It will be more like plan "F" and is totally F***ed as any Indian presence when the US leaves will be followed by an Indian retreat very matter how big the talk is today.
It is abit like when Tony Blair went to Afghanistan and asked one of the Governors as to how long they think it will take the Taliban to gain soem power in Afghanistan after ISAF leaves, hoping he would say months or years, and was shocked when he got told "24 hours" loooool, that is the state of Afghanistan.......
Taliban will never allow an Indian presence and Pakistan for sure will have a field day with Indians there, as we all know their ulterior motives, just as though every Indian neighbour knows about India.
It will go back to the old ways where a Northern Alliance will be formed and India with Russia will support it, only problem is, the people in the North no longer want any of the past episodes and the Taliban, are and have shown to be uncompromising, truly to their word........
Love to see India remain in Afghanistan though, would love it................. Operation BharatiJanaza to begin
In the mean time, India can continue using all its resources it can to destablise Pakistan as much as they can, when the US leaves, India as a whole will be a new playground for the ISI.
The Indian worked in balochistan during the Soviet occupation of Pakistan, although most attacks were limited to Blaochistan, a lot of others were carried out inside Pakistan
Pakistan responded with an uprising in IOK, and most attacks were limited to the valleys of IOK but some inside India.
India has now gone the full monty, with the whole of Pakistan
I think the ISI should also go the full monty now, for Pakistan it is a case of survival, for India, when the US episode concludes in Afghanistan, it will be one for theirs....God willing.....
lol, Are you a Britisher or an Indian pretending to be a Britisher? Too ashamed of your real identity?
Your opinion is utterly idiotic. What makes you think China is going to let India get influence in Afghanistan?
Pakistan's enemies are also China's enemies.