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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

All the tell tale signs of RAW operation. I am sure you will see an appropriate response soon.
Not Again!!!
It is only Pakistani bloggers and internet warriors who make such accusations against RAW:disagree:
Your government never says anything against it in relation to terrorism..........
Now if you consider ISI, it is accused by many western countries as well as India and China of encouraging Terrorism........there has been solid evidence to support this statement too!!!!
On the other side, all you have is -
All the tell tale signs of RAW operation
This is Indian secularism:

Hey no religious symbols, take paper with shaddhat down.

Oh it's Holi(or some other Hindu Holiday), celebrate it with us, otherwise you are not being secular.

This is exactly the beginning steps towards indoctrinating Muslims. That's why Indian Muslims have been virtually turned into "house niggers".
I really get a kick out of Indians bringing out KARGIL .

You guys do realize these were just Mujaheddin you were fighting ?

Pakistan Army regular units were not involved.

You get you rear end kicked by a minor league guys and you want to brag about it ?

By the way, if Indians had any victory in KARGIL, it was NOT Military victory, it was Diplomatic one.

The Nawaz govt. made those Mujeheddin units vacate the hill tops.




But a professional fighting force does not disrespect the fallen enemy.

A professional fighting force also does not leave its fallen comrades on a freezing mountain top.
you guys are scared SH**less of Pakistan Armed Forces.

Yeah Sh!t scared...
No wonder 90,000 surrendered to the Indian Army in BD - a record of sorts!

You are a joke!
This is Indian secularism:

Hey no religious symbols, take paper with shaddhat down.

Oh it's Holi(or some other Hindu Holiday), celebrate it with us, otherwise you are not being secular.

This is exactly the beginning steps towards indoctrinating Muslims. That's why Indian Muslims have been virtually turned into "house niggers".

Yes actually the visibility goes 0 in pakistan on eid and christmas to see what happens on both the days. Not your problem its just the co-ordinates which cause this kinda selective blindness..
I really get a kick out of Indians bringing out KARGIL .

You guys do realize these were just Mujaheddin you were fighting ?

Pakistan Army regular units were not involved.

You get you rear end kicked by a minor league guys and you want to brag about it ?

By the way, if Indians had any victory in KARGIL, it was NOT Military victory, it was Diplomatic one.

The Nawaz govt. made those Mujeheddin units vacate the hill tops.
Yet, military ID cards were found on the "Mujahideen"!!!
And You guys didn't even have respect and humility to accept their bodies......:disagree:
Kargil tragedy: Dead soldier
@ PakistaniSage, the Bharti media is too powerful and has brainwashed the people of their country. Their generals admit a spanking in Kargil yet they go lengths to covering it up, or spinning it around into a victory.

This is what I meant when I had mentioned Indian Forked-Tongue.
This is Indian secularism:

Hey no religious symbols, take paper with shaddhat down.

Oh it's Holi(or some other Hindu Holiday), celebrate it with us, otherwise you are not being secular.

This is exactly the beginning steps towards indoctrinating Muslims. That's why Indian Muslims have been virtually turned into "house niggers".

Just- WOW!! I bet you didn't even read the article did you? The point being made is not about celebrating religious holidays but having overt displays of religion on display in Miliatary accommodation/uniform and while on duty. All religions are treated this way- you won't see Hindus being allowed to put statues of their Gods in their barracks not Sikhs display the Khanda or Christians with a cross in their barracks, why should Muslims be exempt from these rules? These Afghans would have been told from day 1 what was expected of them and what not to do- they failed to adhere to theses rules and the people trying to uphold these rules are the ones intone wrong? I don't think so.

This is a matter of discipline, a trait the Afghans have yet to master completely. In the same way of this guy had taken the same callous and ignorant view on weapon safety a fatal accident could occur. These guys have come to learn not preach or argue.
Really ? Are'nt you even least bit embarrassed by your cowardly Armed forces ( of which you claim to be part of). let us look at some facts:

Your Armed Forces are two to three times the size of Pakistan Armed Forces.

Your Defense Budget is Seven ( 7) times that of Pakistan Armed Forces.

And Yet you guys are scared SH**less of Pakistan Armed Forces. I would say that is a pretty ELITE FORCE that can take on an enemy two to three times its size with much better weapons because of 7 to 8 times bigger Defence Budget, would'nt you ?

You are only embarrassing yourself with all this talk and NO ACTION.
How are we scared?? Because we want Peace??
Well, you are not scared and do not want Peace..........then why do you send military officers, disguised as terrorists over the border??
And seriously, after defeating PA in 47, 65, 71 and 99, you still think we will be scared??
And as for your claimed '65 "victory", you claimed winning despite loosing 1500 square miles of fertile land , in exchange for 200 square miles of desert!!!!
Yup and look at your military. 80% of it is on Pakistan's borders. :lol:
It is more like 40%..........:lol:
Out of 16 major corps , only 6 are based on the western border.........

@ PakistaniSage, the Bharti media is too powerful and has brainwashed the people of their country. Their generals admit a spanking in Kargil yet they go lengths to covering it up, or spinning it around into a victory.

This is what I meant when I had mentioned Indian Forked-Tongue.
Source and proof please....
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