am pro or anti independence of Bangladesh, I am neither and I accept it as a fait accompli, a done deal that cannot be reversed. Like the majority of Bangladeshi's living today, I had no role in that conflict in 1971. As far as I know my parents did not play any role either.

Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history.

Relevant PDF threads for reference:

I have been looking at life history of both Suhrawardy and Mujib to see where the seed of rebellion came from. The idea of United Bengal came from Suhrawardy:
Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After partition however Suhrawardy gave up on this idea since it was rejected by people. He had been a loyal son of the country and had great accomplishment as a leader:
- solidified Pak-China and Pak-US ties
- moved towards free-market capitalism away from communism although he had a soft corner for socialism
- initiated plan for nuclear power generation as well as weapons in the future

But he had another side:

The above shows Suhrawardy's human side, he was no saint. But what piqued my interest about the above is this question: is it possible that Mujib was one of these goondas?

What I can see is that Suhrawardy was a person of integrity and foresight, and he was from a distinguished family. He tried the idea of United Bengal, as it was worth a try, but after partition, he dropped that idea, as anyone with a minimum knowledge of geopolitics would know that East Pakistan by itself would be a much more vulnerable entity with India on 3 sides. But if young Mujib was one of his goondas (I don't know for sure) then this could have given him the dream that one day he might be able to make East Pakistan secede from West Pakistan and rule over it as a benevolent king/dictator/dear-leader/bongo-bandhu?

Because what I see from Mujib's life history is that this person is the root of the seed of rebellion. This rebellion was made without considering the long term future of his people, who had taken this obsolete idea (United Independent Bengal) from Suhrawardy and turned it into his modified dream of truncated independent kingdom of East Bengal and proceeded to ally with an enemy state and people (Hindu's) to engineer a secession to make his dream come true:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swadhin Bangal Biplobi Parishad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again I see that demagogues and rabble rousers become leaders with little idea of geopolitics and lead nations and people to a direction with disastrous consequences for the people they lead, blind leading the blind. If Mujib was really knowledgeable about geopolitics, instead of working with Indian intelligence, he would work with ISI and Chinese intelligence to help Phizo and Laldenga to gain independence for North East states. Current Awami League rule is nothing but a continuation of this long tradition that started with Mujib:

- cooperation with India to control Bangladesh
- serve Indian national interest while ruling Bangladesh

Coming to the Agartala Conspiracy case:
Agartala Conspiracy Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People of then East Pakistan thought this was a case to frame popular leader Mujib to taint his reputation. But that impression was a lie, as we can see that Indian intelligence influenced media have established this myth, while in reality the opposite was true, as was admitted by Shawkat Ali:
Col. Shawkat Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny thing is these shameless idiots are now trying to establish a treason case as some kind of heroic act. My question is why admit it in 2010 (or is it 2011), why not in 1968, when it mattered? Or why not in 1972? Why the silence for 40 long years?

35 'accused' honoured

Textbook%20'incorrectly'%20describes%20Agartala%20Case:%20Shawkat]Textbook 'incorrectly' describes Agartala Case: Shawkat

Note the attempt to establish a treason case as a "patriotic" case and include it in textbooks for 9th and 10th grade to brainwash new generation of Bangladeshi's.

What the above does not tell you is that 6 point "autonomy" movement was the deceptive facade that RAW/IB has designed together with these traitors so they could proceed with their plan for secession. They got caught red-handed by ISI only after some of them raided some armory against advice given by Indian intelligence (IB/RAW):
RAW says Mujib was not their agent :: Weekly Blitz

Of course Mujib never "worked" and got paid from Indian intelligence. His vision was that he was king of East Bengal, who was getting India's help to liberate his land. But note the lie in green by Sankaran Nair, as Shawkat Ali has already confessed about the truth of the Agartala case.


