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Afghanistan: As US retreats, India needs plan B

It will be more like plan "F" and is totally F***ed as any Indian presence when the US leaves will be followed by an Indian retreat very hastly.....no matter how big the talk is today.

It is abit like when Tony Blair went to Afghanistan and asked one of the Governors as to how long they think it will take the Taliban to gain soem power in Afghanistan after ISAF leaves, hoping he would say months or years, and was shocked when he got told "24 hours" loooool, that is the state of Afghanistan.......

Taliban will never allow an Indian presence and Pakistan for sure will have a field day with Indians there, as we all know their ulterior motives, just as though every Indian neighbour knows about India.

It will go back to the old ways where a Northern Alliance will be formed and India with Russia will support it, only problem is, the people in the North no longer want any of the past episodes and the Taliban, are and have shown to be uncompromising, truly to their word........

Love to see India remain in Afghanistan though, would love it................. Operation BharatiJanaza to begin

In the mean time, India can continue using all its resources it can to destablise Pakistan as much as they can, when the US leaves, India as a whole will be a new playground for the ISI.

The Indian worked in balochistan during the Soviet occupation of Pakistan, although most attacks were limited to Blaochistan, a lot of others were carried out inside Pakistan

Pakistan responded with an uprising in IOK, and most attacks were limited to the valleys of IOK but some inside India.

India has now gone the full monty, with the whole of Pakistan

I think the ISI should also go the full monty now, for Pakistan it is a case of survival, for India, when the US episode concludes in Afghanistan, it will be one for theirs....God willing.....

lol, Are you a Britisher or an Indian pretending to be a Britisher? Too ashamed of your real identity? :lol:

Your opinion is utterly idiotic. What makes you think China is going to let India get influence in Afghanistan?

Pakistan's enemies are also China's enemies.
Work is being done there to control the Indian/US sponsored terrorism in Balochistan.

The CIA has just as much credibility. Even the UN says Pakistan's growth rate is 1.8%.

Most studies use constant fertility method which shows 2.1 for Pakistan.. but i guess you get the drift.. With GDP growth so close to Pop growth, it signifies that its only the increase in population that is fueling the GDP growth.. Which mean per capita GDP doesnt change much
Pak and Afghan Mujahideen will go back to what they were doing before 2001, giving indians headache in India Occupied Kashmir.


Remembers me of an old youtube video in which your ex isi chief was bragging about how the brave mujahids like baitullah mehsud would fight india alongside pak army.What happened then?Baitullah and half a dozen other groups turned against you and the resulted in wave after wave of suicide attacks,some 35000+ pakistanis died.Keep on making the same mistakes.Apart from some of your mujahids going rogue,you'll get added image when they blow things up in other nations like they did in london,madrid,new york,mumbai etc..Some people will never learn!
The country they wanted to be at par with now has the ability to increase their defense budget by 10% every year owing to their economic growth and our defence to GDP ration is only 1.8% while Pakistan's ability to focus on defence decreases owing to their economic boom and they are already spending 2.8% of their GDP on defence.

They've not even won the tactical war in Afghanistan for which they sacrificed everything, viz, people, money, infrastructure and their military balance with India for which they teamed up with US in the old days and the start of this decade is bound to get worse.

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------

I don't see Indian troops in Afghanistan but anyone who thinks India will let Afghanistan fall without a fight (even if westerners pull out - which they won't) is grossly mistaken.

The stubborn attitude of Pakistan will only help Americans appreciate the Indian perspective more and more.
i dont think they have many options....as long as they use Afghan soil for nefarious purposes, i don't think it would be a very safe place for their expatriates --as it has time to time been established.
WTF... India is doing in Afghanistan on the first place?
Bl[i]tZ;2148617 said:
The country they wanted to be at par with now has the ability to increase their defense budget by 10% every year owing to their economic growth and our defence to GDP ration is only 1.8% while Pakistan's ability to focus on defence decreases owing to their economic boom and they are already spending 2.8% of their GDP on defence.

