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Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

@Sedqal Pakistan cannot tolerate that Farsi takeover, it is exactly what Iran wants. The other days Iranians were talking about annexxing countries left and right, that Korason republic is like their wet dream.

Afghans don't accept Durand line then they should be annexxed before anyone else gets to much of an influence in there.

Eventually there will be a Iran-Afghanistan-Tajikistan axis.
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I dont think so.. they are going to start killing eachother once again..

From what I have gathered it will be a tough fight this time. NA had all the time to consolidate their power, they already have support of Iran and India, this time around China may also support them. If that happens this war will drag on much longer.

But I have no idea about Taliban, maybe they are already prepared for whats coming.
and i thought pakistanis were serious when they talk about muslim ummah....:what:

They are, once Taliban clear Afghanistan All Pakistanis, Afghanis and Bangladeshis will start on India, once India is converted peace will come to South Asia and our Ummah dream will be one step closer :lol: (j/k)
Unlike current state of your country, where you kill each other on differences in religions, faiths, races, languages, cultures, separations, hazara massacre, christian massacre, ahmadiya massacre, BLA, TTP, parties, poverty....etc.. :kiss3:

Look who the effs talking about ,massacres and poverty...an awghani!
There is a difference between terrorists and normal people.. but u wont understand it.. coz ur from afghanistan!
we should keep the good educated enterprenurs and professionals , - sent the rest back to Afghanistan not needed they are a burden on our resources.
Pak army is fighting only a segment of pakhtun society i.e talibans yet they are dying in thousands in FATA....the whole Afghanistan is like FATA, it can not be conquered, it is graveyard of empires, you can not occupy it for long..those pakistanis who talks of conquering afghanistan are PC warriors, nerds wearing glasses and good only at typing fast.
Pak army is fighting only a segment of pakhtun society i.e talibans yet they are dying in thousands in FATA....the whole Afghanistan is like FATA, it can not be conquered, it is graveyard of empires, you can not occupy it for long..those pakistanis who talks of conquering afghanistan are PC warriors, nerds wearing glasses and good only at typing fast.

Grave yard of empires? no wonder alexander,iranians,central asians etc conquered it and took afghan wives!

Also for Pak soldier 20 talicnts are killed.
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