1. Sure there was economic deprivation, but were the West Pakistani's killing us since 1950's?
2. Who gave the right to Mujib to make this decision on behalf of East Pakistan to secede?
2. Who started the killing, were it not the planned saboteurs of Indian trained Awami agents who started the killings of Biharis months before Operation Searchlight?
3. Who gave the right to Mujib to seek help and become the partner of our 800 year old enemy entity, Hindu's of South Asia?
4. Is it not possible that instead of seeking help from an enemy that hates us Muslims to the core, that we could confront and raise this issue with our "oppressor" the West Pakistani's who were fellow Muslims after all?
5. If some of our "leaders" did not conspire with our enemy and committed treason (partner with an enemy state to plan for secession) and if we tried to solve these issues honestly, frankly and in a straight forward way, do we think we would still be treated the way we were treated (operation searchlight)?

If we could peacefully resolve the differences between the two wings of Pakistan and achieve autonomy or amicable separation, then:

1. hundreds of thousands of people (Hindu's, Bengali Muslims, non-Bengali Muslims) would not be killed and become victims of rape and other atrocities
2. we could still have a better relationship between the 2nd and 3rd largest Muslim countries of the world
3. India would not gloat of their victory against West Pakistan and gifting us our "independence"
4. both parts would not become weaker, as both could share the nuclear power
5. India would not dare to proceed with its water terrorism, border violence and Shanti Bahini insurgency against Bangladesh
6. last but not least North East today may have become partly independent if not completely

Now can we say that India found a "useful idiot" who had a bunch of other idiot followers to achieve India's goal to break Pakistan, the largest Muslim country in the world, and thus reduce strategic threats for Indian nation? In the process, hundreds of thousands of people got killed in the civil war and a great rift was created among two of the largest Muslim communities of the world.

Now can we say that Awami League should never be trusted again by people of Bangladesh and it should be banned and abolished, so the joint team of Awami League and Indian intelligence cannot hurt the national interest of Bangladesh any further?

You are a loyal citizen of Bangladesh! :rofl:
First of all, some disclaimer. I am a loyal citizen of Bangladesh (as well as the US), but I believe we need to find facts about our own history. So these are part of my efforts to uncover some uncomfortable facts and ask some hard questions. Please do not take these efforts to mean that I am pro or anti independence of Bangladesh, I am neither and I accept it as a fait accompli, a done deal that cannot be reversed. Like the majority of Bangladeshi's living today, I had no role in that conflict in 1971. As far as I know my parents did not play any role either.

Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history.

Relevant PDF threads for reference:

I have been looking at life history of both Suhrawardy and Mujib to see where the seed of rebellion came from. The idea of United Bengal came from Suhrawardy:
Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After partition however Suhrawardy gave up on this idea since it was rejected by people. He had been a loyal son of the country and had great accomplishment as a leader:
- solidified Pak-China and Pak-US ties
- moved towards free-market capitalism away from communism although he had a soft corner for socialism
- initiated plan for nuclear power generation as well as weapons in the future

But he had another side:

The above shows Suhrawardy's human side, he was no saint. But what piqued my interest about the above is this question: is it possible that Mujib was one of these goondas?

What I can see is that Suhrawardy was a person of integrity and foresight, and he was from a distinguished family. He tried the idea of United Bengal, as it was worth a try, but after partition, he dropped that idea, as anyone with a minimum knowledge of geopolitics would know that East Pakistan by itself would be a much more vulnerable entity with India on 3 sides. But if young Mujib was one of his goondas (I don't know for sure) then this could have given him the dream that one day he might be able to make East Pakistan secede from West Pakistan and rule over it as a benevolent king/dictator/dear-leader/bongo-bandhu?

Because what I see from Mujib's life history is that this person is the root of the seed of rebellion. This rebellion was made without considering the long term future of his people, who had taken this obsolete idea (United Independent Bengal) from Suhrawardy and turned it into his modified dream of truncated independent kingdom of East Bengal and proceeded to ally with an enemy state and people (Hindu's) to engineer a secession to make his dream come true:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swadhin Bangal Biplobi Parishad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again I see that demagogues and rabble rousers become leaders with little idea of geopolitics and lead nations and people to a direction with disastrous consequences for the people they lead, blind leading the blind. If Mujib was really knowledgeable about geopolitics, instead of working with Indian intelligence, he would work with ISI and Chinese intelligence to help Phizo and Laldenga to gain independence for North East states. Current Awami League rule is nothing but a continuation of this long tradition that started with Mujib:

- cooperation with India to control Bangladesh
- serve Indian national interest while ruling Bangladesh

Coming to the Agartala Conspiracy case:
Agartala Conspiracy Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People of then East Pakistan thought this was a case to frame popular leader Mujib to taint his reputation. But that impression was a lie, as we can see that Indian intelligence influenced media have established this myth, while in reality the opposite was true, as was admitted by Shawkat Ali:
Col. Shawkat Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny thing is these shameless idiots are now trying to establish a treason case as some kind of heroic act. My question is why admit it in 2010 (or is it 2011), why not in 1968, when it mattered? Or why not in 1972? Why the silence for 40 long years?

35 'accused' honoured

Textbook%20'incorrectly'%20describes%20Agartala%20Case:%20Shawkat]Textbook 'incorrectly' describes Agartala Case: Shawkat

Note the attempt to establish a treason case as a "patriotic" case and include it in textbooks for 9th and 10th grade to brainwash new generation of Bangladeshi's.

What the above does not tell you is that 6 point "autonomy" movement was the deceptive facade that RAW/IB has designed together with these traitors so they could proceed with their plan for secession. They got caught red-handed by ISI only after some of them raided some armory against advice given by Indian intelligence (IB/RAW):
RAW says Mujib was not their agent :: Weekly Blitz

Of course Mujib never "worked" and got paid from Indian intelligence. His vision was that he was king of East Bengal, who was getting India's help to liberate his land. But note the lie in green by Sankaran Nair, as Shawkat Ali has already confessed about the truth of the Agartala case.


1. Sure there was economic deprivation, but were the West Pakistani's killing us since 1950's?
2. Who gave the right to Mujib to make this decision on behalf of East Pakistan to secede?
2. Who started the killing, were it not the planned saboteurs of Indian trained Awami agents who started the killings of Biharis months before Operation Searchlight?
3. Who gave the right to Mujib to seek help and become the partner of our 800 year old enemy entity, Hindu's of South Asia?
4. Is it not possible that instead of seeking help from an enemy that hates us Muslims to the core, that we could confront and raise this issue with our "oppressor" the West Pakistani's who were fellow Muslims after all?
5. If some of our "leaders" did not conspire with our enemy and committed treason (partner with an enemy state to plan for secession) and if we tried to solve these issues honestly, frankly and in a straight forward way, do we think we would still be treated the way we were treated (operation searchlight)?

If we could peacefully resolve the differences between the two wings of Pakistan and achieve autonomy or amicable separation, then:

1. hundreds of thousands of people (Hindu's, Bengali Muslims, non-Bengali Muslims) would not be killed and become victims of rape and other atrocities
2. we could still have a better relationship between the 2nd and 3rd largest Muslim countries of the world
3. India would not gloat of their victory against West Pakistan and gifting us our "independence"
4. both parts would not become weaker, as both could share the nuclear power
5. India would not dare to proceed with its water terrorism, border violence and Shanti Bahini insurgency against Bangladesh
6. last but not least North East today may have become partly independent if not completely

Now can we say that India found a "useful idiot" who had a bunch of other idiot followers to achieve India's goal to break Pakistan, the largest Muslim country in the world, and thus reduce strategic threats for Indian nation? In the process, hundreds of thousands of people got killed in the civil war and a great rift was created among two of the largest Muslim communities of the world.

Now can we say that Awami League should never be trusted again by people of Bangladesh and it should be banned and abolished, so the joint team of Awami League and Indian intelligence cannot hurt the national interest of Bangladesh any further?