They've not even won the tactical war in Afghanistan for which they sacrificed everything, viz, people, money, infrastructure and their military balance with India for which they teamed up with US in the old days and the start of this decade is bound to get worse.

Why dont you compare someone your own size eh. You have to pick on small countries eh? What about china eh. In factt I thought at first you were comparing india to china at first :rofl:
Bl[i]tZ;2148600 said:
The link you posted had 2002 data while I referred to the latest available rates in 2009.

I gave the 2010-15 links for the UN reference, whereas the growth rate for Pakistan was 1.57% for 2011 according to the CIA World Factbook. So I think that is a very credible source which I choose to follow, whereas you follow the worst possible scenario for Pakistan. Whatever floats your boat.

Let's move on to Afghanistan, the socioeconomic conditions of Pakistan aren't the topic of the thread.
bluntly put --- it was Americans (CIA) that GAINED from Rabbani's assasination.

Pakistan and Afghan's working towards reconciliation were the biggest losers (the latter being the biggest loser, actually)
I gave the 2010-15 links for the UN reference, whereas the growth rate for Pakistan was 1.57% for 2011 according to the CIA World Factbook. So I think that is a very credible source which I choose to follow, whereas you follow the worst possible scenario for Pakistan. Whatever floats your boat.

That Bilalbhai is incredible indian for you. They like floating the boat.
I gave the 2010-15 links for the UN reference, whereas the growth rate for Pakistan was 1.57% for 2011 according to the CIA World Factbook. So I think that is a very credible source which I choose to follow, whereas you follow the worst possible scenario for Pakistan. Whatever floats your boat.

Let's move on to Afghanistan, the socioeconomic conditions of Pakistan aren't the topic of the thread.

My bad! I didn't see yours properly but my source - World bank is authentic too. Anyway, 1.57% population growth rate while an economic boom of 2.39 isn't something you should be thumping your chest about.
Pakistan GDP Growth Rate
US is not gonna go anywhere, you know something until the haqqanis are killed and destroyed by pakistan army US won't go, if pakistan tries to defy american orders then they will have it like what musharraf had said "they warned pakistan to co-operate on WOT or else be ready to be bombed back to stoneage. AND if pakistan army manages to destroy the haqqani network the US may still leave claiming the victory of killing osama and uprooting the taliban. BUT what will be the state of pakistan if all these remaining and evergrowing scum (jihadi - idiots taliban) and the very stupid thought of jihad in pakistani society.

i see no paradigm shift as far as Haqqani are concerned

they are an Afghan phenomenon; most of their men --as per their leader -- are comfortable and letting the clock tick in Afghanistan.

NATO (Americans) need the Haqqanis' support and are in fact, have a line of communication with them as well.......It is unfortunate about Adm. Mullens diatribes, i used to have nothing but respect for the General. Unfortunately, it has waned. It is never good for a man in uniform to become emotional and let emotions cloud judgement; because even the office of his Commander in Chief are distancing themselves from the rhetorical, evidence-devoid rant made by him and by Sec. Def. Mr. Panetta.
Bl[i]tZ;2148640 said:
My bad! I didn't see yours properly but my source - World bank is authentic too. Anyway, 1.57% population growth rate while an economic boom of 2.39 isn't something you should be thumping your chest about.
Pakistan GDP Growth Rate

Pakistan's growth rate, while being low, is higher than the US GDP growth rate, despite the fact that it is directly involved in the WOT. Pakistan's GDP growth rate will shoot up once the WOT is over.

Can we start talking about Afghanistan now, & India's plan B?
You think Pakistan has been getting the upper hand in last couple decades ?? ever??

not necessarily; but we just don't want the yindoostanis to stick their noses where it dont belong. And it may just work.

wrong moves by your part will have dire consequences, though your Congress of Kangaroos seems to be making some reconciliatory language which is smart of them
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