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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

Since India has completely disregarded UNSC resolution on Kashmir and its disputed status, its forces engaged in Kashmiri territory are now officially can be regarded as "occupational forces". Any action against them, by any standards should be legitimate and within the realm of "freedom struggle".

This is the line Pakistan should follow and purse.

This this what we must tell FATF as well, that we don't regard any action in Kashmir against Indian state apparatus as terrorism due to Indian disregard of United nations.

FATF was to mute the supporters on the streets and Nawaz government was mute anyways due to business deals with Indians.

Now with IK government, supporters on street are no longer required as FO will attack India aggressively on diplomatic front on all international forums.

FATF is a blessing for IK government as the regulation will effectively kill off all the snakes (Inc media houses) on India's payroll.
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You have absolutely no idea about Indian Muslims do you ? They want Kashmir Valley to be mainstreamed even more than other Indians and don't support the separatist movement there at all. In fact many might move to Kashmir Valley themselves if Article 35 A is removed.
And you know about indian muslims which is slaughter for Gao Rakhsha and to chant Jay sri Raam????

Is this really because of what Trump said regarding mediation or was this campaign promise of Modi?
Yes, and also to forestall Afghanistan peace process by the end of which they will be out of Afghanistan.
FATF was to mute the supporters on the streets and Nawaz government was mute anyways due to business deals with Indians.

Now with IK government, supporters on street are no longer required as FO will attack India aggressively on diplomatic front on all international forums.

FATF is a blessing for IK government as the regulation will effectively kill off all the snakes on India's payroll.

India and American establishment have been using the Kashmiris actions in FATF as terrorism, dragging Pakistan with it. Now with this complete disregard of United nations resolution by India, if they still manage to sell Kashmiri actions against Indian state apparatus as terrorism, I recon, all international laws, code of conduct, norms, need to ripped apart with new world order.

There has to be very blatant and on the face narrative by Pakistan.
India and American establishment have been using the Kashmiris actions in FATF as terrorism, dragging Pakistan with it. Now with this complete disregard of United nations resolution by India, if they still manage to sell Kashmiri actions against Indian state apparatus as terrorism, I recon, all international laws, code of conduct, norms, need to ripped apart with new world order.

There has to be very blatant and on the face narrative by Pakistan.

One year of IK government and it has been one humiliation after another for the Fascist Hindus. Breaking up Kashmir in 3, genocide and war - these are the only 3 options they have left with zero diplomacy.

UN is dead anyways and Kashmir issue will be resolved with a final war.
One year of IK government and it has been one humiliation after another for the Fascist Hindus. Breaking up Kashmir in 3, genocide and war - these are the only 3 options they have left with zero diplomacy.

UN is dead anyways and Kashmir issue will be resolved with a final war.

I am talking about the narrative they and their masters in American establishment are selling to the world and labelling Kashmiri struggle as terrorism and as side effect of it, dragging Pakistan in FATF with the aim of economic stranglehold on Pakistan.

India has now completely disregarded Kashmir status as disputed territory as per UN resolution, so how come now India and American establishment sell any action by Kashmirs in occupied land, as terrorism?

Indeed Kashmir solutions lies in the final war, but before that, we MUST build the narrative and support/understanding in international community. No more bloody FATF non sense in relation to Kashmir.
Respected Pakistani PDFers,

I don't know why we all are so much worried on the abrogation of article 370 . So many pages and threads are there on this issue. We Pakistanis are acting as if so called super power India has heaven made laws and it's change will stop our hands.

Kashmir will remain OCCUPIED even if India declare it it's capital.

Do everything and burn international laws but first give a last chance to hinduJewita terrorists and planet earth by taking this issue to ICJ and UN.
Wait for Afghan peace process for our desired results.

Pakistan should have replied india on revoking of article 370 by hanging terrorist jadhav that no int:laws apply on India-Pak from now on .
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I am talking about the narrative they and their masters in American establishment are selling to the world and labelling Kashmiri struggle as terrorism and as side effect of it, dragging Pakistan in FATF with the aim of economic stranglehold on Pakistan.

India has now completely disregarded Kashmir status as disputed territory as per UN resolution, so how come now India and American establishment sell any action by Kashmirs in occupied land, as terrorism?

Indeed Kashmir solutions lies in the final war, but before that, we MUST build the narrative and support/understanding in international community. No more bloody FATF non sense in relation to Kashmir.