So in your opinion this whole incident and a majority of the sub-continent's history post 1947 is dictated largely by Hindu enmity towards Muslims. If you're going to view everything from such a narrow and myopic viewpoint then how will you work upon a way forward. The notion of Muslim unity being all well and good- in your view it seems to be some sort of a panacea. The dynamics that drive nation states are to be reduced to brutish religiously driven initiatives rather than calculated moves aimed at self benefit. You are attacking the basis of Bangladesh's sovereignty. You claim that you see the 1971 event as a fait accompli rather than viewing it as the proud moment a nation came into its own. You claim that you are neither pro nor anti Bangladeshi independence and then go and defecate all over this supposed neutrality by stressing upon how present day Bangladesh does not have sufficient strength to fight the "Hindu enemies", how Bangladesh is the result of the machinations of the same implacable foes, collective strength would bring prosperity. These are laughable notions. Perhaps you desire for your nation to live on IMF handouts, be at the beck and call of every nation which has dug its hooks into your national flesh- from America, to China to Saudi Arabia. Indians are delusional and evil- or so you say- but I would rather ask, is it so difficult for 180 million people to take pride in the nation that is theirs and their sovereignty? If the enemy is perpetually at your gates then fight! But you would rather dole out every single conspiracy theory,fantasy stratagem and every invective aimed at India and the "Hindu enemy"- but fight- that seems to be impossible for the Bangladeshi populace. If the Awami league is traitorous then throw them out- but you will no- alas they are supported by the mighty RAW. If troubles spawn within the nation then resolve them- but you will not- alas the mighty RAW initiated and fuels them. It is this same pusillanimous attitude that plagues you- not RAW or Mossad or some conspiracy.

If managing your nation is so bothersome then by all means try and surrender it to a third power- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. If a free nation is not to your liking then by all means try and undo India's smashing victory in 71- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. Most importantly the foolish fantasy of trying to separate the north eastern states of India from their nation- if that is where greater power lies then try it- subject obviously to whether Bangladesh will ever be able counter RAW covertly in such matters or even survive as a nation if it engages in the venture overtly.

Instead of bitterly visiting and revisiting the much lamentable "fait accompli" lets see you generate some succinct and solid solutions meant to deal with this "Hindu malaise"- MORE IMPORTANTLY LETS SEE THEIR ACTIVE APPLICATION, SHALL WE?
I went back and reread my old posts. I think you found the United Bengal bit in OP:

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...what-does-mean-our-history.html#ixzz2Lnwxcd45

This was an idea with some people before partition and it failed to materialize and all people involved dropped it after partition. What I am claiming is that Mujib may have borrowed from this idea and dreamt of an independent East Bengal after partition. It is just a wild guess on my part.

Please read the OP carefully, this United Bengal thingy was never any part of my idea or dream, I was quoting history as that bit is from history and making an educated guess about Mujib's state of mind. You obviously misread the OP and the other posts. I would welcome you to read them again more carefully and understand their meaning, before jumping to conclusions like "I have regrets about not having an United Bengal".

And I am perfectly comfortable with Bangladesh, no regrets, it is our country and we will make the best of what we have.

@ Hi Kalu-miah, the books I have read which gives me the idea that the idea of so called "United Bengal" of Suhrawardy was not a complete independent. Infact, it was a Socialist Republic of Bengal under a greater Dominion of India.

@ His idea was bitterly criticised by Congress. Initially Muslim Leaque gave him a go ahead chit once Jinnah realise that it was not a complete independent country so they also rejected the idea. Since then there was always a two groups within Bengal Muslim Leaque. One group led by Suhrawardy and Abul Hashem another group led by Khaja Nazimuddin. Soon there was an parliamenty election within Bengal Muslim Leaque where Khaja Nazimmuddin was elected as the future Chief Minister of incoming East Pakistan. This Suhrawardy group was defeated miserably and remained in India even after independence of Pakistan. He came to Pakistan once Jinnah died. Abul Hossain came to East Pakistan I think in 1950 once his house was burned in Calcutta. When Sk Mujib came to East Pakistan I have no idea but once Jinnah visited in 1948 at Dhaka Mujib was there.
So in your opinion this whole incident and a majority of the sub-continent's history post 1947 is dictated largely by Hindu enmity towards Muslims. If you're going to view everything from such a narrow and myopic viewpoint then how will you work upon a way forward. The notion of Muslim unity being all well and good- in your view it seems to be some sort of a panacea. The dynamics that drive nation states are to be reduced to brutish religiously driven initiatives rather than calculated moves aimed at self benefit. You are attacking the basis of Bangladesh's sovereignty. You claim that you see the 1971 event as a fait accompli rather than viewing it as the proud moment a nation came into its own. You claim that you are neither pro nor anti Bangladeshi independence and then go and defecate all over this supposed neutrality by stressing upon how present day Bangladesh does not have sufficient strength to fight the "Hindu enemies", how Bangladesh is the result of the machinations of the same implacable foes, collective strength would bring prosperity. These are laughable notions. Perhaps you desire for your nation to live on IMF handouts, be at the beck and call of every nation which has dug its hooks into your national flesh- from America, to China to Saudi Arabia. Indians are delusional and evil- or so you say- but I would rather ask, is it so difficult for 180 million people to take pride in the nation that is theirs and their sovereignty? If the enemy is perpetually at your gates then fight! But you would rather dole out every single conspiracy theory,fantasy stratagem and every invective aimed at India and the "Hindu enemy"- but fight- that seems to be impossible for the Bangladeshi populace. If the Awami league is traitorous then throw them out- but you will no- alas they are supported by the mighty RAW. If troubles spawn within the nation then resolve them- but you will not- alas the mighty RAW initiated and fuels them. It is this same pusillanimous attitude that plagues you- not RAW or Mossad or some conspiracy.

