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Afghanistan is developing faster then Pakistan ?

Indian currency in more valuable than Pakistani currency.
1 JPY = 0.82 PKR
1 JPY = 0.51 INR
15 years of terrorism, war in the north west and corrupt leaders the Pakistani Economy has managed to hold its self. Once peace returns to Pakistan,mark my words the economy will boom.
Every pakistani will buy jet !

Each Indian will have a white servant!!


And this is Bombay

Marine Drive



No this is mumbai
Each Indian will have a white servant!!



No this is mumbai

Said in 2009 now we are in 2015

Each Indian will have a white servant!!



No this is mumbai

I have to take microscope to see pakistan in 2030

Rangila, i disagree very strongly that India is ahead of Pakistan in all social, economic and military indicators. Nowhere in world so may people sleep on empty stomach as in India, More peoples in India sleep in pipes and gutters then entire population of Pakistan. Alot of unjust is happening in India. Pakistan is more wealthy country then India, in India they even dont have enough toilets . India has a large population and a big challenge to improve life quality if its masses. Pakistans standing is far better then Indias.

Yes, without doing any research on the subject it could be possible Afghanistan is actually growing faster than Pakistan and this will not be the majority opinion here. This is because Afghanistan is recieving huge external funds and as the base point is lower the results in percentage figures can seem to be spectacular*.

However this all reminds me a plastic bucket I left outside last winter. While clearing the garden I noticed the bucket was full of water ( rain ) within it various plants were growing and even more amazing there were some funny things swimming in the water. In other words the bucket now supported a entire eco system which of course came to abrupt end when I emptied it. The post 2002 Afghan is a artifical structure built by the West. The real question is how long and if it can grow roots and consolidate. That we will see over the next five years.

I had a Afghan friend who got deported about two years ago. He had no family left in Afghanistan and ended up in UK through Pakistan. Anyway when I spoke with him last time he had got a job and was quite secure but he was worried about the future. The moment the international community forget about Afghanistan he will lose his job ( which is with some foreign NGO ) and very quickly Afghanistan could go down the 1990s road. He is Tajik who mostly are rabid Pak haters but this guy was very open minded. He is desperate to get out.
Again from what he told me the economy was doing well but it was all like my "bucket in the garden" and depended on the vagaries of the international donors ...

*if my savings are £1.00 even 50 pence increase will be 50%. However if my saving are £100 £10 increase is only 10%. This is what I mean by 'base point'.
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After receiving billions of dollars over 14 years , Afghanistan still cannot pay salaries to its army , police and other government functionaries out of its own GDP.

NATO/US and UN have had to setup 3 trust funds to pay salaries to afghan government and security officials and keep the country running till 2017 , how exactly can this be called fast pace of development ?
Pakistan's biggest problem is the corruption in our institutions.

Pakistan biggest problem is Management and if we correct that we can correct every thing
What are Pakistanis view of using the Chinese Yen, as Pakistan currency?

It will be more stable and Pakistanis like China too.
Good for them, I hope Afghanistan can stand on its own feet.
Pakistan will be in maximum position to help Afghanistan. Once CPEC is built, this can be expanded to Afghanistan. But silly thread to compare to compare the two now.
Currency rate does not mean Afganistan is developing faster than Pakistan. Nevertheless, if they are developing faster than us I will still be happy for them. Prosperous and stable Afganistan means Prosperous and stable Pakistan
I have for long time kept an eye on development projects in Afghanistan and in my oppinion Afghanistan is developing faster then Pakistan. Afghanistan is getting modern infrastructure in every field. Foreign companied doing state of the art jobs etc etc. Else the politicly and religously Afghanistan is much more stable then Pakistan. Pakistan is more dismantled by internal conflicts and big thieves like MQM, PPP, Baloch sardars, ANP and JUI corrupt politicians looting Pakistan.

Else religious leaders in Pakistan fueling conflicts.

I forcast that in 20 - 30 years time Afghanistans development will be visible for pakistanies, its sad that Pakistan cant even catch up with Afghanistan.

Today i read Afghanistan to Get its First Online Commodity Exchange Market ,

Afghanistan to Get its First Online Commodity Exchange Market

I dont think Pakistan has its own commodity exchange. but its a matter for concern that Pakistan is lacking behind in development and is becomming an island of jahil peoples.

Even Afghan currency is more stable and stronger then Pakistani currency, thats a matter of concern for pakistani, that why isnt the pakistani rupee for stable.

Currency Rates

60.80 AFN
1 Euro
68.30 AFN
940 AFN
589 AFN
18.30 AFN
16.45 AFN
comparing afghanistan to pakistan is like comparing INDIA to china.
comparing afghanistan to pakistan is like comparing INDIA to china.
Oh, its much simpler than that.
Comparing Afghanistan to Pakistan is like comparing Pakistan to India.
Oh, its much simpler than that.
Comparing Afghanistan to Pakistan is like comparing Pakistan to India.
i wouldnt insult pakistan by comparing to india... we have higher standards....
we compare our selves to europe....
just like its an insult to the chinese when you try to compare yourself with them.
Probably a false flag troll.

That is the first thing comes to my mind. A Pakistani in Norway is such ignorant ??? doesn't digest me!
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Yes agree, Afghanistan is developing and progressing at a faster rate than Pakistan.

Now the Afghans can go back to their country and enjoy the development and contribute more to it's development and progress.
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