State v State only so FATF won't apply.
This is the End of Hindutva and Hindu Zionists
No your observation is wrong.
U cannot win against a country where locals dont support you.
1) Anglo afghan war. British india was bordering afghanistan.
2) Soviet union was the direct neighbor of afghanistan. But due to public support mujahideen won.
3) On groun taliban enjoy huge public support as compared to US and allies.
4) Let suppose kashmir is indian territory but locals are against you so this mean exactly the same scenario. Infact soviets and british at one point were peacefully ruling afghanistan.
Taliban were finished and US won decisive victory.
As for indian attack on Pakistan in such scenario, i already had mentioned that this may happen but india won't be getting any decisive victory. But fighting a war may make you weak and help kashmiris.

and plz dont forget how with eaxtly same scenario azerbaijan was defeated by armenia. Just because locals within azerbaijan were like kashmiris in india, azerbaijan despite size, economy and population advantage lost the war.

settle 30 million Hindus from UP and Bihar . The ground reality changes. Kashmir terrain is not like Afghanistan or Ladakh ,it is valley and fertile.

Armenia defeated Aserbaijan because of Russian support.

Stop living in past .......... I am telling you this time around, the extremist hindu would suffer great losses, many of you would become widows and orphans. You won't find enough oil to burn your dead.

You keep thinking what you wish to think ......... but death of extremist hindu is fast approaching, not that we wish to kill him, its his own actions dragging him to that painful death.

That may or may not happen.But tens of millions of Hindus from UP being resettled in Kashmir will happen. Casualties will be there on both sides ,but numbers will win.
Kargil failed.

India cares only about oil. You think KSA, UAE and Kuwait would stop supplying oil just because you ask them. Pakistan imports peanuts compared to India.

Not happening as it will benefit Iran which Pakistan's overlord USA will not like it. Kashmir is small fry.

I do not see taliban coming to “power” independently, it will be more a shared power approach. Mind you, the Kabul govt in power currently are stakeholders and they aren’t simply going to allow their control to be eliminated. Do remember they too are previous warlords.
We are talking about a political power sharing agreement under the ambit of democracy, ie. Taliban will have to fight elections than rule from the barrel of the gun.

Either way, I agree with you that Pakistan can push a lot of the Ex. Afghan Taliban into Kashmir. But then again, is this something that wasn’t part of the Indian calculus?
Have we not been exposed to this phenomenon previously? Only this time around, unlike the 90s, the border is fenced and infiltration has become harder due to the infra enabled along the LOC.
Doesn’t mean we are fool proof, but doesn’t mean it will be a free for all either.

Well ,if India does not spoil relations with Russia on behalf of USA(which India has done a lot already and gotten not much in return) ,India could easily use Central Asian bases for launching stealth cruise missile attacks or Supersonic stealth drone attacks on Taliban positions in Afghanistan. Also there will be a factor of plausible deniability.
Fact is article 370 was a joke. It soon became useless when that traitor Abdullah Sheikh so called Prime Minister of IoK was put in jail.

Ideally speaking only realistic solution for IoK valley region if any will become part of Pakistan or become independent country. Basically 80% of IoK will remain with India in either case. This decision will help going towards that solution sooner now.

India will not try to settle outsiders in valley, it will be too obvious. If anything I see usual bastards like Mufti and Omar abdullah changing their tune soon as they always have been puppets of India since 1948.

@waz I know you are emotional today but honestly nothing have changed. Only perhaps this time Kashmiri muslim leader ship will finally stop day dreaming of having total control on IoK but I doubt it. These Mufti, Abdullahs, Huriats etc have only used Pakistan for their political gains.
Yes a new piece of paper will never change ground realities.A stupid indian leadership really think they can control Kashmir by force.Things will only go worse for them.
Fact is article 370 was a joke. It soon became useless when that traitor Abdullah Sheikh so called Prime Minister of IoK was put in jail.

Ideally speaking only realistic solution for IoK valley region if any will become part of Pakistan or become independent country. Basically 80% of IoK will remain with India in either case. This decision will help going towards that solution sooner now.

India will not try to settle outsiders in valley, it will be too obvious. If anything I see usual bastards like Mufti and Omar abdullah changing their tune soon as they always have been puppets of India since 1948.

@waz I know you are emotional today but honestly nothing have changed. Only perhaps this time Kashmiri muslim leader ship will finally stop day dreaming of having total control on IoK but I doubt it. These Mufti, Abdullahs, Huriats etc have only used Pakistan for their political gains.
Its a black day after 71 . India deserve response. Now or never.
I genuinely am trying to figure out whether you truly believe that the Muslims in the rest of India would rise up due to the repealing of legislation affecting IoK. Were you being serious there ?
They will not rise but that will definitely increase Hindu Muslim hatred and hence will affect India negatively.
So we have become so shameless that nothing matters to us now.

Bangladesh lost doesn't matter,
Siachen lost doesn't matter,
Now IOK doesn't matter.
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