If managing your nation is so bothersome then by all means try and surrender it to a third power- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. If a free nation is not to your liking then by all means try and undo India's smashing victory in 71- subject obviously to the mighty RAW's permission. Most importantly the foolish fantasy of trying to separate the north eastern states of India from their nation- if that is where greater power lies then try it- subject obviously to whether Bangladesh will ever be able counter RAW covertly in such matters or even survive as a nation if it engages in the venture overtly.

Instead of bitterly visiting and revisiting the much lamentable "fait accompli" lets see you generate some succinct and solid solutions meant to deal with this "Hindu malaise"- MORE IMPORTANTLY LETS SEE THEIR ACTIVE APPLICATION, SHALL WE?

Wow, such uncouth and threatening words, kudos to you my Indian friend. I should say these words above are embodiment of India and would be sufficient proof of what I have been trying to make my silly and naive countrymen understand about the true nature of India.

In answer to your question, I hope and plan for a new set of friends/partners/masters for Bangladesh and hope to convince my countrymen that this is the preferred and only route available to us to forever end Indian meddling in Bangladesh. These new friends/partners/masters would be Japan and Korea, under an ASEAN+ arrangement:
Razakars version of the events.. Ask any real Bangladeshi about what happened in 1971 rather than a Jamati/*******..

Whenever 1971 comes up with actual facts about India ,Indians cry wolf.millions of people in our country dose not support India's involvement in our national matter.including some well known muktijodha.are you calling our national heroes *******? How dare you?
dude...with millions of refugees on our soil, there was no way we would have ignored the situation. If bhutto wanted to play political poker, he must have ensured that there was no spillover into our borders. With kind of economic drain, not acting would never have been an option. Even with a rising economy India would never agree to bear such collateral damage. In those days, when we were eating hand to mouth, things were even worse. Being practical is very important in deciding policy.

Just the other day one of your countryman stated that Mia Mar is now infested by Bangladeshi refugees. Not the opposite.are you sure it was us in71? Or were you counting yourselves?
You are a loyal citizen of Bangladesh! :rofl:

Bangladesh, its land mass and people did not come out of vacuum in 1971 and magically created by Awami League and Sheikh Mujib. We the people in this land long existed before Bangladesh, Pakistan and India took shape and will exist long after these entities are gone. My loyalty is with the people of this land, not with any brand of make believe nationalism. If we have to choose an ism, I would choose regionalism rather than nationalism, as it will serve the long term interest of our people.

I have already done some real service to this nation, by founding a 100% export oriented manufacturing industry that employ several thousand people today and produce export earnings for this nation every working day. Insha-Allah, I will do more in the future.

In this thread, I have attempted to put to rest some myths and uncover some history. My effort may not be perfect. I support a full investigation of these events with collection of classified intelligence files of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, so we can set history straight, and full investigation of the events of 1971 and collect evidence of eye witness from all sides under a UN sponsored and directed effort.

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